Start at the 4:00 mark and tell us how you would have handled this situation if you were in the audience.


BGOL Legend
Self hating coons need to....



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And that's the key. You can talk about any subject and really.........say absolutely anything..........IF YOU CAN DELIVER IT IN A WAY THAT'S FUNNY. We've seen it for decades done. This was just being controversial just to be controversial which in itself is not funny.


Truth bomb bars


Staff member
Clown shit....

I was more mad at him saying "nigga" every other word in front of that mostly White audience.

The George Floyd shit wasn't even necessary.

I would not have left the show though.
Saying nigga in front of a majority white crowd is never cool to me.
In front of white people nigga is the punch line.

Even the sainted Dave Chappelle over uses the word nigga in front of whites.
Dave gets a pass because he is funny and he wouldn't have doubled down on a bit that was going south like this guy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fucked with homie because he did his thing on Roast Me
But I noticed that he was fucking with mad white people on his social media. Like real rednecks. You couple that with the fact that he’s on Kill Tony and says nigga every other word, I wasn’t surprised at all



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I fucked with homie because he did his thing on Roast Me
But I noticed that he was fucking with mad white people on his social media. Like real rednecks. You couple that with the fact that he’s on Kill Tony and says nigga every other word, I wasn’t surprised at all

Good lawd he look sound and probably smells like a traitorous sucker.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Whole lot of plea copping.

He talk real tough in front of a roomful of whites but he look shook looking into a black face.

So this fool needed that dead man's ENTIRE FAMILY & FRIENDS to explain the worldwide global historical public execution of a black man to your dumb obese unfunny white man gobbling ass

to give that lukewarm apology?

he is a coward and a traitor.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor

Man fuck Willie D. He a joke. Bro you talked about bald head hoes, bitches, black women and niggas all your career but you commercial just like NORE and everybody else because you trying to make money. Sad shit. Dave talk about everybody. Gay folk, hoes, white people etc. I don't agree with attacking dude. Comedians tell jokes. Fuck you if you can't take a joke.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I tried, but I honestly couldn't get through more than ten minutes of this. Both of them are painful to try and listen to, and David ain't saying nothing that doesn't sound like the same weak excuses I hear from local comics who just want to drop slurs or profanity as much as they feel like it.


Its like these new comedians and some of these old ones seem to forget a VERY important and significant part of this profession.

Comedians are supposed to FUNNY.

Its like now they think online rules apply to real life where trolling or being offensive or fake contrarian makes you a comedian

this aint NEVER been how this works

these jokes ain't FREE

We are not OBLIGATED to laugh

you EARN laughs its called WORKING the room

Not offending the room and then crying woke and cancel cause you suck.

EVERYTHING you say aint funny

and the comedian doesn't get to judge that


Don't like it?

Find another profession.

Yeah yeah yeah comedy is subjective but that doesn't mean because your audience doesn't laugh they don't GET the joke

that man got shook by a heckler and his most comfortable out?

Was to cater to white folk with a modern day lynching "joke" with no punchline except saying n*gger to his massa

Aint NOTHING more to say


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ppl are sensitive hypocrites. I remember ppl joking about Jeffery Dahmer, an actual serial killer, and niggas were laughing their ass off. Even Martin Lawerence did jokes about Dahmer and Rodney King during the height of both 15 minutes of fame.

I remember South Park did an episode on the hipocrisy of when something is funny. In the episode the example was ppl can’t do jokes about cancer, but they can joke about aids bc the 7 or 10 yrs anniversary of the disease had been reached.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man fuck Willie D. He a joke. Bro you talked about bald head hoes, bitches, black women and niggas all your career but you commercial just like NORE and everybody else because you trying to make money. Sad shit. Dave talk about everybody. Gay folk, hoes, white people etc. I don't agree with attacking dude. Comedians tell jokes. Fuck you if you can't take a joke.

Yea but where are the jewish jokes, he sure seems to avoid that shit, talkin bout.. He told a jewish joke ONCE seven YEARS ago...


what pissed me off about Bruh George Floyds murder is... The bruh was Complying.. NOT RESISTING, GOT ON THE DIRTY FUCKIN



all because pussy ass beta fuckin faggots FEAR THE gods AND CAN ONLY FIND A BRAVE HEART


Nah fuck the jokes...once you start accepting that and finding humor in our

occupation by pale face foreigners.. you start accepting MORE OF US


YOU SOUNDIN KINDA BRAIN DEAD with the lack of logic.


Mr. Pool
coon comedy
Can't stand this dude, he hangs out with a bunch of pussy ass racist white boys and is Tony hindgecliffs token black guy.
One of the least funny comedians working right now, and that says a lot since we're probably in the worst era in the history of stand up comedy.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'll say the same thing I always say about this. The one rule of comedy is that anything can be funny. HOWEVER, if you are going to say or do something controversial, then the joke better be funny enough to offset the potential offense.
As he started that joke, I could picture Patrice O'Neal starting a joke like that but you KNOW it would be going somewhere and you would be on the floor when he finished it.
He seemed to be doing coon comedy to appease the whytes in the audience.

I can respect a well-crafted joke. That was shock-jock shit.

Someone like Chappelle would take a joke like that, take you through the emotional rollercoaster of describing the event, almost bring you to tears, then say something funny about how much shit he stole during the riots or something. He would have a payoff.
This dude was just doing coon comedy because he was not smart enough to craft a good joke.
If they bring the Boondocks back, maybe he could write the jokes for a skit where Uncle Rukus tries stand up?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fucked with homie because he did his thing on Roast Me
But I noticed that he was fucking with mad white people on his social media. Like real rednecks. You couple that with the fact that he’s on Kill Tony and says nigga every other word, I wasn’t surprised at all

I'm shocked he apologized.

I bet he still laughs about what happened to all his little cac buddies though.

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Fuck this coon. Htown was on his fucking head. He had to do a MF "Apology Tour". He apologized personally to Big Floyd's family, Cal Wayne, Trae and do the Willie D pod before folks let him make it. Comedians act like shit is sweet when it ain't...and he fucked around and found out.

Htown, hoe. :hmm::cool: