What BGOL Member Was This? I Demand To Know


Transnational Member

If he was posting on BGOL than he would not be on Jeopardy. I have done statistically analysis of atheles and entertainers, none of them post outside Big Tech companies. They can only post on 'Black' Twitter which is filled with frauds like Black Authority, Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Boyce Watkins, BLM, or whoever. I know they have lucrative deals with some of these companies, but not every athlete is getting paid like this.

This is how BGOL numbers are kept low, which is monopolistic. I am not asking for a post everyday, just once in a blue moon. The DOJ is looking into these Big Tech companies for monopolistic practices. Another shady practice is stealing content from us than putting it on their platform, to double ensure you don't come here for anything.
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Zod's Son
BGOL Investor
Yet What He Said.....And With What the White Chick Said.....They Would Both be Technically Correct :giggle: