XCactor aka BUMBAYDACAC scared to post his Hand. Why?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
You stupid fuck.

Anyways I see XCactor is posting away about “Demoncrips” but avoiding posting his hand. Why?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it should start with any so-called black man that posts Jamele Hill tweets (and enemy of the so-called black man) and bumps every single thread he has made whenever news comes out related to the person, no matter how old the thread is.

if you got a moment I would appreciate a good ignore list top 20


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You stupid fuck.

Anyways I see XCactor is posting away about “Demoncrips” but avoiding posting his hand. Why?
I sure did.

Democrips and Rebloodpicans (which you conveniently left out)

And didn’t you claim you put me on ignore yesterday but today made an entire thread about me?

bitch shit to the 10th power


Loan Me 20

Rising Star
it should start with any so-called black man that posts Jamele Hill tweets (and enemy of the so-called black man) and bumps every single thread he has made whenever news comes out related to the person, no matter how old the thread is.

Bitch show your hand and learn how to use the multiquote button. Ain't nobody trying to read 3+ back-to-back shitpost from you, you $2 Cornell West wannabe.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Dr Truth is Filipino so why is any of this a big deal? Everybody on here has a smartphone with a camera but you all act like you’re scared of your own shadow!

Fuck a hand pic. Post a video.