Sports & Politics: Stephen A. Smith on Jemele & Trump: When you attack him, then we are stepping out of our lane


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith on Jemele Hill and Trump: ‘When you attack him, then we are stepping out of our lane’

By Cindy Boren January 11 at 1:29 PM
a Sporting News interview with his “First Take” co-host. Trump criticized her, the network and NFL players who were taking a knee, raising a fist or otherwise demonstrating during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial injustice and police brutality toward minorities.

ESPN, Smith told Michael McCarthy, is “a sports network. You become successful. You sustain a level of success by giving people what they expect by, figuratively speaking, ‘playing the hits.’ ” That’s a variation of what ESPN said when it suspended Hill, reminding employees that tweets may not “reflect negatively” on the network.

“Do I believe the president should be wasting his time commenting about stuff like that? No,” Smith said. “Do I believe the president has been a bit juvenile in his behavior? Yes, he has. Having said that, it’s one thing to attack what he does; it’s an entirely different matter to attack him. When you attack him, then we are stepping out of our lane. We are a sports network. We have an obligation to wake up every day with the mind-set that we not only speak for ourselves, but we speak on behalf of the brand. It is not a brand that we own. It is a brand that employs us. It has entrusted us to represent it just as much as we care about representing ourselves. So with that in mind, we have to be cognizant of all those things.”

Trump responded to Hill’s tweet with one of his own, attacking ESPN’s sagging ratings: “With Jemele Hill at the mike [sic], it is no wonder ESPN ratings have ‘tanked,’ in fact, tanked so badly it is the talk of the industry!”

After Cowboys owner Jerry Jones promised to bench any player who protested during the anthem, Hill tweeted that the best way to get back at him was to “stop watching and buying their merchandise” and urged those who differed with Jones to “boycott his advertisers,” a suggestion that would threaten her employer, too.

In an essay on The Undefeated, Hill wrote that “the most difficult part for me has been watching ESPN become a punching bag and seeing a dumb narrative kept alive about the company’s political leanings.” Although she wondered “when do my duties to the job end and my rights as a person begin,” she added that Twitter wasn’t the best place to “vent my frustrations.”

For Smith, the emotional urge “to react to something for 15 seconds or 15 minutes” is something that hurts the ESPN brand.

“Yes, the president is going to say what he has to say. Yes, he’s going to venture in our lane to the point where it’s apropos for us to respond. But we also need to be cognizant of the fact it’s incumbent upon us to leave it there and not extend beyond that point. We’re a sports network,” he said.

“As long as we remember those kinds of things, then it’s going to lend itself to us being successful as opposed to us losing our bearings because we get caught up in our emotions, and we do things that ultimately sacrifice the brand and ourselves just to react to something for 15 seconds or 15 minutes. We have to be smarter than that — even if the president doesn’t appear that way sometimes.”


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I like how Jemele Hill did not delete her tweets. I stand by everything I said on Twitter. I have never deleted anything. If my way of thinking has changed from one year or several years to the next I keep the tweet. If someone calls me on it I'll say I've grown since then


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
stephen a smith has to coon & belittle Black people for that $$$$$$$ 7 figure annual check; a huge plurality of his audience is the "holy grail" for advertisers ,white men, they can't handle truth when it comes to AmeriKKKan racism & white supremacy.


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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I NEVER listen to his show

and today I just so happen to hear this coon try to talk his way out of THIS one too....

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Rising Star
After that ignorant shot that 45 said yesterday, Jemelle should feel vindicated and receive back. He is showing the entire world that he is a racist and he is exactly who we said he was. CACS have gotten to the point that nothing or no one is racist if they don't use "The N word". Before long 45 Is gonna slip and say that and they'll run to his defense.:smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So ummm Steve...

If this is TRUE?

I would hope you and ESPN called legal and asked for an official public retraction correct?

And this site, if they really want to prove they legit? should release the tapes right?

Because I assume the highest rated show wouldn't go on some bullshit website right?

ESPN would call legal just off that alone correct?

Funny how they quoted Max with no problems?

So why ain't Jemele come out and say that it's all good, huh?

It's ok we can wait....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
so it appears Stephen needed police escorts while walking through radio row in Minnesota for the super bowl...

the ONLY ESPN person who needed that

wonder why?


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
Whites like Trump treat blacks like subhumans.
You can’t formulate a independent thought or exercise the rights they have..
If you do, here comes the character assassination to discredit you.