Who runs America? The Federal Reserve


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iYZM58dulPE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iYZM58dulPE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Greed said:
total right wing propaganda.

extreme even.


"Clearly, bond prices, like other asset prices, incorporate a great deal of information that is potentially very relevant to policy-makers," Bernanke said. "However, the information is not always easy to extract _ and, as in the current situation_ the bottom line for policy appears ambiguous."

From a global perspective, are these developments economically beneficial or harmful? Certainly they have had some benefits. Most obviously, the developing and emerging-market countries that brought their current accounts into surplus did so to reduce their foreign debts, stabilize their currencies, and reduce the risk of financial crisis. Most countries have been largely successful in meeting each of these objectives. Thus, the shift of these economies from borrower to lender status has provided at least a short-term palliative for some of the problems they faced in the 1990s.

In the longer term, however, the current pattern of international capital flows--should it persist--could prove counterproductive. Most important, for the developing world to be lending large sums on net to the mature industrial economies is quite undesirable as a long-run proposition.

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Potential Star
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

That clip is looks like it's from "The Money Masters" and it is a really good documentary. What so amazing is that I had some fools try and tell me that America's economic system is not controlled by privately own banks (the twelve of the fed). I see how the money markets are "manipulated" on a daily basis working with Derivatives at an Investment Bank. It's nothing but a big game that would not be real if the "people" stop believing in this phony worthless money that's not even backed by silver or gold. But that's another story.

Good clip


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Each numbered point on the Federal Open Market System flowchart, such as , correspond with the numbers in the Narrative below. The phrase "Mandrake Mechanism" for the deception of the Federal Reserve banking system was coined by G. Edward Griffin in his landmark book "The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve". It refers to a comic strip character from the 1940s called Mandrake the Magician, whose specialty was creating things out of nothing, then making them disappear back into nothing.

The federal government decides it need some money, so it adds ink to a piece of paper and creates designs on the paper.

The federal government calls the paper a Treasury Bond or Treasury Note. These are IOU's to The Federal Reserve ("the Fed").

To convert the IOU's into paper bills, the bond or note is given by the federal government to the Fed where it is classified as a Securities Asset.

To the federal government (in other words, you and me), the Treasury Note is debt. To the Fed, the Treasury Note is an asset because it is assumed the government will repay its debt. This assumption is based on the government's ability to fleece income tax payers. This Securities Asset can now be used to offset a liability, which the Fed accomplishes by turning on their printing press, putting ink and designs on another piece of paper, and calling it a Federal Reserve Check.

There is NO MONEY in ANY ACCOUNT to cover this Federal Reserve Check. The Fed shareholders and governors avoid prison because Congress wants the money and this is the easiest way to create it.The Federal Reserve Check is given by the Fed to the federal government.

The federal government endorses the Federal Reserve Check.

The federal government deposits the Federal Reserve Check into their bank account at one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks where it becomes a Government Deposit.

The Government Deposit is used to pay federal government expenses.The federal government expenses are paid to many different recipients, such as businesses, entrepreneurs, etc, accomplished by writing Government Checks.

These Government Checks are deposited by the various recipients into their individual Commercial Bank accounts.

These deposits are called Commercial Bank Deposits, and are treated as assets by the thousands of commercial banks.

The Commercial Bank Deposits are reclassified by the commercial banks as Reserves. These Reserves are liabilities offset by the Commercial Bank Deposits on their accounting books.

Dependent on the "reserve ratio" determined by the Fed (for the flowchart, a 10% reserve ratio is used), the commercial banks are required to keep only 10% of their Commercial Bank Deposits on hand in case of withdrawal by account holders. The other 90% is considered "available for lending'.

The Reserves that are available for lending are termed Excess Reserves. They generate a myriad of different Loans, which GREATLY EXPAND the money supply.

When the recipients of the loans deposit the loan proceeds into their bank accounts, the deposits are treated like new Commercial Bank Deposits, and the entire process repeats over and over and over again. The total fiat money generated by this mechanism is approximately 10 times the size of the original debt created by the federal government due to the 90% excess reserves. This is what the international bankers and economists call the beauty of their operation, but in reality it what our founding fathers warned would be our downfall.

Will we ever get a president and representatives into our government who will realize this, or will we meet our fate as a nation? Only time will tell. . .


Potential Star
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Each numbered point on the Federal Open Market System flowchart, such as , correspond with the numbers in the Narrative below. The phrase "Mandrake Mechanism" for the deception of the Federal Reserve banking system was coined by G. Edward Griffin in his landmark book "The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve". It refers to a comic strip character from the 1940s called Mandrake the Magician, whose specialty was creating things out of nothing, then making them disappear back into nothing.

The federal government decides it need some money, so it adds ink to a piece of paper and creates designs on the paper.

The federal government calls the paper a Treasury Bond or Treasury Note. These are IOU's to The Federal Reserve ("the Fed").

To convert the IOU's into paper bills, the bond or note is given by the federal government to the Fed where it is classified as a Securities Asset.

To the federal government (in other words, you and me), the Treasury Note is debt. To the Fed, the Treasury Note is an asset because it is assumed the government will repay its debt. This assumption is based on the government's ability to fleece income tax payers. This Securities Asset can now be used to offset a liability, which the Fed accomplishes by turning on their printing press, putting ink and designs on another piece of paper, and calling it a Federal Reserve Check.

There is NO MONEY in ANY ACCOUNT to cover this Federal Reserve Check. The Fed shareholders and governors avoid prison because Congress wants the money and this is the easiest way to create it.The Federal Reserve Check is given by the Fed to the federal government.

The federal government endorses the Federal Reserve Check.

The federal government deposits the Federal Reserve Check into their bank account at one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks where it becomes a Government Deposit.

The Government Deposit is used to pay federal government expenses.The federal government expenses are paid to many different recipients, such as businesses, entrepreneurs, etc, accomplished by writing Government Checks.

These Government Checks are deposited by the various recipients into their individual Commercial Bank accounts.

These deposits are called Commercial Bank Deposits, and are treated as assets by the thousands of commercial banks.

The Commercial Bank Deposits are reclassified by the commercial banks as Reserves. These Reserves are liabilities offset by the Commercial Bank Deposits on their accounting books.

Dependent on the "reserve ratio" determined by the Fed (for the flowchart, a 10% reserve ratio is used), the commercial banks are required to keep only 10% of their Commercial Bank Deposits on hand in case of withdrawal by account holders. The other 90% is considered "available for lending'.

The Reserves that are available for lending are termed Excess Reserves. They generate a myriad of different Loans, which GREATLY EXPAND the money supply.

When the recipients of the loans deposit the loan proceeds into their bank accounts, the deposits are treated like new Commercial Bank Deposits, and the entire process repeats over and over and over again. The total fiat money generated by this mechanism is approximately 10 times the size of the original debt created by the federal government due to the 90% excess reserves. This is what the international bankers and economists call the beauty of their operation, but in reality it what our founding fathers warned would be our downfall.

Will we ever get a president and representatives into our government who will realize this, or will we meet our fate as a nation? Only time will tell. . .

Good stuff, keep dropping the information when you get a chance.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Here is a link to an speech Ben Bernanke gave...despite the red flags raised by his report, even he the Chairman of the Federal Reserve feels ignored..tell me they aren't just puppets, a front for Capitalists to launder their dirty money right in front of us :eek:


Look closely at the chart at the bottom of the page, this is the gold per dollar amount we are supposed to store in the Nation's mints to balance its value...it that a shock? On the surface all seems well, but as we know countries like China and others "own", or are holding us afloat. :smh:

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Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

America is Broke and Deep in Debt . . . Leveling the Playing Field

The national debt is $8.5 trillion, with the ceiling now at $9 trillion, and consumer debt (your mortgage, car loans, etc) is $50 trillion. The international banking elites (Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg) having exported your well paying jobs -- American manufacturing, businesses and technologies -- now have you indebted to their banks without you having the means to really pay them back! This has been the plan all along - a bankrupt nation has no leverage against the elites that own the banks, control the policies and work towards creating a global totalitarian government.

A brief introduction to the Federal Reserve System is required at this point to fully appreciate the catastrophe that we now face.

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking cartel. It is not federal nor is there any reserve. It creates fiat currency out of thin air (printed by the Treasury Dept. upon the Fed’s request) and is backed by no gold reserve but by the faith of the user.

The Federal Reserve System was established by the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 by a handful of senators on Christmas Eve when most lawmakers had gone home; primary among them was Senator Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D Rockefeller who had organized a meeting of the major bankers at the Rockefeller and Morgan owned Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910.

The highly secretive meeting -- as told by Edward Griffin in his informative book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” -- was to come to an agreement on the structure and operation of a banking cartel. The goal of the cartel, as is true with all cartels, was to maximize profits by minimizing competition between members, to make it difficult for new competitors to enter the field, and to utilize the police power of government to enforce the cartel agreement. In more specific terms, the purpose and, indeed, the actual outcome of this meeting was to create the blueprint for the Federal Reserve System.

With the stroke of a pen President Woodrow Wilson and the US Congress abdicated their constitutional responsibility to control and print currency based on actual gold reserves and as a consequence we have been an occupied nation since 1913.

Ten Families Are the Private Owners of the Federal Reserve: The Occupiers

Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefeller)
Eustace Mullins in "World Order" says, “Besides its controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rothschilds had developed important financial interests in other parts of the US . . . The entire Rockefeller empire was financed by the Rothschilds”

In 2000, the estimated worth of the Rothschilds was over $100 trillion and the Rockefeller family’s was $11 trillion. How much is enough one could ask?

For more on the creation of the ‘Fed,’ see “A Talk by Edward Griffin” and on The Modern History Project's site, “Final Warning: A History of the New World Order” -- Ch. 2.3 (this free on line book is recommended and is an excellent overview of the NWO).

The Federal Reserve quietly announced that as of March 20, it would no longer publish M3 data used by the public, investors or bond holders to know how much currency exists. Without it, there is no way to gauge how much a "dollar" is truly worth. Inflation, as the average person knows all too well, is not what the US government claims.

Sources in the U.S. Treasury have leaked that the Federal Reserve recently ordered $2 trillion to be printed! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ordered not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse. It is speculated that the whole Immigration Amnesty Debate (especially the well-funded, organised and well-attended protests) was deliberately scheduled to take place to divert attention from this massive printing/devaluation of the U.S. dollar.

Three hundred trillion in derivatives (market side bets that no one can explain how they work) are about to implode as those in that business say it is getting unmanageable. Is the whole planet leveraged? Warren Buffet calls derivatives the neutron bomb waiting to go off.

It is believed that the miraculous surplus in some state coffers and the rise in the stock market -- the pumping up -- have been attributed to this excess cash being spread around by the Fed. The real question is why the bankers would intentionally create a hyperinflationary environment unless they desire to collapse the US economy. It was the bankers who engineered the crash of 1929 and then bought up stocks afterwards for pennies on the dollar, consolidating even greater wealth.

On April 25, Rep. Ron Paul (R) of Texas addressed Congress. In his speech, “What the price of gold is telling us,” he was the only brave and honest member of Congress to denounce fiat currency as practiced by the Federal Reserve and the dangers it represents to our economy and political system. He told us that “Inflation, as exposed by high gold prices, transfers wealth from the middle class to the rich, as real wages decline while the salaries of CEOs, movie stars, and athletes skyrocket -- along with the profits of the military industrial complex, the oil industry, and other special interests.” Visit his site.

Reporting on Greenspan's final G7 meeting, Reuters last December 3 noted, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, who chaired the meeting of finance leaders from the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, said Greenspan”has served not only America but the whole world.”

“As you know, yesterday he also became a freeman of the City of London and he has signed an oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen to do so -- something as you know Americans have been reluctant to do for the last 250 years,” Brown told a closing news conference.

No further confession is requires. History will have to reveal the damage done to America by the criminal banker, CFR and Trilateral member Alan Greenspan.

This confirms what we already know, that the elites in the US (including the Bushes) have allegiance to the international bankers ensconced in the City of London -- the Rothschilds, the European elites and the Monarchy of Great Britain.

Another issue not covered here is the US Judicial System viewed by some international observers as one of the most corrupt in the world -- that serves to protect the elites and to punish those that offend and challenge the ruling class. The recent Moussaoui kangaroo trial, with no evidence and a series of ‘witnesses’ like the complicit Rudy Guiliani and 9/11 victims' survivors, had no merit other than the US looking for a ‘trophy case’ as a law professor noted. The case speaks volumes about coercion and propaganda.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Another issue not covered here is the US Judicial System viewed by some international observers as one of the most corrupt in the world -- that serves to protect the elites and to punish those that offend and challenge the ruling class. The recent Moussaoui kangaroo trial, with no evidence and a series of ‘witnesses’ like the complicit Rudy Guiliani and 9/11 victims' survivors, had no merit other than the US looking for a ‘trophy case’ as a law professor noted. The case speaks volumes about coercion and propaganda.

This deserves its own thread....

I'm not even going to start ranting on the damage done because of wampom money.... Atleast China refuses to play the game on western terms...


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

^^Props for reup on this thread...

Recession will be nasty and deep, economist says
Housing is in free fall, pulling the economy down with it, Roubini argues
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last Update: 4:59 PM ET Aug 23, 2006

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The United States is headed for a recession that will be "much nastier, deeper and more protracted" than the 2001 recession, says Nouriel Roubini, president of Roubini Global Economics.
Writing on his blog Wednesday, Roubini repeated his call that the U.S. would be in recession in 2007, arguing that the collapse of housing would bring down the rest of the economy. Read more.
Roubini wrote after the National Association of Realtors reported Wednesday that sales of existing homes fell 4.1n July, while inventories soared to a 13-year high and prices flattened out on a year-over-year basis. See full story.
'This is the biggest housing slump in the last four or five decades: every housing indicator is in free fall, including now housing prices.'
Nouriel Roubini, Roubini Global Economics
"This is the biggest housing slump in the last four or five decades: every housing indicator is in free fall, including now housing prices," Roubini said. The decline in investment in the housing sector will exceed the drop in investment when the Nasdaq collapsed in 2000 and 2001, he said.
And the impact of the bursting of the bubble will affect every household in America, not just the few people who owned significant shares in technology companies during the dot-com boom, he said. Prices are falling even in the Midwest, which never experienced a bubble, "a scary signal" of how much pain the drop in household wealth could cause.
Roubini is a professor of economics at New York University and was a senior economist in the White House and the Treasury Department in the late 1990s. His firm focuses largely on global macroeconomics.
While many economists share Roubini's concerns about imbalances in the global economy and in the U.S. housing sector, he stands nearly alone in predicting a recession next year.
Fed watcher Tim Duy called Roubini the "the current archetypical Eeyore," responding to a comment Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher made last week in referring to economic pessimists as "Eeyores," after Winnie the Pooh's grumpy friend.
"By itself this slump is enough to trigger a U.S. recession: its effects on real residential investment, wealth and consumption, and employment will be more severe than the tech bust that triggered the 2001 recession," Roubini said.
Housing has accounted, directly and indirectly, for about 30f employment growth during this expansion, including employment in retail and in manufacturing producing consumer goods, he said.
In the past year, consumers spent about $200 billion of the money they pulled out of their home equity, he estimated. Already, sales of consumer durables such as cars and furniture have weakened.
"As the housing sector slumps, the job and income and wage losses in housing will percolate throughout the economy," Roubini said.
Consumers also face high energy prices, higher interest rates, stagnant wages, negative savings and high debt levels, he noted.
"This is the tipping point for the U.S. consumer and the effects will be ugly," he said. "Expect the great recession of 2007 to be much nastier, deeper and more protracted than the 2001 recession."
He also sees many of the same warning signs in other economies, including some in Europe.
Rex Nutting is Washington bureau chief of MarketWatch.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video


By Pat Shannan

Following the Justice Department’s recent announcement that it is “lowering
the boom on alternative money,” the debate over what constitutes real currency in the United States is back in the national spotlight.

The federal government is claiming paying for goods and services with “Liberty Dollars” is a crime.

However, NORFED, the producer of both redeemable currency and 1-ounce silver rounds, called “Liberty Dollars,” for the past eight years disputes this. NORFED has recommended its system as “a boost for people who are looking for an inflation-proof currency to protect their purchasing power.”

U.S. Mint spokeswoman Becky Bailey said, “The [Liberty Dollar] coins share some resemblances to real money, such as the term ‘Trust in God’ instead of ‘In God We Trust’ and the use of a torch in the design. . . [but] we don’t want consumers to be fooled. Such similarities may confuse people into thinking the money is real.”

Supporters of backing currency with gold and silver say the federal government’s verbal attack is nothing more than a hollow threat and but one more effort to move Americans’ attention away from the collapsing paper dollar.

So who is fooling whom? There is enough legal precedent out there which says U.S. currency should be backed by commodities.

Article One, Section 10, of the U. S. Constitution says, “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.” It has never been repealed.

The Coinage Act of 1792 defined the “dollar” as a measurement of gold and silver—25.5 grains and 412.5 grains respectively, thereby setting the ratio of value at 16 to 1.

In addition, 12 USC 152 says, “The terms ‘lawful money’ and ‘lawful money of the United States’ shall be construed to mean gold and silver coin of the United States.” This is a federal law still on the books.

Yet no coins from the U.S. Mint have contained any silver since 1968. The production of gold coins ceased in 1933 with FDR’s confiscation statutes. The first non-redeemable Federal Reserve Notes were issued in 1963 without the then-familiar clause in the upper left-hand corner:

“This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or any Federal Reserve Bank.” But “lawful money” was defined in 12 USC 152 above. The old redeemable notes circulated together with the new “FRAUDs,” or Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollars—so called by monetary realists and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)—for nearly five years until the banks refused to redeem any paper notes for silver after June 24, 1968. Then the bona fide notes were gradually collected by the banks and taken out of circulation.

Silver currently sells for over 10 FRAUDS per ounce. The new “notes,” now a deceptive misnomer, as a “note” by legal definition must be payable in something, claimed to be the entity rather than the receipt for the entity, and the hoax was complete. Now the government could fund itself and not have to depend upon the constitutional “taxes by apportionment.”

After several re-printings and design changes, these are still the same Federal Reserve Notes that Ms. Bailey is proclaiming to be “real money” in 2006.

Can anyone other than a government bureaucrat make such an outlandish statement with a straight face?

“Gasoline does not go up in price,” says NORFED founder Bernard Von NotHaus. “The value of the modern American dollar goes down as the marketplace is flooded with new paper and credit, thereby requiring more for the same hard goods.”

NotHaus added: “We have never issued a ‘coin’ per se, and in no way have attempted to be in competition with any government. Our goal from the beginning [1998] was to replace the fiat currency with lawful money one dollar at a time.”

Reporting on the Liberty Dollar in 2003, national news commentator Paul Harvey wrote:

“What’s new? The Liberty Dollar! Fed Ex competes with the Post Office. So now there’s the Liberty Dollar competing with the greenbacks printed by your government. The Liberty Dollar is backed by gold and silver. Yes, there’s a competitive currency right here in the United States. In five years it has become the second most popular currency in America.”

Today, NORFED claims 10,000 trading associates, (including AFP) with 80 redemption offices around the nation, and 100,000 users of the silver and currency in commerce.

After the silver rounds, as well as paper notes redeemable in silver, had been in national circulation for more than a year, a similar legal question arose in the Seattle area when a newspaper accused the group of fraud, claiming that there were no offices available to redeem NORFED currency. It was quickly quashed.

“It’s not counterfeit money,” said Ron Legan of the Seattle Secret Service office. Legan was speaking about the redeemable notes in 2000 and pointing out that there had been no evidence of “fraud” or even any complaints against NORFED.

Having investigated the matter closely, Legan concluded that the silver certificates were well within the restrictive boundaries of the U.S. monetary guidelines.

“There is no law that says goods and services must be paid for with Federal Reserve notes,” says Andrew Williams, spokesman for the Federal Reserve. “Parties entering into a transaction can establish any medium of exchange that is agreed upon.”

Which funny money would you chose?



or this?



Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Congressional study details public policy functions of the Federal Reserve District Banks, how directors are selected, who is selected, the public relations lobbying factor, bank domination and bank examination, and corporate interlocks with Reserve banks. Charts were used to illustrate Class A, Class B, and Class C directorships of each district bank. For each branch bank a chart was designed giving information regarding bank appointed directors and those appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

In his Foreword to the study, Chairman Henry S. Reuss, (D-Wis) wrote:

"This Committee has observed for many years the influence of private interests over the essentially public responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System.

As the study makes clear, it is difficult to imagine a more narrowly based board of directors for a public agency than has been gathered together for the twelve banks of the Federal Reserve System.

Only two segments of American society--banking and big business--have any substantial representation on the boards, and often even these become merged through interlocking directorates . . . .

Small farmers are absent. Small business is barely visible. No women appear on the district boards and only six among the branches. --including district and branch boards--only thirteen members from minority groups appear.

The study raises a substantial question about the Federal Reserve’s oft-repeated claim of "independence". One might ask, independent from what? Surely not banking or big business, if we are to judge from the massive interlocks revealed by this analysis of the district boards.

The big business and banking dominance of the Federal Reserve System cited in this report can be traced, in part, to the original Federal Reserve Act, which gave member commercial banks the right to select two-thirds of the directors of each district bank. But the Board of Governors in

Washington must share the responsibility for this imbalance. They appoint the so-called "public" members of the boards of each district bank, appointments which have largely reflected the same narrow interests of the bank-elected members . . . .

Until we have basic reforms, the Federal Reserve System will be handicapped in carrying out its public responsibilities as an economic stabilization and bank regulatory agency.

The System’s mandate is too essential to the nation’s welfare to leave so much of the machinery under the control of narrow private interests.

Concentration of economic and financial power in the United States has gone too far."

http://www.light1998.com/Rothschilds-Book/Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve.htm#Chapter Fourteen


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Reserve Acts to Stem Credit Turmoil
NewsMax.com Wires
Saturday, Aug. 11, 2007

Central Bank Pumps in $38 Billion

NEW YORK -- The Federal Reserve, trying to calm turmoil on Wall Street, announced Friday that it will pump as much money as needed into the U.S. financial system to help overcome the ill effects of a spreading credit crunch.

The Fed, in a short statement, said it will provide "reserves as necessary" to help the markets safely make their way. The central bank did not provide details but said it would do all it can to "facilitate the orderly functioning of financial markets."

The Fed pushed $38 billion in temporary reserves into the system Friday, on top of a similar move the day before.

Financial markets in the United States and around the globe have been shaken by fears about spreading credit problems that started with home mortgages for those with tarnished credit histories. Investors are worried that these problems will infect the larger financial system and possibly hurt the U.S. economy.

The Fed's action may have eased some investors' anxieties. The Dow Jones industrials were down around 90 points in afternoon trading Friday following much sharper losses near the start of the session.

Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said the Fed is an independent body, and the White House will not comment on its decisions.

"But I can assure you that there are many of the president's advisers who are keeping a very close eye on all the market activity and making sure that policies are put in place to keep our economy strong and growing," she told reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine, where President Bush is spending the weekend.

The current financial turmoil provides the biggest test yet to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who took the helm last year.

The Fed's action comes one day after a financial panic about a credit crunch swept through Europe. That prompted the Europeans to pump $130 billion into their financial system. The Fed moved Thursday to add an extra $24 billion in temporary reserves to the U.S. banking system. But that wasn't enough to comfort Wall Street, which suffered its second-worst decline of the year that day.

The Fed on Friday chose not to cut a key interest rate, called the federal funds rate, to address the problem. That interest rate still stands at 5.25 percent. The funds rate is interest banks charge each other on overnight loans and is the Fed's main lever to influence economic activity.

Instead, the Fed is seeking to provide reassurance to investors that the central bank will plow extra money into the U.S. financial system to make sure the credit crunch doesn't worsen.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which carries out the central bank's market operation, moved to add $19 billion in temporary reserves Friday morning. It pumped in another $16 billion in reserves a couple of hours later, then $3 billion more in the afternoon.

"In current circumstances, depository institutions may experience unusual funding needs because of dislocations in money and credit markets," the Federal Reserve in Washington said in its statement.

It told banks that the Fed's discount window — where banks can turn in an emergency for short-term loans — is available as a source of funding.

After the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the Fed used the discount window to extend billions of dollars worth of emergency loans to banks to keep the financial system functioning.

The current meltdown in the housing and mortgage markets has caused new home foreclosures to climb to record highs and has forced some lenders out of business. Problems first sprouted in the market for higher-risk or "subprime" mortgages, which are held by people with poor credit or low incomes. But some problems have spilled over to more creditworthy borrowers. That has led to tighter lending standards, making credit harder to get for people and businesses.

The free flow of credit is important to the smooth functioning of the national economy. Increasingly restrictive lending conditions can put a damper on people's ability to buy big-ticket items such as homes, cars and appliances. And it can crimp businesses' capital investment and hiring. That reduced appetite by businesses and consumers would slow overall economic activity.

Against this backdrop, Wall Street has careened wildly in recent weeks.

Bernanke and his central bank colleagues, in a meeting on Tuesday, acknowledged that these problems are posing increasing risks to the economy. But they refrained from cutting interest rates and stuck to their forecast that the economy will weather the financial storm and grow gradually in the coming months.

One day later, Bush struck a reassuring tone about the turbulence on Wall Street, saying he believes the markets will achieve a "soft landing." The market ended Wednesday up by 154 points, but then went into its nosedive on Thursday.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

"In periods of economic upheaval, economic crisis, wealth is not destroyed, it is merely transfered...



Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

The Buffalo NewsTuesday, July 15, 2008
Jul 15, 12:22 PM EDT

Fed chief details woes in markets, housing, jobs
AP Photo/Susan Walsh

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Tuesday the fragile economy is facing "numerous difficulties" despite the Fed's aggressive interest rate reductions and other fortifying steps.

At the same time, Bernanke, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, sounded another warning that rising prices for energy and food are elevating inflation risks. This problem looms even as officials try to cope with persistent strains in financial markets, rising joblessness and housing problems.

The situation, he said, poses "significant challenges" for Fed policymakers as they try to chart the best course for keeping the economy growing, while making sure inflation doesn't dangerously flare up. All the economy's problems, including slumping home values, which threaten to make people feel less wealthy and less inclined to spend in the months ahead, represent "significant downside risks" to economic growth.

Over the rest of this year, the economy will grow "appreciably below its trend rate" mostly because of continued weakness in housing markets, high energy prices and tight credit conditions.

On Wall Street, stocks slumped. The Dow Jones industrials were down around 50 points, after suffering steeper losses earlier in the morning.

Inflation has remained high and "seems likely to move temporarily higher in the near term," he warned.

Indeed, before Bernanke delivered his twice-a-year comprehensive economic assessment to Congress, the Labor Department reported wholesale prices jumped 1.8 percent in June. That left inflation rising over the past year at the fastest pace in more than a quarter-century.

"Given the high degree of uncertainty" about the Fed's economic outlook, Fed policymakers will need to carefully assess incoming information about inflation and economic growth, he said.

The Fed in June signaled an end to its nearly year long rate-cutting campaign because of growing concerns about inflation. Bernanke kept up his tough anti-inflation talk on Tuesday but stressed many other problems that could short circuit economic growth. He seemed to be keeping his options open in terms of rates. Given all the risky cross currents, economists believe the Fed will leave rates alone when they meet on Aug. 5.

Righting wobbly financial markets is key to getting the economy back on track, he said.

"In general, healthy economic growth depends on well-functioning financial markets," Bernanke said. "Consequently, helping the financial markets to return to more normal functioning will continue to be a top priority," he said.

Bernanke's testimony comes just two days after the Fed and the Treasury Department came to the rescue of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, offering to throw them a financial lifeline.

The companies hold or guarantee more than $5 trillion in mortgages - almost half of the nation's total. The Bush administration is asking Congress to temporarily increase lines of credit to Fannie and Freddie and to let the government buy their stock. The Fed has offered to let the companies draw emergency loans.

The pledges of aid have raised concerns about the government's role in such financial problems and the risk to taxpayers.

Strengthening regulatory oversight of Fannie and Freddie, Bernanke said, is "job one." Congress is moving ahead on a broad housing rescue package that includes provisions to tighten regulation over the two companies. Bernanke said legislative efforts to help stabilize the housing market - the biggest threat to the economy - are of vital importance.

Bernanke, in the first day of back-to-back appearances on Capitol Hill, said investors are nervous in general because of the cloudy outlook for the economy and credit conditions, feeding a vicious cycle that can be hard to break.

"Many financial markets and institutions remain under considerable stress, in part because the outlook for the economy and thus for credit quality, remains uncertain."

The Fannie and Freddie troubles came on the heels of the failure of IndyMac, a big bank. "Its failure ... was inevitable," Bernanke said because the bank was weighted down by low-quality mortgages. "All banks are being challenged by credit conditions now," he said, adding that the Fed is keeping close tabs on the nation's banking sector.

And, earlier this year, a run on investment bank Bear Stearns pushed the company to the edge of bankruptcy and into a takeover by JPMorgan Chase, which was backed financially by the Fed. That was a controversial move that prompted critics to call it a government bailout, putting taxpayers money at risk.

Bernanke defended its decisions in the cases of Bear Stearns as well as Fannie and Freddie, and rebuffed claims that the government is helping Wall Street at the expense of Main Street. If problems aren't contained, they can ripple throughout the economy, hurting everyone, he said. "Financial stability is critical to economic stability."

The Fed, in new projections, now believes inflation will be higher this year than previously thought, with prices rising as high as 4.2 percent under one inflation measure.

Growth for the year will be sluggish - at best 1.6 percent growth - but not as bad as previously forecast, helped by the government's $168 billion stimulus, including rebates. The unemployment rate, which could rise as high as 5.7 percent this year, is the same as earlier projections.

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Re: The Federal Reserve--video

In periods of economic upheaval, economic crisis, wealth is not destroyed, it is merely transfered...

I don't know who you are but this thread has been a godsend.

Keep up the great work!


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Excellent thread. The Federal Reserve was illegal from day one. Never ratified in the 16th amendment.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

Thanks and Thanks, two and a half years of research, in the works...

The signal was sounded and now we see the relevance of many factors, greed, war, scams; economic terrorism. Pay close attention to the stock market, buyouts and closures, it's all telltale. The fleecing of America...


Certified Genius
BGOL Investor
Re: The Federal Reserve--video

I'm amazed in regards to your knowledge about these things :). It's unfortunate in the regards that while this information is readily available, there is no concerted effort by the masses to understand it. However, time will be the greatest testament in the face of ignorance, especially when the glory of this society is reduced to rubble.


Is Obama Admitting?

This is a clip of Alan Greenspan. (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve) Look on the dollar bill if you don't know who the Federal Reserve is! They control the issuance of currency in the U. S. Is Obama saying he has no control over the money supply?



OG Investor
Re: Is Obama Admitting?

Now for something far more entertaining...





Re: Is Obama Admitting?

So you'd rather hide your head in the dirt rather than identify Greenspan, now Bernanke, as the real dictators of policy in the US? Don't take my word for this, look at the facts!


Re: Is Obama Admitting?

So you'd rather hide your head in the dirt rather than identify Greenspan, now Bernanke, as the real dictators of policy in the US? Don't take my word for this, look at the facts!

Yes, people would rather hide their heads in the sand.

People don't mind being robbed, cheated, or manipulated...

IF they are entertained, amused, and indulged.

All you can do is protect yourself and inform other like-minded people.

We're out there, but just in the minority.


Potential Star
Re: Is Obama Admitting?

yea... Fed sets Monetary policy (Interest rates, etc.) while the president sets fiscal policy (taxes etc.)
they both affect the economy. And should be used together to get the best result.

High interest rates cause 'you' aka businesses to put $ into banks, CD'S..., not invest into expenditures (the focus is on big spending not out daily trivial grocery prchases). This lowers the Money supply, and shifts Money Demand, which lowers the inflation rate (increase in Prices).... I THINK I recall my Econ correctly...

Fiscal policy, set by president and congress, simply increses or decreases the amont of $ the govt. has to spend...


Re: Is Obama Admitting?

yea... Fed sets Monetary policy (Interest rates, etc.) while the president sets fiscal policy (taxes etc.)
they both affect the economy. And should be used together to get the best result.

High interest rates cause 'you' aka businesses to put $ into banks, CD'S..., not invest into expenditures (the focus is on big spending not out daily trivial grocery prchases). This lowers the Money supply, and shifts Money Demand, which lowers the inflation rate (increase in Prices).... I THINK I recall my Econ correctly...

Fiscal policy, set by president and congress, simply increses or decreases the amont of $ the govt. has to spend...

You're still missing it.

(I don't want to sound condescending because I was no different than you for more than a decade before opening my eyes).

You are quoting details and propaganda that have nothing to do with the profound statement these two assclowns (Obama and Greenspan) are making.

Basically, Obama is saying the government has no control over the money in this country.

There are no checks.
There are no balances.

It is control without representation.
It is tyranny, that Obama willing accepts and supports.

And, it sounds like, most of America agrees.


OG Investor
Re: Is Obama Admitting?

So you'd rather hide your head in the dirt rather than identify Greenspan, now Bernanke, as the real dictators of policy in the US? Don't take my word for this, look at the facts!

No. I just hate clipped and chopped up video. Don't trust it or those who would post it.



If you are unfamiliar with the Federal Reserve, look on your dollar bill. I composed this info about 4 months ago before Geithners appointment but it gives you a breakdown of the leadership of those who control the money supply to the US. Research Executive Order #11110 and you will discover WHY I hold JFK in such high regard.

Who Controls the Federal Reserve System?

The Federal Reserve System is divided into two parts: the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, located in Washington DC, and the Federal Reserve District Banks, located throughout the United States. Here is the official website of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors:

If you examine this page, you will see that there are five members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. You will also see that all five(5) of the board members are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Why is this important? It’s important because Jews only constitute about 2% of the United States population*. So the odds that all five members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors would be Jewish are infinitesimally small. Here are the five members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors:

Benjamin S. Bernanke - Jewish
Donald L. Kohn - Jewish
Kevin M. Warsh - Jewish
Randall S. Kroszner - Jewish
Frederic S. Mishkin - Jewish

Now, if you examine the presidents of the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks, you will discover a similar pattern of Jewish over-representation. Here is the section of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors’ website that lists the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks and their respective presidents:

If you examine this section, you will see that there are twelve Federal Reserve Bank presidents. You will also see that nine(9) of the twelve presidents are Jewish. This is a numerical representation of 75%. Again, this is important because Jews only comprise about 2% of the United States population*, so the chances that nine of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank presidents would be Jewish are incredibly miniscule. Here are the twelve presidents of the Federal Reserve District Banks:

FRB of Boston: Eric S. Rosengren - Jewish
FRB of New York: Timothy F. Geithner - Jewish
FRB of Philadelphia: Charles I. Plosser - Jewish
FRB of Richmond: Jeffrey M. Lacker - Jewish
FRB of St. Louis: James B. Bullard - Jewish
FRB of Minneapolis: Gary H. Stern - Jewish
FRB of Kansas City: Thomas M. Hoenig - Jewish
FRB of Dallas: Richard W. Fisher - Jewish
FRB of San Francisco: Janet L. Yellen - Jewish
FRB of Cleveland: Sandra Pianalto - gentile
FRB of Atlanta: Dennis P. Lockhart - gentile
FRB of Chicago: Charles L. Evans - gentile

This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents about 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the highest levels of the United States Federal Reserve System?.