The Ultimate Bailout


Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="4">Stocks Plunging on Failed Vote

As of 3:07 Central, the market is down - <s>720</s> - 738 points;

By comparison, the market fell 684 points, in the days after 9-11.

</font size>


BGOL Investor
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

. . . and then, change your username.



beat me to it. i was just going to comment the same.

i have 3 more to add:

4th, with all due respect, fuck a henry paulson

5th, NO because i wouldn't want any parts of $700B US being used to bailout foreign entities (as proposed)

6th, NO because that banker "salary cap" was not an actual cap, but more like a "luxury tax" penalty

and a note about the transparent posturing republican ruse of blaming nancy pelosi for the resultant landslide (two thirds NO) voting by republicans AGAINST the bill. if you got so much sugar in your tank that you switch up your vote based on some comments by the house speaker, your bitch made ass has no business being in congress.


Certified Pussy Poster
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?



Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

I'm against is unless it equally helps out people who were honestly screwed over by this climate of corruption and greed.



Potential Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

I didn't read the bailout plan b/c school is kicking my ass but I am against it. That said, our politicians need to shut the fuck up and figure out what to do!:angry: Stop fucking blaming this person and that side for the problem.

Pelosi needs to keep her mouth shut. I don't trust that bitch as far as I can throw her.


Support BGOL
Re: Read a draft of the $700 Billion bailout - PDF format

Link fixed... my bad ...


^^^^ :lol::lol:


Support BGOL
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

I'm against is unless it equally helps out people who were honestly screwed over by this climate of corruption and greed.


greed wasn't one sided. people who got adjustable rate mortgages was getting a low interest rate when they got into it. And they knew it could go higher but they didn't care. knowledge is power


Potential Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

greed wasn't one sided. people who got adjustable rate mortgages was getting a low interest rate when they got into it. And they knew it could go higher but they didn't care. knowledge is power

very true


Support BGOL
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

I'm against is unless it equally helps out people who were honestly screwed over by this climate of corruption and greed.


greed wasn't one sided. people who got adjustable rate mortgages was getting a low interest rate when they got into it. And they knew it could go higher but they didn't care. knowledge is power


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

Definitely No.!!!!

This was gonna be the biggest heist in history using the same old tried and true tactic, "Scare 'em enough and they go for anything". Wall street caused this mess they find themselves in so let them sink or swim on their own. Trust, this is not armegeddon. All that is going to happen is some really rich people are going to lose their collective shirt, and rightfully so. :hmm:


Rising Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

Glad im with a credit union:D


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

1st off, with all due respect, fuck a henry paulson.

2nd, i would have voted NO too, main reason being i don't like how they tried to sneak in that shit about credit card lenders being able to grab a piece of this bailout pie.

3rd, it was interesting (to me, at least) that most of the NO votes were from republicans. but then maybe it shouldn't be, considering that their constituents were probably the loudest objectors.

I would have voted no too! Why bell out companies that have 166 Million packages or whatever they called for CEOs and allow them to get hooked up by the Feds. They just private busineses like everybody else thats out here grinding, they just got to greedy and been feeding money to all these politicians! :smh:


Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

The U.S isn't the only economy in trouble, markets around the world are falling and people understand that 700 billion is a band-aid on a bullet wound. Paulson's a Ivy League, ex Wall Street type which means he can't comprehend alternatives other than Wall Street is King and must be saved, that's why he can tell the public with a str8 face some companies are too big to fail but it's ok if the average homeowner loses his house.

What we're seeing is the end of an era though no one will admit it yet. Globalism failed and the world doesn't have anything to replace it with.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

The U.S isn't the only economy in trouble, markets around the world are falling and people understand that 700 billion is a band-aid on a bullet wound. Paulson's a Ivy League, ex Wall Street type which means he can't comprehend alternatives other than Wall Street is King and must be saved, that's why he can tell the public with a str8 face some companies are too big to fail but it's ok if the average homeowner loses his house.

What we're seeing is the end of an era though no one will admit it yet. Capitialism failed and the world doesn't have anything to replace it with.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

Damn. Doesn't look good . . . for me.

I would have voted for it. Not because I like it, but assuming those who say
more serious damage would be caused to the economy are correct, I could
note vote no and risk that kind of harm -- ESPECIALLY, when I'm not sitting
here with a BETTER ANSWER.

So, as I count the vote up to this point its about 16 no and 0 yes. If you
were my constituents, I'd be voted out of office at the next election. LOL
I note, however, that not one of the no's above offered an alternative
And look at it, 1.2 Trillion dollars have been lost today. Much of
that money belonged to "Main Street" -- not "Wall Street".

The problem I see here is that people (me included) don't have a lot of
confidence that the predictions of gloom and doom are accurate. (The
repercussions from no WMD, live on).



BGOL Investor
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

The problem I see here is that people (me included) don't have a lot of
confidence that the predictions of gloom and doom are accurate. (The
repercussions from no WMD, live on).


i am not a chicken little. i'm not forecasting doom and gloom. i do believe it's going to get worse before it gets better, and that we have a ways to go. i also believe it will require most americans to cinch their belts a notch (or two) before all is said and done.

i am NOT against government intervention, aid, or whatever popular term the media will select.

i AM against (a) using this US financed "bailout" to keep foreign institutions afloat, (b) using this proposed "bailout" to write off losses from the credit card sector - this is supposed to be about fixing the mortgage lending mess; the credit card lobbyists already got their christmas gift from the president when they rewrote the bankruptcy legislation, (c) henry paulson balking at imposing salary "caps" for his cronies when they opt to accept the "bailout".

i think this is an instance where a solution doesn't have to be proposed in order for me to be able to declare that "something is rotten in denmark".

handing out lump sums in the billions to essentially the same wolves that raided the chicken coop doesn't sound like a good idea to me. henry paulson is on record as saying that he "never saw this coming" and that he "had no idea" that this crisis would reach this level of magnitude. well motherfucking SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, aren't those specifically your JOB REQUIREMENTS?


Potential Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?


My advice to the people on Main St. is to take their asses to Sesame St. and learn the basics of economics and finance. Wall St. needs to burn - let it fail. Safety nets only encourages risk.

Anyways, This is something I posted in the other bailout thread:

Well the government has successfully bailed out companies in the past and profited from it. Lockheed is an example. This bailout could be profitable but fact is Americans will not benefit so who gives a shit.

Thing is, to me, it seems like the bailout is merely going to prop our economy and those closely tied to ours like Japans for instance. It will simply stall the economy from its current course and possibly make it worse. I do not think it will work as intended.

It makes more sense to assist the homeowners and those with high debt. Makes sense if that is achieved by creating jobs. Banks can get theirs by subsidizing the interest on renegotiated loans. Just an idea.

Propping up the markets/banks is not going to work. It already failed in Japan. If there needs to be a bailout, assist the people on Main St. and regulate their spending habits to make sure they do not spend money they do not have. It socialism but so is corporate welfare.

A bailout for banks is nonsense. Seriously what are the banks going to do? Nobody can afford to buy shit much less pay off a loan. Banks having liquidity means nothing: people have bad credit, debt, and no money. Perfect customer - lets do the subprime thing all over again while the USD printing presses are still warm.

Again, Nay.


Potential Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?


Anyways, This is something I posted in the other bailout thread:

Well the government has successfully bailed out companies in the past and profited from it. Lockheed is an example. This bailout could be profitable but fact is Americans will not benefit so who gives a shit.

Thing is, to me, it seems like the bailout is merely going to prop our economy and those closely tied to ours like Japans for instance. It will simply stall the economy from its current course and possibly make it worse. I do not think it will work as intended.

It makes more sense to assist the homeowners and those with high debt. Makes sense if that is achieved by creating jobs. Banks can get theirs by subsidizing the interest on renegotiated loans. Just an idea.

Propping up the markets/banks is not going to work. It already failed in Japan. If there needs to be a bailout, assist the people on Main St. and regulate their spending habits to make sure they do not spend money they do not have. It socialism but so is corporate welfare.

A bailout for banks is nonsense. There are reasons already post but seriously what are the banks going to do? Nobody can afford to buy shit much less pay off a loan. Banks having liquidity means nothing: people have bad credit, debt, and no money. Perfect customer - lets do the subprime thing all over again while the USD printing presses are still warm.


Support BGOL
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

alot of people in this thread really doesn't know how this financial system works. our economy is specifically structured around credit. other economies around the world are less dependant on such but we are. If banks can't lend money then the economy can't grow at ALL. this 700 billion purchase of assets (loans that aren't worth anything now but once economy stabilizes it will be worth more then they are now) isn't a wall st bail out it's a financial free up of credit. But u know what Iam glad it was shot down to show all the ignorant people how bad the economy can get, yall think the economy is bad now...yall havn't seen anything yet. trust me.


Re: Read a draft of the $700 Billion bailout - PDF format

Am I the only one getting blank pages. This happened earlier to me on the NYTimes link for the document as well.


Potential Star
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

So with freed up credit, who will be getting these loans? Other countries? Big business? Or how about Americans who think they can afford a loan? How are the banks going to keep deposits - Americans have no money. They still have debt, face an unstable job market, and there will be rising costs (you think earlier this year was bad - wait until this funny money is approved).

Will the Fed provide more liquidity when this +$1 trillion is found not to be enough (or unaccountable for)? In other words, will the taxpayers have to cough up more.

D Town Redd

The Bruh That Got Away
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

YEah FUCK the bailout. It would just prevent the system from ADJUSTING itself.

Capitalism is like that Cyborg in TERMINATOR, it corrects and adjusts itself.

Bailout will just make things worse and fuck the deficit.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: Read a draft of the $700 Billion bailout - PDF format

<A HREF="">link</A>



Support BGOL
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

So with freed up credit, who will be getting these loans? Other countries? Big business? Or how about Americans who think they can afford a loan? How are the banks going to keep deposits - Americans have no money. They still have debt, face an unstable job market, and there will be rising costs (you think earlier this year was bad - wait until this funny money is approved).

Will the Fed provide more liquidity when this +$1 trillion is found not to be enough (or unaccountable for)? In other words, will the taxpayers have to cough up more.

right now no americans are getting loans and yes your right america is over leveraged. But what this bill does is provide money to banks so they can loan to businesses to continue with paying their employee's, restock inventory etc. Think of is as a stimulus plan.

yes if nothing happens then it will fix it self but it will take longer(I actually believe this should happen to a degree rather then everybody trying to fix everything.)

Iam not saying this is a one action fix, because that isn't what it is, it's just one of more steps that have to be taken by the federal reserve who has more instruments to use to restore confidence in the system and to encourage lending. I would like to see a raise in the FDIC from 100k to 250k and a cut in interest rates also.


Support BGOL
Re: $700B bailout voted down - for now. were you aye or nay?

First and foremost I trust The Bush administration as much as I trust a my crackhead Uncle
to pay me back the money he borrowed from me 3 months ago. If memory serves me correct did'nt
he give us the same "the sky is falling" rhetoric about Iraq's alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction back
in 2002-2003. I also dont trust The McCain/Palin ticket either for obvious reasons but mainly because John McCain's
chief financial advisor is Phil Gramm, the architect of the deregulation movement that is the root of this problem
and furthermore John McCain was a member of the Keating 5, which brought down the S & L industry in the
1980s. I dont even have to mention Sarah Palin, we all seen her interviews with Charlie Gidson and Katie Couric.
I would have to be the village idiot with brain damage to think she's capable of being a heartbeat away from being
POTUS after she defended her foriegn policy experience on her proximity to Russia............WTF?

I say the hell with the bailout, why not bail-out Americans thats struggling to make ends meet in this ecomony.
Why cant the millionaires/billionaies in the banking industry bail themselves out. Why not have the CEO's
of these corporations and there multi-million dollar severance packages bail us out. Better yet have the oil idustry
and there $4.00 per gallon oil prices bail us out. Bush and his cronies wants us "We The People" to bail them out
for poor decisions made by a collective few, I say "NO FRIGGIN WAY" Get a piece of cardboard and beg like
the other bums, or just resign from office all together.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: Read a draft of the $700 Billion bailout - PDF format

link is dead

<font size="5"><center>
House Web site overwhelmed by e-mails</font size></center>

Posted by Stephanie Condon
September 30, 2008

The Web site for the House of Representatives has been overwhelmed this week by a deluge of visitors trying to e-mail their congressmen and download the financial bailout bill the House rejected Monday.

The site on Monday saw three to four times its normal traffic, according to Jeff Ventura, a spokesman for the House chief administrative officer. The traffic has slowed down the site and made it inaccessible to some, a problem that continued into Tuesday morning.

"It's extraordinary--the highest level of Web traffic we've seen," Ventura said Tuesday. "This doesn't even compare to the release of the 9-11 Commission Report."

After the financial bailout bill was defeated in the House Monday, the number of people trying to download the bill diminished, he said, but the number of people using the House's standard e-mail form to contact congressmen continues to rise.

"We received millions of e-mails last night," Ventura said. "It was pretty staggering."

Keynote Systems, which measures Internet performance, has been tracking the availability and performance of the House site. It has found that for the past week, the problems have persisted from early in the morning on the East Coast through the business day on the West Coast. The graph below shows the site's performance was temporarily back to normal over the weekend.

The House has implemented measures to limit the amount of e-mails flowing through to congressmen during high-traffic periods. If a person is tries to e-mail his representative during one of those periods, he may receive a mechanized response indicating the system is overwhelmed and to try later. Ventura said the problem could last through the week.

"We had people working on it all night, and we still do," he said.

The House site is not the only government site that has been affected. The Library of Congress' legislation database, Thomas, has posted a notice on its front page: "Due to a high volume of traffic, some Thomas users have reported problems running searches. We are working on this issue." It also provides a direct link to the bailout bill.


This graph from Keynote Systems measures the performance of the House Web
site every four hours since September 20. Though performance was back to normal
over the weekend, the site clearly was slower in the past week, coinciding with
news of the bailout bill.

(Credit: Keynote Systems)


Support BGOL
Re: Read a draft of the $700 Billion bailout - PDF format

It takes a second to load .... plus they must've changed the file because its now only 110 pages ...