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Ally of The Great Ancestors
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Louis Koo

BGOL Investor

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

The French Connection: Trump Family Trusts Are Invested in Hydroxychloroquine Maker

COLIN KALMBACHERApr 7th, 2020, 11:21 am

President Donald Trump and his allies in the conservative media sphere have repeatedly pushed the health benefits of anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine for patients who have contracted the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). While scientific opinion on the efficacy of the drug for treatment of the COVID-19 disease is necessarily shy of consensus, Trump himself has a personal financial interest in a French drugmaker that produces a brand-name version of the medication.
According to a Monday night report by the New York Times, Trump’s family stands to benefit from widespread use of the drug. Per that report:
If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.

According to Trump’s 2019 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, the 45th president’s three family trusts each have two line item entries describing investments between $1,001 and $15,000 apiece in the Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund.

The Times notes that Sanofi, the drug manufacturer, is the mutual fund’s largest individual holding. According to MarketWatch, the exact size of the fund’s stake in Sanofi “at last check was 3.3%.”

Marketwatch also notes–and shrugs off–additional Sanofi stakes:
It turns out he does look to have more than [a] modest sum invested in Sanofi, because, unmentioned in the Times report, his trusts also hold broader European stock-market index funds.
The iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF IEFA, 1.721% has 0.67% of its holdings in Sanofi, and Sanofi is a 0.78% holding for the iShares MSCI EAFE ETF EFA, 1.660%, which is neither surprising nor notable, in that the French drug maker is so large.
Aside from Trump and his family’s personal stake, at least two of Trump’s closest political allies are closely connected to Sanofi as well.

Republican mega donor and billionaire Ken Fisher runs Fisher Asset Management, one of the drug manufacturer’s largest shareholders.

According to Federal Election Committee (FEC) data compiled by OpenSecrets, Fisher Investments has contributed in excess of $2 million to GOP organizations and politicians over the past five election cycles.
A July 2019 CNBC article notes Fisher’s direct relationship with Trump:
Kenneth Fisher, the founder of investment advisory firm Fisher Investments, along with his wife Sherrilyn, combined to give $250,000 [to fund the Trump Victory Committee]. Fisher historically has backed Republican efforts and contributed to Trump’s first run for president.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, a loyal Trump appointee, previously ran the Invesco mutual fund. That fund is also heavily invested in Sanofi. In a Monday statement obtained by the Times, Ross sought to distance himself from both his former work and the administration’s current jones for hydroxychloroquine pills.

Ross claimed he “was not aware that Invesco has any investments in companies producing” the anti-malarial medication, “nor do I have any involvement in the decision to explore this as a treatment.”
Trump, on the other hand, is pitching hydroxychloroquine as something of a wonder drug in an attempt to dredge hope from whatever he can.

“What really do we have to lose?” Trump asked during a Sunday press briefing, while boosting the drug’s potential for the umpteenth time–despite the lack of proof about its effects and warnings from doctors that patients who have long needed the medication may face a run on supplies and rising costs.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes the scientific uncertainty around hydroxychloroquine in a fact sheet specifically about Plaquenil, which is typically prescribed for adult lupus patients.

“The precise mechanism by which hydroxychloroquine exhibits activity against [the malaria parasite] is not known,” the FDA fact sheet reads. “Hydroxychloroquine, like chloroquine, is a weak base and may exert its effect by concentrating in the acid vesicles of the parasite and by inhibiting polymerization of heme. It can also inhibit certain enzymes by its interaction with DNA.”
Notably, a scientific publication which published the initial study on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in treating Coronavirus patients has since performed an explicit volte-face on those initial findings–saying the article extolling the virtues for COVID-19 treatment “does not meet the [International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy’s] expected standard, especially relating to the lack of better explanations of the inclusion criteria and the triage of patients to ensure patient safety.”
As Law&Crime reported on Monday, Sanofi isn’t the only hydroxychloroquine connection to Trump. Novartis, a manufacturer of the drug that agreed to donate up to 130 million doses, once paid Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen more than $1 million for healthcare policy insight following the election in 2016.
[Image via TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images]
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a person that always has to be right even at the cost of possibly causing the death
of people.
Hyping up a drug that come on we all know he's not taking that top scientists and doctors have warned against
but it's something he hyped up a couple of weeks back and now.
Basically saying hey look at me im 73 years old and im taking hydroxychloroquine and im
waking up every morning.His doctors have to "sort" of agree with him because they are intimidated
but still want to be able to practice medicine after he is no longer President.
Sad,embarrassing and gutless !!


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

I swear to fucking god when I was clowning NYC for it's slow response posters on BGOL were talking about logistics and shit. Now it's coming out that the delay was costly as fuck in terms of lives and that it could have been done. :hmm: No shit.

Entire countries were closing their schools, but NYC was some kind of special. And those receipts for the mayor and governor are there. NYC is the outlier for our country and the delays cost lives.

Trump must be tired of being president. This shit isn't rocket science. The republicans oppose extending the $600 based off the fact SOME people are making more collecting unemployment. They argue that those people won't go to work because of making more. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Once they refuse work and their employers report them, the benefits gone.

All Trump has to do is support the extension while the states do what they do. States will cut people off.

Trump should be on every channel campaigning for that extension. When the states cut folks off like they will, he will look like the good guy. Yeah, he's just tired of this job. He's letting those hating ass republicans in the Senate fuck with him.

But damn if the democrats couldn't have just threw a 5-10 page bill on the table expanding the 600 and giving direct payments. That's all. Instead, it's 1800 pages of bullshit like they want people on their asses. Swear D.C. is a fucking joke. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I swear to fucking god when I was clowning NYC for it's slow response posters on BGOL were talking about logistics and shit. Now it's coming out that the delay was costly as fuck in terms of lives and that it could have been done. :hmm: No shit.

Entire countries were closing their schools, but NYC was some kind of special. And those receipts for the mayor and governor are there. NYC is the outlier for our country and the delays cost lives.

Trump must be tired of being president. This shit isn't rocket science. The republicans oppose extending the $600 based off the fact SOME people are making more collecting unemployment. They argue that those people won't go to work because of making more. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Once they refuse work and their employers report them, the benefits gone.

All Trump has to do is support the extension while the states do what they do. States will cut people off.

Trump should be on every channel campaigning for that extension. When the states cut folks off like they will, he will look like the good guy. Yeah, he's just tired of this job. He's letting those hating ass republicans in the Senate fuck with him.

But damn if the democrats couldn't have just threw a 5-10 page bill on the table expanding the 600 and giving direct payments. That's all. Instead, it's 1800 pages of bullshit like they want people on their asses. Swear D.C. is a fucking joke. :smh:
The states won’t cut off unemployment. They are not able to do that. Extended benefits are provided by and funded by the government. The extended benefits are determined by the percentage of unemployed in the state. I think over 10% triggers the extended benefits.

lt never really made since to give all the money to rich corporations as they were never going to be the difference in hiring workers. Like always the pocket the money and become richer. By giving the money to the working class, the rich would get the money anyway because the working class will purchase.

As far as NYC. I have no issues with Cuomo. People make mistakes and that is a part of life. True leadership is being able to correct a mistake and right the ship. NYC Has done an amazing job of putting in a true system to battle COVID. During that second wave they will come out on top. I can respect that about NYC. Shit went terrible in the beginning but they didn’t play the blame game and got their shit together. That is true leadership
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The states won’t cut off unemployment. They are not able to do that. Extended benefits are provided by and funded by the government. The extended benefits are determined by the percentage of unemployed in the state. I think over 10% triggers the extended benefits.

lt never really made since to give all the money to rich corporations as they were never going to be the difference in hiring workers. Like always the pocket the money and become richer. By giving the money to the working class, the rich would get the money anyway because the working class will purchase.

As far as NYC. I have no issues with Cuomo. People make mistakes and that is a part of life. True leadership is being able to correct a mistake and right the ship. NYC Has done an amazing job of putting in a true system to battle COVID. During that second wave they will come out on top. I can respect that about NYC. Shit went terrible in the beginning but they didn’t play the blame game and got their shit together. That is true leadership
:confused: Yes they can. And yes they will. Here's how it works: You must be able to work except for COVID related problems. If your employer opens up and calls you back, you must go in unless it's COVID-related. Fear of the virus isn't enough. If your employer put up plastic guards at your cashiers desk, you can't say unsafe work conditions.

I know how this works because I seen the ol' lady file her claims and researched how she can keep them. Fortunately, she has a doctor's note. Others ain't so lucky.

The EXCEPTION to this is self-employed. Why? Because the state can't just tell them to open up. They can tell them that it is okay to conduct business. That's why states bitching about the 'honor' system. But for employees, it's doctor's note or unsafe conditions IF called back. Childcare was an option, but states are opening daycares.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:confused: Yes they can. And yes they will. Here's how it works: You must be able to work except for COVID related problems. If your employer opens up and calls you back, you must go in unless it's COVID-related. Fear of the virus isn't enough. If your employer put up plastic guards at your cashiers desk, you can't say unsafe work conditions.

I know how this works because I seen the ol' lady file her claims and researched how she can keep them. Fortunately, she has a doctor's note. Others ain't so lucky.

The EXCEPTION to this is self-employed. Why? Because the state can't just tell them to open up. They can tell them that it is okay to conduct business. That's why states bitching about the 'honor' system. But for employees, it's doctor's note or unsafe conditions IF called back. Childcare was an option, but states are opening daycares.

What you are referring to is furloughed employees. Those people who are furloughed never actually loss their jobs (Technically). Those unemployment claims were filed on behalf of the employer. Meaning the employer filed the claims and not the worker.

All of my employees are currently furloughed. So I filled out their claims on their behalf and they were not required to certify. This is a technicality but employers don’t actually report workers who don’t return to work, we just stop filling out claims so no weekly deposit are made any longer.

The employee can simply file an unemployment claim under themselves. If they decide to file an unemployment claim under themselves then I would receive a letter in the mail asking to validate the claim as their employer.

Normally you would just approve or deny the unemployment claim and fax the letter back. If the worker puts “lack of work” then you can deny the claim and say left voluntarily. If they put “unsafe work environment” it is tough to deny that unemployment claim. Meaning when the accepted the job they did it on normal circumstances and one that was not being exposed to a deadly pandemic causing virus.

During the appeal hearing you will have to prove that work has no potential to cause harm that is not related to the normal job function. For example, working a coil mine is dangerous and that is part of the job. But working and being exposed to a deadly pandemic virus is not part of the job.

Employers will simply have to eat the cost of that unemployment claim in most cases

If you were not furloughed and let go then the employer can call you back all they want and there is nothing they can do about it. CAC Trumpers are just trying to scare people into going back to work
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I swear to fucking god when I was clowning NYC for it's slow response posters on BGOL were talking about logistics and shit. Now it's coming out that the delay was costly as fuck in terms of lives and that it could have been done. :hmm: No shit.

Entire countries were closing their schools, but NYC was some kind of special. And those receipts for the mayor and governor are there. NYC is the outlier for our country and the delays cost lives.

Trump must be tired of being president. This shit isn't rocket science. The republicans oppose extending the $600 based off the fact SOME people are making more collecting unemployment. They argue that those people won't go to work because of making more. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Once they refuse work and their employers report them, the benefits gone.

All Trump has to do is support the extension while the states do what they do. States will cut people off.

Trump should be on every channel campaigning for that extension. When the states cut folks off like they will, he will look like the good guy. Yeah, he's just tired of this job. He's letting those hating ass republicans in the Senate fuck with him.

But damn if the democrats couldn't have just threw a 5-10 page bill on the table expanding the 600 and giving direct payments. That's all. Instead, it's 1800 pages of bullshit like they want people on their asses. Swear D.C. is a fucking joke. :smh:
The governor of NY saved millions of lives. It was his ability to hit every network religiously that saved his state. If your state elected official cannot get on tv and scream bloody murder the tv president is just going to ignore you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump must be tired of being president.
By every indication, Trump never wanted to be President. Not even counting the notion that he never wanted to win the election, every indicator he gave before and since has been that he really doesn't want to be bothered with running the country. He honestly thinks that that is someone else's job, and his job is to just be some big talking bully.

Now, having written that out, one could argue that being President is really more about being a public figure than making huge sweeping decisions, but you do have to make those decisions. Or at least put into place people that can manage those things smoothly enough that no one questions why they're there.

If he could check his ego enough to let others take the front spot, he could just quietly sit back and do whatever he wanted (or nothing). But instead, any time something taps at his oh so fragile ego, he has to barrel front and center to rant about it or take some action to "fix the thing that's been horribly broken for years".

He won't put competent people in place because he's afraid that they'll outshine him. He can't succeed because he doesn't have competent people in place. I'd almost feel sorry for someone with such a fatal flaw, but I can't feel bad for someone who has fucked over so many people with their incompetence.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
By every indication, Trump never wanted to be President. Not even counting the notion that he never wanted to win the election, every indicator he gave before and since has been that he really doesn't want to be bothered with running the country. He honestly thinks that that is someone else's job, and his job is to just be some big talking bully.

Now, having written that out, one could argue that being President is really more about being a public figure than making huge sweeping decisions, but you do have to make those decisions. Or at least put into place people that can manage those things smoothly enough that no one questions why they're there.

If he could check his ego enough to let others take the front spot, he could just quietly sit back and do whatever he wanted (or nothing). But instead, any time something taps at his oh so fragile ego, he has to barrel front and center to rant about it or take some action to "fix the thing that's been horribly broken for years".

He won't put competent people in place because he's afraid that they'll outshine him. He can't succeed because he doesn't have competent people in place. I'd almost feel sorry for someone with such a fatal flaw, but I can't feel bad for someone who has fucked over so many people with their incompetence.
If he’s not president he will be indicted. The president has always been the grift. The theory he doesn’t want to be president is a farce and should stop. He will go down in history and he doesn’t care because he won’t be here for that. His dumb children will carry his burden. But we know he doesn’t care about them.