Why Republicans Cannot Replace the ACA, Or Accomplish Anything Else

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Why Republicans Cannot Replace the ACA, Or Accomplish Anything Else

Chris Ladd


FILE - In this Dec. 4, 2016 file photo, Edgar Maddison Welch, 28 of Salisbury, N.C., surrenders to police in Washington. Welch, a man who police said was inspired by false internet rumors dubbed “pizzagate” to fire an assault weapon inside a Washington pizzeria pleaded guilty Friday, March 24, 2017, to two charges. (Sathi Soma via AP, File)

Edgar Welch walked courageously into a DC pizza parlor on a mission to rescue abused children. Armed with an AR-15, he had driven from North Carolina to the restaurant, Comet Ping Pong, to break up a pedophile kidnapping ring. After a few confusing minutes in the restaurant and a couple of shots fired, Welch was baffled. There was no secret room in which Hillary Clinton and her aides tormented kidnapped children. It was just a pizza joint.

Welch surrendered to police and received a four-year prison sentence. Apparently, data he obtained online about the restaurant was inaccurate. As he explained to an interviewer, “the intel on this wasn’t 100 percent.”

Republican Congressman, Lamar Smith, leads the House committee responsible for much of our nation’s science funding. He is convinced that climate change is a hoax perpetuated by scientists with the help of a corrupt news media. Smith was convinced at one point in 2009 that he’d found a “smoking gun” to support his fantasy narrative in a collection of stolen emails. His discovery quickly fell apart in the light of day, inspiring a rant against journalists and researchers, “We now know that prominent scientists were so determined to advance the idea of human-made global warming that they worked together to hide contradictory temperature data.” Despite Smith’s best intentions, the intel on this wasn’t 100%.

Only one difference between Edgar Welch and Lamar Smith really matters – Smith’s delusions are going to kill people.

Forget about the Republican elephant. Welch is the new mascot for the Republican Party. Rifle slung over his shoulder, mind clouded by fantasies and fears, he rides like an American Don Quixote to vanquish imaginary foes. Republicans now control every branch of government. They have an opportunity to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a new system on the strength of just 50 votes in the Senate. This week they failed. Again. Despite being handed overwhelming power, none of their signature policy priorities have been passed. A body that voted more than 50 times over the past seven years to repeal the ACA is now suddenly unable to act on almost anything. Why?

It is easy to use delusions to obstruct and destroy. Building something is hard. Building something valuable means thinking about consequences and confronting weaknesses in an ideological framework. Building something invites consequences. Republicans cannot govern because Republicans lack any respect for facts. Tilting at windmills is much easier than constructing them.

This is not a new problem. Ever since the GOP began to absorb waves of southern conservatives fleeing the Democrats’ embrace of civil rights, the party’s hold on reality has been weakening. A white, religious base violently opposed to the faster, freer world of global capitalism has transformed the Republican Party into a bulwark against reality. They are determined to ensure that no government action of any kind will challenge the brittle, manufactured worldview on which their mental security depends.

In an interview with Ron Suskind in 2002, Karl Rove mocked the impotence of the “reality-based community, describing the basis of this new governing ethic:

Rove derided those who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

When ideology rules all, acknowledging dissonant facts is treason. Reality, in that way of thinking, is a mere construct owned by history’s winners. This brand of cult reasoning explains why Republicans despise journalism, deride universities, and disregard the advice of scientists. Within the walls of the GOP cult, those who concern themselves with accuracy, who allow themselves to be constrained by empirical measures, are seen as history’s losers. They are destined to be forgotten, obscured in the shadow of The Great Men.

Republicans may keep winning elections, but they will never be able to govern until they can grapple with these four realities. Each item on this list is measurable, provable and broadly regarded as obvious. Failure to acknowledge these four truths means being as categorically, empirically wrong as it’s possible to be in the otherwise mushy, gray realm of politics:

1) Climate change is real and it is caused primarily by human activity.

2) Human beings evolved from simpler life forms, and the same evolutionary process shapes all living systems.

3) Abortion is a complex issue because it involves two legitimate liberty interests in conflict with one another.

4) Race still skews economic outcomes in the United States.

With great care and a willingness to avoid exposure to facts, one can live successfully in denial of these four realities. However, anyone incapable of recognizing these obvious truths should not hold public trust. Like a poorly aimed weapon, any legislation or executive action crafted in defiance of these four truths will, at best, yield unnecessary collateral damage. In many cases, it will reap calamity.

The mental and institutional disciplines necessary to acknowledge those four simple realities are the same ones necessary for forging sound policy. Master them, and other skills will follow. Continue to deny them, and nothing good can come from Republican legislation. In no corner of America can a Republican survive a primary while openly acknowledging these four truths. Until that changes, Republicans cannot be trusted to build sound public policy. Efforts by the GOP to craft complex legislation, like an ACA replacement, will usually collapse under the weight of their own delusions. On the unfortunate occasion when Republicans do enact sophisticated laws, they will wreak havoc.

We are the last (semi) stable democracy on the planet without a universal health care system. Elsewhere in the world, health care is a utility taken for granted, like safe tap water or electricity. They pay for it, just like we pay for garbage service or highways, and it costs far less than our broken system. That is not an opinion. That is a reality easily revealed with a bit of travel. Like embattled cult members, we deny ourselves better policy outcomes to protect our deluded beliefs about the nature of marketsand preserve our odd pathologies around race. That’s a choice we make, like picking up a rifle and marching off to destroy a pedophile ring.

Facts can be ignored or denied, but they will always have their revenge.

Chris Ladd, former GOP Precinct Committeeman, author of The Politics of Crazy and creator of PoliticalOrphans.



Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
The RepubliKlan agenda is a 1000% ZERO
For the dumb racist Cac blue collar workers & the fanatical religious "White Jesus" worshiping fundamentalist waiting to meet "White Jesus" in the clouds during the "rapture"
that foolishly and out-of-desperation and willful ignorance voted for Trump in 2016.

The RepubliKlan party bosses & $$$$$$$$$ shot callers know that their base republiklan voters are dumber than a bunch of cow chips.

But.....Now that it is apparent to all but the most recalcitrant racist ignoramuses that Trump has NO intention of making their meager lives better,— but in fact— is committed to taking away the $$$ little that they have left, including their Medicaid — these republiklan "dittoheads" got screwed by their "dear leader" betraying their dumb clusterfucked asses.



Donald Drumpf's Moronic "They-Killing-Themselves-With-Opioids & Meth & Heroin" Voters

People in the “Reality Based” world know that anti Blacks & browns RACISM and willful proud ignorance coupled with meth & heroin and prescription opiods addiction is wiping these morons out...it's the dumb cacs plauge! Trump conned them just like the prosperity pimping preachers that they tithe 10% of their meager earnings to.



Why Are White Americans Dying Off? Check These Charts
- March 23, 2017

The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair' - March 23, 2017

'Deaths of despair' on the rise among blue-collar whites - March 25, 2017


The Trump RepubliKlan Party of 2017 is -

• Unapologetically proudly RACIST against ALL people of color
• Virulently HOMOPHOBIC, removed the words gay, lesbian from .gov websites
• Anti-Sex Education in schools, let kids fuck sheep to learn about sex
• Anti-Birth Control (end free condom & birth control distribution)
• Anti- Immigrants (travel ban,Build a wall, stop ALL Muslims)
• Anti- ANY Minimum Wage increase(MO republiklan gov. lowered min. wage)
• Anti- Student Loans (big cuts in Pell grants; blocked interest rate cut on loans)
• Anti-Abortion Rights (republiklans were silent when Dr. George Tiller was murdered)
• Anti-Consumer Protection (pro-tort reform, most you can get is $250,000)
• Anti- Climate Change Science Reality (It's not real it's a communist plot)
• Anti- Environmental Clean-Up (Trump EPA blocked law mandating oil corp. clean up of gulf coast)
• Anti- Infrastructure $$$$ Replacement (U.S. bridges & roads are old & crumbling)
• Anti-Regulating The Banksters (wants to repeal all of Dodd-Frank)
• Anti-Social Security Insurance (want to end it & send the existing money to Wall street)
• Anti-Medicare (want to send Grandma into the clutches of the "Health Care Mafia" with a coupon)
• Anti-Unemployment Insurance (want to end it; cut it to a max of 8 weeks))
• Anti- Healthy School Lunch for kids (want to REPEAL Mrs. Obama's healthy lunch reforms)
• Anti-Education Standards (republiklans want to close the Dept. of Education & teach biblical creationism)
• Anti-W.I.C. (republiklan congress recently cut money for Women Infants & Children program)
• Anti- Environmental Conservation Laws (want to close the EPA & burn MORE coal)
• Anti-Food Saftey Inspections (republiklan congress recently cut US food saftey budget)
• Anti- Ingredient Labels on Food (republiklans don't want you to know)
• Anti-Progressive Taxation (republiklans against raising the 15% tax Millionaires & Billionaires pay)
• Anti-Banning the Death Penalty (278 INNOCENT people released from Death Row since 1989)
• Anti- Restoring Habeas corpus (republiklans NOT against "disappearing" people)
• Anti-Separation Of Church & State (republiklans want to mandate Christian prayer ONLY in schools)
• Anti- Government Funding of Scientific Research (republiklans have slashed funding i.e. stem cell research)
• Anti-Feminism (woman should be submissive to men; it's in the bible)
• Anti-Affirmative Action (republiklans say "there is NO racism in AmeriKKKa)
• Anti-Department of Labor (republiklans believe overtime pay should be abolished)
• Anti-Small Business Administration (want to abolish it)
• Anti-Substantially Increasing Foreign Aid (republiklan congress just cut food aid to shithole AFRICA)
• Anti-Government Student College Tuition Grants (republiklans want to dramatically cut or end PELL grants & other Education programs)
• Anti-ANY Gun Control
• Anti- NON-Christian Religion Tolerance
• Anti- Universal Health Care
• Anti- Ban Against Torture (republiklans support "rectal" feeding & slicing of genitals)
• Anti- ANY Cut In Military Spending
• Anti- Pay Increase For US Soldiers (republiklans consistently vote NO)
• Anti- Increase in Veterans Benefits (republiklans want to convert military pensions into 401K's)
• Anti- Equalizing Penalty for Crack/ Powder Cocaine Conviction
• Anti- Ending Draconian mandatory loooong sentences for drug possession
• Anti- Womens Health/ Well-Women Care (republiklans vote to defund Planned Parenthood)
• Anti- Legislation Banning Outsourcing (republiklans voted AGAINST law prohibiting outsourcing by companies $$$$$ bailed out by U.S. taxpayers)

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Invest in stocks that are related to demise of your enemy. The new drug will be Narcan. It's used for heroin overdoses. I know i post this all the time, but I'm not getting caught slipping. I own shares of a couple companies. Find the drugs that treat meth, herion and basic drug overdoses and rehab, and those are the drugs that big pharma will raise the cost of because its an epidemic and killing white folks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Invest in stocks that are related to demise of your enemy. The new drug will be Narcan. It's used for heroin overdoses. I know i post this all the time, but I'm not getting caught slipping. I own shares of a couple companies. Find the drugs that treat meth, herion and basic drug overdoses and rehab, and those are the drugs that big pharma will raise the cost of because its an epidemic and killing white folks.

God damn that is some hella good info


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
God damn that is some hella good info
I've posted it in several threads, including my own. I've even listed which companies make which drugs, etc, etc. Best believe that with the white race dwindling in numbers, they are gonna find a way to get this shit all covered by health care, including rehab so they don't die off as a race. I'm also searching publicly traded rehab centers and if they are covered by health insurance. That's the play. White fear is your path to a good retirement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Invest in stocks that are related to demise of your enemy. The new drug will be Narcan. It's used for heroin overdoses. I know i post this all the time, but I'm not getting caught slipping. I own shares of a couple companies. Find the drugs that treat meth, herion and basic drug overdoses and rehab, and those are the drugs that big pharma will raise the cost of because its an epidemic and killing white folks.

Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its has gotten so bad now #45 latest tweets he seems to be threatening them to repeal o-care
If the ACA gets repealed, HMO's can decide what they want to cover and who to drop. They want millions of sick people off the books to increase their profit margins, so drug addicts will cost them far more than they will ever reap covering them. So if the ACA stays, buy more stocks as they pull back. If they succeed and repeal it, HMO stocks will go up because they will make more money by not paying out, and dropping preexisting condition clients. Drug addicts will be the first ones they deny coverage to. The ACA guarantees everyone coverage no matter what. Insures don't want that.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
its has gotten so bad now #45 latest tweets he seems to be threatening them to repeal o-care
Yeah the GOP Senate is not going to repeal that also you all notice there is no big protest about repealing Obamacare not even from red states


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
If the ACA gets repealed, HMO's can decide what they want to cover and who to drop. They want millions of sick people off the books to increase their profit margins, so drug addicts will cost them far more than they will ever reap covering them. So if the ACA stays, buy more stocks as they pull back. If they succeed and repeal it, HMO stocks will go up because they will make more money by not paying out, and dropping preexisting condition clients. Drug addicts will be the first ones they deny coverage to. The ACA guarantees everyone coverage no matter what. Insures don't want that.

What I have bold above is the very key thing that Democrats and Republicans voters mostly agree on. This was one genius part of Obama care.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I have bold above is the very key thing that Democrats and Republicans voters mostly agree on. This was one genius part of Obama care.
Insurance companies can rule wild if Trump gets his way. I'm waiting to buy certain ones then.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Also When those dumb rednecks found out ACA and Obamacare is the same thing they are not letting go of that especially the poor and middle-class ones

Here's a FB rant I found to be insightful as to how deranged these po inbred CACs are :

Yes, I see this in the remote areas up north. The people are uneducated and the FOX conservative media is al that is available to them. It is easy to see how they are easily persuaded with little counter far right media. Now bring up their disabilities (These areas have high unemployment and higher disability rates) and the conversation changes. When you ask them how would you survive with out these safety nets and even your "Obama Phone"? The conversation goes quiet. They defend their Obama Phone with a vengeance, for health and safety. They are correct that they need these phones in these remote areas, they are still willing to vote away any healthcare or quality of living-even hunger. It confounds me, the poorest in our state are indoctrinated with media and church passed down generations. The Trump agenda will devastate them. Maybe this is what is needed for their and our future?? Maybe they need to take bite out of the bitter fruit.

Rant was in response to this article


Michigan Trump Voters Scream “Fake News!” Over Russia Investigation, This Is Preposterous!
JULY 13, 2017
The long-running Russia investigation is a dark cloud constantly hanging over the Trump administration. It’s impossible to go one day without mentioning the words “Trump” and “Russia” in the same sentence.

Vox came up with an interesting idea; it wanted to see how small town Michigan citizens feel about the Russia investigation. Vox‘s Lindsay Maizland traveled to several Michigan towns to get people’s opinions on the investigation.

Maizland reported the most common response: “The media just needs to leave Trump alone, and the Russia investigation is a distraction.”

Rich Marshbanks, a veteran and barber, told Maizland, “What do I think about the Russia-Trump issues? I think it’s never been proven that he had anything to do with Russia whatsoever. But the liberal left will not leave it alone.”

He continued, “They’re trying to destroy him. The media, the fake news, anything they can come up with, they’re trying to destroy him.”

A Michigan dairy farmer, Rovertta Laier, blamed the left: “It’s just the left trying to dog him just because he’s an outsider. They don’t want him in there, so they’re going to try to come up with anything to impeach him.”

Laier also gave an excuse for Trump’s harsh tweets: “He’s 70, come on. People will say and do anything as they get older. They don’t have a filter.”

Residents of Linden and Argentine Michigan still believe that Trump will deliver on his campaign promises, despite several of his biggest promises already being exposed as lies e.g. a secret plan to destroy ISIS.

What is your reaction?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I was on my way to the National AA museum of culture and History I passed the so called Mother of all Trump Rallies. It was a pathetically small gathering in fact the ICP March on Washington was much bigger. No doubt there is a small hardcore group of Trump supporters but let's not over estimate their numbers. I suspect the old schoo! GOP will figure this out and and adjust accordingly. They have too. Politically Trump is Deadman Tweeting.