Social Engineering!!! Interesting information!!


Rising Star
This is interesting!-

We have been infiltrated!! And the television, media/social media platforms, music, sports industries are not as friendly as we once thought!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The illusion, trance and dream is almost over!! Question everything(EVERYTHING) around you!!
The confused and pro-whites are so busy with the day to day grind and arguing over stupid shit like sports and politicians, they won’t even see it before it is too late :smh:


Rising Star
The confused and pro-whites are so busy with the day to day grind and arguing over stupid shit like sports and politicians, they won’t even see it before it is too late :smh:

I hear ya, bruh.. The television, media/social media, entertainment, sports and political industries are all in the same group of deception and thats to divide & distract the masses!!


Rising Star
Just something one should atleast question!!!

The Concept of Mind Control

Most people believe that mind control, otherwise known as brainwashing, thought reform, or
thought control, has been around since history began. While this may be somewhat true, it’s only
recently that it has become a popular area of study and investigation.
People have been engaged in manipulation as a means of social and sexual control, political
gamesmanship and revenge, for eons. Think about King David. He looked out across the city one
morning and saw Bathsheba taking a bath on a neighboring rooftop. It wasn’t long before he got
her husband good and drunk and sent him off to the front of a raging war from which he never
returned. David wanted Bathsheba. Her husband was in the way and so, in high manipulative
fashion, he eliminated the roadblock!
And how about those Borgias and their manipulator in chief, Machiavelli? They were masters of
the game. They not only neutralized their enemies, the Orsinis, but made them travel to the scene
of the crime on their own steam, believing that peace had miraculously been made.
Machiavelli famously said, “No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the
enemy until it is ripe for execution.” And that enemy must be kept close! A master politician,
Machiavelli was the exemplar of the manipulative mind, always one step ahead of those who
would bring about the fall of the princely Borgias.
But manipulative mind control and brainwashing are two different animals. Brainwashing is a
relatively new discipline and much focused on the violent and coercive compliance of the
subjects it’s practiced on.
It was during the Korean War that the term brainwashing was coined and added to the dictionary.
Unfortunately, when it was added, it was given a negative connotation, because while the Korean
War application was undoubtedly malevolent, brainwashing can actually be used for good (more
on that in a minute).
The word was used to explain why 21 among the 20,000 American prisoners of war (POW)
defected to their communist enemies. There was also an incident where some POW's were told to
confess to having waged biological warfare (which they had, in fact, not done).
There is, however, a fine distinction between mind control and brainwashing that is rarely made.
Most people often use these two terms for two very different concepts interchangeably, but how
they work is vastly different, one from the other, as you will see demonstrated below. After
reading the explanations provided, you will see they are completely different and that one of them
does not represent the same type of manipulation (or deception) that is helpful in your everyday

No matter how you phrase it, having someone compel you to make a dramatic change in your life,
based on their personal will, is not a positive. The most important part of this book is focused on
teaching you how to know if you are being manipulated, controlled or brainwashed by others. You
will learn to recognize the signs and how to fight back when someone attempts to control your
mind in order to affect your life in a negative manner.

Basically, what makes brainwashing different from manipulation is the process undergone by the
subject in question. In brainwashing, the person is aware that the manipulators (or agents) are
enemies, and that he is being pushed toward a certain behavior or mindset under the control of
these people. In order to prevent the possibility of physical force or violence being inflicted on
him, submission to the imposed belief system is the alternative frequently (if not always) chosen.
Should the brainwashing method be discontinued, the victim will sometimes either fully or
partially recover and regain his original individuality and powers of independent thought.
Some people however, never regain the faculty of thinking for themselves. They remain
brainwashed. If you think back to events that transpired in Waco, Texas under cult leader, David
Koresh, you will understand. These people were brainwashed into believing the only way they
could achieve the eternal bliss promised by Koresh was to follow the teachings of a man who
was completely insane. As with cult predecessor, Jim Jones, the leader of a cult in Guyana that
committed mass suicide by consuming poisoned Kool-Aid (the origin of the saying “don’t drink
the Kool-Aid”), Koresh brainwashed his followers into unquestioning belief in every word he
said. We’ll discuss the influence of cults and how they indoctrinate people into unwavering
belief in more detail, later in this book.
People subjected to prolonged brainwashing, reinforced for years (like those in the cult examples
above) often don’t recover. While some recover after acknowledging they feigned acceptance of
the brainwashing as a coping mechanism, others never regain their powers of independent
thought. This is why you will not be learning how to brainwash others in the pages of this book. I
will not teach you how to brainwash people. I will, however, teach you how to manipulate and
steer people’s minds for your own benefit. I will not teach you how to do this in a malicious
manner and that’s exactly what brainwashing is - a malicious form of mind control.
Throughout history, people have used manipulation as a way to get large groups of people, or
even a single person, to follow their personal thought process and agenda. Typically, this ends
negatively. Brainwashing is often used by cults and similar groups of people to control the minds
of large numbers of people, as we’ve noted above, with the examples of David Koresh and Jim
Malicious mind control can also occur in situations like romantic relationships in which one
person wishes to control the thoughts and actions of the other person. No matter how you put it, or
what situation you put it in, brainwashing is never good!

Mind Control
The process of mind control, on the other hand, is infinitely subtler and the effect, more long term
and even (at times) damaging. In this method, the manipulator enters the person's life as a friend
or teacher - an individual worth trusting and believing in. From the very beginning, the victim of
the manipulator may have already let all defenses down and may even willingly participate in the
mind control process. There may be no physical force involved whatsoever, and the victim may
even be under the false impression that he is making all decisions by himself.
Mind control aims to change a person to the very core by altering their decisions, perception,
beliefs, values, behaviors and relationships. The process is subtle and slow. Often, the victim is
unaware of how extensive the manipulation is, if not completely oblivious to it. The manipulation
will, however, involve social and psychological pressure and force, whether the target is aware
of these effects or not.
Because victims of mind control are under the impression that the decision to adopt new values
and beliefs has been made by them, and the fact that the agent is viewed as a trusted friend, even
when the manipulation is discontinued, the new identity that has been formed by via influence will
continue to persist. In essence, when people think the changes they have embraced are
independent resolutions, they are more likely to passively accept and even struggle to maintain
them. This is what makes mind control extremely dangerous, if used for the wrong motives and
with malicious intent. Its effects are more powerful than brainwashing and it it’s a long term
project which can permanently disable and scar the victim.
It is also important to note that though mind control is somewhat unethical, it can be used for good
purpose. People suffering from addiction issues can be subjected to this process to cure them of
their habit. However, you should also be aware that people can use this system on you and that
those who are vulnerable to it may believe that they are following their own instincts, when they
are, in fact, following the subtle direction of the controller.
Now that you know mind control is possible, can you think of anyone who has tried mind control
on you? You may not know it, but as you were growing up, your parents used a form of mind
control to shape you into the person you are today. They massaged you into a shape society deems
normal and acceptable by subtly steering you toward certain behaviors, beliefs and values. You
may also notice that some of the decisions in your everyday life are due to mind control. Don’t
believe me? Look at your daily routine.
Your parents used mind control to teach you to get up, shower, brush your teeth, get dressed,
possibly do your makeup, brush your hair, and look presentable before you left the house. This is
a form of positive mind control. They also taught you that you should have an annual check-up at
the doctor, see your dentist regularly and maintain a healthy diet. See, mind control does not
always have to be a negative force in your life. It can easily lead to positive results.

Who Uses Mind Control?
Cults are universally known to utilize mind control to facilitate the total obedience of their
followers. This is not limited to groups wearing white coats and masks, or those who shave their
heads to distinguish themselves. Even the smoothest-talking man in a sleek suit can have the
intention of manipulation. Even the simplest looking woman with a regular day job can be a
member of a cult. These groups have become so sophisticated that, although we’re all familiar
with them and how they operate, many still fall prey to their promises and manipulation. Below is
a list of groups, sectors, institutions and professions known to apply the process of mind control:
➢ Religions
➢ Politics
➢ Philosophy
➢ Science
➢ Sports
➢ Meditation
➢ Healing therapies
➢ Personal Development
➢ Money Making (E.g. network marketing, and stock exchange)
➢ Psychology
➢ Plastic Surgery
➢ Western medicine
➢ Mass media
➢ Education

And the list goes on up to, surprisingly, such areas as hairdressing. Because manipulation isn’t
about which group or institution or profession people are found in. It’s about people and the
human nature we all share.
Basically, anyone can fall victim to a cult, and the mind control they employ without realizing it.
The best thing anyone can hope for is that there is no motive for the manipulator to take advantage
of the victim. Also, that they’re able to discern they’re being manipulated before selling all their
belongings and giving the proceeds to the cult, or worse, drinking the Kool-Aid!
It is important to note that groups, organizations, and professions are not the only areas in which
mind control is employed. Random individuals can use mind control on anyone, and, often, with
malicious intent. Some serial killers and psychopaths use mind control to ensnare victims.
How do you know if you’re being controlled? The process being undertaken by manipulators will
be discussed in the next chapter. However, here is a little food for thought. Go to a public place
(any place where people gather) and look around you. How many people do you see wearing
jeans? How many people do you see with the same hairstyles? Society itself is capable of using

mind control and often does without people realizing it. Marketing techniques, advertising and
messages in mass media control our preferences daily. We are creatures of conformity, it seems,
and ripe for the picking by those who want us to buy their jeans and use their hair products – even
color our hair a certain shade.
Why else would the hairstyles of the 80s have gained popularity? Certainly not personal taste.
Why else would any woman wear a bubble skirt? Why would any self-respecting man wear mom
jeans – or a mullet? Persistent messages delivered through mass communication, combined with
the social imperative to fit in, make us vulnerable to the kind of manipulation Wilson Bryan Key
was talking about in his book about mass marketing and consumer culture, Subliminal Seduction.
And so without knowing any of us personally, the mechanisms of commerce pluck us from the
crowd based on demographic markers like age, gender, income, and the interests gleaned from
mining our Facebook accounts (thanks Zuckerberg!) to target us as consumers of their products
and services.
Consumerism is a cult, too. It’s a cult we’re all acolytes of in a disposable society in which
planned obsolescence is built into every convenient, easy purchase. We believe in the church of
the stuff we don’t need, because the television and the internet drive our society toward the mall
with the unrelenting precision of a costly GPS system. We collaborate willingly, talking about
gadgets and cars and shoes and the latest fad in food you’re supposed to eat (or not supposed to
eat). We talk about it all as though it were Holy Writ. We are the adherents, essentially, of a
massive, yet unofficial cult.
The membership card is in your wallet. It says Visa, or MasterCard, or American Express.
Techniques like viral marketing, in which products are sold to us while we’re engaged in what
we think is an online interaction, or a conversation in a bar. The topic is gently steered toward
the product or service on offer and before we know it, we’ve been enlisted in a commercial
interest’s branding and consumer awareness effort. We know the name of a product we didn’t
know we needed and suddenly, the name of that product is everywhere we look. Just maybe, the
next time we see that name is the time we will buy it (even if we don’t really need it).
Viral marketing has already made it part of our consciousness. Without even being aware that it’s
happening, we have become consumers of a product we had no idea existed, until that magic,
viral marketing moment, which didn’t even feel like a sales pitch.
And that’s how mind control works. You don’t see it coming. You’re unaware it’s happening and
suddenly, you’re opening your wallet and paying for the thing you’ve been told you must have.
But of all the institutions that works most actively to control people’s minds, some corners of
religion are perhaps the most egregious examples. Behavior is modified to conform to the “rules”

of any given religion, down to the foods and beverages practitioners may consume.
The Latin word “cultus” is the root word of the English “cult”, which is generally used to
describe a fringe breakaway group, or a newly-established religious faction. Its original
meaning, however, is surprising in our modern context and the word’s usage: the belief in a
power that controls the universe, or veneration of that power. What this means is that the term is
applicable to any and all religious denominations or Faith institutions. Our modern usage of the
word fails to reflect this, so it’s instructive to think in terms of the word’s original usage when
exploring the world of religious “cults”. All religion, in essence, fits the original meaning of the

How to Avoid Indoctrination
For many people, religious worship is a great release from their everyday lives. It has a
leavening and soothing effect. The liturgy of houses of worship and the communal nature of
services can instill in practitioners a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.
Religious worship also provides a rich source of fellowship, personal renewal and reflection that
enhance the lives of millions. However, you must be aware of what it is you truly believe and
maintain your right to believe it, in whatever religious context you are in. Being true to yourself
is a central tenet of all religious belief, for in knowing the self, you may better know God. If one
believes in God, then surely the proposition that knowing yourself is tantamount to knowing God,
as God (in your belief system) created you. That means your core beliefs are not for sale to any
worship leader who attempts to make you believe that they’re incorrect, or somehow unsound in
confrontation of his own.
At times, people become extremely involved in their religious institutions. This can either enrich
or interfere with their lives. Greater involvement can be very rewarding, involving work with the
poor and sick. It can take you out of yourself and induce you to pursue activities that are
constructive and useful to your community. However, this same involvement can become a
problem in the presence of a manipulative community leader, bent on group conformity to the
point that he demands total ideological agreement with his own agenda.
All individuals are born with the right to freedom of religious belief. This is expressed in the UN
Charter of Human Rights. That means you have the right to interpret the scriptures of your Faith
tradition according to your personal, core values. This is a matter between you and God and no
one else. It’s not your worship leader’s business to interfere with that relationship. A worship
leader is in place to lead, not demand and not control the minds of his flock. If you sense that
your worship leader is working to interfere with the core beliefs of your community, you should
not only resist, you should actively work in that community to counter the effect. Should the
problem be persistent and entrenched, it’s advisable to put an end to that leadership’s influence by
taking your concerns to someone at a higher level of the institution. This may not always work,
but it’s always worth the effort, if you sense that a leader is abusing his power.
The abuse of power can happen in any institution, but religious ones seem particularly prone to
it. Power can be wielded to shield religious leaders from scrutiny by the community he’s charged
with and even, the law of the land. A good example of this is the pedophile scandal in the Roman
Catholic Church.
Leaders of that institution actively sought to shield priests guilty of abuse by moving them from
diocese to diocese and parish to parish. Simply, revelation of these crimes might have had the
power to destroy the institution and so practitioners were lied to and controlled by distortions of
the church’s teachings. Further the traditional power structures of the Church’s hierarchy were
abused at the highest level. Priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals all worked to keep this
scandal from the world’s attention until Catholics could no longer pretend it wasn’t happening.

This scandal most probably led to the resignation of Benedict XVI (a very rare Papal resignation;
something not seen for centuries) and has compelled the residing Pope to begin the process of
investigating the slew of complaints that has accumulated over the years.
The abuse of power in the RCC pedophile scandal is an excellent example of what can happen
when religious leaders abuse their authority. Beginning with their victims, priests abused their
authority to prey on children in their congregations. This abuse was compounded by an
institution-wide conspiracy to hide these crimes from public view by shuttling the guilty parties to
other locations. In part, these actions were spurred by the church’s own theology of the
priesthood – that one is born a priest and one dies a priest, even if the priest is elevated to the
papacy. This makes defrocking extremely difficult.
A further wrinkle in this tale of mass mind control and the abuse of power that stems from it, is
behavior at the highest levels of the church. This involved submitting to blackmail, according to
Fr. Robert Hoatson, who was responsible for unmasking at least part of the scandal. Fr. Hoatson
claimed that pedophile priests blackmailed gay Archbishops in order to maintain their standing.
Again, the church’s own theology was its worst enemy, as the RCC has (until very recently) taken
a very rigid stance on sexuality.
You can see how things might spiral out of all control – but not the control of Catholic minds,
which compelled the silence of victims and their families all over the world for many long years.
But stories like these play out across the world, in all its religions. At the root of it is the abuse
of power and the use of strict control of people’s thoughts and actions, due to their recognition of
that power’s primacy and their fear of challenging it.
Religious cults, with the strict demands made of their followers, are ripe for this type of abuse.
As mentioned above, men like Jim Jones and David Koresh knew this to be true and fully used
that knowledge to their advantage in order to achieve total control over their followers. As for
his knowledge of the Bible, Koresh really had very little and had absolutely no academic learning
under his belt. He learned what he knew at his church, using his incredible capacity for rote
memorization. He did, however, have a special interpretive gift, which endeared him to
In the founding of the Branch Davidian cult, David Koresh claimed to have had a direct revelation
from God, concerning the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation, and that God had “anointed”
him to teach about what they meant.
His followers were told what to eat, when to eat and were punished for not doing as he
instructed. He would occasionally change the rules, claiming he’d been directed to by God. Both
feared and loved, his followers believed all he said and because of that belief were powerless to

act contrary to his commands.
This led to his abuse of young girls for his personal, sexual gratification. He took them as
“wives”, compelling them to wear a pendant with a “w” engraved on it to indicate that they were
married to him and were exclusively dedicated to him and no other man in the cult. The parents
of these girls, as adherents of the cult could do nothing but stand by and watch as their daughters
were abused. This is the power of mind control, when maliciously applied by people like
Koresh – followers lose their power, their morals and their ability to think independently.
When combined with religious belief, mind control is a powerful tool for those with an eye to
abusing power by controlling the thoughts and actions of others.


Rising Star
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Mind Control Techniques

The mind control process described in the previous chapter is direct and commonly used by
groups or cults of all sizes. There are many conspiracy theories fluttering about on the internet,
social media, and the likes about mind control being practiced on a national, or even global,
scale. When thinking about the methods discussed, it may seem impossible to conclude that the
government, corporations and the elite are, in fact, manipulating the masses. That is because of the
surreptitious methods by which they’re able to achieve the same effect as more overt forms of
mind control.
These players are all about power. They’re not interested in picking people’s pockets, so much as
they are in other ends. It's more about keeping everyone in line and in their proper places. By
inculcating conformity through a variety of channels, it becomes much easier to obtain the
compliance of the masses. In other words, in order to obtain the stability of the system, it’s
necessary to instill in the population the value of conforming to certain beliefs about the way the
world is. Though it may not sound as bad because we because we tend to perceive the concept of
order in a positive way, what makes their methods questionable is the fact that they impair
people's ability to think critically in order to achieve this end. In common with the process
explained in the preceding chapter, everyone is under the impression that they have made their
own decisions; that they are living their lives as independent people who make their own choices.
But the truth is that mass media has undermined many people’s ability to do that. With the
degradation of language associated with the information age (a drastic reduction in the number of
people who read books, texting, passive viewing), we are also rapidly losing our ability to name
what’s wrong.
Most of the techniques used to control people are very familiar. If you are an average citizen, then
you will be somewhat aware of them, and you may have felt the effect of this influence on your
own life.


A systematic and organized form of education is the perfect mind controlling method. Any would-
be dictator or tyrant would readily call on it in the service of large scale indoctrination. Witness

how Hitler managed to instill his ideals and beliefs on German minors during his reign through
the Hitler Youth, employing programs of mass education and indoctrination. Existing educational
infrastructure can become a cornerstone of authoritarian ideologies, demanding complete
conformity to a set of beliefs that serves the state, from those enrolled. This technique of mind
control is extraordinarily effective, manipulating the desire for status through achievement,
reward/punishment and peer monitoring.
At any early stage in life, the value of teaching children to obey and not to deviate from the
deposit of the information offered by the system is extremely useful to the conduct of
authoritarianism. Instilling the need to conform from an early age creates a foundation for the
continuing health of such regimes and ensures their ongoing grip on power. Deposit education,
crafted to produce a mindset which serves the state’s desire for willing soldiers, an
administrative class and other operatives, precludes the need for thinking outside the confines of
that system of thought. The student becomes a creature of his education and the education a part
of the creature. If the educational system teaches its students that, for example, “greed is good”,
these children will grow up believing that they need to pursue money and wealth before all other
concerns, because it is the right thing to do. Questioning the assertions made will not even occur
to the successfully indoctrinated student.
The purpose of education is not to grind out carbon copy people who are unable to think for
themselves. In fact, the purpose of education is to create an educated class capable of innovating
and creating societal good for the benefit of all. In an authoritarian governmental structure, the
inhibition of critical thinking, then, does not serve the state, at all. Rather, it undermines the state
in the service of a very small elite, which exploits the uneducated mass. Unable to think itself out
of the situation, the mass educated by deposit of authoritarian ideology cannot break free without
catastrophic events, like the fall of the Third Reich. This left Germany devastated and
internationally despised. It took complete collapse for the thrall of educational indoctrination and
relentless government propaganda to be broken and for reality to take hold.

Propaganda and Advertising
Large-scale mind control, when sugarcoated, is called marketing. This discipline in commerce is
solely focused on knowing what the masses want and need, (or perhaps telling them what they
want and need) and how to get into people’s heads in order to sell them things. The principle
weapon of marketing is advertising and propaganda. Despite employing short, easy to absorb
messages, the way advertising is structured and composed is focused on conveying messages
powerful enough to move people and make them do what’s desired – namely, to buy products and

Subliminal Seduction
Wilson Bryan Key’s groundbreaking 1974 book on the subject of advertising and mass marketing
blew the lid off the practices of the industry. In its pages, Key revealed the subliminal messages
often included in the advertising of the day. Sexual imagery and its power to influence were the
focus of this, with Key claiming its covert use in advertising images to influence public buying
But wrapped inside the sexual message (life), were also messages and images which elicited a
quite a different response in the consumer. Also being included in advertising were images that
subliminally recalled the inevitability of death. An implicit threat, almost, when juxtaposed with
sexual imagery, death imagery served as a potent goad to consumer behavior.
While Key’s work has been criticized in recent decades, his assertions of hidden messages in
advertising were not the first. In 1957, Vance Packard’s The Hidden Persuaders similarly
warned of the psychological research advertising companies regularly undertook in order to
arrive at effective marketing schemes. It revealed that advertising executives used psychology in
order to more convincingly appeal to consumers on behalf of their corporate clientele. This
volume was published immediately before an experiment conducted by researcher James Vickery
in the same year. In the experiment, Vickery tested the efficacy of flashing suggestive words onto
the screen of a movie theater in New Jersey. Suggestions like “drink Coca-Cola” and “eat
popcorn” were flashed on the screen during the running of movies before 14,000 viewers, over
the course of the experiment.

Only shown for 1/3000th a second each, Vickery discovered that the messages increased sales
for Coke by 57% during the course of the experiment. Popcorn sales increased by 18%.
But Vickery, sadly, later admitted that he’d doctored his research data and modern scholars are
somewhat reluctant to give a great deal of credence to the ideas of Key, in his writings. All the
same, it’s clear that advertising is well known to be manipulative.
As early as 1896, though, the idea of influencing mass behavior and how it might be achieved has
become a part of intellectual and scientific exploration. Gustave le Bon’s The Crowd was an
early exploration of this effect, examining how it was that huge numbers of people could be
influenced to engage in “group think” and be held in the thrall of intellectually limiting ideas and

Viral marketing, for example, depends on consumer buy in in various arenas in order to spread the
message. Budweiser, for example, has been very successful in encouraging Facebook users to
share its heartwarming advertisements featuring Clydesdale horses and puppies (who doesn’t like
puppies?). The videos are so effective that no one sharing them seems to object to participating
in the marketing of a company which is having its job done free of charge.

Branding on clothing also has a powerful effect on consumer habits. There is little reluctance on
the part of consumers to wear clothing emblazoned with brand names. In effect, they have made
walking billboards of themselves and have actually paid for the privilege to do so. What could
be more effective? Your brand name is not only displayed free of charge; you make a profit while
consumers are doing the job for you.
In an age of mass communication and a 24/7 information glut, it’s often difficult to discern when it
is we’re being marketed to. Advertising messages are now disguised as friendly content,
unthinkingly shared by millions across multiple platforms. If only for this modern twist on
subliminal messaging, it’s arguable that Keys, while a controversial figure in the world of
communications scholarship, was right.

Religion, Politics, and Sports
These groups all, to a certain extent, engage in mind control. By dividing people into camps of
loyalty, people are pitted against one another. In the world of sports, loyalties are fierce, but the
world of sport is more about entertainment. When your team is a political party, or a religious
Faith, the kind of loyalty modelled by sports fans for their respective teams can become
dangerous and virulent. “Go team” becomes let’s bomb Iraq, for one. It becomes “the red
menace”. It becomes the Final Solution.
Oppositionalism in these arenas provides a vibrant ground for keeping people divided. When
people are divided, there is little chance they will be able to unite around an idea – like crushing
the international banking system, or stopping climate change, for example. As we all go about
holding petty grudges over our team losing a game, an election, a war, or a race to gather more
adherents to our Faith, the people at the top of the pyramid rejoice. As long as we’re kept busy
with our internecine squabbles, their control is assured.
Recently, memes (graphic messages) have surfaced on Facebook, displaying large groups of
people engaged in celebrations of sports victories. These memes ask an important question –
what would happen if all the people in this picture applied themselves to uniting over something
perhaps more important that sports? What if all these thousands of people in their team jerseys,
instead of whooping it up in the streets of major cities over a game, filled the streets in protest
over the systematic accumulation of wealth at the top of the food chain?
This would not serve those who will be served – not you and I, in other words. Our distractions
serve them. They create a kind of myopia in which the big picture (the one in which our lives are
becoming increasingly less successful and affluent; even more hopeless) is obscured from our
view. We can’t unite to challenge them, because we can’t see them through our team-colored
As for the illusion of choice, the best example would be the grocery store. In the grocery store
(which has become larger and more varied in its commercial excess in recent decades than
anyone could ever have imagined), we are assaulted by endless choice. Which shampoo will
make our hair shinier? Which breakfast cereal will get our day off to a better start? Which toilet
bowl cleaner will leave the porcelain most spotlessly clean and fresh smelling? Each of these
items has myriad incarnations, all from competing brands. Some of these brands are even owned
by the same corporations, pushing a variety of products. Disguised as choice, a market filled
with labels that claim superior ability over all others demand that we buy them. They call to us,
saying they’ll make our lives better. Whole aisles of grocery stores are devoted to various types
of potato chips, in every flavor from salt and vinegar to rib eye steak. But it’s all an illusion,
because regardless of what we buy, even at the highest end of the dizzying array on offer, the
result will not be more dramatically different than if we’d bought the neighboring bottle on the
shelf (for less money). It’s all the same. It’s all what it is. It all does the same job. Only the
labels are different, in an attempt to entice the money out of our pockets in the quest for shinier
hair and fresher smelling toilet bowls.

There is nothing, essentially, wrong with the concept of choice. What’s wrong is the
masquerade. There is nothing wrong with sport, religion or politics. It’s the masquerade; the
illusion that deprives us of true choices and compels us to agonize over affairs that serve as
distractions from more important matters.

The golden rule is present in every religious Faith in the world and yet we having been
slaughtering one another for eons over whose god is the bigger, better god. Every political party
claims to have the answers we seek to our economic woes, but the systems in which they operate
defy progress. Political donations, lobbying and the corporate influence these represent make the
conduct of our affairs a matter of sale to the highest bidder.
Yet, we are so busy cheering on our team, we don’t notice. Perhaps that because the television is
ever murmuring in the background, telling us our hair isn’t shiny enough and our toilet bowl
doesn’t smell fresh enough.

Food, Water and Air
One of the greatest debates currently happening is around genetically modified crops and other
food sources. The recent acceptance by the Federal Department of Agriculture of GMO salmon
indicates they’re not going anywhere.
The production of food has become so systematic and commercialized that it now relies on a
variety of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and unnatural processes to produce sufficient food
for a growing population. At least, that’s what we’re told. But the truth is that there’s adequate
food. The problem lies in a market ascendency demanding bigger profits for less effort, in less
turnaround time. Because of this, food being bought almost anywhere contains toxins and poisons
that can alter the brain's chemistry and human physical health.

Outbreaks of illnesses in commercial poultry (avian flu) and beef (bovine spongiform
encephalitis, or “mad cow disease”), as well as spates of contaminated vegetables and dairy
products plague our now heavily adulterated food systems. The problem is the rush to market, a
lack of regulation in many markets (the USA, in particular) and the greed which has occasioned
both those realities in food production.
GMOs aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Factory farming isn’t, either. It’s the manner in which some
companies pursue these activities that’s at issue. GMOs, if administered under the watchful eye
of a vigilant government, can provide world food security. In a world of corporate influence
driving de-regulation, however, that is not the case. The same is true of factory farming. In the
absence of adequate government regulation and vigilance, producers engage in unethical, cruel
and unsanitary practices that endanger our food sources. Of course, while we’re cheering on the
team, we remain ignorant of these pressing challenges.

Mass mind control depends on our inattention and that has now been achieved to such a degree,
that we no longer even know what we’re feeding our children, or ourselves.
Religion serves an important function in society and when not abused for political purposes, like
marginalizing minorities, or interfering in the conduct of elections (as it most certainly is, with
shocking regularity). In the bosom of a Faith system, many find a sense of belonging and
purpose. It also can’t be ignored that many religious institutions spend a great deal of time and
money toward feeding, educating, housing and otherwise making lives more tolerable for millions
of people around the world. Sikh temples, for example, host weekly meals at which all are
welcome to come and eat. This is a social service, outside government, run completely by the
temples which serves to lighten the load of government in feeding hungry people. Many churches,
mosques and synagogues perform similar functions.
This doesn’t mean that religious institutions aren’t ripe hiding places for manipulators. They most
certainly are (as discussed earlier). In some religious institutions, practitioners are tightly
controlled by religious leaders.

Followers who do not adhere to the rules set down by
community leaders can be excommunicated. This can mean being isolated from family and
friends, as well as general social isolation. Many continue for years to adhere to the strictures of
their religious framework due to the fear of ostracism.

Manipulation and mind control have only the end purpose of maintaining a relationship of
domination with the target. This is true regardless of the context in which it’s practiced. The
target, having been made to feel safer in the controlling situation than outside its confines, will
stay because of the illusion of security and belonging offered within it. Women stay with abusive
husbands. Cult members stay in an abusive cult with dangerous and even destructive beliefs.
People tolerate otherwise untenable situations because the alternative is frightening. Having lost
their ability to reason; their critical thinking skills, they stay and continue to be abused and
As we’re developing, we all receive messages that can stay with us throughout our lives. Imagine
adding religious or political indoctrination. We believe we look good in a certain type of dress,
because we’ve told it’s what’s acceptable, or what’s “in style”. We go along with it, because
everybody else is wearing this type of dress. Looking back at pictures of ourselves, we ask
ourselves “What was I thinking?”. We can’t believe we’d ever go out in public looking like that,
but having been convinced that not to do so would negatively impact our public image, we go
along. We internalize the messages, particularly when we’re young, to our own detriment.

People are still living who participated in the systematic persecution of Black people in the
United States, because they were demanding an end to the Jim Crow laws, which restricted their
constitutional rights. Some of us remember the films and photographs of the era with horror.
Others look back on it as yet another chapter in the defeat of the South in the Civil War. There are
people who have been raised with the belief that they are superior by virtue of the color of their
skin, their sex, their nationality, their political affiliation, their religion, the color of their eyes.
These beliefs are instilled from the cradle and are the most difficult to shake loose.

If you believe mind control isn’t part of your life already, reflect on some of what you’ve just
read. You’ll see that’s not at all the case. Take a look at the products you buy, the religion you
follow and the education you’ve had. Think about popular beliefs that were passed on to you in
your youth and how those beliefs stack up today. Do you still believe them? Do you think the
world has spun out of control and you’re the last of the sane people? Or maybe you know now
that those beliefs weren’t serving you and have amended them to more adequately reflect the
reality you live in.
Somewhere in your life, you will see evidence of mind control, whether you want to admit to it or
not. We are controlled by the environment in which we live and the influences which are brought
to bear within that environment. What we see and hear around us are formative influences,
especially if we’re children.

Being aware of these influences is helpful and instructive and can help you think critically about
your own beliefs and place in the world. That awareness can also assist you in learning to put in
practice the control of those around you in order to assist you in life. This can be a positive
process and a force for change.


Rising Star
How media shaped the generations of people!! You gotta love the OSS!!! Its all by designed!!

I say remove the whole mainstream media.. There not entertaining you, there putting you in a slow trance and then mindfucking and programing those that watch it. Why do you think they brought all those nazis here after ww2?? Too make rockets??


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We gotta snap outta this trance!! The OSS and nazi's worked together to mislead the masses..

Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America

That's when we try to play that moral high ground shit, I just lmao.

We were fighting the Russians for those Nazi scientists and their work, like they were 5star recruits.

People act like this behavior ever stopped.


Rising Star
Hmm... Since our people watch the most television, were taking the blunt of this misinformation!! Research how they pulled off the "War of the Worlds" scam on the people with the radio!! And they knew it was fake, they just wanted to mindfuck the population and they did it!! Its all public information that can be found on the net or your local library!!

How the white media manipulates Black population

How the white Media Psychologically Manipulates Black populations By Franklin G. Jones aka Thanubian
The media, government, religion, and even academia institutions, all engage in methods of mass manipulation in order to direct or influence the direction of its society. While we are all manipulated by these institutions, for the purpose of this article I will focus only on how-- as a means of maintaining white dominance--Black populations are now being manipulated by white controlled media outlets;and how the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reinforcements of that false reality is being carefully crafted and applied.
Presently the self perceptions among Black people are not entirely by their own making. The white media controllers distorted racially devaluing depictions of its Black population that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is a deliberately designed well crafted mass manipulation program. Its constant deplorably negative depictions of its Black population-- that subjects them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves--is covertly designed to corrupt its Black population's sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This media driven program maintains white dominance by impressing the myth of white racial superiority upon the collective concious of the Black masses. This process of manipulation affects the unconscious mind by using deception and outright lies to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is a very subtle and subconsciouly sophisticated in its approach. It is deplored like a massive marketing campaign that marginalizes the Black brand while exemplifying the white brand. Its unrelenting daily assault upon the Black psyche is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its targeted Black population. This mass manipulation program is so profecient that it conditions its Black victims to not only accept White dominance over their lives but to also prefer it.
All the media has to do, in order to destroy a targeted group, is to slowly administer lies (poison) about them. All that was required for the media to destroy the Black image was to publicly connect them, even if it is through intricate stratagem, to something negative--something the masses will reject. The media controllers met this objective by administering lies and negative labels and misinformation about it's Black population. Such as seen where of which Blacks are often inaccurately depicted as the largest recipients of welfare and as America's largest contributors of crime. What also happens, by applying these negative labels upon Black populations, is that you freeze, isolate, and polarize that group. You make them out to look like they are part of a dangerous, scary, and insane fringe. This process is otherwise known in history as "group character assassination. Never mind if it is true or not, simply to make the association is sufficient. Even if it is not true, it will leave a dark cloud of doubt in the mind of the recipients receiving the information. This tactic of mass psychological manipulation is referred to as the "Guilt by Association" method. This is why slander is so effective in destroying enemies. In the case of Black people this false (black degrading) reality is being covertly crafted, reinforced, and applied daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. It is being done in the public forum on full display.
So often when ever the white controlled media's credibility is brought into question we see journalists reacting," saying how dare should they be questioned " as if they belonged to some privileged group directly connected to a Divine stream of ultimate truth. However being an individual that uses "qualitative methods of research" I know very well how every bit of research made by any human being is always tainted at some level with some bias. It is no different within the media. In the media, even a well-intentioned journalist is affecting his message in some form. The media officials will never come out and admit that they do this but this is entirely true. .They are accountable to no one. No one! They are free to target and therefore destroy any group or individual they choose. Sometimes these tactics are outrageously blatant and sometimes it is covert.
I have endeavored to share just some of the tactics of psychological manipulation of mass thinking. Most reading this will easily recognize these. I don’t claim to provide an exhaustive list. .
Repetition Makes True
Incessant repetition of a lie registers as truth in the mind of the masses. Some of the most successful tyrants in history used repetitive propaganda to their advantage. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister said that if "You repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." This same tactic was used by Goebbels to foster a national consensual setting for Hitler's mistreatment of the European Jews.
Make the Devil Look Like God and God Like the Devil ( In this case make white look good and Black look bad)
Hitler himself said, "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." In this technique, the attacker makes himself look like a benefactor and savior. He twists the sides. Have you ever wondered why the media narcissistically loves to see themselves as the protectors and keepers of truth? It almost has religious indoctrination undertones, doesn’t it? In classical religious literature we are told that the Devil deceives and disguises himself as an angel of light. I call this, characteristically, the reversing of the poles by making black look like white and vice-versa
I don’t claim to have covered all aspects of the art of deceit as used in the media against Black people. These are only a few noted methods. I simply attempted to provide some of the more obvious typical forms of deceit used to psychologically manipulate the Black masses. What can we learn from this? Perhaps the biggest lesson could be that we must not be naïve.
We must discriminately keep awake and aware. We must always search for truth. We must be careful to avoid coming to hasty conclusions just because the "white experts" say it. It is a great quest but filled with "mind-fields". Be careful and beware.


Rising Star
This stuff was put into effect years ago, just imagine how advance they are these days

Police on Facebook

Police in multiple cities around the country have been setting up fake
accounts on Facebook using photos of attractive girls as the supposed user and
then sending friend requests to students to look at their photos to see if there are
any pictures of people under the age of twenty-one who can be seen holding
alcoholic drinks.

One such instance that made news happened in Wisconsin in 2009 when
19-year-old Adam Bauer, a student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse,
received a friend request from police posing as an attractive girl that resulted in
him being charged with underage drinking. “She was a good-looking girl. I
usually don’t accept friends I don’t know, but I randomly accepted this one for
some reason,” he said.196

Shortly after he accepted the friend request from the unknown attractive
girl, Bauer was confronted by police who had a photo of him from Facebook
showing him holding a beer. He was then ticketed for underage drinking. At
least eight students at UW Lacrosse were targeted in the same manner including
one of Bauer’s friends. “I just can’t believe it. I feel like I’m in a science fiction
movie, like they are always watching. When does it end?” Bauer said after his
court appearance.197

The students said that they were being safe and partying at home and
insisted that nobody was driving afterwards. La Crosse police officer Al Iverson
said, “Law enforcement has to evolve with technology. It has to happen. It is a
necessity—not just for underage drinking.”

This is certainly not an isolated incident of Big Brother watching Facebook.
In January 2008, several teenagers were arrested in Illinois for underage drinking
after a sheriff’s deputy found photos of them partying that were posted on


In February 2006, a 16-year-old boy in Colorado was arrested for juvenile
possession of a firearm after police saw pictures that he had posted of himself
posing with guns on MySpace.

One student in Miami, Florida was arrested and charged with inciting panic
after he posted a police sketch of a rape suspect as his profile picture on

200 While certainly this was a distasteful and juvenile attempt at a joke,

it certainly didn’t incite a panic.

In August 2006, a student at the University of Illinois was arrested for
urinating in public while another student was able to escape. The student that
was originally arrested said he didn’t know the name of the one who ran away,
but police were able to get his name from other witnesses (who were not
urinating) but were in the same group. The arresting officer then used Facebook
to discover that the two students were friends, and then came back and charged
the first student who was originally arrested for urinating in public with
obstruction of justice because he had lied to police and said he didn’t know the
other student.

In February 2007, eleven high school students at a Catholic school in
Canada were suspended for posting negative comments about their principal on

202 There also have been numerous reports of people being fired from
their jobs after complaining about their boss or their employer in their status


Rising Star
The next few post will be on operations this corporation has pulled on its population!! Welcome to the OPEN AIR PRISON!!

Operation Mockingbird

A major system that Big Brother uses to control the population is the
mainstream media. This amazing propaganda machine has the ability to shape
the culture and the mindset of a nation by the information the owners choose to
broadcast on a daily basis. The character Howard Beal famously ranted about the
power of television in the 1976 film Network, telling his audience, “This tube
can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers...This tube is the most
awesome God-damned force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever
falls into the hands of the wrong people.”
Intelligent people have varying degrees of awareness that the US
government is in bed with the mainstream media, and anyone who monitors the
news media with discerning eyes can often easily identify specific stories and
strategies that are being used to persuade and intimidate the population. As
enlightened people know, the mainstream media operates both as a propaganda
arm for the establishment, as well as a gate-keeper that prevents certain
information from being disseminated to the masses.
The evidence for these charges is massive and irrefutable. The most
damning of which comes from the findings of a Senate Select Committee in
1975 that investigated the American government’s covert influence over the
mainstream media, including broadcast news, newspapers, and magazines. The
committee, called the Church Committee, published its findings in 1976 and
uncovered what was called Operation Mockingbird, which involved the CIA
secretly paying editors of major media institutions and popular journalists to act
as gate-keepers and propagandists for the establishment.
“The invention of print, however, made it easier to manipulate public
opinion, and the film and radio carried the process further.”231 —Nineteen

In 1948 an espionage and counter-intelligence branch within the CIA was
created for the purpose of “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct
action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures;
subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance
groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened
countries of the free world.”232

Later that year Operation Mockingbird was established to influence the
domestic and foreign media. Philip Graham, the owner of The Washington Post,
was recruited to help run the project within the industry and develop a network
of assets who would go along with the program. After 1953, the network had
influence over twenty-five different newspapers and wire agencies. The
Mockingbird program also involved all major television stations.

Thomas Braden, who was the head of the International Organizations
Division of the CIA, played a substantial role in Operation Mockingbird and
later revealed, “If the director of the CIA wanted to extend a present, say, to
someone in Europe—a Labour leader—suppose he just thought, this man can
use fifty thousand dollars, he’s working well and doing a good job—he could
hand it to him and never have to account to anybody... There was simply no limit
to the money it could spend and no limit to the people it could hire and no limit
to the activities it could decide were necessary to conduct the war—the secret
war...It was multinational.”233

According to the Church Committee’s report, which was published in 1976,
“The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred individuals around
the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence
opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the
CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores
of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial
book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”234

The committee also concluded that the cost of the program was
approximately $265 million a year, which when adjusted for inflation as of 2010
means that in today’s dollars the program was spending an astounding one

billion dollars a year.
One year after the Church Committee released its findings, Rolling Stone
magazine published an article on Operation Mockingbird and named various
prominent journalists who were alleged to be involved with it. Some of these
included Ben Bradlee, who wrote for Newsweek, Stewart Alsop who wrote for
the New York Herald Tribune, James Reston (New York Times), Charles Douglas
Jackson (Time Magazine), Walter Pincus (Washington Post), William C. Baggs
(The Miami News), and others.

In 2007, a large amount of CIA documents called the “Family Jewels” were
declassified and released by the National Security Archive, which revealed that
the CIA had routinely wiretapped Washington-based news reporters and
committed other shady and illegal practices. The targets of these wiretaps were
most likely seen as threats to the establishment and were not playing along with
the propaganda and gate-keeping efforts within the media establishment, so the
CIA wanted to keep a close eye on them and gather information on their sources
and future stories.

As with nearly every other case of rampant institutional corruption in
government agencies, the CIA claims to have ended Operation Mockingbird and
their influence over the media—another claim that is laughable. The power of
the mass media to control society is too great for the establishment not to do
everything they can to harness it for their own benefit.

The man credited with being the father of public relations is named Edward
Bernays, who was a master of social engineering, propaganda, and shaping
public opinion early in the twentieth century. He was also the nephew of the
famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. In 1928 Bernays published a book titled
Propaganda that described his methods for shaping public opinion and people’s
attitudes and behaviors. A quick glance over several of the excerpts from
Propaganda reveals just how powerful the control of information is to a

Bernays wrote, “Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society

constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in
which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must
cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning
society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or
business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the
relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and
social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public

This is strikingly parallel to what George Orwell wrote in Nineteen Eighty-
Four when he said, “All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that

characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and
prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived.”

Bernays can be largely credited with making cigarette smoking socially
acceptable, and appear to be cool. In 1929 he was hired by the American
Tobacco Company, which was one of the original 12 companies comprising the
Dow Jones Industrial Average, in order to help promote smoking. The way he
did this was by hiring a group of attractive female models to march in the New
York City parade and planned to have them light up cigarettes to shatter the
taboo of women smoking in public. Bernays also contacted the press saying that
the women would light up “Torches of Freedom” in support of women’s rights.
The next day, the New York Times ran an article headlined, “Group of Girls Puff
at Cigarettes as a Gesture of Freedom.”

Bernays was also the man responsible for diamond rings being synonymous
with marriage and love. The De Beers diamond company hired him to shape the
public’s mind into associating a diamond ring with love. Before this, women’s
wedding rings were primarily a simple gold band, but Bernays was able to use
propaganda to convince both men and women that if a man is to propose to a
woman, he needs to do so with a large diamond ring.

Bernays sat on the board of the U.S. Committee on Public Information
(CPI), which was a government agency set up specifically to influence public

opinion in support of America’s role in World War I and to help sell the war to
the public.

Only a complete moron would think that government agencies don’t
continue to massively influence the mainstream media today. Even those who
expect such manipulation are often surprised to learn the extent of it and its


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
X, that CFR article is says alot.. Easy to read and decode!! I don't understand how people overlook that madness.. Anyway, these think tanks have done a number on our people. And you can trace the madness back following the television programming and number of channels.. But getting the masses to see the danger of the television, is impossible!!

bruh and the CRAZY shit,

too many of our people would sit their CHILDREN in front of

the television to get mind fucked with that programming,

its way worse today, tho, tv and mass media is losing power,

NETFLIX is probably the biggest programming tool today...

those old messages have no power no because the youth,

dont fuck with the oldies like that....

where they are getting programmed is with

childrens PROGAMMING is big, childrens tv shows and books,

the goal isnt so much to demonize the Indigenous race of the universe..

the goal NOW is to promote rampant infesting homosexuality,

its their way of a "non violent" way of population control...

and pushing mixed marriages like fuckin crazy......

they understand that karma will hit them all, whether

they do their demonic shit through a third party or not....

Keep bringin that heat ROOTS but also, we must understand..

our power is NOT physical thats THEIR shit, they got the militia

the nuclear subs and shit..

they RUN this EARTH shit,

but what MUST be UNDERSTOOD is


the goal of the deep state is to keep us spiritually retarded,

and living in constant fear an worry as if we have NO control

over this..

we have ALL The control over this...once we go


sheet we doing it already, why you think the demons have

a non existent birth rate


because its on a spiritual level..

we could see their power,


the problem

too many of us cant see it either...

ALL the real folks that want change, should empower themselves

with their spiritual militia.....

everyday find a few minutes to meditate...

when you alone,

just take a deep breath, close your eyes, as you continue to hold it,

feel it the air aka prana energizing your upper spine and you feel you

back straighten and your brain being fed...

with eyes still closed as long as you can hold it, slowly release the air,

and tell yourself I am in total control of my life and my environment,

my health.. etc..

then open your eyes..

do this at least three times a day, away from any electronics

or media propaganda bullshit..


when you do this, you are going to realize,

all that shit you THOUGHT was happening

OUTSIDE of you,

was really just a whole bunch of fuckin clutter

building up in your mind... it gets really bad,

if you find yourself being a fuckin hoarder...

its crazy how your CLOSET in your bedroom,

will tell you, how cluttered your mind is..

if your closet is really cluttered, that means your mind is,

as you do these meditations, daily, notice how,

as you unclutter your mind, you will unclutter


the media wants to clutter your mind up with

bullshit to make you feel like you are powerless

and need them..

when in fact its the opposite...

Its all about achieving Khrist Conscience going within

the system wants you to think Khrist is a man to be worship,


love wisdom and understanding..


Yall dont hear me tho!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This stuff was put into effect years ago, just imagine how advance they are these days

Police on Facebook

Police in multiple cities around the country have been setting up fake
accounts on Facebook using photos of attractive girls as the supposed user and
then sending friend requests to students to look at their photos to see if there are
any pictures of people under the age of twenty-one who can be seen holding
alcoholic drinks.

One such instance that made news happened in Wisconsin in 2009 when
19-year-old Adam Bauer, a student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse,
received a friend request from police posing as an attractive girl that resulted in
him being charged with underage drinking. “She was a good-looking girl. I
usually don’t accept friends I don’t know, but I randomly accepted this one for
some reason,” he said.196

Shortly after he accepted the friend request from the unknown attractive
girl, Bauer was confronted by police who had a photo of him from Facebook
showing him holding a beer. He was then ticketed for underage drinking. At
least eight students at UW Lacrosse were targeted in the same manner including
one of Bauer’s friends. “I just can’t believe it. I feel like I’m in a science fiction
movie, like they are always watching. When does it end?” Bauer said after his
court appearance.197

The students said that they were being safe and partying at home and
insisted that nobody was driving afterwards. La Crosse police officer Al Iverson
said, “Law enforcement has to evolve with technology. It has to happen. It is a
necessity—not just for underage drinking.”

This is certainly not an isolated incident of Big Brother watching Facebook.
In January 2008, several teenagers were arrested in Illinois for underage drinking
after a sheriff’s deputy found photos of them partying that were posted on


In February 2006, a 16-year-old boy in Colorado was arrested for juvenile
possession of a firearm after police saw pictures that he had posted of himself
posing with guns on MySpace.

One student in Miami, Florida was arrested and charged with inciting panic
after he posted a police sketch of a rape suspect as his profile picture on

200 While certainly this was a distasteful and juvenile attempt at a joke,

it certainly didn’t incite a panic.

In August 2006, a student at the University of Illinois was arrested for
urinating in public while another student was able to escape. The student that
was originally arrested said he didn’t know the name of the one who ran away,
but police were able to get his name from other witnesses (who were not
urinating) but were in the same group. The arresting officer then used Facebook
to discover that the two students were friends, and then came back and charged
the first student who was originally arrested for urinating in public with
obstruction of justice because he had lied to police and said he didn’t know the
other student.

In February 2007, eleven high school students at a Catholic school in
Canada were suspended for posting negative comments about their principal on

202 There also have been numerous reports of people being fired from
their jobs after complaining about their boss or their employer in their status

Man bruh Roots I been telling folks fo years now.. fedbook aka facebook and instascam

are the police

they dont even do any real crime, they just arrest the people telling on themselves online..

yet folks cant get enough of that social media crap...

and they using the masses addiction to social media against them...

that shit is crazy, they even fuckin with COLLEGE students now....

Hey in nyc they have fuckin XRAY vans... they fear guns getting out of control,

so much, they literally have xray vans..

most folks have zero idea what going on,,

if you see one of these parked in the streets of nyc..


this is whats going down ....

Here is what most cacs dont know, the radiation given off by these vans have a much more

detrimental effect on folks WITHOUT melanin, then folks WITH melanin...

them vans are causing a whole lot of cancer out here and it effecting caucazoids,

way more than its effects the eumelanated folks..

and they have them all over harlem which is being gentrified so them gentrifyers

are fuckin themselves up, thinkin they fuckin up OG Harlemites...

Karma has a slick way of working fo real!!!


Rising Star
Hmm, now this is interesting... Welcome to the dream/trance/illusion!!

A Snitch Culture

The few people living in the dystopian world described in Nineteen Eighty-
Four who were still able to think critically and independently were afraid to

speak their mind out of fear that others would report them as traitors to the Party
and enemies of Big Brother. The Thought Police are a secret police force that
use telescreens, snitches, and entrapment in order to intimidate the population in
attempts to prevent Thought Crime, and to also discover Thought Criminals, and
arrest and punish them. A Thought Criminal is anyone who dares think anything
bad about Big Brother or the Party.

People, and particularly children, have all been turned into spies and are
encouraged to report Thought Crime to the authorities. “Nearly all children
nowadays were horrible,” Orwell wrote. “They adored the Party and everything
connected with it. The songs, the processions, the banners, the hiking, the
drilling with dummy rifles, the yelling of slogans, the worship of Big Brother—it
was all a sort of glorious game to them.”396 That was in Nineteen Eighty-Four,
but unfortunately we also find parallels within our own society.
The Department of Homeland Security launched a program where they
decided to “partner” with the Boy Scouts to “prepare youths for more traditional
jobs as police officers and firefighters.”397 The New York Times ran an article in
2009 discussing a drill the children were involved in where they used fake rifles
and had to confront a “disgruntled Iraq War veteran” who became a domestic
terrorist. The article showed a photo of some kids holding fake rifles and dressed
up in SWAT gear.398

A British website called designed for children ages 7 to
11 features cartoons and downloadable materials urging children to become
“climate cops” who keep a watchful eye on their parents to see if they are
wasting electricity. Children download a “Climate Crime Case File” to write up
“tickets” for their parents to make sure they “don’t commit those crimes again

(or else)!” The site also tells children that they “need to keep a watchful eye” on
their parents to prevent future energy violations.
In the nightmarish world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, children were,
“systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report
their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Though
Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night
and day by informers who knew him intimately.”

In an interview with ABC News, President Obama’s top legal advisor,
Attorney General Eric Holder, announced that the most dangerous terrorist threat
to America wasn’t radical Islamic terrorists from the Middle East who travel to
the United States with the sole intention of blowing something up. No. He said
the new #1 threat to America is American citizens who have been born and
raised in the United States, but for whatever reason, have come to identify with
Osama Bin Elvis (Laden), the immortal boogey man. This announcement came
close to ten years after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks when the world
was getting tired of the prolonged wars in the Middle East so the establishment
needed to ensure Americans’ minds were still continuously filled with fear.
“What I am trying to do in this interview is to make people aware of the
fact that the threat is real, the threat is different, the threat is constant,” Holder
said. “It is one of the things that keeps me up at night. You didn’t worry about
this even two years ago—about individuals, about Americans, to the extent that
we now do. And—that is of—of great concern.”

He continued, “The threat has changed from simply worrying about
foreigners coming here, to worrying about people in the United States, American
citizens—raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that
they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in
which they were born.”

Holder wasn’t even talking about radical Islamic terrorists like the kind that
had been presented as the boogey men we should all fear for the last few
decades. Holder’s statement was an attempt to paint practically anyone of any

race, religion, age, political affiliation, etc., as a potential “domestic extremist”
who authorities want you to believe may attack the government or innocent
civilians for any number of reasons at any time.

Several years earlier the federal government had secretly distributed
literature to law enforcement agencies that listed what police should look for
concerning possible “domestic terrorist activity.” The eight-page MIAC Report,
leaked in March 2009 listed bumper stickers showing support for Congressman
Ron Paul, owning gold coins, and having possession of certain documentary
films as things authorities should look for.

A similar Department of Homeland Security report titled Rightwing
Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in
Radicalization and Recruitment, warned officials that returning Iraq War
veterans may turn on the American government and that “rightwing extremists”
are recruiting supporters who are concerned about illegal immigration,
restrictions on firearms, and the loss of US sovereignty.

As the Orwellian nightmare was rapidly coming true, Big Brother saw the
resistance building and worried about a revolution.

Many people believe that Nazi Germany’s secret police (the Gestapo)
terrorized ordinary German citizens under orders from Nazi leaders, but history
shows that the majority of investigations into citizens were launched because
someone tipped off authorities.

One of the world’s most respected historians specializing in World War II
Europe, Professor Robert Gellately of Florida State University, explains, “There
were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information
coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were
doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the
ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.”

In his writings Gellately explains that most Germans who turned in others
didn’t do so because they were doing anything suspicious or talking negatively

about the Nazi party. Most people were turned in because of greed, jealousy, and
petty differences, rather than because of a legitimate threat or suspicion that a
person may be an actual enemy of the state.

There were many instances of people turning in their business partners so
they could gain full control of the businesses they shared together. Jealous lovers
turned in rival suitors in order to keep them away from their boyfriend or
girlfriend, and people turned others in because they lived in an apartment that
was in high demand. Others who became informants did so because it was the
first time an authority figure valued them and they felt important through this

Gellately also emphasizes that German citizens who tipped off Nazi
authorities about someone knew what horrific fate they would find, but didn’t
care because of the financial or social rewards that person would receive in
return. While such despicable behavior was once restricted to tyrannical regimes

like Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or Mao Tse-tung’s China, it is heart-
breaking that the once great United States of America has succumbed to this

same kind of erosion from within, as a result of corruption at the top.

An iPhone app with the Orwellian name of the PatriotApp functions
as a way for people to send seemingly anonymous tips in the form of text
messages to various government agencies including the FBI, EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and
more, to report anything suspicious or illegal. On the surface this may seem like
a reasonable function, but just like the post-911 legislation bill, The Patriot Act,
the Patriot App is anything but patriotic.

The App was created by a company called Citizen Concepts which was
formed by people with strong ties with DHS and DoD, according the company’s
website, PatriotApps.com404 The description in the Apple App Store says that the
PatriotApp is, “the world’s first iPhone application that empowers citizens to
assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient

communities via social networking and mobile technology.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Council on Foreign Relations:

This think tank is one of the factions within the shadow government and ALL of these people are plants for pushing the agenda of the cabalists and globalists. A little background:

Pay close attention to the names on this list as I’m sure you are familiar with quite a few and notice how many different industries they are part of, spreading lies and misinformation to carry out an agenda that is destructive to the masses:

Bump! BGOL wants this group to take over Georgia :itsawrap: :smh: :angry: