XCactor aka BUMBAYDACAC scared to post his Hand. Why?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Idk why but I never picture you sounding like this.
Not that I go around picturing how dudes on hear sound but...
How many lines you got in tonight?

I don't mean this as a diss, but Truth always came off to me as one of these type niggas, no diss, no homo



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know you Koreans get brain damage from all the nail polish you sniff daily but there won’t be any hand pics from me to buy into your fetish.

I repeat for the last time, put up your posting status. I prove I’m so-called black and you are PERMANENTLY BANNED from BGOL. ISP BAN. Your mixed up kids when they come of age can’t even join BGOL. No need for more coons.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Thanks for bumping this shit, I was away when you posted this, but this confirms what I already suspected.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Well Truth to your credit, you agreed to the bet after it was his idea to put your screen name on the line...

You see he ignored my post then came back a deflecting as if nothing ever happened :lol:

Glad you see it, just like a cac. Typical cac behavior .

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
the jury has reached a verdict: xfactor is a genetic mutation
“Brother , @drtruth and @mcguyver are Demoncrips, My hand being white is not important, yes I’m white, yes I eat unwashed seasonless chicken, what is important is that you make sure to vote for @Donald Trump because both parties are the same. At least he’s a real man and he’s white. Brother don’t vote Demoncrip, be like us vote Republican. @KingTahara is my father .“ —-XCactor

Walter Panov

Rising Star
“Brother , @drtruth and @mcguyver are Demoncrips, My hand being white is not important, yes I’m white, yes I eat unwashed seasonless chicken, what is important is that you make sure to vote for @Donald Trump because both parties are the same. At least he’s a real man and he’s white. Brother don’t vote Demoncrip, be like us vote Republican. @KingTahara is my father .“ —-XCactor

@xfactor Hey white boy, you gonna post your hand or what?