WTF?? Chelsea Handler Claims Cosby Tried to ‘Cosby’ Her


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Amazing how many unattractive white females actually believe black men some how instinctively want them...

Man what in the fuck did I just watch? How did the black folk agree to be in a film like this? When was it made?

Just looked it up, hati, fuckin dictator made them do it.

The end is the best part, cac gettin bodied
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BGOL Investor
Bitch, please...most of the women "Cos'd" knew dude or had some type of relationship with him. Dude wasn't just catching strays.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
As Sho-nuff famously said in Daddy Green's pizzeria




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White women entitlement at its finest......they swear all black men want them.....
Yup! Ever notice most of them throw you shade for no reason? I avoid these pinktoes at work unless I have to work with them. Bitches throw attitude at you like they know you from somewhere. Bitches bodies are shaped like tongue depressors.


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Chelsea Handler apologizes for posting Louis Farrakhan clip: ‘I was wrong’
By Joshua Rhett Miller
June 24, 2020 | 9:11am | Updated

Chelsea Handler is apologizing for posting a video of Louis Farrakhan on Instagram, saying she wasn’t “thinking” about the Nation of Islam leader’s long history of anti-Semitic and homophobic comments.

Handler, 45, shared an undated clip of Farrakhan from “The Phil Donohue Show” with her 3.9 million Instagram followers on June 14, claiming she “learned a lot” from watching Farrakhan debate audience members on whether racial prejudice would ever be eradicated.

The post, which has since been deleted, was reportedly shared or liked by several other celebrities, including Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Aniston and Michelle Pfieffer, but renounced by many who were puzzled why Handler, who is Jewish, would share the viewpoints of Farrakhan — whose Nation of Islam is characterized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“I want to sincerely apologize for posting the video of Louis Farrakhan,” Handler wrote the Daily Beast in an email Tuesday after Monday’s “The Last Laugh” podcast. “I didn’t consider the context of his anti-Semitic and homophobic rhetoric, that is of course contrary to my own beliefs and values. Part of the process of educating ourselves during this pivotal time is recognizing and working through our mistakes.”

Handler continued: “This was definitely one of mine. I was wrong. It was offensive, and I apologize.”

On Monday’s podcast, “Chelsea Handler Faces Her White Privilege,” the comedian and author defended Farrakhan, saying she thought “his message was really powerful” while stopping short of removing the clip.

“I wasn’t thinking about the anti-Semitic thing, but I don’t want to take down the post because I felt the message was powerful and a lot of people did,” Handler said.

Enlarge ImageLouis FarrakhanKamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty Images
The clip simply resonated with Handler, she said.

“It was powerful for me the way he spelled it out,” Handler continued. “That black people don’t have a history of killing white power. White people have a history of killing black people, for hundreds of years. Over and over again, we kill black people in this country. So everyone needs to remember where the violence came from.”

Handler also flatly told her critics what she thought of the blowback prior to taking down the clip.

“It’s not from the black people, it’s from the white people,” Handler said. “So I thought it was powerful. So whatever, you know, everybody can go f–k themselves.”


Rising Star
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Chelsea Handler Catches Heat Over ‘White Privilege’ Bikini Post
1 day ago
July 14, 2020
Team NewsLagoon
It’s not the picture itself that her followers took issue with, but the hashtag she decided to use. Including “throwback,” “follow back Friday,” and “white privilege,” at the end of her caption, Chelsea Handler triggered several fans.
When one person wrote, “You post against white privilege yet you live a more privileged life than most and flaunt it… what a joke! ,” it caused a huge debate in the comment section. Some called the commenter a “hater” and told them to “get a life,” while others mirrored the fan’s outcry.


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Chelsea Handler on the Louis Farrakhan Backlash and How Robert Mueller Broke Her Heart
Andrew Chin/Getty
On this week’s episode of “The Last Laugh” pod, Chelsea Handler opens up about her white privilege and apologizes for sharing a controversial video of Louis Farrakhan.
Matt Wilstein
Senior Writer

Updated Jun. 23, 2020 10:33AM ET / Published Jun. 23, 2020 3:47AM ET
Chelsea Handler’s most recent book, Life Will Be the Death of Me, is dedicated to her “future husband.”
But as the comedian and bestselling author tells me on this week’s episode of The Last Laugh podcast, dating has been tougher than ever under quarantine.

“I haven’t been hooking up, no, nothing going on here,” she says from her Bel-Air estate. “Not unless you count Andrew Cuomo, but that’s just online harassment.” When I ask if she’s slid into his DMs, all she will say is, “There have been some exchanges,” assuring me that it has been entirely “professional.”


Handler moved on to the New York governor after her previous crush, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, let her down by failing to take down President Trump with his Russia probe.
“He’s 62, so he still has a few good years left in him,” she says of Cuomo. “Robert Mueller was like 75 or something. So he was a little bit too old. I mean, even Andrew Cuomo is a little bit on the line for me, but you’ve got to admire what he stands for.” Handler adds, “It’s nice to see somebody meeting the moment in that way. It’s like, oh wait, old white guys can be cool. Let's not forget.”
Until about a year ago, Handler barely considered her own whiteness and the privilege that had allowed her to loudly share her opinions on her talk shows Chelsea Lately on E! and later Chelsea on Netflix. Then, last fall, she released a documentary on Netflix called Hello Privilege, It’s Me Chelsea. It not only exposed her own blind spots on race but could also serve as a template for white celebrities struggling with how to respond to this moment of reckoning with systemic racism.
“That was for white people about white privilege,” Handler says of the film. “That was a big wake-up call about how asleep at the wheel I was. Here I am thinking I’m woke. It’s like, no, you’re not.”
“What I learned, for me personally, was that it’s always important to ask a question,” she adds. “Don’t worry about being an idiot. Who cares? That's your ego. It doesn’t matter.”


And yet as much as she learned in that process, Handler is still making some unfortunate missteps.
Last week, she posted a video on Instagram of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan denouncing white supremacy. Handler, who is Jewish, was taken aback by her followers who demanded she take it down due to Farrakhan’s disturbing history of anti-Semitism and homophobia.

“I thought his message was really powerful,” Handler says. “I wasn’t thinking about the anti-Semitic thing, but I don't want to take down the post because I felt the message was powerful and a lot of people did.” The post was shared or liked by celebrities including Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Aniston and Michelle Pfeiffer.
“It was powerful for me the way he spelled it out,” she continues. “That Black people don’t have a history of killing white people. White people have a history of killing Black people, for hundreds of years. Over and over again, we kill Black people in this country. So everyone needs to remember where the violence came from. It's not from the Black people, it's from the white people. So I thought it was powerful. So whatever, you know, everybody can go fuck themselves.”
Shortly after our conversation, however, Handler decided to take the video down.
“I want to sincerely apologize for posting the video of Louis Farrakhan,” she wrote in an email statement following our podcast taping. “I didn’t consider the context of his Anti-Semitic and homophobic rhetoric, that is of course contrary to my own beliefs and values. Part of the process of educating ourselves during this pivotal time is recognizing and working through our mistakes. This was definitely one of mine. I was wrong. It was offensive, and I apologize.”
Highlights from our conversation are below and you can listen to the whole thing right now by subscribing to The Last Laugh on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

On her Trump-induced midlife crisis
“I just got bored with my life. It was an awakening, like, oh, I have to be better to the people around me. And that involves being involved in politics. It involved standing up for something and using your platform for something other than self-promotion. I just was kind of angst-ridden. And so when I went to therapy, after Trump was elected, I had something to be angry about. I was like, ‘Oh yeah, that asshole.’ I went into therapy because I honestly felt like my anger was becoming unmanageable. I’m like a completely different person now. I don’t have the same temperament. I’m just so much more relaxed and calm. I mean, I’m stoned most of the time. So that plays into it for sure.”

I mean, honestly, he was going to be an American hero and then he wasn’t.

On her ultimate disappointment in Robert Mueller

Hollywood Celebs Are Praising an Anti-Semitic Hatemonger
Eric Andre Uses Comedy to Nail ‘F*cking Hypocrisy’ of Cops
Tina Fey’s Problems With Race Go Far Beyond Blackface
“I fantasized and I believed Robert Mueller was going to deliver, even when people were forecasting that it wasn't going to be all that it was cracked up to be. I was like, no, no, no, you don't understand my baby. He’s not going to disappoint us. He’s just too filled with valor to do that. And then I was just… ugh. If William Barr hadn’t been in that position, if someone else had been in there, somebody who cared about democracy, then obviously the outcome could have been different. But yeah, it was so disappointing. I mean, honestly, he was going to be an American hero and then he wasn’t.”

Why she doesn’t need to drink on stage anymore
“I had never toured and not been drinking during tour or by the second show being totally buzzed. I had never behaved myself. I had never had a set list and did everything in the right order. I would just go out there and do whatever I felt like. And sometimes that was great. And sometimes it wasn't. But this time, I was super-focused. I’m not partying like that anymore. You realize you were drinking so much when you were younger because you were numbing. And I don’t need that anymore. I’ve come face-to-face with my demons in a way. That's not appealing to me anymore. So it’s deeper, but it’s much sharper. The comedy, to me, is so much funnier.”
How she’s preparing for her upcoming HBO Max stand-up special under quarantine
“We’re looking for outdoor spaces to do the special. It’s the safest way to shoot a special. So I think I’ll shoot it this summer. I want to shoot it before the election and I want it out before the election, because it’s just about changing your mindset and putting your mind to better use. It’s all about waking up to life. The important thing to talk about is first of all, taking stock of your accountability, having self-awareness, dealing with any of your grief or your trauma and not putting it away and shoving it aside because it always comes back to bite you in the ass. Whether you like me or not, nobody can say that I’m a liar. I’m always sharing my authentic experience. I’m oversharing, people would argue.”


Rising Star
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Chelsea Handler, other celebs praise clip of Louis Farrakhan on Instagram
By Aaron Feis
June 16, 2020 | 2:31pm

Celebrities including Chelsea Handler and Jessica Chastain shared a video clip with their millions of social-media followers showing a speech by Louis Farrakhan, the fiery Nation of Islam leader who has a history of anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic rhetoric.

“I learned a lot from watching this powerful video,” wrote Handler in blasting out the clip to her nearly four million Instagram followers on Sunday.
In the undated clip from The Phil Donahue Show, Farrakhan verbally jousts with members of the program’s studio audience on questions of whether racial prejudice could ever truly be overcome.

The post — shared amid international unrest sparked by a white Minneapolis cop’s fatally kneeling on the neck of George Floyd, a black man, on May 25 — reportedly racked up likes from celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jennifer Garner.

Chastain shared the post with her 3.2 million followers from Handler’s page, Mediaite reported Tuesday, only for the actress to apparently delete the video without explanation.

Fellow actress Jameela Jamil also reportedly shared the video, along with a message that betrayed ignorance of Farrakhan’s notoriety.
“Someone please tell me the name of this extraordinary man who so perfectly sums up white fear in under a minute,” Jamil reportedly wrote in her own comment, which too has been deleted.

In his decades atop the Nation of Islam — which is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center — Farrakhan, now 87, has unabashedly spewed vitriol against white people, the LGBT community and, in particular, Jews.

“Farrakhan is an anti-Semite who routinely accuses Jews of manipulating the US government and controlling the levers of world power,” wrote the SPLC in a profile of the firebrand.

Enlarge ImageLouis Farrakhan in 1990Multimedia Entertainment
Even as Handler’s post garnered over 93,000 posts as of Tuesday afternoon, it also drew significant criticism.

“So, based on this logic, if you find a video of Hitler saying something positive and powerful, will you feel equally compelled to share it?” replied Instagram user cindyjh5. “You gave hate credibility and a large platform today.”

Added user socalmama94, “Farrakhan is a hateful anti Semite. He wears that label proudly. There are many others whose wisdom you could be sharing.

“This is disappointing Chelsea.”

Even after as the criticism poured in, however, Handler, 45, argued that Farrakhan’s hatred may have been justified by his own experiences on the receiving end of bigotry.

“Another thing: perhaps Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic views took form during his own oppression,” wrote Handler. “We know now that oppression of one race leads to an oppression of all races.”


Rising Star
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Chelsea Handler's Followers Not Happy About 'White Privilege' Bikini Photo
By JOHN CONNOR COULSTON - July 12, 2020 05:22 pm EDT

Chelsea Handler has been turning a lot of heads with her revealing Instagram photos as of late, but her latest stirred up a different kind of discussion. Handler, who has been baring all for quarantine-related Instagram snaps, shared a throwback bikini photo on Friday. She wore a purple bikini paired with high heels as she stood on a yacht. She also wore a black pair of sunglasses as she held a glass of wine.

The snap was a bit out of character for the former Chelsea Lately host, but that aspect was the point. Her caption noted that she was jokingly trying to "figure out why women wear heels" while they're wearing swimwear. She then added three hashtags: "throwback," "FBF" (Flashback Friday) and "White Privilege." That latter tag caused some trouble.

Handler has been an outspoken voice in the White privilege topic, even making a 2019 documentary for Netflix called Hello, Privilege. It's Me, Chelsea. Despite this fact, many people jumped on Handler for the hashtag. Some found it inappropriate, and others used it to turn her activism on the topic against her.

One person wrote, "You post against white privilege yet you live a more privileged life than most and flaunt it... what a joke!" A second added, "This hashtag is not f—kin appropriate."

A third wrote, "It must be the white privileged. It's amazing to me that you are telling people of color you are better than them from the color of your skin and they are bowing down to you." A fourth added, "#whiteprivilege ....really?" A fifth wrote, "I came to the conclusion that white privilege is made up by Liberals just to hold citizens down."

These remarks started the longest threads in the comments, with many debating the topic and trying to explain Handler's work on the issue. However, the Chelsea Does star also had plenty of supporters in the mix, as well. A lot of people cracked jokes or simply completed the 45-year-old comedian on pulling off the look, even if she was doing so ironically.

"You look like a Russian woman of leisure," one fan mused. Another added, "Thanks for recognizing the importance of matching the heels with the rosé. A third wrote, "okay but you look f—ing amazing." A fourth added, "You look great!! (Not loving the heels though [laugh emoji])."


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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
So basically Cosby asked to meet her and somehow she was completely sure he was going to rape her??? Does anyone realize how many comics Cosby has probably met in his 50+ years of comedy?? I never liked this white hoe, and cacs in general love pile jumping and kicking ppl when they down

Back then I'd have at least whipped out my dick and said hey, it ain't gonna suck itself! Imagine how many white bitches sucked him off trying to come up. I don't condone but I do understand.

oolong tea

Rising Star
This is a despicable bitch. All around piece of shit white whore. She is essentially saying Cosby is guilty because he didnt rape her. The logic is astoundingly moronic and insulting. White women wanna be a victim even when they arent.
Bill Burr busted on them recently on their stand in the woke movement. Burr reminded them that were relishing
in the corruption of white men are the same.