Two black high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years.


BGOL Legend

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
@4 Dimensional

cacs are organizing to discredit these young women.

Can you breakdown WHY this is innovation or not?

It’s the attention they are getting (National and social).

These types of headlines gets the attention of all top scientist and mathematicians across the world.

Now they are going to have to defend it. Comes with the territory. With being in the field.

It’s important for us because CACs are fill in all the textbooks of innovative mathematics and physics. They have shit named after them. Pythagoras, Newton, Euler, Bernoulli, Laplace, Poisson, Taft, and so forth.

Black folks have nothing in textbooks named after us. :dunno:

We should but racism is that deep. But these young girls are going to have to defend their proof.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It’s the attention they are getting (National and social).

These types of headlines gets the attention of all top scientist and mathematicians across the world.

Now they are going to have to defend it. Comes with the territory. With being in the field.

It’s important for us because CACs are fill in all the textbooks of innovative mathematics and physics. They have shit named after them. Pythagoras, Newton, Euler, Bernoulli, Laplace, Poisson, Taft, and so forth.

Black folks have nothing in textbooks named after us. :dunno:

We should but racism is that deep. But these young girls are going to have to defend their proof.

So am asking

A quick review with your Vulcan eyes

is it good?

What are exactly the issues cacs are having about what these girls did mathematically speaking?


Transnational Member

Their white media tour, has got them upset and staging a terrorist attack based on my sources. They have tried to come at me and making Dylan Roof type threats.

They should have went on black media or visited other countries. I wouldn't do shit in the U.S. but you know how black women are, they need acknowledgement from whites to feel accepted/special. I haven't seen them on any black media at all which is where they belong.


When are the HBCU going to start setting up our own publication system for works like this?
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Transnational Member
Just had a workplace/mass shooting up the street near a job I used to work.

They are not doing anything with black media, we aren't interested unless it is talking about fried chicken, sports, or calling celebrities gay that are married to women. This white media tour, flossing is going to get people killed. You can do black media in the U.S. and travel overseas into friendlier countries.

I am watching as the story develops but I knew something like this would happen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So am asking

A quick review with your Vulcan eyes

is it good?

What are exactly the issues cacs are having about what these girls did mathematically speaking?
The issue is cacs cacing as usual. These young ladies used a different method using trig instead of algebra or geometry to solve the problem. Cacs are using that nuance to shit on them. Any other color and it would be celebrated. Now it's just DEI. BGOL need a twritter division to swarm stupid shit over there and defend Blackness.


Platinum Member
This is the key point... that shit from 15 years ago used algebra.

Cacs didn't even watch the segment where that was pointed out.

Props to the young sistas... and that school looks pretty impressive too

Most of Nola private school are the real deal…

You see them bands come then for the parades and be like damn… “they got like 200 students in the band and the all ours”

Great post