Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
Platinum Member

How the fuck have these youngsters turned weird into an overuse phrase. But it seems that on social media whenever they disagree with something they call it Weird.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Musically the term “ate” has replaced “bars” and its on overload. It’s catching up with “cook” with podcast and YouTube losers.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
My job has started this bullshit tagging in our email electronic signatures.

"He/Him" and "She/Her"

I deleted that shit, I know I'm a fucking MAN!

No need for a gat damn pronoun!

A lot of “they/them” and “non-binary” niggas on BGOL, too. Cottonmouf, Darrkman, lightbright, mangobob no doubt, and many others are suspect, especially the Bidenbots.

Sign of the times, I guess. :(:smh: