Why Do Mexicans seem 2 do all the jobs that blacks act like they dont need!!

Brown Pride

breakknecks said:
fam just saying the truth.
Your females bathe in perfume.
Your males have small dicks(no homo)
Your people are lazy and talk to much at work.

Stop with your ignorance already,you don't know what your talking about.Ignorance is no excuse for all the stupid things you think about Mexicans Ya little 12 yearold kid. :smh: :smh:**yawn**********
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I Dont Think These Things...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Put On To Much Perfume...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Talk All Day And Dont Do Shit
75 Percent Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Are Coked Up And Freely Admitt The Shit...
So Where Is The Ignorance? With Them? Or With Me?
These Are All Fact Within "my" Situation,,and Thats All Im Saying
You Sensitive Bastard!

Brown Pride

breakknecks said:
I Dont Think These Things...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Put On To Much Perfume...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Talk All Day And Dont Do Shit
75 Percent Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Are Coked Up And Freely Admitt The Shit...
So Where Is The Ignorance? With Them? Or With Me?
These Are All Fact Within "my" Situation,,and Thats All Im Saying
You Sensitive Bastard!

I could say the same things about Blacks,whites,etc.But I not ignorant to put other peoples raices down like you are just because of a few bad apples..What is the % of Black men in prison and on drugs?Do the math son :smh: :smh:

Brown Pride

breakknecks said:
I Dont Think These Things...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Put On To Much Perfume...
All Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Talk All Day And Dont Do Shit
75 Percent Of The Mexicans "i" Work With Are Coked Up And Freely Admitt The Shit...
So Where Is The Ignorance? With Them? Or With Me?
These Are All Fact Within "my" Situation,,and Thats All Im Saying
You Sensitive Bastard!

All ,your funny,because you know that's a lie. :lol: :lol:
I could say the same things about Blacks,whites,etc.But I not ignorant to put other peoples raices down like you are just because of a few bad apples..What is the % of Black men in prison and on drugs?Do the math son :smh: :smh: You know were the ignorance is son,and so do I . :yes:


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Seems like there will be at least a few hundred more jobs available now... :lol:

Illegal Workers Arrested In 6-State ID Theft Sweep

By Spencer S. Hsu and Krissah Williams
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, December 13, 2006; Page A01

Federal agents targeting illegal immigrants raided meatpacking plants in six states yesterday, arresting hundreds of workers on the uncommon charge of identity theft and shutting down the world's second-largest meat processing company for much of the day.

About 1,000 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents with search warrants entered plants owned by Swift & Co., of Greeley, Colo., charging that "large numbers" of workers illegally assumed the identities of U.S. citizens or legal residents by using their Social Security numbers to get work, ICE officials said.



Temujin said:
You're right. I think many times our history of exploitation in America makes us more sensitive to obvious situations of exploitation. Our pride will not allow us to get into situation where we know we are being underpaid. Also like you said in black communities there is a great deal of social pressure not to do exploitive labor. This works against us greatly because in our communities for some reason it is more honorable not to work (maybe as a sign of pride or principle) rather than work in exploitive conditions.

I think many immigrants realize they are being exploited also however they view their social climb in America as a generational process. They use the pain of exploitation to motivate their children to become educated and to bring as many family members as possible out of the bonds of poverty.

I feel my grandparents were just like the immigrants of today. They worked in exploitive conditions so that they could educate their children and bring the family out of poverty. Today I think Black Americans have fallen into this American Individulistic ideology. We have lost the sense of family that would allow us to sacrifice our individual pride for the well being of our families and the futures of our children.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I was in fact just thinking about this the other day at work. I work for a small company (~30 employees), I am the only non-white person there besides the production workers who are almost entirely Hmong (southeast Asian, i.e. Vietnamese, Laotian, etc.) and I have been told countless times from the production managers, both white males who 'value old-fashioned work ethics and values' - their words not mine, that Hmong and Mexicans are the only people that want to work hard for what they get paid. I tend to disagree, and I had to reallly think about why, and I basically had the same idea as Temujin put to words. It's almost like we tried the generational climb into the economic mainstream, but it didn't work, and now noone is willing to try again. Young black males won't work an exploitative job, but will run to quit school and try a rap career in a heartbeat. Ironically, rap is just as, if not more exploitative... but thats a different topic.


Potential Star
Temujin said:
You're right. I think many times our history of exploitation in America makes us more sensitive to obvious situations of exploitation. Our pride will not allow us to get into situation where we know we are being underpaid. Also like you said in black communities there is a great deal of social pressure not to do exploitive labor. This works against us greatly because in our communities for some reason it is more honorable not to work (maybe as a sign of pride or principle) rather than work in exploitive conditions.

I think many immigrants realize they are being exploited also however they view their social climb in America as a generational process. They use the pain of exploitation to motivate their children to become educated and to bring as many family members as possible out of the bonds of poverty.

I feel my grandparents were just like the immigrants of today. They worked in exploitive conditions so that they could educate their children and bring the family out of poverty. Today I think Black Americans have fallen into this American Individulistic ideology. We have lost the sense of family that would allow us to sacrifice our individual pride for the well being of our families and the futures of our children.

In my case, MY parents sacrificed their health for me...
as a result I got an education...
good job...
building wealth...and I can tell you that my kids will have it so much better than I did...
But that's the whole point isnt it?
Everyone else have a head start on us...
It will take a couple of generation to close the gap.



wannabe star
Black Men Cant Get The Jobs No One Wants

Politicians Keep on talking about how illegal aliens only take jobs no one wants.

What a load of BS.

Just read this story of about Black Men struggling to get Day Laborer Jobs . Yes the guys that stand around the corner waiting for someone to pick them up for a Job.

It takes a lot to swallow your pride and hangi out at the corner to be picked up. But to be ignored thats crushing :angry:

See story at


Brown Pride

I work with a bunch of lazy Blacks who talk shit and loaf around all day trying to see how they can get out of work,so what't you point!Talking ebonics and shit.Can't understand them when they talk like that. :smh:

Show where it came from brotha,and whY i SAID IT.Stop telling half truths


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Of course, you said that in jest, right



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Mexicans do the jobs Americans won't do"

That's the biggest crock of shit. NOTHING wrong w hard work. It isn't UN-American to work with your hands.

Anyone who says that is treasonous


There's a few reasons for this.

1) You wouldn't even be considered for the type of jobs immigrants get. If you ever have time or the balls to try a life experiment, try it. Try to get a type of job immigrants get part-time. Housekeeping, landscaping, manual labor, etc. You won't be able to do it.

2) If you do manage to get one of those jobs, you won't last. You're going to look at the amount of work you're going to do and your paycheck and say "fuck it". You're going to have a hard time communicating with your co-workers, unless you speak Spanish. Managers and Supervisors talk real greasy after 3 or 4 times, you're not going to take that and again you're going to say "fuck it".

As a people we're in a place where we're slightly above that point. The problem is, we're not at a place where we're on a come up. My grandfather was a bricklayer for 50 years, he came up north from the south because it was better jobs up here. When he retired in the early 90's he was making like 50/hr on a job. It was getting harder for him to find work though, because that was when immigrants first started doing construction jobs and they were working for waaaaaay lower then 50/hr. This is the place we're at. The lower rung for jobs have been taken out from under us. We're still not at a point where we've completely climbed up to the higher rung i.e. professional jobs. We're at that rung of skilled labor. America has gotten rid of most of those skilled labor jobs and refused to pay a livable wage for unskilled labor. So we're stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="5"><center>
Citizens, illegal immigrants jostle for jobs</font size>
<font size="4">

Business owners once said they needed illegal workers
because there weren't enough Americans willing to do
dirty and lowly jobs. Hard times alter the debate over
undocumented workers and their role in economy</font size></center>


Franklin Tigner, a Louisburg construction subcon-
tractor, says he has no jobs lined up. Tigner says
his business is hurt by illegal immigrants. 'It's just
more people out there competing for what little
work there is,' he says. Staff Photo by Ted

The News & Observer
By Kristin Collins - Staff Writer
Sunday, Mar. 15, 2009

Business owners once said they needed illegal workers because there weren't enough Americans willing to do dirty and lowly jobs. Now, unemployment is nearing 10 percent, and citizens are lining up for jobs they once would have rejected. Yet, some say, many employers still want illegal immigrants.

"They prefer immigrants, especially now," said James Lee, an electrician who hasn't found work since Thanksgiving. "I don't think it's fair when there's so many of us in the shape we're in now."

Lee, 47, said American workers can't compete against immigrants who are willing to work for low pay and under unreasonable conditions. And now that jobs are scarce -- nearly a quarter of construction workers nationwide are unemployed -- Lee is one of a growing chorus who say that illegal immigrants are leaving citizen workers with fewer options.

"It's just more people out there competing for what little work there is," said Franklin Tigner, a Louisburg construction subcontractor who was searching for a job last week.

Such concerns prompted legislative action. More than two dozen state lawmakers proposed a bill this month that would require North Carolina companies getting federal stimulus money to verify that their workers are in the country legally. They say the $787 billion plan should benefit U.S. citizens.

"With unemployment in North Carolina approaching 10 percent, with the layoffs we've seen, we have plenty of Americans who need those jobs," said Rep. Nelson Dollar, a Cary Republican who is one of the bill's co-sponsors.

Some, however, argue that the equation is not so simple.

Immigrants don't just fill jobs; they also create them by buying cars, groceries, homes and services.

"If they weren't here, I'd have less people employed here, no question about that," said Durham car dealer Kyle Ollis, who sells about a third of his cars to Hispanic customers.

And many business owners say that the vast supply of dependable labor that immigrants provided was responsible for much of the growth in industries such as construction and landscaping. Without immigrant labor, they say, their companies couldn't have created so many jobs in North Carolina.

Now, in a time of shrinking profits, some say those productive and loyal workers could mean the difference between survival and failure.

Bill Downey, a Durham construction company owner, said immigrants have been willing to work harder and more reliably than native workers -- and those are the types of workers that employers will keep as they try to remain solvent in a tight market. He said he doesn't employ illegal immigrants, but he acknowledged that many laborers are in the country illegally.

"When it comes down to the bottom line, more people are going to be interested in good workers than whether they're legal," Downey said. "I've got a good worker, and I'm going to send him away? I don't see that happening."

Some workers, immigrant and native alike, say that illegal immigrants have earned their place in the American economy, in good times and bad.

"We have been taking care of work that people don't want to do," said Carlos Reyes, a legal U.S. resident from Honduras who runs a Raleigh painting business. "Now you want to throw us away? That's not fair."

A surplus of labor

An estimated 300,000 illegal immigrants poured into North Carolina in the past decade, lured by plentiful jobs in construction, landscaping, manufacturing and hospitality. Now, those industries are taking the brunt of the recession, and there is a growing surplus of low-skilled workers.

kristin.collins@newsobserver.com or 919-829-4881



Support BGOL
now that there will be less activity in the construction industry it will be interesting how the illegal immigration situation will play out. Even janitorial services are taking a hit as everyone scales back on those. Farming is left but as times get harder I suspect there might be more Americans taking those jobs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My 2 cents.

when clinton was in office, nobody gave a shit who was doing what. Mexicans were doing the lower end shit, brothas were in school and making it with decent jobs.
With Bush, Republikkkans outsourced our jobs and made a decent job harder to find. They made immigrants the blame, and it worked well with bringing that sentiment along all cultures (even ours). Now jobs r not around the corner as they once were, and we are dealing w/ a shitty economy that might take a few years to work out.
Bring back the jobs, we won't have this discussion until another Republikkkan takes office.