You people around that train derailment in Ohio you have to abandon your home


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
It’s mostly white people around it, so I’m not speaking to too many people right now but yeah



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
No one posted it or cared cause no one died and it was in a rural Cac area.... it's fucking extinguished and over already.... go play with some Republicans.... coon

Ohio Train Derailment Is Part of 'War on White People': Charlie Kirk

ON 2/14/23 AT 2:58 PM EST

The Ohio train derailment has one conservative talk show host convinced there are bigger issues at play.

A Norfolk Southern Railway train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month. Shortly after the derailment, officials decided to conduct a controlled burn of the cars to prevent an explosion. Some of the cars contained toxic chemicals like vinyl chloride, a known carcinogen. Since the derailment, area residents have experienced concerning physical symptoms. The environment has also taken a hit, with the chemical release proving fatal to hundreds of fish in the area and leading to the deaths of other wildlife, like foxes and birds. Officials are monitoring the level of toxic chemicals in the water.

On Tuesday, Charlie Kirk said members of President Joe Biden's administration haven't visited East Palestine, Ohio, after the derailment because the town's population is mainly white.

"So, why is it that they kind of shrug their shoulders and they say, yeah, okay, whatever? It's very simple. It's because the war on white people continues. Why would you care for the white working-class voters in eastern Ohio? You haven't cared about them in other reasons."

Census data shows that East Palestine, Ohio, residents are mostly white. In 2020, the town's population was nearly 4,500 people, with 93.5 percent of the population being white. Nearly 3 percent of the population was Hispanic and not even half a percent of residents were Black.

Kirk argued that if the train derailment happened in a city with a high Black population, Biden's administration would have a different response.

"And I will prove it to you. If this train derailment happened in downtown Atlanta in the densely populated Black neighborhoods, this would be the number one news story," Kirk said. "It would be Flint water crisis 2.0. There would be clamoring and activism and talks for reparations."

Kirk then goes on to criticize U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who recently spoke at the National Association of Counties Conference. At the conference, Buttigieg addressed the topic of workplace diversity, saying when minority neighborhoods see a new infrastructure project, the workers "don't look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood", according to a clip Kirk shared on his show.

"Buttigieg is out talking about how workers are too white," Kirk said. "For the last couple of years, I have been warning about this crusade against white people. And people shrug their shoulders, say, oh, Charlie, why does that matter? I could tell you why it matters. When there is a crisis now and the leaders hate working class whites, they're not going to scramble to save your life. They'll lie to you and tell you to go back home while you're poisoned."

Newsweek reached out to Kirk and the White House for comment.

Conservative talk show host Charlie Kirk, believes that President Joe Biden's administration hasn't visited the train derailment site in East Palestine, Ohio, yet because of a "war on white people".


Transnational Member

They are calling Palestine, OH Cancer Alley now. I watched a documentary awhile back about PVC.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Republicans in their voters bought this on their selves. When I found out that Trump relax the rules for freight trains when carrying hazardous materials…. I laughed out loud. Remember the old saying…..”Roosters will come home to roost at some point”.


Transnational Member
200 people, 95% white; who gives a shit about this disaster? They put their toxic petrochemical plants or leaded water in black areas all the time intentionally. This was by accident at least.

I actually rode through those state back roads one time which is not advisable; stick with the interstate/toll roads if you are traveling.


As an OG, I know all the stupid game/tricks and surveillance tactics they will use.



4500 people, 95% white, got a similar town on the other side of the state. I hate driving through those areas, dealing with retarded games that waste my time.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I'm in Ohio. Columbus is about 200 miles away but, when it comes to toxic contaminates, that is no guarantee of safety. You'd think since local officials live here and can also be affected that they would be on top of this. So far I'm not reassured. The Biden administration has offered assistance and DeWine said we didn't need it.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I'm in Ohio. Columbus is about 200 miles away but, when it comes to toxic contaminates, that is no guarantee of safety. You'd think since local officials live here and can also be affected that they would be on top of this. So far I'm not reassured. The Biden administration has offered assistance and DeWine said we didn't need it.
And this is where the shit is going to hit the fan. Ohio better take that federal help because this shit is going to eat them alive.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Ohio train derailment lawyer issues stark warning to impacted families: 'Don't take the money'

A Northfolk Southern freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed on February 3

By Madeline Coggins
Published February 15, 2023 4:20pm EST

Nearly two weeks after a train derailed carrying hazardous materials, East Palestine, Ohio residents are grappling with the consequences of the incident. While facing health concerns and a lack of resources, residents were also forced to relocate in the aftermath of the train crash.

Norfolk Southern, the company whose train crashed, has offered compensation to those who were forced to relocate - but one lawyer warned residents that the offer could come with a catch.

"We want to get out the word to folks. Do not, if you can afford it, again, emphasizing if you can afford it, do not take this upfront money. But if you do, be aware that these folks might argue later that this is payment in full," Lipson O’Shea Legal Group principal and owner Michael O’Shea said on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Wednesday.

O'Shea explained two types of fees Norfolk Southern is offering for those affected by the train crash. The first is a reimbursement fee to residents within a one-mile radius of the crash site for dislocation costs, covering hotels and other necessities needed following the evacuation. The second is an inconvenience fee.

O'Shea, a lawyer representing several East Palestine families, encouraged those who can afford it to reject both compensation offers.

"We're suggesting to folks that can afford it, and again, we recognize that some cannot, that they don't accept either of those two fees, because it might be argued later is a settlement of any claim that they have past, present or future against the railroad for what they did here."

O'Shea shared another rail incident from 2005 where residents were offered "dangle money" or "trickle money." Later, the company argued residents who took the money had settled their claims.

"If somebody backs into your car and they get out and say I'm sorry and they give you a $100 cash, you take it, put it in your pocket," O'Shea posited. "Then you go back to the repair shop and the repair shop guys, you know, it's going to be $800 to fix the car. And you go back to that person that gave you that 100 bucks, they're going to say no court in satisfaction. I gave you a hundred bucks, you accepted it. You put it in your pocket. You can't come after me for the other, let's say in this in that example, $700."

O'Shea said Norfolk Southern told him they were going to be transparent that the fees are not considered payment in full, nor would they compromise any claims. O'Shea's "spidey sense" started tingling, though, when the company, according to the lawyer, refused to sign an agreement that "ratifies" what was said about the fees.

O'Shea noted that his "big concern" is helping the residents in Ohio who have been affected by the derailment and continue to suffer due to toxic chemicals now swarming the local environment. While residents have been told by the Environmental Protection Agency and other officials on the scene that it is safe to return home, many have reported ongoing health concerns to people and animals alike.

"Optics can be very deceiving when it comes to toxic chemicals and stuff like that," O'Shea said, noting some of the suspected chemicals present after the crash could have a longer latency period.

The lawyer described the scene in East Palestine in the aftermath of the crash "like a contagion movie where you couldn't get into certain areas of downtown."

Apart from health concerns, O'Shea explained how he was focused on helping people with other negative consequences of the incident, including property loss.

"So those people, you know, regardless of the bodily injury manifestations, which we think will pop up in the years to come, one of the more immediate damages to these folks is their livelihood, their ability to live like they were able to live before the accident."


A man takes photos as a black plume rises over East Palestine, Ohio, as a result of a controlled detonation of a portion of the derailed Norfolk Southern trains Monday, Feb. 6, 2023.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm in Ohio. Columbus is about 200 miles away but, when it comes to toxic contaminates, that is no guarantee of safety. You'd think since local officials live here and can also be affected that they would be on top of this. So far I'm not reassured. The Biden administration has offered assistance and DeWine said we didn't need it.
Estimated 5.5 - 7 million person impact, with 10 states effected and ambulance chasing attorneys have began to create advertisements for intake.

But I’m not surprised by the lack of concern because:

1) mainstream media is not covering it
2) same posters here thought that the price gouging from corporations to recoup lost revenues from COVID was related to “supply chain issues”

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is no different from all of those superfund sites that haven't been cleaned up in poor and middle class neighborhoods. The only way I'll care more is if this brings a rapid response or brings a sense urgency for those neglected areas.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Estimated 5.5 - 7 million person impact, with 10 states effected and ambulance chasing attorneys have began to create advertisements for intake.

But I’m not surprised by the lack of concern because:

1) mainstream media is not covering it
2) same posters here thought that the price gouging from corporations to recoup lost revenues from COVID was related to “supply chain issues”

MSM is covering it. It took them a min but they are following it now.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
The US government minus whale give East Palestine to the Jews and leave Palestine to the Palestinians….


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
This is no different from all of those superfund sites that haven't been cleaned up in poor and middle class neighborhoods. The only way I'll care more is if this brings a rapid response or brings a sense urgency for those neglected areas.
Those superfund sites are all over.

Man, this passed Fall, I came across a home my wife and I were really interested in. Beautiful home, nice property….come to find out it was next door to Love Canal….

What a waste.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Those superfund sites are all over.

Man, this passed Fall, I came across a home my wife and I were really interested in. Beautiful home, nice property….come to find out it was next door to Love Canal….

What a waste.
what's love canal?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"So, why is it that they kind of shrug their shoulders and they say, yeah, okay, whatever? It's very simple. It's because the war on white people continues. Why would you care for the white working-class voters in eastern Ohio? You haven't cared about them in other reasons."
I don't see his bitch ass hopping on a plane to assist or paying for those people's hotels and food. So he can miss everyone with that bullshit.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This is what "deregulation" and obsession with quarterly reports sows. It's the logical conclusion to this bullshit Monopoly game wealthy folks are playing the lives of everyday ppl. Our media is captured (only 6 or so corporations own 90% of the outlets) and unwilling to connect the dots between this disaster and the deliberate policy that preceded it. Unfortunately Dems are just as complicit in instances of corporate regulatory capture like this.

There was no reason Biden and his admin should've fought against the Railworkers. At all. :smh:


Transnational Member
This could be Russians sabotaging infrastructure sending a nuclear message. All those Russian bodies from U.S. weapons and a stalled military offensive. This isn't the first time they have done something like this, they have gone into countries using nerve agents against defectors with no fucks given.


What the Russians could do in the future is force Ukraine to end NATO support or face tactical nuclear weapons. Would the U.S. launch an all out nuclear war over this?

It won't be an unannounced nuclear attack out of nowhere, it will be similar to Japan asking for unconditional surrender.


Transnational Member
I exposed how glyphosate causes cancer, they create 'negro' corn or soy through genetic modification than spray this toxic garbage. You know how white people burn up from the Sun and get skin cancer while we are relatively unaffected. This is the same exact process that is being used for Roundup, naturally selecting out us and getting rid of the white genes that get skin cancer.

The way it was marketed was that it just magically resists this weed killer by switching on a few genes. In any event, this is why these immigrant women want those genes switched with their offspring causing them to stare at me.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I would like to go into technical detail about this derailment/PVC but can't, there is some proprietary tech involved.
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Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Isn't the government arresting a reporter a real 1st amendment violation, and not that phony "I got blocked on twitter" bullshit.
It was the State government, not the federal government.