These youngins have no regard for human life. Warning Brutal Video inside

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yea it was violent but they probably wanted to make sure he was got, because

he knew who they were, and was going to seek revenge....

normally bruhs get murked in the hood all the time, and its just chalked up

as unsolved..

but with a viral video, they are headed to a life of physical slavery fo real!!

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
You said Alabama and then post a link saying that it happened in Louisiana.
Yeah it happened in Louisiana. I remembered it from 2020 thought it was Alabama.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's getting more and more obvious these younger people have no remorse for taking the human life.

They don't care if they're being recorded. They don't care about anything. They will kill for almost no reason at all

from violent movies, to violent rap lyrics, to violent video games, the weak minded amongst us,

dont stand a chance.. unchecked bruh!!!

thats what happens when families are broken, and the state and public education raises the children...


Rising Star
Parents need to be involved in their kids lives to avoid outcomes like this. So basically all lives are over now and for what...

Again and for what though?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The killings/shootings are going to happen but it's the reason why their happening that's the sick part of this whole culture of killing.

Music plays a part in it too,I used to believe it didn't but now I know it does because Chief Keef and Chicago gang culture is spreaded like a wildfire in most urban black/hispanic area's everyone is talking about gang this or that,doing drills,carrying guns with switches,smoking on this person and that person all while in the state of Idaho or some other black city like ATL.

I don't hangout with no one under 30 including family,I don't trust these sonofbitches,they be hurt by the littlest things.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its not youngins its humans in general

If you grew up in the 80’s 90’s shit was just as wild
nope. not with the young everybody over 12 has a gun. they used to rob and maybe kill you. Now they kill you and maybe rob you.
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