The FUK YOU Thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
AIght, so it's like that huh.....?

Well since I am gettin' weird looks for not saying fuck you I will start my own list:
- Fuck you to this thread for not being about what I thought it was originally, an Ocking of that Nigerian Negro FUCKYOU

-Fuck you to FUCKYOU for being the Nigerian scam artist that I know the rest of his family is and pretending to be a King who needs to exchange his gold for a depreciating USA dollar in the amount of $10,000....

-Fuck you to McGuyver for being another black Irishmen who doesn't speak with an Irish accent or have red hair, and impersonating a washed up mid 80's white guy who was too fucking fantastic for even the show Lost.

-Fuck you to Followup for confusing me with your name because I don't know if you're Berry's are Honey or if your Up is being Followed...and for your dislike of the word nigga, you Negroe Negress Niglett ....

-Fuck you to ShaneBP1978 for having a one eyed pyramid head and confusing what Alex Jones told me about people that worship Satan because you're a nice guy....

-Fuck you to Sean69 for making me think that 69 was your height and confusing me when you told me that you were 6'7. Sorry brah, I don't think about men in that way, so I didn't put 2 and 2 together, you Garfield, lasagna eating, strong hindered nucleophilic base hating asshole!

-Fuck you to Da Don because you are not Italian and your wife is more non-Italian Mafia can you get? Oh, and thanks for makin' threads that bait Followup you Nextel, Cricket, Chirp, Boost Mobile havin', showin' us pictures of you for proof so that your docile Asian flower won't stalk your ass and kill you poor excuse for a mobster-crime boss nigga!

-Fuck you to CTs Finest for living in Connecticut and liking the Tar Heels...what kind of backward shit is that you Samara non-sleepin', fucked up New England Patriot losin' muthafucka??

-Fuck you to AndeyHollaWho because you make me think of Whatchamacallits, you Ray Charles "Georgia on my Mind" singin' bastid!

-Fuck you to Swatlanta for sounding like Andre 3000 but not dressing like him...and you type too hard NUKKA!

-Fuck you to Chicutie for living in a city that's even too cold and windy in the summer. I tried to get a burger at Wendy's downtown and almost got blown down the street into that fucked up pointy statue....FUCK YO CITY NIGGU

-Fuck you Bigirl for being so fucking red that you're orange and having me think that you speak out of a throat box. Fuck you and your Caribbean, plantain eatin', soccer shirt wearing with rhinestone glitter shirt having negroes.

-Fuck you PC for being Princess Cuntbag and always saying no to my fake sexual advances toward you. Fuck your UT when the actual UT is in Utah, Tulsa, Tennessee, Tampa, Tuscalosa(Fuckin' can't spell that shit so fuck it) Universities are better.

-Fuck you IK for your beautiful island and your love for Macs, You "Cheerio wishin', tea sippin', I love my Queen and will defend the motherland of England ass...while I'm at it fuck my iPhone and my laptop I'm typing on...

-Fuck you Gentlemen's Player for lettin' me see a birthday position I'm not apart of you Field of Dreams killin', traveling around the world and not inviting me you black bastid!

-Fuck you Lonestar29 for not being from Texas, living in CAC Cannuck Canada and likin' the same music I do you copy-cat BATCH!!

-Fuck you Shadyvlille for having CUmron as your sig and avatar and listening to his pop bottles, pink panther fur having, Fruity pebble sneaker wearing, biting niggus in the neck affiliating ass....

-Fuck you ONyxFemme you Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin swagger jacker and for having me listen to stories of a ninja you had a ron de vue with that I can't recollect ever seeing on the board and makin' other people on this bitch mad because you got your nut and won't stop singing to the hills about it....

-Fuck you Lady Scorpio for instigating shit in the battle threads when I know you can't spit for shit even if you had 5 salivary glands joined together. OH, and stop confusing me when you speak your Gibberish island language and say goodnight and I just started a convo with you.... ENGLISH MUTHAFUCKA, DO YOU SPEAK IT?

-Fuck you to Cleo J for making me think of Ms. Cleo every time I see your name...tell me my future BATCH!

-Fuck you to JofromtheNO because she don't know how confusin' it is that she used to live in New Orleans, went to school in NYC, has a crush on someone who owns a gas station and lives in North Carolina....Make up your fuckin' mind 'cause you frustratin' me MUTHAFUCKA!!

-Fuck you to ShyWriter, you Jane Austin novel writin', late comin' lurkin' in the chat muthafucka!

-Fuck you to MellonPecan and that fucked avatar that you have and me not understanding what the fuck it means!

-Fuck you to SS for your snapback being as elastic as Joan River's face you Leprechaun, shoe shinin', "Where's me gold" asking, bubble-butt BATCH!

-Fuck you to LD for instigating all the damn time you fake "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Ivy league cardigan wearing, WWE worshippin' UFC muthafucka!

-Fuck you to....ahhh, I'll be back.....
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
FUK YOU mad for ONS? sure you got it all out you ol run on sentence usin onomatopoeiacal,alliterational usin ass.

eh man you got the files you needed i sent in that mac thread tho?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FUK YOU mad for ONS? sure you got it all out you ol run on sentence usin onomatopoeiacal,alliterational usin ass.

eh man you got the files you needed i sent in that mac thread tho?

Nah, I didn't get it. pm me the link or just type in the link in this thread. I forgot which thread that was....FUCK THAT THREAD!! :hmm:



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nah, I didn't get it. pm me the link or just type in the link in this thread. I forgot which thread that was....FUCK THAT THREAD!! :hmm:


FUK your inbox man that shit over exceeded months ago.

fuckin ol mothergoose storytellin reading rainbow levar burton narrating ,never ending story I,II,III collectors dvd box set story telling, inbox exceeding ass ninja who wears extra smedium wifebeaters
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Rising Star
OG Investor

:smh: You one Angry mofo.

FUK YOU Cleo for not doing the job I hired you for.

FUK YOU XAT for not being able to take change CO-owners' status.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
and btw FUK dat babylonial hefferin ass heffin cactastical queen.

we been independent since 1973 BATCH!!
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Rising Star
FUK Ons ol' Pepto Bismol pink shirt wearing, non-"You must be this tall to ride this ride" sign having, Erlenmeyer flash using, Mr. Wizard ass.

Ahahaha, I hate you son.


I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor

OMG ONs!! i'm dead!!!! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

FUUUFUUUDUDUDUUDCKCCKCCKCKCKKCK YOU TO MY LANDLORD FOR TRYNA JACK OUR SECURITY DEPOSIT... MUTHFUCKA WE GOING TO COURT!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:


Analytical nerd
Platinum Member
Fuck you goes out to my ex for making me believe she was as good as it could get....

Fuck you to another ex for letting herself had so much potential

Fuck you to the mortgage company cause I know you are going to be slow with the endorsements for the roof....


Worldwide from Baltimore
OG Investor
Damn!!! Onslaught murkin everybody in this bitch!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fuck all y'all mofos for not wishing me a happy birthday. And don't say you didn't know, cause I mentioned it in the Sex Positions thread in the very first post.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Damn!!! Onslaught murkin everybody in this bitch!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fuck all y'all mofos for not wishing me a happy birthday. And don't say you didn't know, cause I mentioned it in the Sex Positions thread in the very first post.

FUK YOU and your birthday, Ole travelling ass guess where I am today ass negro.............FUK YOU

Happy B'day.
FUK YOU and your birthday, Ole travelling ass guess where I am today ass negro.............FUK YOU

Happy B'day.

:lol: Happy b-day GP:)





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck you Ons...:hmm:

And Ray said "Two times nigga."




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ONS why u hate Cam'Ro so much?...did he not sign a autograph for you?

i can get you one if thats what u mad about bruh.


BGOL Investor
FUK Ons ol' Pepto Bismol pink shirt wearing, non-"You must be this tall to ride this ride" sign having, Erlenmeyer flash using, Mr. Wizard ass.

Ahahaha, I hate you son.

Fuck you
LD for being able to spell Erlenmeyer because you probably looked it up and then fucked up and said "flash" instead of "flask" when there's no gat dayum way you can Google Erlenmyer and not see that it's "flask" you collosal FAILing fuck!! Fuck Princeton and Fuck You! :angry:

-Fuck you to Sean69 for making me think that 69 was your height and confusing me when you told me that you were 6'7. Sorry brah, I don't think about men in that way, so I didn't put 2 and 2 together, you Garfield, lasagna eating, strong hindered nucleophilic base hating asshole!

Fuck You Onz. Fuck You you molecular microbe manipulating mitosis mitochondrial muddling mammary moping Macintosh misunderrepresented maladroit muhfucka! :angry:

You papryus picking pomogranate plucking polypropylpipirazine Petey Pablo Paraguayian pistachio peddling Pitsburg punk. Nigga
Fuck You! :angry:

Fuck You Melatonin!! Fuck You you N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine heterocycle

^^^ Honkeyslut CAC bitch heterocycle.:angry:

Seratonin derived caped up Piroxidine ho saving sleep inducing muhfucka that made me crash the fuck out after work today!! Fuck You!!!:angry:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn I gotta come in here more often...

Damn, OnS, you aight? I told you it's ChopperMan. Should I make a Panda Man sig?

Oh and Fuck you Sean for making me have to think science. Ain't took a damn science class since 2003, got me looking at the diagram like it's a snowflake or some shit.


Oh and "papyrus picking"?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
-Fuck you to Swatlanta for sounding like Andre 3000 but not dressing like him...and you type too hard NUKKA!


-Fuck you for not realizing that I type passionately !!! :D

-Fuck Onslaught for being jealous of my hair ( I know the truth nigga )...

-Fuck Onslaught for being an old alzheimered, neverending story-telling, Snapback twat destroying :eek: pink striped shirt wearing *grabs brush*, George Jefferson hairline having *tightens up waves*, Geraldo Rivera moustache sporting, Leroy from Fame dancing *sees a hair out of place and restores order swiftly*, Tyrone Hill and Sam Cassell love child looking *pleased with the results of my excessive hair brushing* yellow motherfucker.......

Drops brush and stomps two times, then exits like...


CT's Finest

Tar Heels/Lakers/Giants

Colin Powell says, "Fuck you Onslaught for that long ass rant. You know I'm not reading all that shit..."

CT's Finest says, "Fuck you Ons for including me in that long ass Colin Powell ass rant...:hmm::lol::lol::hmm:... Oh, and yes I do like North Carolina, but no I don't live in Connecticut anymore. I haven't lived there in years...:cool:"

I also want to give a huge fuck you to that punk ass bowling pin who kept me from bowling a few strikes tonight. You punk motha fucka, you just stood there laughing at me while the other nine pins laid down around you...:hmm:


International Member
I wanna say a fuck you to those whiny little man bitches at work who were saying shit behind my back and not to my face.

I want to say fuck you to all those Arsenal fans on this board who are going on about how they are going to beat spurs on sunday. Fuck you and fuck you too Sean.....:hmm:

I want to say a big fuck you to the London transport system. Due to a few inches of snow falling, the whole transport system grinded to a halt, making me have to walk to work.....:smh:


BGOL Investor
MCP;5622571 I want to say fuck you to all those Arsenal fans on this board who are going on about how they are going to beat spurs on sunday. Fuck you and fuck you too Sean.....:hmm: [/quote said:
:hmm: ... Be back Sunday


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
-Fuck you for not realizing that I type passionately !!! :D

-Fuck Onslaught for being jealous of my hair ( I know the truth nigga )...

Drops brush and stomps two times, then exits like...



Colin Powell says, "Fuck you Onslaught for that long ass rant. You know I'm not reading all that shit..."

CT's Finest says, "Fuck you Ons for including me in that long ass Colin Powell ass rant...:hmm::lol::lol::hmm:...



Potential Star
Damn Ons...... What the hell got up under your shit... That was some funny stuff man..
