X-Men The Animated Series Creators Reportedly Trying to Bring Show Back


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
X-Men: The Animated Series Creators Reportedly Trying to Bring Show Back

90s kids unite! The team that brought forth X-Men: The Animated Series is reportedly trying to make a comeback. According to a report from Borys Kit and the team at THR, the creators behind a series that spanned much of the 1990s is currently working to put together a pitch for the team at Disney. The report quotes X-Men artist Larry Houston is that the goal would be to continue right where the show ended.

"The one thing we'd like to do more than anything else is to continue where we left off," Houston said.

Running for a total of 76 episodes over five seasons, X-Men: The Animated Series was one of the first major cartoons to deal with serialized storytelling, carrying arcs through multiple episodes. The initial series was funded by Saban Entertainment as Marvel was going through a bankruptcy at the time and Avi Ara, Stan Lee, Joseph Callimari, Winston Richard, and Eric S. Rollman served as executive producers.

Now that Dark Phoenix has entered theaters, the future of the X-Men film and television properties are currently in limbo as Disney and Marvel Studios decide what to do with their newly acquired assets. Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige previously said it'd be a "long time" before the X-Men made it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“It’ll be a while. It’s all just beginning and the five-year plan that we’ve been working on, we were working on before any of that was set,” Feige previously said. "So really it’s much more, for us, less about specifics of when and where [the X-Men will appear] right now and more just the comfort factor and how nice it is that they’re home. That they’re all back. But it will be a very long time.”



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Original Animated Series was great and covered alot of topics. Even though it was more cartoony and didn't keep it 100% real. It was more authentic than anything else. Even though they didn't have Madelyn Pryor.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Animation on the show was always inconsistent.
And the characters always spoke like they were making speeches.
Still a fun show though.

But I hope they stay away from Anime-style.
And storyboard a different animation look.


Rising Star
That 90's animated series version was much better than the X-men animated pilot that aired once after "Spiderman and his amazing friends", back in the 80s.

This one was horrible.



Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor

Give me anime X-Men!!!

Nah but if they do, release it on Adult Swim. Wolverine never used his claws on anything but Sentinels in the old show


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
That 90's animated series version was much better than the X-men animated pilot that aired once after "Spiderman and his amazing friends", back in the 80s.

This one was horrible.

Bruh, the one you called horrible was produced by Toei Animation while the series was produced by AKOM.

this is like comparing a Lexus to a Kia.


Rising Star
Bruh, the one you called horrible was produced by Toei Animation while the series was produced by AKOM.

this is like comparing a Lexus to a Kia.

I just watched both first episodes and there is no question.given time to grow ..the toei animated x-men would have been beyond awesome.legendary status.i love the spiderman and his amazing friends x-men too.juggernaught and australian wolvie the first cut..


I'm :joint: as fuck..lemme go watch that right now.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Gonna have to give Wolverine and the X-Men a shot. The title always made me not want to watch because Marvel was in full blown Wolverine overload mode. Batman, Deadpool and Wolverine always get thrown into every damn thing eventually. And they are some of my favorite characters too.