Social Engineering!!! Interesting information!!


Rising Star
The Mass manipulation of Black people

The Mass manipulation of Black people to protect white dominance

The self-perceptions of Black people are being covertly negatively shaped by white elites.

"Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one."
                                                           – Albert Einstein
  The perceptions of black people are being covertly negatively shaped by White elites to ensure the continuance of white dominance and control. It is a very sophisticated racist system that is much less public and obvious than the overt methods used in the past--yet it is unprecedentedly more harmfully proficient. With a strong prevailing history of slavery in the United States, racism has always been an issue. This engrained societal problem of racism has always necessitated that America’s white elites develop and implement racist systems to defend and maintain their positions of white dominance. As seen where of which after the abolition of slavery different forms of Racial segregation in the United States" segregation were implemented including Jim Crow laws which invited extreme segregation within many cities across the nation. However as overt and obvious racial discrimination became morally unacceptable and illegal it became necessary to develop more sophisticated less apparent covert methods.
Because the past, blatant methods used for ensuring the continuance of White dominance from the reconstruction period through the 1960's had become morally and socially unacceptable this required that America’s White elites develop a more sophisticated and stealthy method—a design better suited for changing times.
Today Black people are unknowingly the victims of a very sophisticated covert racist program. This new method is far more sophisticated than the overtly racist methods used in the past. Its methods includes both the ability to create a national climate that is insensitive to the plight of African Americans and produce psychological feelings among African Americans that makes them more compliance to white dominance.
The U.S. media’s racially devaluing depictions and distorted portrayal of Black America that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is a deliberately designed racist ideological subversion program. This subversion program disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about America’s Black population as a means of defending and maintaining America’s position of white dominance. Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up stories made to push an agenda or meet a governmental objective.
This present system uses the national media's proven ability to mass manipulate and socially engineer society through the usage mass media propaganda techniques. Its constant deplorably negative depictions of African Americans- that subjects them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves- is designed to corrupts their sense of racial black unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group; and insinuate that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites. It also drills the message that Blacks are powerless, of lesser moral, and intelligence and that they need whites to govern over their lives. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of America’s Black population. The main motto of this mass manipulation program is to divide and conquer and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception.
Furthermore it totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality. And it also facilitates a national setting that is insensitive to their plight and that fosters a consensual national setting of where in which they are more easily mistreated, exploited and ultimately suppressed.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process of manipulation that works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior.
Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being followed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages of their deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception. The ultimate goal of this method of psychological manipulation is to divide and conquer and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception.
In regards to African Americans this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics [that are totally comprised by white sources] that intentionally subjects them to seeing only the fraudulently worst in themselves.
Here is how it works: Fraudulent derogatory stories about African Americans are secretly created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages perpetuate and frame the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. This falsehood detrimentally affects the Black population at large. The ultimate goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of white racial oppression.
Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s previous blatant system of institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program.
In The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter Godwin Woodson, it states, "If you can control a man's thinking, you don't have to worry about his actions. If you can determine what a man thinks, you do not have to worry about what he will do. If you can make a man believe that he is inferior, you don't have to compel him to seek an inferior status, he will do so without being told and if you can make a man believe that he is justly an outcast, you don't have to order him to the back door, he will go to the back door on his own and if there is no back door, the very nature of the man will demand that you build one."

Changing times made it necessary for the U.S. government to change its racist methods to a much more subtle and socially acceptable manner, then clearly, the sophisticated method of psychological warfare met such a need. It was the logical choice, perfect for the changing times. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism covertly works from a psychological perspective-- thus providing the U.S. government a more socially acceptable means of protecting its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily recognized.
This method of covert racism is much less public and obvious form of overt racism . It is hidden in the fabric of society, covertly suppressing the individuals being discriminated against. Covert racially biased decisions are often disguised or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept. These racial biases cause a variety of problems that work to empower the suppressors while diminishing the rights and powers of the oppressed. Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously. See Chester Pierce, "Offensive Mechanisms" in Floyd B. Barbour (Editor), The Black Seventies (Boston, Mass: Porter Sargent Publisher, 1970).
All African Americans have experienced the burden of this covert system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time that an African American read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. Most Black people are unaware that they are the systematic victims of this massive covert racist scheme however it is directly attributed to the intensification of internalized self-hatred, profound disunity, and present confused outlook now prevalent in Black America.
No group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. To the detriment of many African Americans, this psychosocial program has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are themselves, their own worst enemies. This creates feelings of internalized black self-contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility.
And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable. And tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this mortifying governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self-contempt; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and often fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. This massive psychosocial program is at the root of both the profound feelings of internalized self-contempt now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

This mass manipulation program also fosters a national climate that is insensitive to the plight of Black America. It does so by engendering a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. This produces increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today.
It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.

This concept of the U.S government using psychological warfare through the national media as a weapon to influence and control its Black population is not at all ridiculous. The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain and defend its position of White dominance against its Black population [This secret tradition continues even with now having its first Black President], and clearly this method of covert mass psychological warfare meets this need—It was perfect for changing time because it covertly allows white governments to control and manipulate its Black population to maintain its White dominance. Furthermore, the U.S. Government has an extensive history of using the national media to psychologically manipulate and influence public opinion. It is indeed a very common governmental practice.
Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up stories made to push an agenda or meet a governmental objective. Many journalists working for public relations firms are now hired by a U.S. government department to produce fake news reports. The media is manipulated in all manners through professional public relations (PR) firms, and covert and overt government agencies which disseminate propaganda as news. These media reports are used to promote certain political policies, ideologies and governmental objectives. These false reports are being presented as factual news by journalists, and are rebroadcast by news stations without revealing the segment is from a PR firm hired by the government, thus giving it the appearance of genuine news. As a means of meeting its unrelenting objective of maintaining its white racial dominance and control, the U.S. government now secretly disseminates racially devaluing fake news reports and fraudulent misinformation through the national and local media regarding its Black population.

Furthermore, throughout western history cultures that creates and maintains empires have done so by manipulating the people that they are trying to conquer. They go out of their way to make sure that the people that they’re attempting to conquer is perpetually misled and manipulated. Therefore the conquered group’s perception of reality is not their own. It is shrewdly imposed upon them without them even knowing it.
Fake deplorable news reports about African Americans are being deliberately disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. It is time that more African Americans wake up to this reality and ongoing tradition.
This is not an attempt to advocate anti-white racism, but is instead the indisputable truth. This unethical yet very sophisticated method of control through the usage of mass psychological manipulation is the crowning achievement of Dr. Edward Bernays, a mass manipulation expert that was hired by several U.S. presidents. Dr. Bernays was also a prestigious founding member of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation; an organization that specializes in mass manipulation and brain washing. He said in his book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country" "...If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it." The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Bernays' work and his is also still currently used by the United States government.
The media’s immense ability to manipulation the masses should never be under estimated nor is it ever overstated. A few news reports about a fake swine flu outbreak can convince millions of people not to attend work tomorrow and to even pull their children out of schools. Mass manipulation through the media is a very powerfully effective tool.
The psychological manipulation of African Americans has been so successfully accomplished that it is very difficult to reverse. You see, part of the conditioning is almost like Stockholm syndrome. The victimized group begins to love their oppressor and come to feel that the oppressor is justified in its mistreatment of their group. The victims begin to feel that they deserve their endured mistreatment, and will even resent what is being disclosed here within this article.
Although the formal covert Counterintelligence Program deployed by the FBI directed against African Americans during the period of 1956-1971 was discontinued, this far more sophisticated method was secretly implemented against America’s entire Black population. And it continues even now. To learn more about this real life "Black Matrix" that is being used against African Americans and Black people the world


Rising Star
Everything our people go thru is by design!! Nothing just happens, everything is well planned out and thought out!

There plans are always written out and public record. The issue is, they make it hard to find! They hide the truth inside of laws, acts, notes and so on.. Once you find them, then the hard work happens!! Trying to get the masses to see and understand it!!

Mass manipulating of Black people to maintain white dominance!!

This is how we (the white elites) will win the game
Let just a few live the dream
Marches, sit-ins all in vain
Make 'em think they overcame

Show 'em an empty Jim Crowe grave
Apologize for making 'em slaves
Rising tempers, we must tame
Make 'em think they overcame.

Let a few experience success
Toms come aboard and control the rest
Millions will be left in pain
But they'll think they overcame.

("Mass Hypnosis" - All rights reserved by Mary Neal 11/13/10)

The preceded poem precisely describes the modern state of Black America and the current racist system that is now being used against them.

Today Black people are unknowingly victims of a very sophisticated mass manipulating/perception management program. The perceptions of black people are being covertly negatively shaped by White elites as a means of ensuring the continuance of white dominance and control. This modern racist system is much less public and obvious than the overt methods used in the past. It is a very sophisticated program that includes both the ability to adversely manipulate and shape the collective consciousness of African Americans (thus making them more compliant of white dominance) and create a national climate that is insensitive to their plight. (Thus creates consensual settings for the mistreatment of its Black populous). To the detriment of many African Americans this program has been extremely successful.

With a strong prevailing history of slavery in the United States, racism has always been an issue. This engrained societal problem of racism has always necessitated that America's white elites develop and reinvent racist systems to defend their positions of white dominance. As seen where of which after the abolition of slavery different forms of segregation were implemented from the reconstruction period through the 1960's including Jim Crow laws which invited extreme brutal mistreatments of African Americans.

When these overt methods, used for ensuring the continuance of White dominance, became morally and socially unacceptable this required that America's White elites develop a much stealthier method. One better suited for changing times; that would provide the U.S. government with a more socially acceptable means of protecting its White racial hierarchy.

The U.S. media's racially devaluing depictions and distorted portrayal of Black America that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is a very carefully and deliberately designed racist ideological subversion program. Its constant relentless deplorably negative depictions of African Americans, that subjects them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves (comprised totally from white controlled sources) is deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of America's Black population.

Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up stories made to push or meet a governmental agenda or objective. This present system uses the national media's proven mass manipulating and social engineering capabilities to meet the governmental agenda of assuring the continuance of white dominance. This subversion program disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about America's Black population. It’s constant unrelenting assault upon the Black mind and psyche is designed to corrupts their sense of racial black unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It insinuates that Blacks should admire, respect, and trust only Whites and totally detaches them from their sense of power and reality.

Moreover, it also drills the message that Blacks are of lesser morals, and intelligence and that they need whites to govern over their lives.

This method of racism affects the unconscious mind by using deceptive psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process of manipulation that uses deceitful mortifying propaganda to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior.

Its fraudulent derogatory stories about African Americans is disseminated everywhere. It is spread through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, etc... However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages perpetuate and frame the myth of Whites' racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population.

Moreover, this program intentionally creates a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone. This creates increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today.

This fosters a national consensual setting of where in which America’s Black population is more easily exploited and mistreated. It creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. This is what mass manipulation experts refer to as "engineering consent". When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. 


This ideological subversion program assures that African Americans remain the most racially devalued, most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. The implementation of this social engineering program was the logical choice. It was perfect for the changing times. Because unlike the blatant racist systems used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism covertly works-- thus providing the U.S. government a more socially acceptable means of protecting its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily recognized. This method of racism is hidden in the fabric of society. Yet all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological conditioning. It is experienced every time that an African American read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. Most Black people are unaware that they are the systematic victims of it however is at the root of both the profound feelings of internalized self-contempt now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

The main architect of this of the mass media and governmental psychological manipulation program was the late Dr. Edward Bernays. He was a mass manipulation expert that permanently impressed America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Dr.Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and advised US presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Eisenhower. He was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.
He said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "If we understand the mechanism and motives of a group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it"

He further said, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. One of Bernays biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly. Goebbels used similar demeaning propaganda against the European Jews to socially engineer societal consent for their attempted mass genocide.


Dr. Bernays is revered as being the father of the mass media and governmental psychological manipulation programs which has come to covertly dominate today's world. He coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work.


The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Bernays' work and his method of mass psychological manipulation is also still currently used by the United States government.


Dr. Edward Bernay’s was also a prominent member of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Although it had existed for decades earlier, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was formally established as an independent not-for-profit charity organization in September 1947. The Institute’s prophet was Bernay’s uncle Dr. Sigmund Freud, whom settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. Tavistock's pioneer work in science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology.

Headquartered in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a leading organization in the use of new and experimental behavioral science programs. The Tavistock Institute is an independent organization that conducts research in the social and behavioral sciences, applied in the field of health, education and community development. Among the Tavistock Institute's specialties is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear war, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings. Its research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology. However BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of the Tavistock Institute of Human behavior. The Tavistock Institute has developed pioneering breakthroughs in the field of mass manipulation and brain-washing techniques. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

Much of the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq.

Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called "that black hole of disinformation, a lie factory." In 1821, operations that were to shape the destinies of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States were transferred to the Tavistock Institute. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being "brainwashed." Tavistock's "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" methods, still very much in use today. The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct and the decadence in music and art that can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists.

 Without Tavistock, there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution and no WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars.  But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.

Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up stories made to push or meet a governmental agenda or objective. The U.S. Government has an extensive history of conducting planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its objectives.

Given that the nineteen sixties were a period of massive black rebellion and unrest that eroded the American global image and increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy and perhaps most particularly because the nations top sociologist and psychologist knew that those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. This quite logically necessitated that the U.S. Government employ these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation against its entire African American population.

The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason-- and fostering a consensual national environment  of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.

When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are Bernays well proven methods of

Dr. Edward Bernays was a prominent member of the Tavistock Institute and one of its most skillful experts in mass manipulation..

Dr. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.
He said: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of a group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it"

It is surmised that this psychosocial manipulation program was implemented against African Americans in 1968 in the face of widespread violence that ensued after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s brutal assassination led to many demonstrations of unrest and rioting disturbances; that of which were reported in more than 100 cities across the nation. This violence resulted in the loss of lives and property that cost the nation and taxpayers millions of dollars and increasingly placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. America’s brutal racial mistreatment of African Americans had appeared to have reached its boiling point creating much unrest and discord. These factors, combined with the rapidly tarnishing American global image, led to the then president, Lyndon B Johnson, ordering that a commission be formed, later known as the Kerner Commission, to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendations for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems.
The Kerner report’s findings required that the U.S. Government abandon it’s blatant racist systems used to defend its position of white dominance. This abandoning of dated tactics led to the U.S. Government using the Tavistock Institute’s proven skilled methods of mass manipulation against its entire Black population-as a covert means of defending its white dominance.

Dr. Edward Bernays was one of the Tavistock Institutes most prominent member. He was one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation.  He invented the modern day Madison Avenue advertising Agencies by using his Uncle Sigmund's knowledge of the human psyche to make people feel they needed whatever product was being advertised. Bernays also invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

His most notorious feat was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom.

You've Come a Long Way Baby!


Bernays was convinced that this mass method of manipulation was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. For him it was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle, Sigmund Freud, had identified, people could be made happy, docile, angry, self hating or even confused.


During World War I, Bernays and journalist Walter Lippman were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. The war propaganda campaign of Bernays and Lippman produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Edward Bernays advised US presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Eisenhower and served numerous corporations and business associations. This was the start of the mass media and governmental psychological manipulation programs which has come to covertly dominate today's world. One of Bernays biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly.  A common pattern used repeatedly by Bernays was to turn a harmless entity into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items. Then use the "threat" to justify attacking the entity. Edward Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work. Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. He further states that; "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it" The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Bernays' work and his method of mass psychological manipulation is also still currently used by the United States government.


The U.S. Government has an extensive history of conducting planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations [based upon the works of Benays] through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Given that the nineteen sixties were a period of massive black rebellion and unrest that eroded the American global image and increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy and perhaps most particularly because the nations top sociologist and psychologist knew that those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. This quite logically necessitated that the U.S. Government employ these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation against its entire African American population.

The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason-- and fostering a consensual national environment  of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.

When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are Bernays well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.  The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with, through a white controlled media, is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. And while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites.  

This method of psychological manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans.  Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny.  With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans through corporate owned and governmentally controlled media outlets that deliberately subjected them to seeing only the fraudulently worst in themselves. This is done through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages detrimentally affects the Black population at large.

The overrepresentation of Black crimes and grossly exaggerated statistics of Black on Black violence within this psychosocial program are intentionally designed to create fear, hatred, and distrust thus molding the character of disunity and self-hatred among the Black community.  [Black’s own personal negative experiences and interactions with their fellow Blacks then merely confirm the program’s perpetuated message that it is they that are their own worst enemies]. The ultimately goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of racial oppression. [Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past system of blatant, institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program.]


All African Americans have experienced the burden of this system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have.  It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks.  To the detriment of many African Americans, it has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms.

In fact, this governmental mortifying psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. This type of psychological manipulation program has also been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and engendering negative cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people, to some degree, are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.

 Not only does this massive governmental psychological manipulation campaign negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, but it also provides a more socially acceptable way to assure that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America.    The media’s constant, fraudulently inaccurate, negative imagery of Black Americans is designed also to create a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. Therefore fostering a national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily exploited and ultimately consensually suppressed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.

 This campaign also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified.  When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified.  This is what Dr. Edward Bernays referred to as "engineering consent".

 This governmental psychological conditioning program stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. It also today affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity.


psyche has been so bombarded by negative images of themselves that has literally become easier for many to believe that the problem totally lies with themselves rather than being this real mass manipulation system.

However, the present despairing state of Black America is neither a baffling phenomenon, nor the result of some innate racial deficiency among Blacks, but rather instead the result of the White elite’s innate proclivity for always reinventing devious methods of defending its position of white dominance and control.

In order for we African Americans to overcome the profound feelings of hopelessness, confusion, and self hatred that still overwhelmingly plagues millions within our communities, we must synergized our energies and efforts towards countering the effects of the United State’s ongoing governmental mass media psychosocial treatment of us that is deliberately designed to render such disunity and confusion among our race as a means of ensuring that its white dominance and control is maintained.

The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance and control over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need. It was the logical choice because it covertly provided the U.S. Government with a far more sophisticated, proficient, and socially accepted means of covertly controlling and suppressing its Black population. Through this method the U.S. Government is able to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among its Black population that meet its objectives of maintaining its white dominance.  Furthermore, history overwhelmingly demonstrates that the White race’s innate proclivity for racism, control, and dominance is much too deeply ingrained for them to just merely give up their practices of implementing suppressive methods over its African American population. The records of history show that the reincarnation of suppressive methods into forms more acceptable to the changing times is a common practice of the United States government


Rising Star
African Americans are being Manipulated

America's Black mind manipulation scheme

In order for we African Americans to overcome the profound feelings of hopelessness, confusion, and self hatred that still overwhelmingly plagues millions within our communities, we must synergized our energies and efforts towards countering the effects of the United State’s ongoing governmental mass media psychosocial treatment of us that is deliberately designed to render such disunity and confusion among our race as a means of ensuring that its white dominance and control is maintained. This immense and ongoing psychological manipulation campaign is based upon the works of renowned psychologist Dr. Edward Bernays.

Dr. Edward Bernay’s was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation. He invented the modern day Madison Avenue advertising Agencies by using his Uncle Sigmund's knowledge of the human psyche to make people feel they needed whatever product was being advertised. Edward Bernays also invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.
His most notorious feat was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. Bernays was convinced that this mass method of manipulation was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. For him it was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle, Sigmund Freud, had identified, people could be made happy, docile, angry, self hating or even confused.

During World War I, Bernays and journalist Walter Lippman were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. The war propaganda campaign of Bernays and Lippman produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Edward Bernays advised US presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Eisenhower and served numerous corporations and business associations. This was the start of the mass media and governmental psychological manipulation programs which has come to covertly dominate today's world. One of Bernays biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly. A common pattern used repeatedly by Bernays was to turn a harmless entity into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items. Then use the "threat" to justify attacking the entity. Edward Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work. Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. He further states that; “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it” The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Bernays' work and his method of mass psychological manipulation is also still currently used by the United States government.

The U.S. Government has an extensive history of conducting planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations [based upon the works of Benays] through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Given that the nineteen sixties were a period of massive black rebellion and unrest that eroded the American global image and increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy and perhaps most particularly because the nations top sociologist and psychologist knew that those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. This quite logically necessitated that the U.S. Government employ these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation against its entire African American population.
The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason-- and fostering a consensual national environment of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are Bernays well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with, through a white controlled media, is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. And while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This method of psychological manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception.
Within a real life setting this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans through corporate owned and governmentally controlled media outlets that deliberately subjected them to seeing only the fraudulently worst in themselves. This is done through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages detrimentally affects the Black population at large.
The overrepresentation of Black crimes and grossly exaggerated statistics of Black on Black violence within this psychosocial program are intentionally designed to create fear, hatred, and distrust thus molding the character of disunity and self-hatred among the Black community. [Black’s own personal negative experiences and interactions with their fellow Blacks then merely confirm the program’s perpetuated message that it is they that are their own worst enemies]. The ultimately goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of racial oppression. [Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past system of blatant, institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program.]

All African Americans have experienced the burden of this system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. To the detriment of many African Americans, it has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.
And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms.
In fact, this governmental mortifying psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. This type of psychological manipulation program has also been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and engendering negative cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people, to some degree, are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.
Not only does this massive governmental psychological manipulation campaign negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, but it also provides a more socially acceptable way to assure that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. The media’s constant, fraudulently inaccurate, negative imagery of Black Americans is designed also to create a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. Therefore fostering a national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily exploited and ultimately consensually suppressed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
This campaign also attempts to discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites, and creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. This is what Dr. Edward Bernays referred to as “engineering consent”.

This governmental psychological conditioning program stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. It also today affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity.

The present despairing state of Black America is neither a baffling phenomenon nor the result of some divine ethnic curse, but is rather instead the result of the White elite’s innate proclivity for reinventing devious methods to suppress its Black population.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance and control over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need. It was the logical choice because it covertly provided the U.S. Government with a far more sophisticated, proficient, and socially accepted means of covertly controlling and suppressing its Black population. Through this method the U.S. Government is able to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among its Black population that meet its objectives of maintaining its white dominance. Furthermore, history overwhelmingly demonstrates that the White race’s innate proclivity for racism, control, and dominance is much too deeply ingrained for them to just merely give up their practices of implementing suppressive methods over its African American population. The records of history show that the reincarnation of suppressive methods into forms more acceptable to the changing times is a common practice of the United States government.
As seen after the abolishment of slavery wherein its methods of using racist, oppressive treatment of its Black population was reincarnated into Jim Crow inequalities that included many devious strategies and methods that prevented Blacks from becoming registered voters. And let us not forget the horrific Tuskegee experiments where of in which from1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted dangerous syphilis experiments on four hundred Black men. These men were deliberately left to degenerate painfully under the ravishes of the disease – with symptoms including blindness, tumors, paralysis, insanity and death – to allow the U.S. Government to collect the needed data from their autopsies. And let us also not forget of the CIA’s involvement in flooding the Black communities of Los Angeles with drugs and high powered weaponry and then disseminated these drugs and weaponry to many African American communities throughout the United States destroying the lives of millions of African Americans while stimulating the economy through the prison industry. The historic and demonstrative evidence overwhelmingly reflects the reality that the U.S. government does manifest a proclivity for reinventing devious methods to suppress its Black population. This proclivity has led to the U.S. Government using its proven method of mass psychological manipulation to control the advancement and growth of its Black population. It was the next logical choice because the evils of racism thrives best when its victims no longer recognizes the evil.

“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it you then really begin to die.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
trying to bring the heat like you, brotha!

the masses are so brainwashed that they don’t even see it. if the elite control both sides, they control it all!

these think tanks are dismissed as conspiracies but I even posted the list of all the members and EVERY MEMBER is a PLANT or AGENT and cannot be trusted.

It may sound crazy to most but these cacs really do think about how to destroy us, but use us up while doing it, every single day. They are obsessed and sick and until their empire falls, this is how it will be.

X, that CFR article is says alot.. Easy to read and decode!! I don't understand how people overlook that madness.. Anyway, these think tanks have done a number on our people. And you can trace the madness back following the television programming and number of channels.. But getting the masses to see the danger of the television, is impossible!!


Rising Star
trying to bring the heat like you, brotha!

the masses are so brainwashed that they don’t even see it. if the elite control both sides, they control it all!

these think tanks are dismissed as conspiracies but I even posted the list of all the members and EVERY MEMBER is a PLANT or AGENT and cannot be trusted.

It may sound crazy to most but these cacs really do think about how to destroy us, but use us up while doing it, every single day. They are obsessed and sick and until their empire falls, this is how it will be.

Bruh, we can't remove anything from the table when it comes to those think tanks. I don't think people realize those folk are putting policies and they don't have to put their names or be elected to push their madness!!

Your right, they are trying to remove us.. They are trying to be nice and clean doing it!! I'll give them credit, they did a hella job conditioning and programming the masses. It's those tv, that's how they have been able to infiltrate our people.. Anyway, reading and watching these vids, all I can do is SMH and wonder about the stuff that's top secret!!


Rising Star
Deplored misinformation against Black people

Deplored misinformation against Black people

The power of misinformation is profound.
(A Message to all Black people]

There exist a type of deplored warfare that is commonly used by governments against the masses and targeted groups. It is a covert method that prevails from a psychological perspective using manipulative misinformation. Manipulative misinformation is so profound that it may cause an individual to take his own life. Lets us, for example, imagine that a man was being held prisoner within a small room. And that he was forewarned that highly dangerous poisonous gas would be pumped into the room. Even if this gas was replaced by a few harmless puffs of baby powder, the man being totally convinced and expecting the lethal gas would response accordingly to that expectation. He would panic causing his heart rate to race out of control perhaps causing a fatal heart-attack. He might also break his hands or rip his nails off as he struck them against the solid wall trying to escape. The terrified man may also resort to holding his breath-- to prevent from inhaling the gas he believes to be poisonous-- causing himself to pass out, thus falling to floor hitting his head and dying. In this scenario the man is killed by manipulative misinformation and it is a very plausible example. The power of manipulative misinformation is so immensely profound that it can deeply crush one’s spirit a thousand times over in but an instant. It only requires the proper circumstances and setting.
Such circumstances and setting exists within the corporate owned and governmentally controlled media. The media’s ability to manipulate the masses is incredible. A few news reports about a swine flu out break can convince millions of people not to attend work tomorrow and pull their children out of schools even if there was in fact no swine flu at all. The media’s immense ability to manipulate the masses should never be under estimated nor is it ever overstated. In fact the media’s ability to manipulate is so powerfully effective that it can even convince a loving mother to kill her only child.

The effectiveness of the media’s ability to profoundly influence and a control mass population was made obvious as a result of one of the most infamous mistakes in history. It happened on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to a popular radio program that featured a plays directed by, and starring, Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds, about a Martian invasion of the earth. But in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that, presumably, was intended to heighten the dramatic effect. News of the panic was conveyed as a via genuine news report. As the audience listened to this simulation of news broadcast, created with voice acting and sound effects, a portion of the audience concluded that it was hearing an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. This quickly generated immense scare. People packed the roads, hid in cellars, loaded guns, fought among themselves, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens, oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken public that actually belonged in a radio play. These people listening to the false broadcast were taken in by the totally false accounts and became confused, disarray and distrusting of their neighbors even resulting in immense violence. This example proves more potently than any argument, Dr. Edward Bernays claims of the enormous effectiveness of the media at affecting masses of people.
Most people are unaware of the profound power of misinformation when it is systematically deployed as a psychological weapon against an individual or group. However the white elites are well aware of its immense power. They have researched it thoroughly and have used it repetitively -as a sort of psychosocial weapon-- against individuals and targeted groups. According to researcher Mack White, Psychologist Dr. Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, (1939). This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Dr. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing.
Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been fully established.
Over time the techniques continued to increase in their sophistication. Since the 1950's, U.S. experimental psychologists and Cognitive scientists have developed ideas about the unconscious mental process that proposes that most of our mental processes happen outside of our awareness suggesting that the ability to control the behavior of people around us subconsciously is now a distinct possibility. Moreover, over the past five decades, human sociobiology has transformed into an evolutionary psychology that has gained science the means and ability to control and, therefore, predict the actions and feelings of individuals or groups merely by the messages conveyed against them. According to this controversial use of psychology, the human mind is the most extraordinary part of the human body, and there seems to be little doubt, wrote biologist David Barash, "that the unconscious is real and that in certain obscure ways the forces of culture are all-powerful in shaping human behavior. People’s definition of themselves, their definition of other people and the definition of values by which people operate and act towards other are greatly influenced by the media. Perception created by the media leads to non-deliberate thoughtful decision-making or decision below the level of consciousness. It has been called “thinking without thinking”, and it ultimately leads to unconscious similar behaviors.
The U.S. Government has longed used the media’s mass manipulation abilities to steer society towards its objectives. These media manipulation practices are used to promote certain political policies, ideologies and governmental objectives. It also used to intrinsically define targeted groups and or populations. --- Intrinsically, definition; particularly definitions that are developed to harm other people have been described as “radical simplifiers” that position for marginalization or for destruction, those they defined---. It can either involve outright lies, or a distortion of the truth. This latter example is precisely what is being done to African Americans as a means of meeting the U.S. government’s unrelenting objective of maintaining its white racial dominance and control. The U.S. government now secretly uses this same proven method of media manipulation against its Black population through a media deployed psychosocial program of where in which African Americans are perpetually misled and manipulated by way of fraudulent negative media reports and false statistics that are designed to corrupt their sense of unity and lesson pressure for social change in their behalf thus facilitating a national consensual setting for their exploitation and suppression. It is an insidious yet very sophisticated system of control that creates deplorable false misinformation and media reports about its Black population.

Most African Americans are totally unaware of this method of emitting white racism; therefore many will find it too shocking to contemplate. Unlike the blatantly overt system of racism used in the past that resulted in African Americans unifying themselves against it, this modern system of racism is not easily recognized or comprehended by its Black victims. Nevertheless, it is directly intertwined with the extensive challenges negatively impacting Black America today. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of African Americans may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects.

It is a psychosocial program of where in which African Americans are denigrated within every aspect of American society through reports about their educational failures, crime statistics, and national health statistics. In fact based upon the U.S. Government’s national health statistics and reports concerning the health of Black America, it appears as if the bodies of Black people are literally genetically and physically inferior to the bodies of Whites. However, when examined outside of governmental discretion and control, we see, to the contrary, that Blacks are often America’s greatest athletes. In other words, it is only when statistics are totally in the hands of the White government that the bodies of Blacks appear physically inferior to Whites. Clearly there is a psychosocial manipulative conditioning programs being applied against African Americans. We can no longer ignore the obvious indications that the U.S. government is using its proven method of mass psychological manipulation against us African American. The mounting evidence is too great to be purely coincidental for us not to connect the dots -- it is in fact an exact match. The routine subjugation of African Americans could not occur so effortlessly without psychological warfare. It is too prevalent to be merely dismissed as an oversight or as being the work of a few local governments. It is being deliberately instituted at the national level. Given the preponderance of noted evidence and facts clearly then connecting these dots should be made rather easy. African Americans are being deliberately psychologically mortified by a governmentally media deployed mass manipulation program. This method of deploying white racism is so thorough and proficient that many African Americans will disregard any disclosure of its existence as mere nonsense and preposterously inconceivable. In fact, this form of racism is so proficient at damaging Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept that the problems lies with themselves rather than being a modernized system of institutionalized racism implemented by the ruling white governmental elites.

The media is corporate owned and government controlled. How else is it possible that these so-called independent newspapers and independent television channels remain so succinctly synchronized in their news presentations each and every day? Clearly the free press in America is a myth, for no matter what happens in the world, and no matter what channel you turn to, you hear the identical news reports from network to network -- only the faces reading the reports changes. This is far too much of a coincidence given that the media have separate journalists. Much of the news comes from syndicated news sources and these accounts for the overlapping identical news report and explains how is it that the national media may be used to controllably influence, and therefore socially engineer society. These factors combined with the fact that the media’s fraudulently inaccurate deplorable depiction of African Americans and its produce outcome of causing internalized turmoil and disunity among their group are totally consistent with those applied psychological mind-conditioning programs and systems developed by the federal government makes this conclusion inevitable.

White people do not have to be smarter than Black people to maintain their dominance they merely just have to convince Black people that they’re smarter and this system provides that for them. In that it mortifyingly conditions Blacks to not only accept, but to also prefer white institutions and dominance over their lives.


Rising Star
An American Tragedy: The legacy of slavery lingers in our cities’ ghetto

The United States of America, “a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” began as a slave society. What can rightly be called the “original sin” slavery has left an indelible imprint on our nationa’s soul. A terrible price had to be paid, in a tragic, calamitous civil war, before this new democracy could be rid of that most undemocratic institution. But for black Americans the end of slavery was just the beginning of our quest for democratic equality; another century would pass before the nation came fully to embrace that goal. Even now millions of Americans recognizably of African descent languish in societal backwaters. What does this say about our civic culture as we enter a new century?
The eminent Negro man of letters W. E. B. Du Bois predicted in 1903 that the issue of the 20th century would be “the problem of the color line.” He has been proven right. At mid-century the astute Swedish observer of American affairs, Gunnar Myrdal, reiterated the point, declaring the race problem to be our great national dilemma and fretting about the threat it posed to the success of our democratic experiment. Du Bois must have relished the irony of having a statue named Liberty oversee the arrival in New York’s harbor of millions of foreigners, “tempest tossed” and “yearning to breathe free,” even as black Southern peasants–not alien, just profoundly alienated–were kept unfree at the social margins. And Myrdal observed a racist ideology that openly questioned the Negro’s human worth survive our defeat of the Nazis and abate only when the Cold War rivalry made it intolerable that the “leader of the free world” should be seen to preside over a regime of racial subordination.

This sharp contrast between America’s lofty ideals, on the one hand, and the seemingly permanent second-class status of the Negroes, on the other, put the onus on the nation’s political elite to choose the nobility of their civic creed over the comfort of longstanding social arrangements. Ultimately they did so. Viewed in historic and cross-national perspective, the legal and political transformation of American race relations since World War II represents a remarkable achievement, powerfully confirming the virtue of our political institutions. Official segregation, which some southerners as late as 1960 were saying would live forever, is dead. The caste system of social domination enforced with open violence has been eradicated. Whereas two generations ago most Americans were indifferent or hostile to blacks’ demands for equal citizenship rights, now the ideal of equal opportunity is upheld by our laws and universally embraced in our politics. A large and stable black middle class has emerged, and black participation in the economic, political, and cultural life of this country, at every level and in every venue, has expanded impressively. This is good news. In the final years of this traumatic, exhilarating century, it deserves to be celebrated.

Today’s Race Problem

Nevertheless, as anyone even vaguely aware of the social conditions in contemporary America knows, we still face a “problem of the color line.” The dream that race might some day become an insignificant category in our civic life now seems naively utopian. In cities across the country, and in rural areas of the Old South, the situation of the black underclass and, increasingly, of the black lower working classes is bad and getting worse. No well-informed person denies this, though there is debate over what can and should be done about it. Nor do serious people deny that the crime, drug addiction, family breakdown, unemployment, poor school performance, welfare dependency, and general decay in these communities constitute a blight on our society virtually unrivaled in scale and severity by anything to be found elsewhere in the industrial West.

What is sometimes denied, but what must be recognized is that this is, indeed, a race problem. The plight of the underclass is not rightly seen as another (albeit severe) instance of economic inequality, American style. These black ghetto dwellers are a people apart, susceptible to stereotyping, stigmatized for their cultural styles, isolated socially, experiencing an internalized sense of helplessness and despair, with limited access to communal networks of mutual assistance. Their purported criminality, sexual profligacy, and intellectual inadequacy are the frequent objects of public derision. In a word, they suffer a pariah status. It should not require enormous powers of perception to see how this degradation relates to the shameful history of black-white race relations in this country.

Moreover, there is a widening rift between blacks and whites who are not poor–a conflict of visions about the continuing importance of race in American life. Most blacks see race as still of fundamental importance; most whites (and also many Asians and Hispanics) think blacks are obsessed with race. This rift impedes the attainment of commonly shared, enthusiastically expressed civic ideals that might unite us across racial lines in efforts to grapple with our problems. The notion of the “beloved community”–where blacks and whites transcend their differences and cooperate in universal brotherhood to foster racial integration–has never achieved broad appeal. As sociologist William Julius Wilson stressed 20 years ago in his misunderstood classic, The Declining Significance of Race, the locus of racial conflict in our society has moved from the economic to the social and political spheres.

Indeed, standing at the end of the 20th century, one can almost see Du Bois’s “problem of the color line” shifting before one’s eyes. An historic transformation on race-related issues in the United States is taking place. Arguments about black progress are but one part of the broader endeavor to recast our national understanding of racial matters–an undertaking of enormous importance. It has been a very long time since the civil rights movement constituted a force able to mold the nation’s moral sensibilities. A struggle that succeeded brilliantly to win legal equality for blacks after a century of second-class citizenship has for the most part failed to win a national commitment toward eradicating the effects of this historical inheritance. The civil rights approach–petitioning the courts and the federal government for relief against the discriminatory treatment of private or state actors–reached its limit more than a decade ago. Deep improvement in the status of many blacks has taken place, even as the underclass has grown, and there seems to be no politically effective way of mobilizing a national assault on the remaining problems.

What is more, there has been profound demographic change in American society since the 1960s. During this period, nearly 20 million immigrants have arrived on our shores, mostly from non-European points of origin. Hispanics will soon be the nation’s largest ethnic minority group. Asian-American college students and urban entrepreneurs are more numerous and more important in the country’s economic and political life than ever before. This development is making obsolete the old black-white framework, though blacks must occupy a unique position in any discussion of the nation’s ethnic history. But nowadays, as a political matter, to focus solely on the old tension between blacks and whites is to miss something of basic importance.

It is against this backdrop that statistical analyses of the status of African Americans are being conducted. Assessing how much or how little progress has taken place for blacks, and why, is one of the most fiercely contested empirical issues in the social sciences. For years, liberal advocates of blacks’ interests tried to deny that meaningful change was occurring. That assessment has always had problems, in my view. In any event, it is no longer tenable. Now the dominant voices on this subject come from right of center. They seem decidedly unfriendly to black aspirations. With great fanfare, these conservatives declare the historic battle against racial caste to have been won. They go on to say that, but for the behavioral dysfunction of the black poor and the misguided demands for affirmative action from a race-obsessed black middle class, our “problem of the color line” could be put behind us. Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom, with their new book, America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible, offer a prime example of this mode of assessment. This line of argument should not be permitted to shape our national understanding of these matters. Permit me briefly to say why.

Rooted in History

A social scientist of any sophistication recognizes that societies are not amalgams of unrelated individuals creating themselves anew–out of whole cloth, as it were–in each generation. A complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to form the opportunities and shape the outlooks of individuals. Of course, individual effort is important, as is native talent and sheer luck, for determining how well or poorly a person does in life. But social background, cultural affinities, and communal influence are also of great significance. This is the grain of truth in the conservatives’ insistence that cultural differences lie at the root of racial inequality in America. But the deeper truth is that, for some three centuries now, the communal experience of the slaves and their descendants has been shaped by political, social, and economic institutions that, by any measure, must be seen as oppressive. When we look at “underclass culture” in the American cities of today we are seeing a product of that oppressive history. It is morally obtuse and scientifically naive to say, in the face of the despair, violence, and self-destructive folly of these people, that “if they would get their acts together, like the poor Asian immigrants, then we would not have such a horrific problem in our cities.”

The only decent response in the face of the “pathological” behavior of American history’s losers is to conclude that, while we cannot change our ignoble past, we must not be indifferent to the contemporary suffering that is linked to that past. The self-limiting patterns of behavior among poor blacks “which some commentators are so quick to trot out” are a product, not of some alien cultural imposition upon a pristine Euro-American canvas, but, rather, of social, economic, and political practices deeply rooted in American history. We should not ignore the behavioral problems of the underclass, but we should discuss and react to them as if we were talking about our own children, neighbors, and friends. This is an American tragedy, to which we should respond as we might to an epidemic of teen suicide, adolescent drunken driving, or HIV infection among homosexual males–that is, by embracing, not demonizing, the victims.

The problem with talk about black culture, black crime, and black illegitimacy, as explanatory categories in the hands of the morally obtuse, is that it becomes an exculpatory device–a way of avoiding a discussion of mutual obligation. It is a distressing fact about contemporary American politics that simply to make this point is to risk being dismissed as an apologist for the inexcusable behavior of the poor. The deeper moral failing lies with those who, declaring “we have done all we can,” would wash their hands of the poor.

It is morally and intellectually superficial in the extreme to begin and end one’s argument with the observation that the problems of the underclass are due to their high rates of criminal behavior and out-of-wedlock births, and not to white racism. But this is what political discourse assessing the status of blacks has come to. The highly ideological character of racial debate in America makes nuance and complexity almost impossible to sustain. For while it may be true that the most debilitating impediments to advancement among the underclass derive from patterns of behavior that are self-limiting, it is also true that our history has dealt poor blacks a very bad hand. Yes, there must be change in these behaviors if progress is to be made. But a commitment of support will also be required from the broader society to help these folks help themselves.

The conservatives deny this. They rationalize the nasty, brutish, and short lives of a sizable minority of the black population as reflecting blacks’ deficiencies, rather than revealing any flaw in “our way of life.” Nowhere is the ideological character of this stance more clearly revealed than in the conservatives’ celebration of immigrant success, over and against native black failure. That nonwhite immigrants succeed is taken as a vindication of the system; that blacks fail is said to be due entirely to their own inadequacies. This is obscenely ahistorical. Frankly, I remain optimistic about the prospect that black teenagers, given greater opportunity, might respond with better behavior. What makes me pessimistic about our future is the spectacle of politically influential American intellectuals grasping at these cultural arguments as reason to abandon or ignore their moral responsibilities to those who are least fortunate in our society.

Color Is Not Irrelevant

The debate over affirmative action has also become quite ideological in tone. I have been a critic of affirmative action policies for more than 15 years. I was among the first to stress how the use of racial preferences sheltered blacks from the challenge of competing on the merits in our society. I argued strenuously against the inclination of blacks to see affirmative action as a totem–a policy assumed to lie beyond the bounds of legitimate criticism, symbolizing the nation’s commitment to “do the right thing” for black people. However, in the wake of a successful ballot initiative banning affirmative action in California, I now find it necessary to reiterate the old, and in my view still valid, arguments on behalf of explicit public efforts to reduce racial inequality.

The current campaign against “preferences” goes too far by turning what before Proposition 209 had been a reform movement into an abolitionists’ crusade. In my view, race-based allocations of public contracts, explicit double standards in the workplace, and large disparities in the test scores of blacks and whites admitted to elite universities are unwise practices, deservedly under attack. But the U.S. Army’s programs to commission more black officers, the public funding of efforts to bring blacks into science and engineering, and the goal of public universities to retain some racial diversity in their student bodies are all defensible practices that should be retained. The mere fact that these efforts take race into account should be not disqualifying.

Affirmative action, however prudently employed, can never be anything more than a marginal instrument for addressing the nation’s unfinished racial business. But the proponents of colorblind policy who bill their crusade against “preferences” as the Second Coming of the civil rights movement display a ludicrous sense of misplaced priorities. They make a totem of ignoring race, even as the social isolation of the urban black poor reveals how important “color” continues to be in American society. Argument about the legality of the government’s use of race only scratches the surface, because it fails to deal with the manifest significance of race in the private lives of Americans, black and white.

In the brave new dispensation, “color” is supposed to be irrelevant, yet everywhere we look in America, people are attending assiduously to race. The U.S. Census revealed that, among married people 25 to 34 years old in 1990, 70 percent of Asian women and 39 percent of Hispanic women, but only 2 percent of black women, had white husbands. Racially mixed church congregations are so rare that they make front-page news. So culturally isolated are black ghetto teens that linguists find their speech patterns to be converging across geographic distances, even as this emergent dialect grows increasingly dissimilar from the speech of poor whites living but a few miles away. Childless white couples travel to China in search of infants to adopt, while ghetto-born orphans go parentless. This is not to say that American society is irredeemably racist, but merely to illustrate how deeply imbedded in the social consciousness of our nation is the racial “otherness” of blacks. No accounts of contemporary race relations should minimize this fact. Yet that is precisely what the colorblind crusaders do.

Consider the commonsense observation that, in this country, an army where blacks are one-third of the enlisted personnel but only 3 percent of the officer corps is likely to function poorly. The U.S. army cares about the number of black captains because it needs to sustain effective cooperation among its personnel across racial lines. That the racial identities of captains and corporals sometimes matter to the smooth functioning of a military institution is a deep fact about our society that cannot be wished away.

But monitoring the number of blacks promoted to the rank of captain and formulating policies to increase that number are activities that inherently involve taking account of some individual’s race. So radical critics of affirmative action must oppose this. Yet depending on how such activities are undertaken, they need not entail the promulgation of racial double standards, nor need they seem to declare, as a matter of official policy, that racial identity is a determinant of an individual’s moral worth. As the military sociologist Charles Moskos is fond of pointing out, the Army is the only place in American society where large numbers of whites routinely take orders from blacks. So the irony is that the moral irrelevance of race, which the colorblind absolutists take as their highest principle, may be more evident to the members of the U.S. Army than elsewhere in our society precisely because the government has been allowed to use race in the conduct of its military personnel policies.


Rising Star
This is a long read, but a story that they(colonist) wish would fade away!! Everything we do, we do it better than them and they know this information!! When they landed on this land, they had never seen human being like us!! And that's where the jealousy came into play!! Anyway, in the 1920's they couldn't be outdone by the POW's!! That's where the jealousy came in again and the jealousy is still to this day!!

Black Wall St/ Tulsa Race Riots

The Questions That Remain

One of the worst race riots in the nation’s history occurred in Tulsa over a 14-hour period on May 31- June 1, 1921. Dozens of people were killed, hundreds were injured and thousands were left homeless. Most of the segregated black district, known as Greenwood, was destroyed. Although the riot itself lasted only a few hours, its repercussions are still felt today.

Click each chapter to read more about Tulsa's race riot.

- Randy Krehbiel, World Staff Writer

The Tulsa of 1921 was a humming, bustling place that reveled in the title “Oil Capital of the World.” It had earned the name by making itself into the financial, manufacturing and transportation hub of the great Mid-Continent oilfields surrounding it. From barely 1,000 inhabitants in 1898, it had grown to more than 72,000. Tulsa County’s population was about 110,000, making it the most densely populated and fastest-growing county in the state.

Most Tulsans were native-born and white. A surprisingly small number – fewer than 1,000 – identified themselves as American Indians. About 9,000 were black, with most of them living in the community centered on Greenwood Avenue northeast of downtown Tulsa. Most black Tulsans worked as laborers and domestics, but a substantial number were teachers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals.

Tulsa, like the rest of Oklahoma, was racially segregated. Greenwood had its own schools, its own post office substation, its own police station and its own branch library. It also had its own thriving commercial district, which Booker T. Washington had called the “Black Wall Street of America.”

Only two decades earlier, Tulsa had barely mustered the 1,000 inhabitants necessary for incorporation. Two decades before that, it did not exist at all. Tullasi – or “Old Town” – a Lochapoka Creek village established in the 1830s near present-day 18th Street and Cheyenne Avenue disappeared during the Civil War. In 1879, the first official use of the name “Tulsa” appeared on a U.S. Post Office operating out of the Perryman Ranch headquarters near present-day 41st Street and Trenton Avenue. Modern Tulsa, though, began in 1882, when a small tent city sprang up around Atlantic and Pacific Railroad where it met the Arkansas River.

The discovery of the Glenn Pool oil field in 1905 fueled Tulsa's ambitions. Subsequent discoveries in the surrounding countryside transformed Tulsa from cow town to budding metropolis.

With World War I came a great surge in demand for petroleum products. As much as 20 percent of the oil powering the Allied armies passed through Tulsa's pipeline terminals, refineries and rail yards. Some $36 million in building permits were issued from 1917 to 1921, with such lasting landmarks as Central High School, the Exchange National Bank, First National Bank, Cosden, City Hall, Mayo, McFarlin, Sinclair, U.S. Post Office and Atlas Life buildings completed or started.

Tulsa politics could be bumptious. The electorate was more or less evenly divided between Republican and Democrat, and with city elections held every two years, changes in administration were frequent. In 1920, real estate attorney and former municipal judge T.D. Evans, a Republican, was elected mayor on a single-plank platform: to push through a bond issue to pay for a reservoir on Spavinaw Creek, 90 miles away, and the pipeline to bring fresh water to Tulsa.

Three of the four city commissioners elected that year were also Republicans, as was City Auditor Mary Seaman, the first woman to hold municipal office in Tulsa. The recently hired police chief, John Gustafson, was a former railroad detective and private investigator whose appointment had been opposed by Tulsa County Sheriff Willard McCullough. A former cowboy with an elegant handlebar moustache, McCullough had served as Tulsa County sheriff off and on since statehood and had been returned to office in 1920 after the incumbent, Jim Woolley, failed to prevent the lynching of a suspected murderer.

Crime and law enforcement were important issues in Tulsa. Less than two weeks before the riot, Oklahoma Assistant Attorney General Katherine VanLeuven led an investigation of the Tulsa Police Department that revealed a poorly trained and sometimes corrupt force so ill-equipped it did not have a single reliable automobile. When officers need transportation to crime scenes, they were taken in private cars driven by volunteer citizens.

During the course of the investigation, a Southern Methodist minister named Harold Cooke touched on underlying racial tension. An open proponent of vigilantism and unabashed racist, Cooke complained bitterly of blacks and whites drinking and dancing together in road houses and speakeasies, and of black porters in cheap hotels acting as agents for white prostitutes.

In Tulsa, as in the rest of Oklahoma and throughout the United States, race was an important issue. Many states, including Oklahoma, tried to keep blacks from voting and restricted their activities, sometimes through so-called “Jim Crow” laws and sometimes through intimidation. Increasingly, blacks resisted discrimination. From Washington, D.C., to Chicago to the rural Arkansas delta, racial conflict degenerated into deadly armed violence.

Though far from ideal, Tulsa was considered a better place than most for blacks. Besides the thriving business district, Greenwood attracted a relatively large number of doctors, lawyers and teachers. Its schools, though poorly funded, were exceptional. The Tulsa Star, a lively weekly newspaper edited by A.J. Smitherman, promoted independence and unity, and exhorted blacks to stand up for their rights.

Three weeks before the riot, a middle-aged black couple was arrested in Tulsa for refusing to sit in the back of a street car. They were fined $10.

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On Monday, May 30, 1921, a young black man named Dick Rowland got onto an elevator on the third floor of the Drexel Building at 319 S. Main St. For some reason, he came into contact with Sarah Page, the white elevator operator, and Page cried out. Her cry was heard by a store clerk, who called police.

The Drexel Building, at 319 S. Main St., was four stories tall. Renberg’s Department Store occupied the first two floors, with offices and small businesses upstairs.

The building was probably quiet that morning. It was Memorial Day and most downtown stores, including Renberg’s, were closed. Rain dampened the holiday activities, including a parade.

Although Dick Rowland seems to have been fairly well known, his true identity is a bit of a mystery. He is generally identified as the son of Dave and Alice “Ollie” Rowland, who operated a boarding house in the Piro Building on East Archer Street. Some sources, though, say his name was actually John or Johnny Rowland, and that he was the adopted son or even grandson of Dave Rowland. Damie Rowland, Dave and Alice’s daughter, said in a 1972 interview that she had taken in young Johnny while living in Vinita and that he had been born in Arkansas. The 1920 Census listing for the Rowland household includes an adopted son named John who had been born in Texas.

Adding to the uncertainty is a slight age discrepancy. The Census recorded John Rowland’s age as 16 in 1920. Dick Rowland’s age, when he was arrested a year later, was given as 19.

Almost nothing is known of Sarah Page. Originally described as a 17-year-old orphan working her way through business college, it later developed that she may have been as young as 15 and had come to Tulsa from Kansas City while waiting for a divorce to be finalized.

Some, including Damie Rowland, have fostered the notion that Page and Rowland were romantically involved. Though possibly true, the story cannot be verified through contemporary accounts.

People who knew Rowland said the elevator did not stop level with the third-floor threshold, causing him to trip as he entered the car and fall against Page. Police later said that whatever happened, it was almost certainly not intentional. In any case, Page’s cry caught the attention of a Renberg’s employee, who apparently summoned police. Rowland fled, but Page and the clerk, if not actually naming the man she said attacked her, supplied enough of a description that authorities had no difficulty locating him.

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Rowland’s arrest the next morning was reported in a front-page story in that afternoon’s Tulsa Tribune. Headlined “Nab Negro for Attacking Girl in Elevator,” the somewhat sensational account reported, accurately if perhaps imprudently, that Rowland was to be charged with attempted assault. It said Rowland scratched Page and tore her clothes.

This, in the parlance of the day, was tantamount to an accusation of attempted rape. The mere suggestion of attempted assault, when it involved a white woman, had in the past triggered gruesome lynchings from Duluth, Minn., to the Florida swamps.

Some sources say the Tribune also published an editorial, under the headline “To Lynch Negro Tonight.” This is possible, but does not seem likely. For one, the Tribune actually editorialized against lynching, both before and after the riot. A call for vigilante justice would have been almost inconceivably inconsistent.

Also, no such editorial has ever been found. This in itself does not prove one didn’t exist. The only known copies of the May 31, 1921, Tribune were an early “state” edition – essentially a reprint of the previous day’s last edition, and therefore of no use – and a microfilm image of a file copy, made in the 1940s. The front page arrest story had been torn from this paper and part of the back page – the editorial page – was missing. This has led to speculation that the inflammatory editorial was torn out along with the arrest story.

Again, this is possible but not probable.

A surviving “state” edition of June 1, 1921 – the state edition being a virtual reprint of the previous day’s last edition – shows the arrest story on the front page. The space where the missing editorial would have been is a piece on European disarmament.

The editorials could have been switched, but a more likely explanation is that confusion arose over an editorial that appeared on the front page of the June 1 Tribune. This editorial condemned lynching but included the phrase “a story starts that a negro in the county jail was to be lynched.”

Finally, and perhaps most tellingly, the Tribune’s three loudest critics – the rival Tulsa World, the Oklahoma City Black Dispatch and the NAACP – never mentioned an editorial in their attacks on the newspaper.

The NAACP’s Walter White blamed the Tribune’s use of the word “assault.” The Black Dispatch reprinted the May 31 arrest story under the headline “The False Story which set Tulsa on Fire.” The World, on June 1, tweaked the Tribune for its “colored account” of the elevator incident.

Page, who seems to have fled the city on June 1, subsequently wrote to the county attorney, asking that the charges against Rowland be dropped. The case was dismissed at the end of September.

Just how much the Tribune story actually contributed to what followed has been debated since the day it appeared. Police Chief John Gustafson and police commissioner J.M. Adkison minimized its importance, and word of Rowland’s arrest almost certainly would have gotten around anyway. But others – including, according to one report, Gov. J.B.A. Robertson – thought the story was the root cause of the riot.

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At 4 p.m., an anonymous caller told Police Commissioner J.M. Adkison, “We are going to lynch that negro, that black devil who assaulted that girl.” Adkison and Police Chief John Gustafson arranged to move Rowland from the city jail to the more secure county lockup on the top floor of the courthouse at Sixth Street and Boulder Avenue.

Whites, attracted by the rumors, began gathering at the courthouse until they numbered an estimated 2,000.

Adkison and Gustafson wanted Sheriff Willard McCullough to take Rowland out of town, but McCullough refused. He reasoned that Rowland was safer in the jail than in a car on an open road somewhere. In this, McCullough was no doubt correct, but there is some indication that Adkison and Gustafson thought spiriting Rowland out of town would disperse the crowd. This was, in fact, a tactic that had worked elsewhere.

McCullough, though, was not about to make the same mistake his friend and rival Jim Woolley had the previous year, when Woolley had allowed a mob to take murder suspect Roy Belton from the jail. The lynching that ensued essentially ended Woolley’s career in elective office and led to McCullough’s election as sheriff in November 1920.

Rather than risk trying to sneak Rowland out of town, McCullough put him in a cell, ordered the only elevator to the jail disabled and had six of his deputies barricade themselves inside with the prisoner. McCullough, Deputy Barney Cleaver and County Commissioner Ira Short remained behind, with McCullough and Cleaver, a black man with a long career in Tulsa law enforcement, trying to disperse the crowd outside.

Interestingly, no police seem to have been in evidence at the courthouse. Some sources say bad relations between the sheriff’s and police departments contributed to the failure to control the situation before it got out of hand.

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Responding to the growing crowd at the courthouse and fears, fanned by phone calls from unidentified sources, for Rowland’s safety, a group of black men assembled at the offices of A.J. Smitherman’s newspaper, the Tulsa Star, on North Greenwood Avenue. After arming themselves, they marched and drove to the courthouse.

Sheriff McCullough said Barney Cleaver, one of his black deputies, was the first to inform him of the threats on Rowland’s life. Cleaver, the sheriff said, had telephoned to tell him of a call, apparently similar to the one to Adkison, received at a north side motion picture theater.

This call was taken very seriously. Although Tulsa did not have a history of racial violence – the 1920 lynching victim, Roy Belton, was white – it did have more than its share of vigilantism. During World War I, citizens had been harassed and beaten in the name of patriotism, often under color of the local Council of Defense or the Home Guard, a local militia organized to replace National Guard units called into active duty.

Mary Jones Parrish, a young black woman who would record her recollections and those of others in a little book called “Events of the Tulsa Disaster,” said she went outside on the night of May 31 to find “that some of our group were going to give added protection to (Rowland).”

At least two earlier contingents of concerned blacks had already visited the courthouse. McCullough and Cleaver assured them that Rowland was in good hands and persuaded them to return to Greenwood.

The intent of the white crowd is difficult to gauge. Not surprisingly, officials later described the white crowd, at least initially, as more curious than hostile. Without radio, much less television, the only way to see what was happening was to go in person.

But the crowd was not completely docile, either. McCullough was hooted down, the World reported, when he tried to disperse the whites. Shortly before the shooting started, a band of irate whites presented themselves at the National Guard Armory, about a mile east of the courthouse, demanding weapons and threatening to break in when they were denied.

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In any event, McCullough said the only effort to get at Rowland occurred at 8:20 p.m., when three unidentified white men entered the courthouse.

“I … told them there had been some talk of a lynching and that they might as well get out for no one was going to get the negro,” McCullough said. “They went out and got into an auto on Boulder street and talked loudly and gesticulated and soon a crowd gathered.”

It was at that point, McCullough said, that he ordered his men to run the building’s lone elevator to the top floor, disable it and barricade themselves inside the jail.

Over the next hour and a half, McCullough received several telephone calls from concerned black leaders as well as from Maj. James A. Bell of the local Oklahoma National Guard. McCullough assured all of them the situation was under control.

Gustafson was more concerned. But, instead of trying to break up the crowd at the courthouse, he focused his attention on the armed blacks. Eventually, he asked Bell for help “to clear the streets of negroes,” but Bell told him only the governor could call the local guardsmen into service.

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At about 10 p.m., a former county investigator named E.S. MacQueen confronted a black man, sometimes identified as Johnny Cole, in front of the courthouse. As MacQueen and Cole wrestled over the latter’s gun, it discharged. As more than one person observed, “All hell broke loose.”

The crowd scattered. McCullough, who had been trying to talk to the crowd, ran for cover in a nearby hotel. Walter Daggs, an oil company manager who lived near the courthouse was shot and killed, apparently by a stray bullet. Sixteen-year-old Homer Cline was killed as he left the bank where he worked. A.B. Stick, gunned down outside the Hotel Tulsa, was reported certain to die but somehow survived.

Some sources say a black man was killed at the courthouse, others say not. The World said an unidentified black man was chased down in an alley and killed – then said no black fatalities had been reported. News of fatalities and injuries was often fragmentary, second-hand and contradictory. Cleo Shumate, a white tool dresser, was reported to have been shot about 8 p.m., well before the riot began.

Denied weapons at the National Guard armory, whites – including some police – broke into Bardon’s Sporting Goods at 510 S. Main St., across the street from the courthouse, and began taking guns, ammunition and just about everything else in sight. Police involvement may be partially explained by the fact that Bardon’s seems to have sold ammunition to the department on a regular basis.

Looting, all of it by rampaging whites, was reported throughout downtown, as shots whizzed haphazardly. Gustafson called in his entire force – around 65 men – and Adkison began commissioning “special deputies” – perhaps as many as 400 of them. Oklahoma National Guard Adjutant Gen. Charles Barrett told Col. L.J.F. Rooney, senior office in Tulsa, to make his troops available to local authorities, even though it would be hours before they could be officially called to duty.

The first few Guardsmen to arrive at police headquarters found the street choked with men in uniform – American Legion members, assembled in formation. Although no doubt well-intentioned, their presence initially added to the general chaos. With “much promiscuous shooting,” the World reported, the ex-soldiers marched through the business district. Fortunately, the newspaper said, “no one was hurt.”

According to the World, shooting continued for two hours “over the city and centered in the north part of the business district,” until the last of the blacks had retreated into Greenwood.

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The shots at the courthouse touched off two hours of fighting and general chaos in downtown Tulsa, culminating in the return of Rowland’s intended protectors to the Greenwood area shortly after midnight. The handful of National Guardsmen available, along with some volunteers, tried to get between the combatants along the Frisco Railroad tracks and Detroit Avenue. Although the fighting never completely stopped, it did die down during the early morning hours, causing many to believe the riot was playing itself out.

Col. L.J.F. Rooney, the senior officer among the Tulsa National Guard units, wanted to establish an armed perimeter around Greenwood but gave up the idea as impractical.

“We didn’t have enough men,” Rooney said. “It would have taken at least 1,000 men to restore any degree of order and to put an effective guard line about the negro district would have required that many more.”

At about 1:30 a.m., Maj. Byron Kirkpatrick of the Oklahoma National Guard finally secured the necessary signatures for the telegram formally asking Gov. J.B.A. Robertson for National Guard assistance.

Kirkpatrick’s primary obstacle had been getting to Sheriff McCullough, who was still barricaded in the top floor of the courthouse, threatening to shoot anybody who showed himself in the stairwell leading to the jail. A Tulsa World reporter finally persuaded McCullough to let him in with the telegram.

Three National Guard units were based in Tulsa – a rifle company, a supply company and a sanitary (or medical) unit. An artillery unit had been authorized and was in the process of forming but had not been equipped. On the night of May 31 and morning of June 1, the Tulsa units had perhaps 35 men under arms. This did not include the medical unit, which was employed primarily in caring for wounded and injured blacks.

Besides the guardsmen, Rooney had at his disposal, at least in theory, several hundred ex-servicemen, most of them members of American Legion posts in Tulsa, Cleveland, Okla., Broken Arrow and Bristow. Rooney put these men under the command of Major Charles Daley, a Tulsa police inspector and staff officer to Adjutant Gen. Charles Barrett.

Restoring order along the Frisco tracks was not the only concern of the authorities. Rumors persisted throughout the night that hundreds of blacks were descending on Tulsa, reinforcing the notion of a “Negro uprising” and causing Rooney to stretch his men even thinner. Squads were sent to guard the city power plant and water works, while the police, ex-servicemen and the special deputies roamed the city in “auto patrols,” rounding up blacks living in servant quarters outside Greenwood and looking for the supposed invaders.

Rooney and about 30 men and officers established themselves along Detroit Avenue, on a rise called Standpipe Hill, where gunfire had been exchanged between adjoining white and black neighborhoods. The Guardsmen came under fire from both sides and an ex-serviceman named Wheeler, who had volunteered to join the Guard unit, was seriously wounded by a white gunman.

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At dawn, a force of “citizens, police and members of the national guard,” numbering perhaps 1,500, moved into Greenwood from the south and west, under orders to take into protective custody unarmed blacks and to subdue any who resisted. To people in Greenwood, it looked more like an invading army.

“It then dawned upon us that the enemy had organized in the night and was invading our district, the same as the Germans invaded France and Belgium,” wrote Mary Jones Parrish, a Greenwood resident who recorded her experience and those of some of her neighbors in a pamphlet called “Events of the Tulsa Disaster.”

Authorities, still operating on the premise of a “Negro uprising,” maintained they wanted to get control of Greenwood, not destroy it. They failed on both counts.

Most Greenwood residents surrendered peacefully or fled northward. Many were hidden by employers or other acquaintances and sometimes even total strangers. The few who stayed behind to fight were overwhelmed.

The National Guard reported engaging in several short skirmishes as it moved down from Standpipe Hill – the hill just west of the present Oklahoma State University-Tulsa campus – and one longer battle in which about 50 blacks “fought like tigers.” The last organized resistance came from gunmen in the Mount Zion Baptist Church tower. When they refused to come out, the new church, valued at $80,000, was set on fire.

Along the Frisco tracks, Maj. Charles Daley and about 25 men were trying to hold back an angry horde of perhaps 1,000. Daley said he repeatedly sent for help from the police, but was told they were “busy elsewhere.”

“Finally the crowd broke away from Daley,” reported The Tulsa Tribune, “and the invasion of the negro district began.”

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Six aircraft, probably JN-4 biplanes from a local airstrip, were employed by the police during the attack. Local authorities insisted the planes were used solely for reconnaissance purposes. Some on the ground, though, said the planes were used to bomb and strafe Greenwood and its fleeing residents.

As a practical matter, dropping explosive or incendiary devices from a JN-4 would probably not have been very easy or effective, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

The JN-4, or “Jenny,” was a two-seat trainer built for World War I but never used in combat. The Army wound up with a large surplus of them, which it sold in kits throughout the country. The planes were constructed of shellac-coated canvass fabric over a wood frame, and were favored by barnstormers because of the aircraft's low cost to own and maintain.

At its best, aerial bombing during World War I was more of a psychological than tactical weapon. Bombsights were crude, in some cases no more than crosshairs over a hole in the bottom of the fuselage, and accuracy was almost nil.

Dropping bombs from a Jenny would have been even more imprecise. It would have required throwing the explosive or incendiary device out of the cockpit without hitting the plane’s lower wing span or, in the case of an incendiary, catching the plane on fire. All accounts seem to agree the planes’ appearance coincided with the invasion of Greenwood, which raises the likelihood that the bombs would have been at least as much of a danger to the National Guard and the other whites flooding into the neighborhood as they were to blacks.

On balance, it seems most likely that all or substantially all of the damage to Greenwood was inflicted by those on the ground. The airplanes, though, immediately took on significance far beyond whatever role they may have played in the battle. To many, blacks and whites, they represented the oppression and brutality that reduced Greenwood to ashes.

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As Tulsa’s black population was rounded up and taken to detention centers at the Convention Hall (present-day Brady Theater), McNulty Park (10th Street and Elgin Avenue) and later the fairgrounds (Admiral Boulevard and Lewis Avenue), looters and vandals descended on the Greenwood district, setting fires and stealing and destroying residents’ possessions.

Some of those involved were the very people who were supposed to bring order to the chaos. Among them were the “special deputies” appointed during the night by Adkison. So was the Home Guard, a militia organized during World War I to replace National Guard units called to active duty. During the war, the Home Guard singled out and terrorized those it deemed insufficiently supportive of the war effort. It also took action against those it considered immoral. Although officially disbanded in 1919, members of the Home Guard apparently put on their old uniforms and waded into the fray on the morning of June 1, 1921.

“Most people, like myself, stayed in their homes, expecting momentarily to be given protection by the Home Guards or State Troops,” E.A. Loupe told Mary Jones Parrish. “Instead of protection by the Home Guards, they joined in with the hoodlums in shooting at good citizens’ homes.”

Col. L.J.F. Rooney, the senior National Guard officer in Tulsa, complained that “there were many men in the negro district wearing khaki clothes (i.e. uniforms) who were not members of the national guard.”

Tulsa police also seem to have been involved in the mayhem. More than one witness identified officers, usually out of uniform, among the arsonists. V.B. Bostic, a black deputy sheriff, was rousted from his home by a white traffic officer named Pittman, who then joined in setting fire to Bostic’s house. I.J. Buck, a white Greenwood property owner, said a policeman turned him aside when Buck tried to save one of his buildings.

“He said: ‘You ain’t got no business building buildings for negroes,’ ” Buck testified in court.

“After the homes vacated,” said one Greenwood resident, “one bunch of whites would come in and loot. Even women with shopping bags would come in, open drawers, take every kind of finery from clothing to silverware and jewelry. Men were carrying out the furniture, cursing as they do so, saying, ‘These damned Negroes have better things than lots of white people.’ ”

Fire soon consumed Greenwood’s main business district and more than 1,100 homes. Only a few houses, one or two churches on the perimeter of the community and Booker T. Washington High School survived.

“Nothing,” the Tulsa World’s Tom Latta wrote the next day, “that the mind is capable of conceiving permits a word of defense or excuse for the murderous vandalism” inflicted on Greenwood.

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The most prominent Tulsan killed in the riot was Dr. A.C. Jackson, a 40-year-old surgeon living at 523 N. Detroit Ave. According to Jackson’s white neighbor, former police commissioner and retired judge John Oliphant, Jackson had raised his hands to surrender to a group of whites when two of them shot Jackson dead in what Oliphant called “cold-blooded murder.”

Born in Memphis and raised in Guthrie, where his father was a law officer, Jackson graduated from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, practiced for awhile in Tulsa and Claremore, then trained as a surgeon in Memphis. His work was such that he attracted the attention of the Mayo Brothers, and in 1919 he returned to Tulsa as a specialist in “chronic diseases and surgery for women.”

Jackson lived on what was one of the most exclusive blocks in all of Greenwood. His neighbors included Booker T. Washington High School principal E.W. Woods, Tulsa Star publisher A.J. Smitherman and physician R.T. Bridgewater. Why Jackson, one of the gentlest of men, would have been singled out is not known. Perhaps he was mistaken for the more outspoken Smitherman or Bridgewater. Perhaps he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The riot had all but died down, Oliphant said, when Jackson “came walking toward me with his hands in the air. ‘Here am I. I want to go with you,’ he said. A body of about seven men, all armed, intercepted him and two young fellows fired on him. He fell to the ground and one of the men fired again.”

Jackson’s killers were never identified.

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By mid-morning on June 1, the violence and destruction were beginning to subside. Tulsa-based National Guardsmen, soon reinforced by units from Oklahoma City, Bartlesville and other communities, began securing the Greenwood area. At 11:15 a.m., Gov. J.B.A. Robertson declared martial law with Adj. Gen. Charles Barrett in command. Some looting continued through the afternoon, until by evening about 30 whites had been arrested for “pillaging.”

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According to some accounts, the Oklahoma City units, which included a machine gun company, were involved in the final attack on Mount Zion Baptist Church. This is not mentioned in any of the officers’ action reports and seems unlikely since those troops did not arrive until 9:30 a.m., by which time the church was already on fire.

A lawyer and former newspaper publisher who had served in the Oklahoma House and Senate, Barrett had limited military experience but was a fair administrator. He issued a number of field orders, some of which have since been misinterpreted.

For instance, Barrett temporarily banned all funerals in downtown churches. Over time, this was seen as an attempt to keep blacks from burying their dead. In fact, it had almost no effect on black funerals, since those would not have been held in the downtown white churches, anyway. The purpose of the ban was to keep grieving white families from coming into contact with blacks still staying in some downtown churches.

Barrett also ordered a moratorium on property transfers in Greenwood. This was to head off speculation and forced sales.

Martial law was eased on June 2 and lifted altogether at 5 p.m. on June 3.

By mid-day on June 1, Greenwood had been emptied of all but a handful of its inhabitants. A few found refuge in downtown churches or the homes of white employers, acquaintances and even strangers. Fewer still somehow rode out the riot in their own homes. The majority by far had either fled the city or been taken into what was described as protective custody.

Forced to march for blocks through white neighborhoods with their hands in the air while their homes and possessions burned behind them, the detainees were subject to harassment and humiliation. Some were robbed of whatever valuables they had managed to stuff in their pockets.

They were taken first to Convention Hall, now the Brady Theater. It soon proved inadequate, and McNulty Park, the local minor league baseball stadium at 10th Street and Elgin Avenue, was put into service. Finally, in the afternoon, the detainees were transported to the fairgrounds at Admiral Boulevard and Lewis Avenue.

Through the afternoon and into the next day, National Guard patrols went out into the countryside to pick up Greenwood residents. Some had gotten as far as Claremore and Bartlesville. A few made it all the way to Kansas City. A good many simply kept going and never looked back.

Detainees were given food, water and medical attention that first day. The black hospital had been burned, so a makeshift clinic for injured blacks was set up at the National Guard Armory. Maj. Paul Brown, a Tulsa physician and commanding officer of the sanitary detachment, then commandeered beds in white hospitals for the most serious cases.

Many detainees were released within hours, while others remained at the fairgrounds camp for weeks. Generally, detainees were held until a white person vouched for them, at which point they were given a card to wear on their clothes. Those without cards were subject to arrest.

Those with nowhere else to go were allowed to stay at the fairgrounds camp, regardless of whether or not they had been released. At its height, the camp housed about 5,000.

Those who remained were required to pay for their meals, either out of their own pockets or by working at various tasks, including cleaning up the debris in Greenwood. For this, they were paid standard laborers’ wages. It was by no means an easy existence, but some whites soon complained that blacks were being “spoiled” at the fairgrounds and by the attention given them by the Red Cross and other charitable organizations.

Although the destruction of Greenwood was generally condemned by black and white Tulsans alike, overall blame was quickly assigned to the blacks who had gone to the courthouse to protect Dick Rowland.

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The true death toll will probably never be known. Thirty-seven death certificates were issued for riot-related fatalities, but most experts believe the total was higher – perhaps much higher. Hundreds and perhaps thousands were injured.

Property damage in Greenwood was put at $1.5 million to $2 million at a time when a good house could be built for less than $1,000. According to the Red Cross, 1,256 homes were burned and another 215 looted but not destroyed.

Of the 37 death certificates, 25 were for black males and 12 for white males. Nine black victims, burned beyond recognition, were not identified.

Two other deaths are sometimes included in the confirmed total: a still-born black infant found during the riot and a white male shot several days later when he drove through a checkpoint on the outskirts of town.

The number of dead and injured has been the subject of controversy from the very start. Early on, the Tulsa World reported 100 dead, then scaled its estimate back to 30, saying some bodies had been counted twice and others thought dead were only injured.

Maj. Charles Daley, the National Guard officer who had been installed in the Tulsa Police Department as a sort of inspector general, contributed to the confusion by saying he expected the toll to reach 175. After inspecting the burned area with another National Guard officer, however, Daley said no additional bodies were found and the number of dead was much lower than previously thought.

There was indeed much confusion. Some people reported dead weren't, and some reported “slightly injured” were in fact dead. A few of the dead were either misidentified or had been living under assumed names. According to the Red Cross, many people and especially whites were reluctant to seek medical attention for even major injuries.

Stories abound of bodies “stacked like cordwood,” loaded on trucks, dumped in the Arkansas River, thrown down mine shafts and burned in the city incinerator. Some, on examination, are more plausible than others; none, at this late date, can be proved or disproved.

On June 3, 1921, just two days after the riot, the Tulsa World reported that 13 black victims of the riot were buried in Oaklawn cemetery “in separate graves and in plain caskets,” a description that suggests a suspicion of something otherwise even then.

In 1999 and 2000, a commission authorized by the Oklahoma Legislature and the Oklahoma Geological Survey probed for mass burial sites at several locations in Tulsa, including Newblock Park, Oaklawn Cemetery and the former Booker T. Washington Cemetery.

Their search was unsuccessful.

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A grand jury convened the second week of June said the armed blacks at the courthouse were the direct cause of the riot, but said indirect causes were more to blame. Among the indirect causes cited were agitation for social equality and lax law enforcement. Eighty-eight indictments were issued, mostly for black men, but few seem to have been served. A few people arrested during and after the riot were convicted of or pleaded guilty to minor crimes such as possession of stolen property.

Immediately after the riot, a group of white businessmen proposed moving the black neighborhood further to the northeast and converting the Greenwood area to a warehouse district. This effort ultimately failed when the business group could not raise the necessary capital. In September, Tulsa County’s three district judges ruled the city had illegally extended its fire code in an attempt to thwart blacks from rebuilding. Their decision effectively ended the real estate group’s scheme.

The group’s efforts, though, helped feed suspicions of conspiracy and cover-up. Some have suggested the entire incident, including the encounter between Dick Rowland and Sarah Page, had been staged to provide an excuse to lay waste to Greenwood. They point to the actions – or inaction – of authorities during the buildup to the riot and failure to protect Greenwood property on the morning of June 1.

There were also claims that the blacks who went to the courthouse wanted a fight. According to later testimony and notes found in the papers of Gov. J.B.A. Robertson, hotel owner John Stradford had exhorted the men at the Tulsa Star office with the promise to “send and get the Muskogee crowd” – that is, reinforcements from the nearby city of Muskogee. The African Blood Brotherhood, an arm of the Communist Party based in New York, claimed to have had a chapter in Tulsa organizing armed resistance to racial oppression.

Stradford and Smitherman were arrested after the riot, posted bail, and left Oklahoma forever. Stradford settled in Chicago, where his family became prominent. Smitherman opened a newspaper in Buffalo, N.Y.

In July, a jury found Police Chief John Gustafson guilty of dereliction of duty and removed him from office. He resumed his career as a private investigator.

In September, a large Ku Klux Klan rally was held at Convention Hall. It was the Klan’s first public appearance in Tulsa, although many people believed it had a hand in the riot.

The original Klan, organized during Reconstruction, had been broken up in the 1870s, but a new organization was formed in Atlanta in 1915. This Klan promoted a broader agenda than its predecessor, based not only on racism and white Angle-Saxon Protestantism but vigilante enforcement of its own moral code.

In April 1922, more than 1,700 Klan members marched through downtown Tulsa while an airplane carrying an electrically lighted cross flew overhead. In that spring’s city elections, Klan candidates swept every office, and did the same when county elections came around in the fall. In August 1923, Gov. J.C. Walton declared martial law in Tulsa County because of Klan activity.

Most insurance claims stemming from the riot were denied because policies typically excluded such damage. Scores of lawsuits were filed as a result. One by white property owner William Redfearn alleged the riot had in fact been a police action. Redfearn produced a number of witnesses who said police actively participated in the destruction of Greenwood.

Refearn’s suit was dismissed, as were all others. Few property owners were ever reimbursed for their losses.

Greenwood families lived in tents and makeshift shacks in their old neighborhood for much of the next year, but eventually the neighborhood did rebuild, reaching its peak during World War II.

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Few landmarks associated with the riot still stand. The most visible is the former Convention Hall, now Brady Theater, at 105 W. Brady St. Most of the area destroyed in the riot is occupied by campuses of Oklahoma State University and Langston University.

The old Tulsa County Courthouse, where Dick Rowland was held and the shooting began, was demolished in 1960 to make way for a 32-story bank building. The police station, the Hotel Tulsa and Magee’s and Bardon’s Sporting Goods stores are long gone. The armory where National Guardsmen faced down angry whites has for decades been a Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.

Mount Zion Baptist Church rebuilt, slowly and painfully, over a period of many years. For awhile, it had to meet in the church basement, the only part of the building still usable. A freeway runs where the fairgrounds and Dr. A.C. Jackson’s house once stood and cuts the old Greenwood in two. The formerly bustling business district was reduced to a single block.

In 1997, the Oklahoma Legislature authorized a special commission to investigate the Tulsa riot. The commission’s report, issued in 2001, recommended reparations for living black survivors of the riot. The recommendation was never acted upon.

In 2003, a federal lawsuit was filed against the state of Oklahoma, city of Tulsa and the Tulsa Police Department on behalf of about 200 survivors and descendents of blacks living in Greenwood at the time of the riot. In 2004, the courts dismissed the suit, ruling the statute of limitations had run out.

In 2007, Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris formally dismissed the original indictment against alleged riot participants.

For many Tulsans, the riot remains a sensitive and controversial issue. For some, it is merely something that happened long ago with little relevance today. For others, however, it remains a symbol of oppression and prejudice that speaks to modern race relations.

The opening of the John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park adjoining ONEOK Field, the city’s new minor league baseball stadium, is expected to bring new life to Greenwood. It is also expected to bring greater attention to a painful but important chapter in Tulsa’s history, and to one of its most distinguished sons.

At the 2008 dedication to the park named in his honor, John Hope Franklin, in one of his last public appearances before his death, said, “Someday we’ll have the joy and pleasure of complete reconciliation. We’re moving in that direction. I hope we get there very soon.


Rising Star
And I'm still trying to figure out why black folk continue to give their undying support to white liberals. Its primarily white liberals that benefit from all this social engineering and media manipulation that "entrances" black folk....


Rising Star
And I'm still trying to figure out why black folk continue to give their undying support to white liberals. Its primarily white liberals that benefit from all this social engineering and media manipulation that "entrances" black folk....

Brotha, I'm with you on figuring out why these Libs get our support and don't do nothing but give feel good speeches and empty promises!! I don't get it either, brotha!!


Rising Star
Brotha, I'm with you on figuring out why these Libs get our support and don't do nothing but give feel good speeches and empty promises!! I don't get it either, brotha!!

If you wanna look up another guy who created these "marketing schemes" that prey on peoples insecurities, do a little research on Edward Bernays. He was a nephew to Dr Sigmund Freud the founder of modern psychology. Mr Bernays played a heavy role in selling americans on ideas as well as creating systems to entice americans to buy goods and services starting back in the 1920's. Ever wonder why christmas and many "spending" holidays are a part of american culture. Credit Edward Bernays.

Next time you feel way too attracted to buying something that you really can't afford, credit madison avenue and Edward Bernays. BTW, did you know the black folk make up 15% of the total population but spend close to 50% of all dollars that flow into the marketplace... food for thought.


Rising Star
If you wanna look up another guy who created these "marketing schemes" that prey on peoples insecurities, do a little research on Edward Bernays. He was a nephew to Dr Sigmund Freud the founder of modern psychology. Mr Bernays played a heavy role in selling americans on ideas as well as creating systems to entice americans to buy goods and services starting back in the 1920's. Ever wonder why christmas and many "spending" holidays are a part of american culture. Credit Edward Bernays.

Next time you feel way too attracted to buying something that you really can't afford, credit madison avenue and Edward Bernays. BTW, did you know the black folk make up 15% of the total population but spend close to 50% of all dollars that flow into the marketplace... food for thought.

Good reply, brotha!! This week I'll do sum research on ed Bernays on put up sum of his madness on here.. Bruh, that's crazy how much our people spend.. All I can do is SMH.. Thanks for adding sum input, bruh...


Rising Star
Brotha's!!!!! We must rethink everydamn thing!!

To escape psychological control Copper color people must think critically

lack People let us liberate ourselves by engaging in some critical thinking.

How have unity, racial pride, and educational aspiration, once hallmarks of Black identity so dramatically declined? How did we African Americans become living contradictions of our former selves? Do we continue to accept the easy and convenient answer that they all merely disintegrated when integration and other subsequent opportunities became available? Moreover, can the core of our problems still somehow be connected to White racism? Many Americans today believe that Dr. King’s dream has been, for the most part, fully realized in America and that therefore consequently, Blacks failure to achieve is now perceived as totally the fault of Blacks alone. But has Dr. King’s dream been fully realized in America, or are we all the victims of an elaborate illusion that equality now exists for all Americans?

Today the illusion of opportunity and change has been so firmly established upon the national consciousness that to suggest that the current problems among Black America are now the results of White racism has become almost laughable. Presently, it is conceivable that if anyone were to now blame the many disparities among Black America on White racism that they would be immediately accused of playing the inevitable race card. There might also be charges of peddling victim hood in order to enjoy the moral advantage that victim-hood lends to emphasize this position, toward absolving Blacks from all responsibility.

Certainly, there are some Blacks who have wrongly peddled victim-hood and blame of Whites; however, today this scenario of the Black victim-hood peddler is deliberately over stated and perpetuated in America. The effect is utter disdain for these Black accusers – even from fellow Blacks. This is deliberately done to prevent Blacks from realizing that there is actually a modern, deliberate system of racism implemented by America’s White governmental elites with the underlying objective of maintaining White dominance. Due to the prevalence of White dominance in America, the prevailing perception has become that race is no longer significant in American society and that therefore racism can no longer be claimed a factor in the unhealthy state of Black America. However to find the true answers to the persistent despairing problems among America’s Black communities Blacks must not be deterred , but instead be willing to persevere beyond White indifference, ridicule, disapproval, and/or accusations of victim-hood peddling for they are now deliberately employed as tools of deterrence to keep Black America from discovering the truth.

The truth is although today most African Americans do not experience racism the way their parents experienced it, they do, however, still experience White racism. White America's practices of economically exploiting and suppressing its Black population were never actually abandoned, but instead sophisticatedly reincarnated. White racism in the U.S. persists as a current and devastating problem that is now deployed more sophisticatedly, covertly, and more proficiently than ever before. White America's methods of institutional racism has been secretly modified into a more contemporary and stealthy design that provides a more socially acceptable means to covertly control and suppress the advancement of its African American population.

The decline of the blatant, overt racism used in the United States to suppress African Americans through the 1960's coincided with the introduction of a well-camouflaged, more proficient, sophisticated, and covert method of White racism better suited for the times. This modern covert system is directly attributed to the intensification of internalized self hatred, profound disunity, and present confused outlook now prevalent in Black America. Though African Americans today are measurably more successful than their predecessors in every field, this current system of deploying white racism ensures that African Americans remains the most racially devalued most deliberately exploited and suppressed group in America.

For the most part the manner in which we African Americans approach and/or confront White racism is extremely outdated. Today, unfortunately, whenever the topic of racism is discussed among African Americans, this implies (for most) the images of police brutality, racial profiling, driving while Black, and, of course, the Ku Klux Klan and similar White, anti-Black organizations. While these are all serious elements of racism that does deserve our attention, they are neither the most prevalent nor do they represent the most detrimental form of racism faced by African Americans today. Because the past, blatant methods of insuring White dominance caused momentum for resistance because they were so obviously immoral and unjust, the U.S. government secretly implemented a far more sophisticated methods of maintaining its white dominance. Today’s system is far more sophisticated, elaborate and proficient than any system of racism previously faced by African Americans – even slavery.

The present despairing state of Black America is a deliberate occurrence carefully contrived by America’s ruthless white ruling elites. Although the formal covert Counterintelligence Program [COINTELPRO] deployed by the FBI directed against African Americans during the period of 1956-1971 was discontinued. However, in truth today there is a far more sophisticated and massive governmental scheme being implemented against the entire African American population as a means of ensuring that white dominance and control is maintained. This present system uses the methods of propaganda techniques based upon the works of renowned psychologist Dr. Edward Bernays.

Dr. Edward Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation. He invented the modern day Madison Avenue advertising Agencies by using his Uncle Sigmund's knowledge of the human psyche to make people feel they needed whatever product was being advertised. Edward Bernays also invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.His most notorious feat was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. Bernays was convinced that this mass method of manipulation was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. For him it was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle, Sigmund Freud, had identified, people could be made happy, docile, angry, self hating or even confused.

During World War I, Bernays and journalist Walter Lippman were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. The war propaganda campaign of Bernays and Lippman produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Edward Bernays advised US presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Eisenhower and served numerous corporations and business associations. This was the start of the mass media and governmental psychological manipulation programs which has come to covertly dominate today's world. One of Bernays biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly. A common pattern used repeatedly by Bernays was to turn a harmless entity into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items. Then use the "threat" to justify attacking the entity.

Edward Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work. Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. He further states that; “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Bernays' work and his method of mass psychological manipulation is also still currently used by the United States government.

Today, in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, the United States Government has acquired a long history of conducting extensive campaigns of strategic psychological operations [based upon the works of Benays] through the national media to influence the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Because the nineteen sixties were a period of massive black rebellion and unrest that eroded the American global image, increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy, caused the U.S. Government to fear the uprising of a violent Black revolution, and perhaps most particularly because the nations top sociologist and psychologist knew that those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. This quite logically necessitated, as a means of restoring its stability, that the U.S. Government instate these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation against its entire Black population.

The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason -- and facilitates a consensual national environment of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are Bernays well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with, through a white controlled media, is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites.

This method of psychological manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans. Where of which they are constantly bombarded and inundated by deplorably negative imagery's of themselves through a totally white controlled media outlets that intentionally subjected them to seeing only the fraudulently worst in themselves.This is done through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages detrimentally affects the Black population at large

The over representation of Black crimes and grossly exaggerated statistics of Black on Black violence within this psychosocial program are intentionally designed to create fear, hatred, and distrust thus molding the character of disunity and self-hatred among the Black community. [Black’s own personal negative experiences and interactions with their fellow Blacks then merely confirm the program’s perpetuated message that it is they that are their own worst enemies]. The ultimate goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of racial oppression. [Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past system of blatant, institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program.]

All African Americans have experienced the burden of this system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. To the detriment of many African Americans, it has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.

And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. This type of psychological manipulation program has also been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and engendering negative cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people, to some degree, are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.

Not only does this massive governmental psychological manipulation campaign negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, it also ensures that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. The media’s constantly depicted deplorable imagery of Black Americans is designed also to create a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. Therefore fostering a national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily exploited and ultimately consensually suppressed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation. This governmental psychological conditioning program is what stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles.
This campaign also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. This is what Dr. Edward Bernays referred to as “engineering consent”.

Its effects are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This societal engineering also today affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Through the usage of mass psychological manipulation White America’s methods of institutionalized racism has been secretly modified into a more sophisticated and stealthy design. Unfortunately to the detriment of many African Americans this modern system of deploying white racism has been very proficient.

The notion that the U.S government has reincarnated its method of suppressing its Black population is patently very plausible and historically accurate. Because the practices of reinventing methods of suppressing sub-groups is not at all uncommon. The records of history show that the reincarnating of suppressive methods into forms more acceptable to the changing times is a common practice. In examining the record of history, we often find that, among those mighty empires which were ruthless, greedy, and racist, those behaviors did not decay quickly even after the fall of the empire. These patterns of racism were often reincarnated into forms more acceptable to the changing times. History acknowledges that this has been a common practice of the United States government. As seen after the abolishment of slavery wherein its methods of using racist, oppressive treatment of its Black population was reincarnated into Jim Crow inequalities maintained by regional authorities and condoned by the U.S. Government. A Governmental condoning that facilitated a national environment of where in which African Americans were brutally mistreated, lynched and were made victims of many devious strategies and methods that prevented them from becoming registered voters. And let us not forget the horrific Tuskegee experiments or of the CIA’s involvement in flooding the Black communities of Los Angeles with drugs and high powered weaponry. A quick review of history easily affirms the reality that white America does have a tradition of resistant against the advancement of its Black population. It also reminds us that the White race’s innate proclivity for racism, control, and dominance is much too deeply ingrained for them to just merely give up their practices of implementing suppressive methods over its African American population.

This concept of the U.S government using psychological warfare through the national media as a weapon to influence and control its Black population is not at all ridiculous. Psychological Warfare is a real, well-proven and commonly used method of warfare that exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare to penetrate the proposed target. Today, the U.S. government, like many other developed nations, conducts planned campaigns of extensive, strategic psychological manipulation operations through the national media to influence the perception and climate of the nation towards the attainment of its governmental objectives. These psychological manipulating programs began in a military setting, but governmental and societal elites eventually realized that it could be useful for totally controlling society. Therefore, it evolved from military application against foreign enemies to the domestic control of society.

These systems of mass psychological manipulation were first perfected by members of the U.S. military and then advances in these studies resulted in it then being turned over to the intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector, in turn, deliberately and successfully undertook to have these same manipulative conditioning programs applied to influence the climate of the nation in favor of its governmental objectives. Participating federal agencies may include the National Security Council, the Office of Strategic Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. When these manipulative programs are deployed against foreign entities they are referred to by governmental and military officials as “psychological warfare” when they’re executed domestically to influence the climate of the nation they are then referred to as Psychological operations (PSYOPs) rather than as a “Warfare”. The U.S. Government has an extensive history of using the national media to psychologically manipulate and influence public opinion. It is indeed a very common governmental practice. What is more, this contention that the U.S government is using a mass psychological manipulation program to influence and control its Black population is totally consistent with White America’s past tradition of resistant against Black advancement. Moreover, it was the next logical choice because this method covertly provides the U.S. government a stealthier, socially acceptable means to both control and influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among its Black population that meet its objectives of maintaining its white dominance.

This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards psychological manipulation. They're not. But we cannot ignore the fact the present immense campaigns of deplorably negative media portrayal of African Americans that causes feelings of self loathing among many Blacks, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and facilitates a national consensual environment of where in which Blacks mistreatment appears justified, is totally consistent with Dr. Edward Bernays commonly used methods of turning a harmless group into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items then using the false created image to justify mistreating and attacking the group. It is essential that we Black people all do our parts to disseminate this information and implement plans to counter this real life Black Matrix.


Rising Star
Mind Control: It’s Happening to You Right Now

Your mind is being controlled by distant strangers who don’t have your best interests at heart. If that sounds like a paranoid fantasy, brace yourself and read on. These are the findings of a series of scientific studies that show how a few dominant institutions have the power to affect how you feel, how you act, and even how you vote – without you ever knowing about it.
Deliberate mind manipulation of the masses is, by itself, nothing new. Nearly a hundred years ago, our global mania for consumption was unleashed by the malevolent brilliance of Edward Bernays, known as the “father of public relations.” Bernays was Sigmund Freud’s nephew and used his uncle’s insights into the subconscious to develop his new methods of mind control, designed to create the modern American consumer.
Edward Bernays: the father of modern consumer culture – © Waking Times
“We must shift America from a needs to a desires culture,” declared Bernays’ business partner, Paul Mazur. “People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. We must shape a new mentality. Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.” In 1928, Bernays proudly described how his techniques for mental manipulation had permitted a small elite to control the minds of the American population:
[T]he conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government that is the true ruling power of this country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives… we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who pull the wires which control the public mind.[1]
Bernays set in motion what we have all come to know as an essential part of our capitalist ecosystem: the use of mass media to promote roles, desires and status symbols that rake in profits for corporations. The chilling words of Wayne Chilicki, chief executive of General Mills, show how faithfully Bernays’ vision has been followed: “When it comes to targeting kid consumers, we at General Mills follow the Procter & Gamble model of ‘cradle to grave.’ We believe in getting them early and having them for life.” [2]
What’s changed is that a new generation of mind controllers are using the burgeoning technologies of data mining and social media to inject their power even deeper into our minds than their forebears could have dreamed possible. A modern-day Bernays named B.J. Fogg has founded a field called “captology,” derived from the acronym CAPT or “Computers As Persuasive Technology.” At the ominously named Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab, he teaches freshly minted graduate students how to use technology to “change people’s attitudes or behaviors.”
His teachings have spawned the interfaces of our new daily routines: the chimes from our smartphones diverting our attention, the thumbs-up icon on our news feeds, and the Like statistics telling us how popular we are today. These are known as “hot triggers” which kick off behavioral loops in our subconscious. Successful apps, they teach, are those that trigger a momentary need, and then provide us with an instant solution. The solution sparks a micro dose of endorphins in our brains. That feels good. So, like rats on a wheel, we find ourselves getting addicted, going back for more.[3]
Like a rat on a wheel, we are trained to need more… and more. – © Getty Images
Facebook has built its global empire of 1.6 billion active users on this addictive routine. According to one of Fogg’s students, Nir Eyal, Facebook’s key trigger is FOMO: fear of missing out. Humans evolved in hunter-gatherer bands, where survival meant being part of the community. The social anxiety of missing what our friends are doing arises from deep within our hormonal system. Meanwhile, as psychologist Sherry Turkle has pointed out in her book Alone Together, we sacrifice our daily physical intimacy with those around us by focusing our attention on the screen in our hands. [4] This has been brilliantly captured by artist Eric Pickerskill in his photography series, “Removed,” which documents the feeling of everyday social situations – after removing people’s smartphones from the picture.
Social media makes us alone together – “Removed” © Eric Pickerskill
Facebook has been researching the extent of its power over our behavior, manipulating its own users as guinea pigs. On election day in 2010, it sent “Go out and vote” reminders to more than 60 million users, causing an estimated 340,000 to vote who otherwise wouldn’t have. If it chose to send these reminders to supporters of a particular party or candidate, it could easily flip an election without anyone knowing about it. Under current law, it wouldn’t have to tell anyone what it was doing. In another experiment, which caused a public outcry, Facebook successfully manipulated the emotional state of 689,000 users by sending them either an excess of positive or negative terms in their news feeds.
The mind control doesn’t stop at social media. Do you believe in your autonomy when you’re carefully conducting research on a topic and use Google to search for something? Think again. Psychologist Robert Epstein has unearthed the massive subliminal power of what he’s called the Search Engine Manipulation Effect, or SEME.
This effect is based on the fact that when we search, we click half the time on one of the first two results, and more than 90% of our clicks are on the top ten links listed on the first page. There might be thousands of other web pages containing our key words, but Google decides which ones we’re going to read.
Is your mind being controlled? – © RD Revilo
Epstein and his associate Ronald Robertson wanted to test whether SEME could impact how people decided to vote in an election. They asked a sample of Americans to research candidates for an Australian election (to minimize preconceived notions about the candidates) using their own mock search engine, “Kadoodle.” They randomly divided the sample “voters” into three groups, and served up the same results to each group. The only difference was the ordering of the results: one group’s results favored one candidate; another group’s results favored the opposing candidate, and the third group saw results that favored neither candidate.
The results were staggering. The proportion of people favoring Kadoodle’s “favored” candidate increased by 48%. Disturbingly, three quarters of the people in the manipulated groups were completely unaware of any bias in their search results. In the “neutral” control group, there was no significant shift of opinion.
Since then, they’ve replicated these findings in larger tests conducted across the U.S. They’ve discovered that using simple techniques, they can mask the manipulation so that virtually no-one is aware they’re seeing biased rankings. In 2014, they took their testing to India during the election for prime minister, where people were already very familiar with the candidates. Even so, they were able to shift the proportion of people favoring a chosen candidate by 20%, with 99.5% of people showing no awareness they were being manipulated. [5]
In many countries of the world, including the U.S., Google has a near monopoly over internet searches. The search-ranking business is entirely unregulated, and courts have ruled that Google’s right to rank search results however it pleases is protected as a form of free speech. If Google chose to swing the U.S. election, they could probably do so without anyone knowing about it. [6]
Would they do something like that? It turns out that Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, has funded a semi-secret company, The Groundwork, to provide Hillary Clinton the engineering talent she needs to win the election, prompting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to call Google “Hillary’s secret weapon.” Meanwhile, Hillary has hired a longtime Google executive as her chief technology officer. If Google were prioritizing pro-Hillary search results over those favoring Bernie Sanders, we’d never know.
Eric Schmidt and Hillary Clinton: Is Google secretly manipulating public opinion in her favor? – ©
The British economist Kenneth Boulding once warned: “A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.” So you decide, is your mind being manipulated?
Until these unseen influencers are better regulated, there are still some things we can do to protect ourselves from their mind control. One idea, suggested by technology thought leader Jaron Lanier, is to investigate your relationship with social media and take back your power to choose by conducting your own experiments. Consciously go through periods of complete disengagement from social media – a day, a week, or a month – and notice how it feels. How strong and how frequent were those urges to reconnect? Did you miss anything? Did anything positive arise in their place?
Another idea is to become aware of the sources of our news. Notice the extent to which you live in an information silo. Make a regular habit of checking the websites of news sources outside your ideological comfort zone. When conducting a search on Google, see what’s listed two or three pages down, and occasionally try an alternative search engine for a reality check. DuckDuckGo is one that doesn’t track your activity, meaning you will get a more neutral result.
Finally, we can use the realization that our minds are being manipulated to delve deeper into the patterns of thought instilled in us from early infancy by our culture. What ideas do we take for granted that are really constructions of the global corporate profit machine? What implicit beliefs do we hold about the world that are merely the result of deep cultural indoctrination? My book, The Patterning Instinct: A History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, attempts to unearth some of these. Asking these questions, while consciously searching for patterns of meaning that could lead to a more equitable and sustainable world, offers a pathway of liberation from the mind control those distant strangers are attempting to impose on us.


Rising Star
We gotta question everything we've been taught in these school, every damn thing we seen on the television!! This bullshit just ain't adding up!!!

“ROOTS” A Lie and Hoax to Steal American Land

Alex Haley’s 1976 novel “ROOTS” and the 1977 miniseries was plagiarized from the 1967 book, THE AFRICAN. Harold Courlander, the white author of “The African” sued Alex Haley in 1978 for stealing his story. Through testimony it was revealed Alex Haley stole Courlander’s work and lied about his African heritage.

Harold Courlander, who was white, wrote a novel called “The African” in 1967. The book is the story of an African boy captured by slave traders and his horrific trip across the Atlantic experience as cargo in a slave ship, and the horrors on a plantation in the new land. Courlander sued Haley for copyright infringement.
Courlander’s pre-trail memorandum on the lawsuit claimed:
“defendant Haley had access to and substantially copied from The Africa. Without The African, Roots would have been a very different and less successful novel, and indeed it is doubtful that Mr. Haley could have written Roots without The African.
….Mr. Haley copied language, thoughts, attitudes, incidents, situations, plot and character.”
The federal judge Robert Ward, who presided over Haley’s plagiarism trial said, “I did not want to destroy him”, and found the author of “ROOTS” ALEX HALEY guilty of PLAGIARISM and the case was settled out of court. Later it was learned the Federal Judge told Courlander to keep quiet about the huge settlement because the “Roots” author had become too important to black people to be torn down in public. Courlander was awarded $650,000 (about 2.4 million today).
Slavery is a Lie. ROOTS and KUNTA KINTE NEVER EXISTED Alex Haley lied about his heritage.
None of the written records in Virginia and North Carolina line up with the ROOTS story until after the Civil War.

Despite his status as the United States best-selling story teller Haley’s work have been excluded from the Norton Anthology of African-American Literature.
U.S. History is built upon lies and conjecture. Do not expect it to tell you the truth.
Question your surroundings, and challenge their rights to land. Where do they come from? Are they American? or are they European? The Webster’s 1828 definition of American does not describe them as the original inhabitants.
Background on Alex Haley. He was a 20 year U.S. government veteran when he wrote ROOTS.
The media is well aware of this lie and fraud
The general public is unaware of Haley’s ROOTS autobiography being discredited and sued. The African Trans-Atlantic slave trade narrative is a billion dollar industry for U.S.. Corporations and Oil and Gas conglomerates.
But what would happen if the truth were to surface? About it being a hoax and a lie to steal land from the American Indians, those they call African-American (Black people). Would the corporations (U.S. Government) give it back, or would they find new methods to continue to usurp the land; and use the life-force and energy of these people to sustain their businesses.
The novel ROOTS was translated into 37 languages, the book and movie is still used today in U.S. schools, taught in history class of a people that never existed.
Fast forward, 40 years later, there is a pivotal scene in the new movie GET OUT where the lead character picks cotton from the chair he is bound to and stuffs the cotton into his ears so he cannot be hypnotized by what is said. You must stop listening to the Slave Rhetoric used to construct this false reality, GET OUT of their system and Reclaim Your Inheritance. Their time is over. They know it. Now It’s time that you knew it.


Rising Star
This article is pretty wordy. Take your time and read & decode what's going on.. We've been mislead on every level!! Read, step back & look around and put things together.. Then again, don't read and let the system do what it does best!!

Rethink the whole drug agenda.. It's a lot different than one thinks!!


World’s Deadliest Drug


You CAN defeat them if you are aware of them.

You can smell it.
They try to disguise it in perfumes, cigarette smoke.

If you feel sleepy Get Up and Move! That is the number one sign of the drug, or other weapon being used. Find fresh air or running water.

If you feel numbness, or electric static in your limbs, aggressively move them and place that part of the body under water.

Have you ever heard of scopolamine? It’s synthesized from plants, like cocaine. It even looks exactly like cocaine. But unlike cocaine, it will turn you into a zombie, and can probably kill you.

From the Report:

Commonly known as Devil’s Breath, it has found use by thieves, murders, and law enforcement.
Essentially, it puts people into a trance, so
they can be guided by whomever is in control of them. Under its influence the person loses all capacity to exercise free-will.
The scopolamine drugged person also loses virtually all memory; the brain simply is unable to record the events.
Short term memory is completely blocked. The drug works by blocking a key chemical in the brain, known asacetylcholine.
That’s the neurotransmitter which is essential for normal memory. Scopolamine acts by working directly on the hippocampus, the organ responsible for the formation of memory. Thus, there is no way to remember the events, because the blocks of memory don’t even make it into the brain matter. The initiation of memory depends on the flow into the hippocampus of acetylcholine.

Scopolamine, a neurotoxin, acts specifically to block the production and delivery of that neurotransmitter to this organ. As a result, while the drug remains active, the victim has no clue what is happening in his surroundings, and fails to remember even critical incidents, as if it didn’t happen, as if the person wasn’t even there in the first place.

Through the documentary, Vice Columbian drug dealers, who deal in the drug, were interviewed. One such dealer told the investigators that scopolamine cacigarettesn be used to efficiently overcome any individual. The dealer told Vice that scopolamine can be blown in the face of a passer-by on the street, and within minutes that person is under the drug’s effect,” the narrator adding that the drug is odorless and tasteless.
“You can guide them wherever you want,” he explained. “It’s like they’re a child.”

Personally witnessed event:
You must be mindful that it is not just the seedy characters that use this drug. I personally witnessed a well-dressed middle-aged white male using it. Here is what happened, I got onto a train and he was just standing holding the rail, then he turned to cough, but not away from people, towards them. The other strangeness was his hand was inplace over his mouth well before he coughed. Immedately after the air in the train filled with a very nauseating sweet smell. I moved away from the odor, and got off the next stop.
“ Truth serum that makes people willing to do whatever they are told or make a crowd of people compliant. “

Excerpt: The Illuminati Formula Used to Create, an Undecteable Total Mind Controlled Slave (pdf)

by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

[PLEASE NOTE: I will replace Illuminati with Secret Oath Societies; as this term is more accurate.]

Chapter 3. THE USE OF DRUGS (Science No.3)

The science of Pharmacology (drugs) has given the Programmers avast array of mind-altering and body-altering drugs. Some of the drugs are not used to directly alter the mind, but to change the body (make the skin burn), or make the person vomit, or some other reaction that can be harnessed to further their nefarious programming goals.

For instance, if they want a little girl to develop breasts they might give her hormones. Neuroscientists are now familiar with chemicals which cause personality traits. If one wants to create raving paranoia, simply provide the brain with too much dopamine in the emotional centers of the brain and too little dopamine in the seat of reasoning area of the brain. Reduce serotonin in the person and the person will be unable to connect disagreeable consequence with what provoked them. In other words, they can’t protect themselves from danger.

Small List of Just Some of the Drugs Used for Mind Control
The CIA and Secret Order programming centers have more than 600-700 different drugs at their disposal. The following is a partial list of the drugs available for their mind-control (aka MK-Ultra Programming). They can make a person feel like he is in heaven, or burning in hell. The drugs are at times used with elaborate light, sound and motion shows that produce whatever effect the programmer wants to produce.

Before describing how drugs are used for programming & control, let us list a few which we know have been used. This list comes from CIA documents obtained from the Freedom of Information Act and from what Multiples used as Programmers remember.

Many of the new synthetic drugs are known only to these Secret Oath Orders and Intelligence Communities:

[The list is extensive, therefore I will only list those that give a description, and some which are commonly used, i.e. Caffeine, Nicotine]
●Acetylcholine (for EEOM, EDOM, and for blocking memory)
●Amobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
●Amobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)
●Anectine (succinylcholine, a strong muscle relaxant that makes one feel suffocated and drowning. The person feels terror at thinking he is dying.)
●Aphrodisiacs (sexual manipulation by programmers)
●Aprobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
●Atropine (speeds heart rate given with l.V.)
●BZ (designer drug ten times more powerful that LSD, produces amnesia)
●Baradanga (actually spelled Burundanga) Scopolamine in its natural state(truth serum which makes people willing to follow any command)
●Belladonna (a traditional drug of witches since the middle ages)
●Benzidrene (Benzedrene, stimulant used w/ other drugs)
●Bulbocapnine (causes a catatonia and stupors)
●Butabarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)

Pick one from the list and do a little research to find out more about it.
Calcium Chloride
Side Effects: Applies to calcium chloride: compounding powder, injectable solution
Nervous system:
Nervous system side effects, upon rapid injection, have included tingling sensations,
a calcium taste, or a sense of oppression or “heat wave.”
Local: Local side effects have included phlebitis, a “burning” sensation and calcinosis cutis at the site of
intravenous administration. Calcification of veins has been rarely reported.
A slow infusion rate through a small bore needle into a large vein may minimize this venous irritation.
●Cannabis (aka Marijuana, a sedative, change in perception, colors and sounds more distinct, time distorted. This drug is not used much in Programming because it IMPEDES mind control. It has been experimented with in combination with other drugs as an interrogation tool. The CIA listed it as being used in MK-Ultra, but it served as an experimental drug
rather for programming.)
●Chloral hydrate (a hypnotic sedative, the active sedative ingredient is the metabolite trichloroethanol, goes to work in about 30-60 minutes, aka Noctec)
●Cocaine (addictive, blackmail, the availability of cocaine may pull up certain alters who are addicted to it)
●Curare (to paralyze the body)
●Demerol (a hypnotic, also given as a reward for good Learning after an induced headache, is used in the Scramble programming where the victim must overcome its effect to concentrate on what is being said)
●Desoxyn (used with Sodium Pentothal for hypnotic trance)
●Dexedrine (amphetamine)
●Dramamine (aka dimenhydrinate, stops motion sickness)
●Drobinal (for quick access)
●Ecstasy (aka XTC, Adam, MDMA, this is an illegal designer drug, but it’s used by the government & cult programmers. Empathogens, like Ecstasy, enhance trust between the recipient & the programmer. It’s effect lasts for several hours.)
●Ephedrine (stops hypotension)
●Epinephrine (adrenaline)
●Lorazepam (sleep induction, may destroy memory of previous day)
●LSD-25 (Used to program alters to cut their veins; they want to end their nightmare by cutting what seem like white rivers w/ black threads or other scary delusions. Can cause psychosis & other effects. It’s used in small amounts for interrogations. Its active ingredient is psilocybin which can create anxiety & a fear of death.)
●Lyscorbic acid
●MDA (this is a cross between mescaline and amphetamine speed)
●MDMA (also known as Adam, this is Ecstasy, see under Ecstasy for more information)
●MDE (aka Eve, puts someone into a strictly intellectual head trip)
●Methotrimeprazine hydrochloride (hypnotic sedative)
●Methy-prylon (aka Noludar, helpful for hypnosis, side effects are a hangover & skin rashes.)
●Midazolam hydrochloride (hypnovel, versed, hypnotic sedative which can cause amnesia)
●Niacin (helpful to stop an LSD trip)
●Nicotinic acid (stops LSD drug effect)
●Paraldehyde (hypnotic sedative, produces sleep in 15 mm., has a strong odor & disagreeable taste)
●Pentobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
●Pentobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative, if mixed with dextro amphetamine sulfate it will half the stage 1 dream time when REM sleep occurs)
●Pentothal acid (helpful for hypnosis)
●Peyotl (interrogation, hallucinations)
●Phenolic acid (injected into expendable children’s hearts to kill
●Quazepam (hypnotic sedative)
●Scopolomine (truth serum that makes people willing to do whatever they are told)
●Secobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)
●Sodium Amytal (hypnotic sedative that reduces R E M sleep time)
●Sodium pentobarbital (nembutal)
●Sodium Pentothal (truth serum for interrogation, can be used with hypnosis, can be used with Desoxyn, given in an IV)
●Temazepam (hypnotic sedative)
●Thallium (confuses thinking)
●Thorazine (helps bring one out of an LSD trip)
●Tranquility (a designer drug for programming that makes the victim compliant, like Baradanga actually spelled Burundanga )
●Triazolam (hypnotic sedative, somewhat rapid)
●Zolpidem tartrate (hypnotic sedative)

*Marijuana enhances perception of color and noise, but it is not used to enhance trauma. The mind does not program well under marijuana. That is why there has been such a big campaign to keep it illegal, even though many studies show it to be safer than alcohol.

Many cults have been manipulated by the CIA and other governmental agencies, and covert groups to find victims and perform rituals for their interest.

One group, the Haitian satanic Vodoun cult, which has been manipulated by
the CIA has sorcerers called bokors. The Vodoun cult in Haiti is being used for trauma-based mind Control and one of the items of the cult is to take the plant Datura stramonium and add this plant with other things to create zombies.

The plant is the active ingredient of a potent psychoactive drug, the “zombi cucumber” which produces amnesia and a pseudo-death of the victim. The brain doesn’t die, but the mind is shut off. The victim is brought back to life as a zombie–a slave of the bokor. The ceremonies to kill and resurrect the zombie are full of magic and demonology. Magic, drugs and demonology have always gone hand in hand [with this creature as he uses it to “replace” the essence of people].

Drugs remove the part of the will that would Prevent Demonic Possession.

Drugs are considered powerful demonizing substances by the those skilled in Demonology. If demonic possession is seen as part of mind-control, then cocaine, hashish, crack, and some of the other drugs are part of the effort to enslave people. (The power of Magic to kill, just as the power of faith can heal, will be discussed in chapter 10.)

The intelligence agencies working through the U.S. government financed drug research. An example is that Dr. Beecher of Harvard University was given via the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Office $150,000 to investigate “the development and application of drugs which will aid in the establishment of psychological control.”

Research into drugs for mind-control began in 1947 at Bethesada Naval Hospital in Maryland. A CIA report described this Research as to “isolate and synthesize pure drugs for use in effecting psychological entry and control of the individual.” At the California Medical Facility at Vacaville, Dr. Arthur Nugent, conducted research into drugs for mind control under the auspices of the CIA.


The Bureau of Narcotics worked with the CIA to establish “safe houses” where drugs which were seized were given to victims. Some other hospitals which began working with the intelligence agencies with dispensing drugs for mind control include Mount Sinai Hospital, Boston Psychopathic Hospital, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, Valley Forge General Hospital, Detroit Psychopathic Clinic, Mayo Clinic, the National Institute of Health, and Letterman Hospital in the Presideo, CA. The military did drug research/programming at the Army Chemical School in Ft. McClellan, AL and at the Edgewood Chemical Center (and ALL VA Hospitals).

In 1958, Dr. Louis Gottschalk, working for the CIA suggested that addictive drugs be used to control people. Some GIs who became addicted to pain killing drugs were subsequently blackmailed by withholding the painkillers until they complied with the demands asked of them. Cocaine has been frequently given to programmed slaves to get them addicted and give their handlers more control over them. There is spray cocaine, and powdered cocaine, etc. Because the programmed slaves are used to haul drugs and to launder the drug money, they are right in the middle of large supplies of drugs. If you hear the expression “The snow is falling” it is the Network’s lingo for cocaine. Cocaine is reported to give people a feeling of power and to act as an aphrodisiac.

About 90% of the population can be placed into the somnambulistic
(the deepest) hypnotic trance
simply by giving them hypnotic drugs. The prior list on pages 47-50 gives over 2 dozen drugs that can be used to assist taking someone in hypnotic trance. Special drugs have been designed which will place someone into a deep trance very quickly. If an alter is not being cooperative when they are accessed, they can be locked in place mentally (or physically) and given a quick shot of a fast-acting hypnotic-inducing drug. One drug which was popular for programming was demerol, which would be administered intravenously (an IV). It takes about 5-7 minutes to take full effect after administration via an I.V. The dosage can be administered so that the effect remains until the programming session is over. It may be administered about every half hour if appropriate.

The toxin can be given in chewing gum, chocolate, drinks or dusted
on pieces of paper

Incredibly, even tiny doses are sufficient to cause people to succumb, leading to
complete loss of normal controls. The victims become submissive and can be led around like zombies. Larger doses have a dire effect on the memory centers, leading to in some cases complete amnesia.

Now That You Are up to Speed,
Ready to be Scared Out of Your Mind!?

Under Burundanga people will give their bank account numbers and anything else a person might want. These type of drugs are almost sufficient in themselves to get compliance out of a person. If one realizes that these drugs are used in conjunction to torture, elaborate systems of lies and deception, trauma-bonds, and all the rest of the sciences of mind-control used in the programming it is easy to see how they are producing totally compliant human robots.

[IMPORTANT: Noting the above image. It is extremely important that you
become aware of the type of people around you. These “people” rely solely on
the mundane, Luxury, Beauty, Materialism. You MUST be able to notice subtleties.
See Movie, Contracted (2013), Related Article, Cloned Nation]
I will add something I personally witnessed. While entering a building, I noticed one of these zombie-like “people” standing outside.. It was a man about 6′ overly built body wearing a hooded sweatshirt. After awhile I walked over, hitting his forearm I asked him for the time. Grabbing his arm he said, “hey dont touch me!, in a whinny baby voice. I immediately though, Oh my god! you’re a fuckin baby, I’m gonna kick your ass!

Now, you might be asking, “Do you fight babies???” And my answer, “It depends on the
Just kidding, of course :-}

One Victim of Government Mind Control Tried to Get Free.
The first psychiatrist the person tried to go to was cooperating with U.S. Intelligence and gave her
Stelazine, which aggravated the victim’s situation. When the victim spied a general’s uniform in the
closet of this psychiatrist, she got another psychiatrist, who unfortunately turned out to be an
ex-DoD employee. He placed her on Haldol Decanoate, Klonopin, and Benzatropine. The combined
effect of these drugs is to erase memory, and create a dissociative disorder.

All of the drugs were highly addicted. Another fleeing victim was given Trazodone by a physician
who was cooperating with the Intelligence agencies. This almost gave the victim a heart attack
because it aggravated her heart condition.And yet another escaping victim apparently also fell
prey to dirty CIA doctors who were practicing in public without warning people of their
intelligence connections. This victim was given a combination of Compazine and Xanax, in dosages
that the Physicians Desk Reference warns against.

Excerpt from: A CIA AGENT TALKS, Radio Interview with Gene “Chip” Tatum

A (announcer): You know, Chip, what about Hinckley and when he tried to shoot Reagan,
and some of those. You could actually tell somebody, “Go shoot somebody,” and they’d do it then.
Is that what you’re saying?

T (Tatum): That’s what I’m saying, and you know, I’m – if we look at the Yitzhak
Rabin case I think that is key. Hinckley recalls doing it. The difference between
Hinckley and the an in Israel that shot Yitzhak Rabin is, the man in Israel admitted to it initially,and then comes back and said he doesn’t recall any of those instances. That’s escopolaminia.

They chose to use the drug Scopolamine, which also went by the nickname
“Burundanga”or “the Voodoo drug”
. The drug is extracted from the pods of a flowering shrub that grows in remote regions of South America. In its processed, powdered form, Scopolamine is “void of smell”, “void of taste.”

When properly administered “it causes absolute obedience” without this
being “observable by others”. Importantly, the target will not recall any of the events that occurred during the period they were under the spell of the drug.
In outlining these details, Tatum adds that it is important to
administer the drug in the correct dosage, for he has known targets to
die from too high a dose
. Others have “remained under the influence of Burundanga for up to three weeks”.

Precise dosage can be achieved by Liquid ingestion, the powder being readily soluble. Ingestion via cigarettes is also an optimum method of ingestion.
It is fast-acting and takes no more than 20 minutes to work.

[IMPORTANT:I have noticed Men smoking cigarettes in a very peculiar manner.
They were not inhaling the smoke, but merely pulling on the cigarette and immediately
blowing it out into the faces of people, and/or around large Groups.
Please take note of this.]
Tatum states that X was invited to spend a relaxing weekend at a luxury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush. His host for the weekend was a trusted 18-year veteran field intelligence officer.

The evening started with cocktails and was followed by a fine meal. ‘Nothing but the best’ were the orders. Following the meal, he was ushered into the suite of a”blonde bombshell”
supplied by the CIA
. Mr X had already ingested a dose of Burundanga during pre-dinner cocktails.

X was gallant with the blonde as they both moved into the bedroom where video cameras were
already set up in one corner.In short order, the blonde had X standing naked in front of her and
began to indulge his desires. All the while, the video cameras whirred. Slowly stripping off, the
“blonde” revealed his manhood in all its glory. Mr X was instructed to reciprocate the favor and
perform fellatio. He obliged, his intimate activities recorded at 24 frames a second on videotape.

Tatum says the male prostitute was hired from a bar in New York and killed that same evening.
Two weeks later, X – wholly unaware of the events of that evening – was visited in Nicaragua. He
was presented with a copy of the video footage, along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen: “Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveals his bestiality and satanic worship rituals.” As frame after frame flicked by, X reportedly wept, forced to watch himself kill his homosexual “lover” and then engage in the most grisly cannibalistic ritual
imaginable. Neutralised, Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later.

According to “when extracted and made into a colorless,
odorless and tasteless powder, scopolamine does more than induce strange dreams.

Quickly dissolved in liquids, criminals slip the powder into drinks or sprinkle it over food. It is also known that victims become so docile that thy have been known to help thieves rob their homes and empty their bank accounts.

Women have been drugged repeatedly over days and gang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.”

[IMPORTANT: Take note, who do you know that dress like that? Where shoes like those in the picture. I know a military campaign when I see one. These are the same young men, in Egypt, Libra, Spain, and all over Europe. Many pretend to be College Students, and house-mates in College dorms. They all have the EXACT SAME body structure, height, weight and similar features, dress. *There are many teens/young adults like this in Norway. You will never see them with a parent, but always with each other. Are they also being mass-produced in those underground basements like Rosemary’s Toddlers? See Article: Hate Me… but Love My Genes. Notice A Lot of toddlers lately???]
Incident: A man came over and offered his services as a painter to a female who was putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the same time. Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the
gas station.

She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help. The men drove away but the lady still felt pretty bad for several minutes after she could finally catch her breath.

Apparently, there was a substance on the card that could have seriously injured her.

[IMPORTANT: Many of these people work in groups and will spread out across large areas. Communicating through coughs, sneezes, and loud commotion. They will often circle the victim while on their cellphones, if you notice that added feature then it is usually government/negative entities involved.]
This drug is used to incapacitate a victim in order to steal from or take advantage of by the assaults, repeatedly Gang Raped. This drug is four times more dangerous than the date rape drug and is transferable on simple cards.

So take heed and make sure you don’t accept cards at any given time alone or from someone on the streets. This applies to those making house calls and slipping you a card when they offer their

Final Note:
This drug is used to subjugate your will, it is only a drug, it is Not Kryptonite!
Although they would like you to believe it is. You CAN detect it. Your sensory perception will give tell-tale signs. You may feel a tingling, numbing sensation (at the point of contact) on the skin, on the mouth, or in the mouth, etc. You CAN smell it, and notice a thickness in the air. Or you may suddenly feel sleepy, woozy or drowsy out of the blue. These are all signs of the drug. So, do not be mislead into believing it is undetectable.

Once you become aware of this detection/ sensation, you MUST ACT! Go to the bathroom. Wash your face, hands and flush your mouth and eyes with water. Go outside and get fresh air, but MOVE! Do not stay where you are because more than likely there is someone watching to see when the drug has taken effect.

to defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of force
: to conquer and gain the obedience of (a group of people, a country, etc.) bring under control and governance as a subject : conquer make submissive : subdue
Examples of SUBJUGATE
  1. The emperor’s armies subjugated the surrounding lands.
  2. a people subjugated by invaders
See the movie again, The Invasion (2007) (link to trailer)
Mass Submissiveness:
We all need to look and access all the individual programs which are moving and operating in
tandem. What is occurring is massive, and it operates in every aspect of society, but it requires
your participation to exist.

These things which are being bio-engineered by using your essence are not you; and its ultimate use will not be to benefit you either.

Although these secret societies, governments and letter agencies will attempt to drug and socially condition you to behave like them; you have the ultimate power to defeat them. Remove yourSELF from their system, and the machine stops.

Wisdom empowers you! It is that fact that you faced it, accepted it, and act upon it- it no longer has any effect over you.



Rising Star
We've gotta stay awake, even when were sleeping!! These colonists have been coming at our people since they landed on this land in the America's!! Then again don't do anything and keep thinking these colonist have your best interest at heart!!

Always remember, these colonist know something we don't and they are pulling out all the tricks to keep our people misinformed!!

Deplored misinformation against Black people

Deplored misinformation against Black people

The power of misinformation is profound.
(A Message to all Black people]

There exist a type of deplored warfare that is commonly used by governments against the masses and targeted groups. It is a covert method that prevails from a psychological perspective using manipulative misinformation. Manipulative misinformation is so profound that it may cause an individual to take his own life. Lets us, for example, imagine that a man was being held prisoner within a small room. And that he was forewarned that highly dangerous poisonous gas would be pumped into the room. Even if this gas was replaced by a few harmless puffs of baby powder, the man being totally convinced and expecting the lethal gas would response accordingly to that expectation. He would panic causing his heart rate to race out of control perhaps causing a fatal heart-attack. He might also break his hands or rip his nails off as he struck them against the solid wall trying to escape. The terrified man may also resort to holding his breath-- to prevent from inhaling the gas he believes to be poisonous-- causing himself to pass out, thus falling to floor hitting his head and dying. In this scenario the man is killed by manipulative misinformation and it is a very plausible example. The power of manipulative misinformation is so immensely profound that it can deeply crush one’s spirit a thousand times over in but an instant. It only requires the proper circumstances and setting.
Such circumstances and setting exists within the corporate owned and governmentally controlled media. The media’s ability to manipulate the masses is incredible. A few news reports about a swine flu out break can convince millions of people not to attend work tomorrow and pull their children out of schools even if there was in fact no swine flu at all. The media’s immense ability to manipulate the masses should never be under estimated nor is it ever overstated. In fact the media’s ability to manipulate is so powerfully effective that it can even convince a loving mother to kill her only child.

The effectiveness of the media’s ability to profoundly influence and a control mass population was made obvious as a result of one of the most infamous mistakes in history. It happened on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to a popular radio program that featured a plays directed by, and starring, Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds, about a Martian invasion of the earth. But in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that, presumably, was intended to heighten the dramatic effect. News of the panic was conveyed as a via genuine news report. As the audience listened to this simulation of news broadcast, created with voice acting and sound effects, a portion of the audience concluded that it was hearing an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. This quickly generated immense scare. People packed the roads, hid in cellars, loaded guns, fought among themselves, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens, oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken public that actually belonged in a radio play. These people listening to the false broadcast were taken in by the totally false accounts and became confused, disarray and distrusting of their neighbors even resulting in immense violence. This example proves more potently than any argument, Dr. Edward Bernays claims of the enormous effectiveness of the media at affecting masses of people.
Most people are unaware of the profound power of misinformation when it is systematically deployed as a psychological weapon against an individual or group. However the white elites are well aware of its immense power. They have researched it thoroughly and have used it repetitively -as a sort of psychosocial weapon-- against individuals and targeted groups. According to researcher Mack White, Psychologist Dr. Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, (1939). This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Dr. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing.
Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been fully established.
Over time the techniques continued to increase in their sophistication. Since the 1950's, U.S. experimental psychologists and Cognitive scientists have developed ideas about the unconscious mental process that proposes that most of our mental processes happen outside of our awareness suggesting that the ability to control the behavior of people around us subconsciously is now a distinct possibility. Moreover, over the past five decades, human sociobiology has transformed into an evolutionary psychology that has gained science the means and ability to control and, therefore, predict the actions and feelings of individuals or groups merely by the messages conveyed against them. According to this controversial use of psychology, the human mind is the most extraordinary part of the human body, and there seems to be little doubt, wrote biologist David Barash, "that the unconscious is real and that in certain obscure ways the forces of culture are all-powerful in shaping human behavior. People’s definition of themselves, their definition of other people and the definition of values by which people operate and act towards other are greatly influenced by the media. Perception created by the media leads to non-deliberate thoughtful decision-making or decision below the level of consciousness. It has been called “thinking without thinking”, and it ultimately leads to unconscious similar behaviors.
The U.S. Government has longed used the media’s mass manipulation abilities to steer society towards its objectives. These media manipulation practices are used to promote certain political policies, ideologies and governmental objectives. It also used to intrinsically define targeted groups and or populations. --- Intrinsically, definition; particularly definitions that are developed to harm other people have been described as “radical simplifiers” that position for marginalization or for destruction, those they defined---. It can either involve outright lies, or a distortion of the truth. This latter example is precisely what is being done to African Americans as a means of meeting the U.S. government’s unrelenting objective of maintaining its white racial dominance and control. The U.S. government now secretly uses this same proven method of media manipulation against its Black population through a media deployed psychosocial program of where in which African Americans are perpetually misled and manipulated by way of fraudulent negative media reports and false statistics that are designed to corrupt their sense of unity and lesson pressure for social change in their behalf thus facilitating a national consensual setting for their exploitation and suppression. It is an insidious yet very sophisticated system of control that creates deplorable false misinformation and media reports about its Black population.

Most African Americans are totally unaware of this method of emitting white racism; therefore many will find it too shocking to contemplate. Unlike the blatantly overt system of racism used in the past that resulted in African Americans unifying themselves against it, this modern system of racism is not easily recognized or comprehended by its Black victims. Nevertheless, it is directly intertwined with the extensive challenges negatively impacting Black America today. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of African Americans may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects.

It is a psychosocial program of where in which African Americans are denigrated within every aspect of American society through reports about their educational failures, crime statistics, and national health statistics. In fact based upon the U.S. Government’s national health statistics and reports concerning the health of Black America, it appears as if the bodies of Black people are literally genetically and physically inferior to the bodies of Whites. However, when examined outside of governmental discretion and control, we see, to the contrary, that Blacks are often America’s greatest athletes. In other words, it is only when statistics are totally in the hands of the White government that the bodies of Blacks appear physically inferior to Whites. Clearly there is a psychosocial manipulative conditioning programs being applied against African Americans. We can no longer ignore the obvious indications that the U.S. government is using its proven method of mass psychological manipulation against us African American. The mounting evidence is too great to be purely coincidental for us not to connect the dots -- it is in fact an exact match. The routine subjugation of African Americans could not occur so effortlessly without psychological warfare. It is too prevalent to be merely dismissed as an oversight or as being the work of a few local governments. It is being deliberately instituted at the national level. Given the preponderance of noted evidence and facts clearly then connecting these dots should be made rather easy. African Americans are being deliberately psychologically mortified by a governmentally media deployed mass manipulation program. This method of deploying white racism is so thorough and proficient that many African Americans will disregard any disclosure of its existence as mere nonsense and preposterously inconceivable. In fact, this form of racism is so proficient at damaging Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept that the problems lies with themselves rather than being a modernized system of institutionalized racism implemented by the ruling white governmental elites.

The media is corporate owned and government controlled. How else is it possible that these so-called independent newspapers and independent television channels remain so succinctly synchronized in their news presentations each and every day? Clearly the free press in America is a myth, for no matter what happens in the world, and no matter what channel you turn to, you hear the identical news reports from network to network -- only the faces reading the reports changes. This is far too much of a coincidence given that the media have separate journalists. Much of the news comes from syndicated news sources and these accounts for the overlapping identical news report and explains how is it that the national media may be used to controllably influence, and therefore socially engineer society. These factors combined with the fact that the media’s fraudulently inaccurate deplorable depiction of African Americans and its produce outcome of causing internalized turmoil and disunity among their group are totally consistent with those applied psychological mind-conditioning programs and systems developed by the federal government makes this conclusion inevitable.

White people do not have to be smarter than Black people to maintain their dominance they merely just have to convince Black people that they’re smarter and this system provides that for them. In that it mortifyingly conditions Blacks to not only accept, but to also prefer white institutions and dominance over their lives.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2020 is seeing a period of the awakening of a small portion of the masses. If only it could happen to more!


Rising Star
Don't tell Black people this secret!

This disclosure is not an attempt to derail the national feelings of immense pride, hopefulness, nor sense of accomplishment brought on by the historical 2008 election of America’s first African American President. It is, however, a disclosure that is extremely imperative if African Americans are to ever obtain true equality within the American society. The many problems now facing Black America will not be corrected by implementing outdated strategies of foot marches, speeches, or the commemoration of fallen Black martyrs. We can no longer address today’s modern systems of racism using nineteen century strategies. In order for African Americans to acquire real change within the American society, it is imperative that we understand how racism has sophisticatedly evolved in America. This understanding is, in fact, extremely imperative if Black people are to survive as a race and be a part of the future. The present despairing state of Black America is neither a baffling phenomenon, nor the result of some innate racial deficiency among Blacks, but is rather, in fact, a deliberate design and outcome of a very sophisticated, more detrimental and proficient system of racism that has been secretly implemented against African Americans--as a means of maintaining America's white dominance and control. Although the United States government portrays itself as the leading ethical and moral authority of the world and professes equal rights for all American citizens, its oldest and most important objective has always been an unyielding commitment towards the preservation of its White dominance and control. Therefore, if the U.S. government treated its Black population in a manner which did not promote maintaining its White dominance and control, it would be diametrically opposed to itself. This hidden scenario has always necessitated the U.S. government to secretly use every conceivable means and opportunity to domestically defend its position of White dominance even if it means engaging in suppressive methods that contradict its own stated moral and ethical values. ( i.e. Government funded eugenics program targeting Black birth rate, Tuskegee syphilis experiment, CIA’s drug involvement that flooded Black communities. etc.) Because the 1960's were a period of massive Black rebellion and unrest, especially in 1968 after the brutal assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that eroded the American global image, increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy, and caused the U.S. government to fear the uprising of a violent Black revolution. These collective problems resulted in President Lyndon B. Johnson ordering the formation of the Kerner Commission. Its mission was to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendation for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems. The Kerner report’s findings led the U.S. government agents of White supremacy to reform their techniques use for maintaining its white dominance. It required that the U.S. government abandon its blatant forms of institutionalized racism and create a more sophisticated system of maintaining white dominance and control in the United States. As a means of maintaining its White dominance and control the U.S. government secretly implemented its largest ever covert operation against its Black population. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with, through a White controlled media, is a very carefully and deliberately designed massive social engineering psychological conditioning program that provides a stealthier and more socially acceptable means of maintaining white dominance. Today there are secret agencies within the U.S. government that covertly disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason -- and facilitates a consensual national environment of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation, they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with is a very carefully and deliberately designed mass media social manipulation program that subjects African Americans--through a White controlled media --to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche drills the message that Blacks are powerless, of lesser moral, and intelligence and that they need Whites to govern over their lives. It totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality. Moreover, it corrupts African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites. The motto of this psychosocial program is to divide and conquer and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was, in fact, better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is implemented by, first, simply learning everything about the targeted group, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations against them. Within a real life setting this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans. Where of which they are constantly bombarded and inundated by deplorably negative imageries of themselves through an immense campaign of false racially devaluing media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages perpetuate and frame the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. This falsehood detrimentally affects the Black population at large. The ultimate goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of White racial oppression. The overrepresentation of Black crimes and grossly exaggerated statistics of Black on Black violence within this psychosocial program are intentionally designed to create fear, hatred, and distrust thus molding the character of disunity and self-hatred among the Black community. (Black’s own personal negative experiences and interactions with their fellow Blacks merely then confirm the program’s perpetuated message that it is they that are their own worst enemies). Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past system of blatant, institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program. All African Americans have experienced the burden of this system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we (Blacks) read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. To the detriment of many African Americans, it has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess. It attempts also to discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. Not only does this massive governmental psychological manipulation campaign negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, but it also conveniently provides a more socially acceptable and covert means of ensures that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. Unlike the blatantly overt system of racism used in the past that resulted in African Americans unifying themselves against it, this modern system of racism is not easily recognized or comprehended by its Black victims. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of African Americans may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects.
The psychological manipulation of African Americans has been so successfully accomplished that it is very difficult to reverse. You see, part of the conditioning is almost like Stockholm syndrome. The victimized group begins to love their enemy and to feel that the enemy is justified in its mistreatment of them. The victim begins to feel that they deserve the mistreatment, and they will actually oppose anyone who suggests what is being disclosed here. This type of psychological manipulation program has also been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and engendering negative cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people, to some degree, are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. The media’s constantly depicted deplorable imagery of Black Americans is also designed al so to create a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. Therefore fostering a national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily exploited and ultimately consensually suppressed. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. The effects of this social program are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Through the usage of mass psychological manipulation White America’s methods of institutionalized racism has been secretly modified into a more sophisticated and stealthy design. Unfortunately to the detriment of many African Americans this modern system of deploying white racism has been very proficient. Some studies have shown that this social program has engendered increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
It was this governmental psychological conditioning program that ended the Black revolutionary movement of the 1960's and that stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during that era’s civil rights struggles. Although this disclosure may sound ridiculous for some, it is however consistent with history. Through out western history cultures that create and maintain empires have done so by manipulating the people that they are trying to conquer. They go out of their way to make sure that the people that they’re attempting to conquer is perpetually misled and manipulated. Therefore the conquered group’s perception of reality is not their own. It is shrewdly imposed upon them without them even knowing it. When the people in power wants to suppress or to exploit a group they do so by portraying that group as a fearsome enemy or a major problem of the society through lies and manufactured news items. These negative imagery’s are used to socially engineer a national consent that justifies mistreating the group. This same type propaganda technique was used by Adolph Hitler to facilitate a national consensual setting that allowed his heinous mistreatment of the Jews. Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels portrayed them as a fearsome enemy of German society through lies and manufactured news items. These negative imageries were used to justify their annihilation. Since the beginning of recorded history, ruling governmental bodies of nearly every nation have involved themselves in implementing methods designed to maintain and defend their positions of established power against its minority group. The U.S. government is in no way an exception to this rule, but is rather, to the contrary, a leader of implementing suppressive methods to defend its positions of established power against its minority group. In fact from the time that Africans were first enslaved and brought to America its government has always implemented methods designed to ensure that its White dominance be maintained. Even after the abolishment of slavery, Jim Crow inequities continued White dominance through denying Blacks the right to vote and the brutal lynching of thousands of African Americans. After these blatant methods used to ensure the continuance of its White dominance had become morally unacceptable, the United States government secretly applied a more subtle, sophisticated, and socially acceptable method for ensuring the continuance of its white dominance and control through the usage of mass psychological manipulation. Since World War I, the U.S. government had been engaging in more overt usages of mass psychological manipulation campaigns designed to influence public opinion towards it governmental objective. Such as seen, for example, during World War l, when then Unit ed States President, Woodrow Wilson, used mass psychological manipulation to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. That war propaganda campaign produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Since then the U.S. government has acquired an extensive history of conducting mass media campaigns of psychological manipulation programs through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. The massive Black rebellion of the 1960's quite logically necessitated that the U.S. Government used these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation program against its Black population. Clearly, the sophisticated method of mass media psychological manipulation met such a need. It was perfectly suited for the changing times. Unlike the extremely cruel and public racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to easily identify and thus unify to form counter strategies against, racism through psychological warfare is much harder to detect. This governmental mass psychological manipulation of African Americans continues today and can be traced to many of the maladies now affecting Black America.
As long as whites are controlling the societal scoreboard they will always place Blacks on the losing team, by giving us fraudulent data that implies white superiority.


Rising Star
This is a long read.. But it should open ones eyes on how this game is being played!! Our folks weren't the only group playing this game, but they sue put our face allover it!!

Crack and the Contras: How the CIA, Mainstream Media Propaganda and the Contras Fueled the Crack Cocaine Epidemic

The Reagan administration and the CIA also collaborated with Nicaraguan cocaine traffickers to support the Contras led to the “crack” epidemic of the 1980’s. Crack became a nightmare within the U.S especially for the African-American community. The “crack epidemic”began in Los Angeles, California.

No one ever knew where “crack” actually came from. All they knew is how good it felt for the time being while living in the depths of poverty, crime and despair in the land of the free. One fact is for sure, the U.S. government continued its support to the Contras due to the enormous profits made from both, cocaine and then eventually crack. According to, once individuals smoke crack, it ” provides an immediate, intense euphoric and pain-reducing high that may only last for five minutes” which meant that crack users would get addicted to that euphoric high and essentially become “repeat customers” every few minutes amounting to enormous profits. By importing cocaine into the U.S. and possibly inventing a new potent drug that was so addictive that it would guarantee a steady flow of cash for the Contra war. In the last several years, the MSM, in this case The Washington Post published an article in 2007 with an interesting title ’5 Myths About That Demon Crack’by Craig Reinarman said that “80 percent of those who have tried crack had not used it in the past year”:

Crack is instantly and inevitably addicting

Drug-control officials justified the new laws by claiming that crack was “the most addictive substance ever known.” Of course, this had been said of other drugs in earlier drug scares, beginning with the temperance crusade against alcohol. Still, experts and ex-addicts agree that crack cocaine produces a powerful rush and is easy to abuse; many users have binged on it compulsively and done themselves serious harm.

But the great majority of people who try crack do not continue to use it. For 20 years, the government’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health has found that about 80 percent of those who have ever tried crack had not used it in the past year. And a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that crack cocaine is not significantly more addictive than powder cocaine

In 2014, in Forbes magazine published an opinion piece by Jacob Sullum ‘Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong’ on neuropsychopharmacologist Carl Hart of Columbia University who conducted research on the addiction patterns of crack and meth:

Before he became a scientist, Hart believed that people who use crack generally get hooked on it and thereby lose control of their behavior. But when he looked at the data on patterns of drug use as an academic, he could plainly see that only a small minority of people who try crack become heavy users. “Even at the peak [of] widespread use,” he writes, “only 10–20 percent of crack cocaine users became addicted.” According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, just 3 percent of Americans who have tried this reputedly irresistible and inescapable drug have smoked it in the last month

Sullum quotes what Hart said why crack was popular in the inner cities:

Crack “gained the popularity that it did in the hood…because there weren’t that many other affordable sources of pleasure and purpose,” Hart writes. “And that was why, despite years of media-hyped predictions that crack’s expansion across classes was imminent, it never ‘ravaged’ the suburbs”

Despite what the MSM says, I personally saw lives utterly destroyed by the crack epidemic in the U.S. and in the Caribbean.

So who exactly invented crack? With the CIA desperate at that time to defeat the Sandinistas it seems that they would have tried anything to keep the war going. It is also important to clarify that there is no evidence to suggest that the CIA actually created “crack” cocaine. However, in an interesting online interview conducted by Zach Weissmueller of Reason T.V. with “Free Way” Rick Ross (one of the main sources for Gary Webb’s investigative series exposing the CIA and the crack connection) fell short on admitting who was responsible for introducing crack to the people of Los Angeles, California when he claimed that “It doesn’t matter if they purposely planned on doing that. What wound up happening is it flooded the ghettos of America. […] 600,000 black men are in prison right now for nonviolent crimes. Our prison industry has boomed.” Sorry Rick, but in a way it does matter.

However, there are many parallels that suggest otherwise, although the evidence is still not clear. What is clear is that the CIA is capable of doing almost anything to further their agenda. For example, in an incisive article written by Troy Hooper in 2012 for the San Francisco Weekly (SFWEEKLY) titled ‘Operation Midnight Climax: How the CIA Dosed S.F. Citizens with LSD’ about a New York Times report in 1974 by Seymour Hersh detailed how the CIA experimented with LSD on the residents of San Francisco:

Seymour Hersh first exposed MK-ULTRA in a New York Times article in 1974 that documented CIA illegalities, including the use of its own citizens as guinea pigs in games of war and espionage. John Marks expertly chronicled more of the operation in his 1979 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. There have been other reports on the CIA’s doping of civilians, but they have mostly dished about activities in New York City. Accounts of what actually occurred in San Francisco have been sparse and sporadic. But newly declassified CIA records, recent interviews, and a personal diary of an operative at Stanford Special Collections shed more light on the breadth of the San Francisco operation.

There were at least three CIA safe houses in the Bay Area where experiments went on. Chief among them was 225 Chestnut on Telegraph Hill, which operated from 1955 to 1965. The L-shaped apartment boasted sweeping waterfront views, and was just a short trip up the hill from North Beach’s rowdy saloons. Inside, prostitutes paid by the government to lure clients to the apartment served up acid-laced cocktails to unsuspecting johns, while martini-swilling secret agents observed their every move from behind a two-way mirror. Recording devices were installed, some disguised as electrical outlets

The late Michael C. Ruppert, a former detective with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) who resigned due to his investigations that led to the conclusion that the U.S. military and LAPD officers were involved in drug trafficking wrote an informative article in 1999 on the crack epidemic in a newsletter From The Wilderness titled ‘Blacks Were Targeted for CIA Cocaine: It Can Be Proven’:

For a long time, many people have believed that African-Americans were targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency to receive the cocaine which decimated black communities in the 1980s. It was, until now, widely accepted that the case could not be proven because of two fallacious straw obstacles to that proof. Both lie smack dab in the misuse of the word “crack” and that is why, in my lectures, I have strenuously objected to the term “CIA crack”.

First, it cannot and probably never will be established that CIA had anything to do with the first creation of crack cocaine. Chemically, that problem could have been solved as a test question for anyone with a BS in chemistry. The answer: add water and baking soda to cocaine hydrochloride powder and cook on a stove. A study of the literature (including articles I wrote 14 years ago for The U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence), as opposed to, for example, that pertaining to LSD, shows no CIA involvement whatever in the genesis of crack cocaine. Also, there has never been any evidence provided that CIA facilitated the transport or sale of crack itself. What is beyond doubt is that CIA was directly responsible for the importation of tons of powdered cocaine into the U.S. and the protected delivery of that cocaine into the inner cities

Ruppert went on further to explain how the CIA monitored U.S. academics that traveled into drug producing countries (in this case, Peru and Bolivia) and were well aware of the effects of a known sticky paste called ‘Basuco’ which turns coca leaves into a powder like substance. Ruppert suggested that the CIA knew about Basuco because they spied on U.S. academics and monitored their studies:

Only one man, Dr. Robert Byck of Yale University was insistent that trouble was coming and it was BIG trouble. Byck was a professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at Yale Medical School. He began his testimony by stating, “What I would like to talk to you about for the most part is the importance of telling the truthÉ We have given a great deal of cocaine to many individuals and find it to be a most unremarkable drug.” But, according to Webb, “Byck told the Committee that he’d hesitated for a long time about coming forward with the information and was still reluctant to discuss the matter at a public hearing. ‘Usually, when things like this are reported, the media advertises them, and this attention has been a problem with cocaine all along.’ The information Byck had was known to only a handful of drug researchers around the world.

“For about a year, a Peruvian police psychiatrist named Dr. Raul Jeri had been insisting that wealthy drug users in Lima were being driven insane by cocaine. A psychiatrist in Bolivia, Dr. Nils Noya, began making similar claims shortly thereafter.” What had been discovered was an addiction so overwhelming that middle and upper class students and middle class wage earners in Peru and Bolivia had abandoned every aspect of a normal human life, including eating, drinking, personal hygiene to the point of defecating in clothes that would remain unchanged for days, family and shelter in the pursuit of “basuco”. (Webb – pp25-30).

Basuco, a sticky paste, was the first-stage product in the refinement of coca leaves into powder. Although frequently mixed with a cesspool of toxic waste such as gasoline, kerosene and other chemicals, the pharmacological effects of smoking basuco are identical to the effects of smoking crack cocaine which became popular in the US ten years later. So intense was the addiction that desperate South American psychiatrists had resorted to bilateral anterior cyngulotomies (lobotomies) to stop the addiction (Ruppert 3). But even these drastic measures resulted in a relapse rate of between 50-80% (Webb – p36) (Ruppert 2). Yale medical student David Paly, working under Dr. Byck, recalled a 1978 conversation with his mentor. “The substance of my conversation with ByckÉ was that if this ever hits the U.S., we’re in deep trouble.” (Webb – p30)

Byck traveled to Peru to attend a symposium on cocaine with Siegel and other experts in 1979. Later he obtained police permits and federal grants to begin intensive research into cocaine smoking (Webb – p 31). The CIA routinely monitors overseas travels of U.S academics and the purposes of their travels. Since the Nixon Administration, emerging drug trends in producing countries had been a mandate of CIA collection efforts. When law enforcement grants, approvals and funding crossed international boundaries, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) and several special units within CIA were automatically notified. Here, we begin to see that CIA must have been well aware of the effects of basuco. The CIA’s well-documented role in providing training, assistance and advice to Latin American law enforcement agencies guarantees that CIA was collecting intelligence on the destructiveness of cocaine smoking as soon as it began to be a problem. (Colby, Prouty). That was as far back as 1974. (Webb – p33)

With the sudden explosion of the crack epidemic in Los Angeles effecting, first the African-American community (and eventually moved on to other communities throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean) where even the mayor of Los Angeles, Marion Barry was caught smoking crack in a sting operation by the FBI. The U.S. government continued its war against Nicaragua by supporting the Contras with drug profits made from crack sales sounds a bit absurd on the surface, but there is a convincing argument that the CIA was possibly the main culprit behind the invention of crack, but we will never be able to prove it. What the MSM and the U.S. government want you to believe is that crack was originally created by streetwise drug dealers.The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) also claims that drug dealers converted powdered cocaine into crack to produce more profits ( p 58-67.pdf):

In the early 1980s, the majority of cocaine being shipped to the United States was coming through the Bahamas. Soon there was a huge glut of cocaine powder in these islands which caused the price to drop by as much as 80 percent. Faced with dropping prices for their illegal product, drug dealers made a shrewd marketing decision to convert the powder to “crack,” a smokeable form of cocaine. It was cheap, simple to produce, ready to use, and highly profitable for dealers to develop. As early as 1981, reports of crack appeared in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, and in the Caribbean

So drug dealers converted powdered cocaine into “crack” to create a drug so potent and so addictive that turns people into “crack smoking” zombies so that they can become repeat customers to make a quick profit? Perhaps, one of the drug dealers had a Bachelor of Science in chemistry who could not find a job with his/her college degree is the one who created the potent drug? Or was it the CIA who needed to keep their war going in Nicaragua to further their agenda? I am not saying that there are no street wise people who live in the inner cities who can create ways to produce profits, but the timing of the crack epidemic is questionable.

We can say that crack was created to make quick profits to fund a covert war to fight the Nicaraguan revolution which destroyed the African-American community and eventually others across the U.S. The CIA could have given various drug dealers the formula to produce it themselves, but then again, there is no proof, however we cannot deny the fact that the CIA knew about the effects of “busuco.” If the CIA did in fact create crack to fund a war, it is criminal beyond any doubt. In fact, it is just pure evil.

This video shows Michael Ruppert’s appearance in a Los Angeles Town hall meeting where he confronted the CIA Director John Deutch about the CIA transporting cocaine into the U.S.:

‘Kill The Messenger’: The MSM vs. Gary Webb

A crusading journalist by the name of Gary Webb broke the story on how the CIA was importing cocaine from Nicaragua to the streets of California to support the Contra Army who was at war with the Sandinistas. A 2014 Washington Post opinion piece by Jeff Leen ‘Gary Webb was no journalism hero, despite what ‘Kill the Messenger’ says’criticized the investigative series ‘Dark Alliance’ by Gary Webb who apparently committed suicide with two shotgun bullets to the head as a fraud. Leen’s analysis of Gary Webb’s investigative report on the CIA’s ‘Cocaine’ operation that destroyed black communities in Los Angeles, California and elsewhere criticizes Webb’s findings:

The Hollywood version of his story — a truth-teller persecuted by the cowardly and craven mainstream media — is pure fiction. But Webb was a real person who wrote a real story, a three-part series called “Dark Alliance,” in August 1996 for the San Jose Mercury News, one of the flagship newspapers of the then-mighty Knight Ridder chain. Webb’s story made the extraordinary claim that the Central Intelligence Agency was responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic in America. What he lacked was the extraordinary proof. But at first, the claim was enough. Webb’s story became notable as the first major journalism cause celebre on the newly emerging Internet. The black community roiled in anger at the supposed CIA perfidy

Not only Jeff Leen of the Washington Post discredits Webb’s investigation, but the New York Times and the The Los Angeles Times also jumped on the band wagon.

Then it all began to come apart. The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, in a rare show of unanimity, all wrote major pieces knocking the story down for its overblown claims and undernourished reporting

The MSM went on a hunting spree by destroying any claim made by Webb.

Surprisingly, Hollywood produced a film based on Gary Webb called ‘Kill the Messenger’ starring Jeremy Renner as Gary Webb. Kill The Messenger was a close depiction of Webb’s real life who discovered the truth about who was really behind the crack epidemic, only to find out it was the CIA. An excellent article written by Brian Covert on Gary Webb’s investigative reporting published by Project Censored titled ‘The Ghost of “Dark Alliance”: A New Movie, An Old Story, And a Discredited Corporate Press’ tells the story of the drug connections between the U.S. government, the CIA and the Contras that led to the cocaine epidemic in the U.S.:

A groundbreaking investigation at the dawn of the Internet age in 1996, the “Dark Alliance” series, like no other newspaper reportage had done before, documented the firm links between the United States government, Central American cocaine traffickers and a domestic U.S. cocaine epidemic that had ravaged entire American communities. It was a news story that shined the spotlight on U.S. government complicity in international drug trafficking and revealed the U.S. government’s much-vaunted “war on drugs” to be a sham.

But while the U.S. government agencies involved in those illegal activities — the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in particular — had plenty of reasons for wanting this story to go away, in the end it was elements of Webb’s own profession, the press, that had been offended most by “Dark Alliance” and worked hardest to not only debunk the findings reported in “Dark Alliance” but also to discredit and destroy the journalistic credibility of Webb himself

Covert explains how the San Jose Mercury News used new technology (the internet) as a major tool for investigative journalism:

“Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion” was originally published in three parts on August 18-20, 1996 in the San Jose Mercury News, a respected daily newspaper in northern California’s Silicon Valley, and carried on its new Mercury Center website. This was significant because it marked the first time for a U.S. newspaper to make use of the rising new technology known as the Internet and the World Wide Web as part of a major news investigation. Webb had wanted to use his newspaper’s website especially to show the detailed documentation and evidence he had gathered as a counterweight to what he called the “high unbelievability factor” of his investigation. And that is where the next significant aspect of “Dark Alliance” comes in: It was the first news media investigation to expose the ties between the “3Cs” — the CIA, the contras and crack cocaine

Webb was not alone in his investigation at the time as “other journalists, most notably Associated Press reporters Brian Barger and Robert Parry, had investigated and reported on the links in the mid-1980s between the U.S. government’s Central Intelligence Agency and large-scale cocaine trafficking by the anti-communist paramilitary forces in Nicaragua known as the “contras.”

Covert does emphasis that the ‘Dark Alliance’ series did not directly link the CIA to drug smuggling within U.S. borders but did provide evidence that “the CIA, at the very least, knew of the cocaine smuggling into the U.S. by the Nicaraguans and did not halt the activities.” Webb went on to note that “some U.S. government agencies even went as far as offering legal protection and bureaucratic cover to some of the most notorious cocaine traffickers in the western hemisphere.”

The main drug traffickers were two Nicaraguan contra supporters by the name of Norwin Meneses and Danilo Blandón who were somehow connected to “Freeway” Rick Ross who “had eventually led to an epidemic of the crack cocaine addiction in Los Angeles that then spread to other U.S. cities, invariably hitting African-American communities the hardest.” “Dark Alliance” series was attacked by the big three newspapers instead of “building on Webb’s groundbreaking investigation and advancing the story forward” according to Covert. The New York Times The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times all attacked Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series by trying to discredit Webb. Covert points out that “from that point on, the “Dark Alliance” series and Webb himself would be tagged by the American press with the D-word — “discredited” — an inaccurate label that has unfortunately stuck in the popular media to this day, as recent movie reviews of “Kill the Messenger” show.”

Not surprising, The New York Times gave ‘Kill The Messenger’ (released in 2014) a bad review. ‘A Reporter in the Crosshairs: ‘Kill the Messenger,’ a Film About the Reporter Gary Webb’ by Manohla Dargis wrote the following:

It’s the mid-1990s. Mobile phones are as big as clown shoes, and a cutie named Monica Lewinsky has been working in the White House. Gary should be riding high after reporting a series, “Dark Alliance,” linking the Central Intelligence Agency with Nicaraguan contras and the wildfire-like spread of crack through black neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Instead, he sounds and looks haunted or maybe hunted.

Written by Peter Landesman, “Kill the Messenger” is based on a book by Nick Schou about Mr. Webb, his rise and fall, and Mr. Webb’s own book, “Dark Alliance,” his 1998 follow-up to his much-heralded, much-contested 1996 Mercury News series. The film tracks Gary as he reports the story, opening soon after a slinky number, Coral Baca (Paz Vega), hands him a Pandora’s box of a tip. Baca points Gary in the direction of Danilo Blandon (Yul Vazquez), a Nicaraguan drug smuggler and contra supporter who supplies product to a Los Angeles dealer, Ricky Ross (Michael Kenneth Williams). Suddenly, Gary is at a foreign prison visiting another shadowy power player, Norwin Meneses (Andy Garcia), who swans around the yard in a straw hat twirling a golf club

The New York Times was one of the main news media organizations that did give ‘Kill the Messenger’ a “D” for “discredited” as Dargis ends her review on a negative note on the film:

But the film falters as the story swells and churns, and real people like Representative Maxine Waters of California enter the fray in clips alongside fictionalized scenes meant to look like documentary footage. Gary’s story comes under attack, including from big media types, and he enters a downward spiral as so, too, does the film. There are high-horse speeches, long goodbyes, enveloping sadness, a sense of doom; mostly, there is a journalist betrayed by many factors, including his own calling

Brian Covert also mentioned how the CIA director at the time, John Deutch made an appearance in South Central Los Angeles where the crack cocaine outbreak exploded “in an attempt to put out the public firestorm then raging over the CIA-contra-crack connection as outlined in Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series.” Covert said that “Deutch denounced such a connection as “an appalling charge” and defended the CIA’s integrity. “I will get to the bottom of it, and I will let you know the results of what I’ve found,” he told an angry, heckling crowd of hundreds of African-American citizens.” U.S. president Bill Clinton fired Deutch one month later. Covert said that “the CIA and the U.S. Justice Department did both later release internal reports, parts of which validated Webb’s key findings in “Dark Alliance.”The San Jose Mercury News organization began to feel the heat due to Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series:

On May 11, Webb’s boss, Mercury News executive editor Jerry Ceppos (played in the new movie by actor Oliver Platt), announced in a 1,200-word open letter to the paper’s readers that there were several “shortcomings” in the wording and presentation of “Dark Alliance,” though Ceppos did not dispute the core reporting of the series

He continued “If there was ever a chance of getting to the bottom of the CIA’s involvement with drug traffickers,” Webb later wrote, “it died on that day.” Covert ended his article on a positive note regarding Gary Webb’s legacy and his ‘Dark Alliance’ investigative report:

In seeking to discredit Gary Webb as a journalistic colleague, the Los Angeles Times, New York Times and Washington Post had only undermined their own credibility in the public mind and among other working journalists in the field. These three news companies, like a number of others, are today struggling to maintain credibility at a time when U.S. public trust in the news media is at an all-time low.

Webb’s former employer, the San Jose Mercury News, while still the paper of record in California’s Silicon Valley, has long lost its luster as a bright, shining place to work for ambitious young reporters and editors climbing their way to the top of the news industry. If anything, the Mercury News is renowned these days for being the “newspaper that almost seized the future.”

And as for the newspaper’s groundbreaking “Dark Alliance” series: The late Gary Webb got the story right back then and he still has it right today. The 500-page book he researched and published after leaving the newspaper business, Dark Alliance (Seven Stories Press, 1998), sets the bar high for solid news reporting and has already become a classic work of American journalism.

The new Hollywood movie “Kill the Messenger,” regardless of how the Big Media Feeds may rate it, sets the long-buried ghost of “Dark Alliance” free to haunt the corporate press giants that once killed it and to exact its own brand of karmic justice on them — the best kind of justice there is: inspiring a new generation of journalists in the Internet age to get out there and investigate, expose and report the truths that those in authority would rather keep hidden

Well said.

If the CIA did in fact, create “crack” to fund a war in Central America to impose America’s democratic values (and you know where that leads to) only demonstrates how far they are willing to go. But there is also one fact we must consider, the truth may never come out to confirm that the CIA did invent crack. What we can confirm is that the U.S. government and the CIA has been involved in arming and supporting terrorists by any means necessary (including the sale of dangerous drugs including cocaine, crack or heroin) for decades to further their Imperial agenda. The history of the Iran-Contra affair has a deep-rooted connection to the crack explosion.

What is apparent is that the same operation continues today in Syria with first, the Obama administration who funded and armed various terrorist organizations such as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Al-Qaeda and ISIS to create a civil war within Syrian society (and the rest of the Middle East) to destroy the country from within. It still continues with the Trump administration with backing from the Israelis and Saudis.

The U.S. government and the MSM continue their propaganda to discredit the Syrian government, for example, the Syrian “White Helmets” an NGO who is closely associated with the terrorists are saving the Syrian people from the “brutal dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad.” Independent researcher, writer, photographer and peace activist Vanessa Beeley of 21st Century Wire has done extensive research on the White Helmets and came to the conclusion that the U.S. and other NATO allies funded the controversial group who has ties to various terrorist organizations in her article ‘Who Are Syria’s White Helmets (terrorist linked)?‘:

A hideous murder of a rising star in UK politics, Jo Cox MP, has just sent shock waves across the world. Within hours of her death, a special fund was established in her name to raise money for 3 causes. One of those causes is the Syrian White Helmets.

Are we seeing a cynical and obscene exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder to revive the flagging credibility of a US State Department & UK Foreign Office asset on the ground in Syria, created and sustained as first responders for the US and NATO Al Nusra/Al Qaeda forces?

If this is the case, and I fear it is, the depravity of our government, the US government, the state led media and associated Syria Campaign support groups have reached a new level of perversion of Humanity. The White Helmets have been demonstrated to be a primarily US and NATO funded organisation embedded in Al Nusra and ISIS held areas exclusively.

This is an alleged “non-governmental” organisation, the definition of an NGO, that thus far has received funding from at least three major NATO governments, including $23 million from the US Government and $29 million (£19.7 million) from the UK Government, $4.5 million (€4 million) from the Dutch Government. In addition, it receives material assistance and training funded and run by a variety of other EU Nations

Hollywood also contributed to the propaganda campaign against Syria when Netflix’s ‘The White Helmets’ won an Oscar for best documentary short last year. The director of the documentary, Orlando von Einsiedel read a written statement from the White Helmets founder Raed al-Saleh during the acceptance speech which said:

“We are so grateful that this film has highlighted our work to the world. Our organisation is guided by a verse from the Quran: To save one life is to save all of humanity. We have saved more than 82,000 Syrian lives. I invite anyone here who hears me to work on the side of life to stop the bloodshed in Syria and around the world”

The CIA supported the Contras by using propaganda to gain public support in the U.S. and around the world through the MSM. They also transported cocaine (that eventually turned into crack) into the U.S. to fund its dirty war against the Sandinistas only shows how far Washington was willing to go to maintain its imperial power in Latin America no matter if it destroyed the lives of their own citizens.

History is surely repeating itself, but this time, it’s the war on Syria without the illegal drug trafficking operation, at least for the time being. Remember, the U.S. military is still guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan.


Rising Star
Must read!! The madness doesn't stop!! Then again don't read it and sit in front of the TV or these Social media platforms!!


The Domestic War on Black Workers

In 1982, President Ronald Reagan officially announced the start of the War on Drugs. This was rather interesting timing because drug use in the United States was declining at that time. Within a few years after the War on Drugs was announced, the scourge of crack-cocaine was spreading rapidly across the country. We will show that the transport and sale of vast quantities of cocaine was, in fact, carried out simultaneously by the very same government that was supposedly responsible for the War on Drugs. While dollars from the sale of crack were used to finance reactionary foreign policies, the repression justified by drug usage was used to imprison and impoverish poor black workers. Today, the United States has the world’s highest incarceration rate of 773 per 100,000 people. Compared to 118 in China, 655 in Russia, and 193 in Brazil.[ii] In 1980 the number of people imprisoned for drug offenses in the in the U.S. was about 41,000, and by 2010 it had zoomed up to about half a million people. People of color were especially targeted for incarceration by a variety of methods.
First, Some History. Meet Klaus Barbie, Criminal of World War II – and Beyond
Klaus Barbie, a Nazi war criminal, committed many horrible crimes. He persecuted resistance fighters in Holland, massacred Slavs and Jews on the Eastern Front and headed the Gestapo in Lyons for two years, where he tortured to death resistance fighters and Jews. Barbie participated in the Nazi killing frenzy before the Allies moved in,[iii] which included sending children from a Jewish orphanage to concentration camps to meet their certain death. The list of horrible crimes goes on and on, for which he was known as the Butcher of Lyons –for good reason.
Barbie was recruited and protected by the US Army Counterintelligence Corps after the war, even though he was one of the most wanted criminals in the world. The reason for his hire was to provide information on interrogation methods, to obtain the names of SS men who might be recruited, and to learn about methods of torture. In 1951 he and his family were given a crash course in Spanish, $8000 and a new identity, Klaus Altmann-mechanic. Barbie and his family were then sent to Bolivia, where It turned out that the CIA had a lot of work for him.
Klaus Barbie sold coca paste, weapons, and participated in at least three coup d’états. He also assisted in the murder of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara in October 1967. During a coup in 1970, he helped place rightist Hugo Banzer Suarez in power. In true Nazi fashion, thousands of leftists and union leaders were interrogated and “disappeared.” Banzer was so pleased with Barbie’s work that he made him an honorary colonel and a paid consultant to the Bolivian Interior Ministry, where he assisted in counterinsurgency work. Barbie also provided the CIA with the names of suspected Soviet and Cuban agents in South America. He assisted in the construction of concentration camps for political prisoners, taught methods of torture and made a fortune selling weapons to the Bolivian military, paid for mostly by the US government.
The Rise of the Drug Cartels
By the mid-1970s the Bolivian economy was in a shambles. Banzer ordered that cotton plantations be devoted to the raising of coca, and from 1974 – 1980 production of coca tripled. This tremendous supply of cocaine was exported from Bolivia and was instrumental in the rise of the Columbian drug cartels. In 1975 the street price of cocaine was $1500 per gram, which fell to $100 to $125 by 1986.[iv][v]
There was an election of a liberal government in Bolivia in 1979, despite massive voter fraud an intimidation by rightwing parties. This was a setup for yet another overthrow, the Cocaine Coup on July 17, 1980, in which Klaus Barbie once again assisted. Leftist newspapers were bombed, and many opposition leaders were arrested, tortured and murdered. The amount of cocaine produced in Bolivia increased from 35,00 metric tons (1 metric ton = 2,205 lbs) in 1980 to more than 60,000 metric tons by the late 1980s, almost all of it intended for sale in the United States.[vi]
The CIA’s Effort to Support the Nicaraguan Contras with Money Made by Selling Cocaine in America’s Ghettos
In Nicaragua in 1979 the Sandinistas (Sandinista National Liberation Front), overthrew the U.S. supported dictator Anastasio Somoza. Presidents Jimmy Carter and then Ronald Reagan created the Contras, an organization which operated out of Honduras and whose purpose was to overthrow the Sandinistas. However, this plan was deeply unpopular in Congress, and the Defense Appropriations Bill for 1983, prohibited the CIA from spending any money for “overthrowing the government of Nicaragua.” That year the CIA budget was reduced to about a quarter of what the Reagan administration claimed would be enough for a properly equipped fighting force. So the administration arranged to receive $1 million a month from Saudi Arabia, funds from South Africa, and to acquire major funding through the sale of drugs.
In 1984 the CIA mined the Harbors of Nicaragua. The political uproar that ensued caused Congress to pass an amendment to limit monies for the Contras even further, so that “no funds available to the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or any other agency of entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities may be obligated or expended for the purpose or which have the effect of supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua by any nation, group organization, movement or individual.” As a result, the year 1985 was the peak year of drug sales to support the Contras, as the Reagan Administration decided that no matter what Congress did the Contras had to be kept together “body and soul”. Operatives running or selling drugs for the support of the Contras lived a charmed life. Every time they would be caught, they would magically be released without charge. After the expiration of the amendment mentioned above in 1986, the CIA budget allocated to the Contras rose to $100 million.
The Contras Got Lots of Money
Drug dealer Oscar Danilo Blandon testified that the CIA-supported ring sold almost a ton of cocaine in the United States in 1981, $54 million worth. It was not clear how much of the money found its way back to the CIA’s army, but Blandon testified that “whatever we were running in L.A., the profit was going for the Contra revolution.”[vii] The police knew about Blandon for a long time: “Danilo Blandon is in charge of a sophisticated cocaine smuggling and distribution organization operating in Southern California,” L.A. County sheriff’s Sgt. Tom Gordon said in 1986. “The monies gained from the sales of cocaine are transported to Florida and laundered through Orlando Murillo, who is a high-ranking officer of a chain of banks in Florida named Government Securities Corporation. From this bank the monies are filtered to the Contra rebels to buy arms in the war in Nicaragua.”[viii] Blandon was never arrested, nor was another dealer, Norwin Meneses, until he had been shipping cocaine out of Honduras for 15 years under the eyes of and for the profit of the CIA.
Much of the cocaine was sold in Los Angeles at very low prices, after being transported by the cartels through Columbia, Mexico, and Honduras, all abetted by the Contras and the CIA. The streets of Los Angeles were flooded with crack-cocaine.
Exposé of the Origin of the Crack-Cocaine
In August, 1996 the San Jose Mercury News published three articles entitled “Dark Alliance,” subtitled “The Story Behind the Crack Explosion,” written by Gary Webb, a reporter for the Mercury’s Sacramento bureau. The series strong lead paragraph went as follows: “For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the CIA.”[ix] The series got the attention of many black Americans who were angered and outraged by the victimization of black communities by the government. It forced the CIA to publish furious denials and then, later, to start a campaign of non-stop vilification against Gary Webb. Webb was effectively driven from the newspaper industry and died on December 10, 2004, of, get this, “multiple gunshot suicide.”
Justifying the War on Drugs
In 1985, the Reagan administration began a huge campaign to publicize the emergence of crack. There were multiple stories about crack whores, crack babies born to addicted mothers, crack dealers and crack houses. The New York Times even had a picture of a crack house on its front page. The Washington Post ran 1,565 such articles between October 1988 and October 1989.[x] True to form, the worst, most retrograde, stereotypes of urban life were repeatedly portrayed in a racist fashion. The success of the media campaign permitted a big expansion of the War on Drugs, as there was now a rationale for it.
But what happened to the people in the poor black areas of America into whose neighborhoods the drugs were being transported? Mass addiction to powerful, addictive, drugs like crack-cocaine or heroin brings social decay, disease and death. That’s bad enough, but there were also changes in law enforcement procedures and sentencing that ensured that black people, especially black men, would be incarcerated by the millions. The stigma of having a having been a felon and having served time would affect them for the rest of their lives, making it difficult or impossible to obtain a job or even a place to live. This awful situation would not allow them to rehabilitate themselves with work and would deprive them of a meaningful support system. It’s no wonder that it would often lead them back to prison.
The Growth of the American Prison System
Much of the United States was de-industrialized during the late 1970s and 80s. Between 1973 and 1980, over four million jobs disappeared in the United States when American companies moved their operations outside the country. New York City alone lost 40,000 to 50,000 jobs in the apparel and textile industries. Corporations increasingly divested their profits from US-based subsidiaries and reinvested in operations abroad. In the 1970s, over thirty million total jobs were eliminated through factory closings, relocations, and then phased elimination of operations.
The shrinking of U.S.-based industries had a deep impact on labor unions, as the percentage of union members within the American labor force decreased by half in only two decades. Hardest hit were African American blue-collar workers, because in 1983, over 40 percent of all black men in the U.S. labor force were union members, while only 14.4 percent are today.xx Many workers were forced to accept “service jobs” that paid a lot less than the unionized industrial jobs they formerly had. Some of the new manufacturing jobs that opened between 1970 and 1987 were in the suburbs. This forced persons who lived in the inner cities areas to travel by car to the new jobs, because of the unavailability of public transportation. A study on black fathers found that only 28 percent had cars and the rate fell to just 18 percent for those who lived in ghetto areas[xi]. Black women did somewhat better. They were able to get work in social service jobs that were opening as the industrial jobs were vanishing.[xii] As a result of the relentless shrinkage of jobs, there was an increase in crime.
It then became fashionable for politicians to be “tough on crime.” The racist depiction of the effects of crack-cocaine was a bonanza for law and order politicians, who don’t care about the daily crimes against working people: poor health care, bad schools, broken down infrastructure, desolate neighborhoods and so on. Some people complained that the frenzy over crack distracted attention from the real ills in society, but this view was seldom heard. The war on drugs was very popular with racist whites as they could make anti-drug and anti-crime remarks regarding blacks that masked their racist intent. It also provided a cover for the militarization of police forces.

The Cancer Grows

Because drugs suddenly were said to be a threat to national security, the military was permitted to ignore the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 that forbids the use of military for civilian policing. There were transfers of military equipment, intelligence and training to local police forces. Along with this, there were strong financial incentives in the form of federal aid to local police forces that gave a premium to every drug arrest but made no such incentive for arrests involving other types of crimes, causing local police forces to become very aggressive in enforcing drug laws. As if this wasn’t enough, state and local police departments were authorized to keep, for their own use, most of the money and other assets they seized when making drug arrests. Suispicion of drug possession or trafficking was sufficient to allow the seizure of cash, cars, homes, jewelry and other valuables. The rules were so heavily weighted in the favor of law enforcement that more than 80 percent of the forfeitures went uncontested. This gave local and state police departments a tremendous boost in funding, so that the local and state police departments became advocates for the so-called war on drugs – not on winning it – but for its permanent perpetuation. The cops became addicted to the war on drugs.
Laws were enacted to place heavy penalties on the sale and distribution of drugs. To ensure long sentences for possession or distribution of drugs, many of the penalties were mandatory – that is, not modifiable by a judge or jury. As mentioned earlier, it is enough for a person to have committed a felony to be stigmatized for life with very limited employment or housing opportunities. In 1972 there were fewer than 350,000 persons in prison, today there are 2.3 million. Here is a graph that depicts the enormous growth in incarceration, especially after 1980.

Source: Wikipedia
After the economic collapse during 2007 and 2008, the number of persons incarcerated decreased. This happened not because the politicians realized that they had gone crazy, but instead, because states and localities could not afford to incarcerate the number of prisoners they had, so they released some of them early to save money.
Let me provide a dramatization of a typical police encounter. This will be set in Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, NY, a large poor black neighborhood. It starts with a couple young black men on a street corner having a conversation. Suddenly a cop car pulls up. The cops order the men to stop and be frisked on some of the nearby cars. The guys do not resist, in fear for their lives and health. To resist, could bring on violence from the police, possibly even death. The men were clean, and the incident ended without any arrests or violence. You do not complain against the police who frisked you for no reason because the last thing you would ever want is draw attention to yourself and because of the possibility of retribution.
Real encounters, just like the dramatization described above, occur many times a day, across the United States, justified by policies like “broken windows” or “stop and frisk” policing. As you can see, there is no concept of a person’s “rights” here at all. You do what the cops tell you to do – or else! This sort of thing does NOT happen in any white neighborhoods. Almost always, the cops don’t find any drugs at all. But when they do score a “hit”, then that person is charged with possession of narcotics, possibly with intent to sell, depending on the quantity in possession. Despite the policy of no arrests for the public smoking of marijuana in New York City, thousands of arrests continue to be made, almost all targeting people of color.
Myths of the War on Drugs
Some think that the war is aimed at drug kingpins or major drug dealers. This is false. The vast majority of those arrested are not charged with any serious crimes. In 2005, for example, 4 out of 5 arrests were for possession of drugs and 1 out of 5 was for the sale of drugs. Most people in state prisons for drug offenses have no history of violence or selling activity.[xiii] The second myth is that the war on drugs was mostly concerned with dangerous, addictive, drugs. Marijuana possession accounted for 80 percent of all drug arrests in the 1990s. The war on drugs was a vicious policy of victimization and punitiveness. This led to the enormous increase in the number of people incarcerated, mentioned earlier. But the cumulative effect is truly amazing; by 2007 more than 7 million Americans (1 in 31 adults) were incarcerated, on probation or on parole.[xiv]
The targeting of blacks in the war on drugs is scandalous. Even though whites sell and consume more drugs than blacks and people of all races use and sell drugs at similar rates,[xv] Human Rights Watch reported in 2000 that in 7 states blacks constituted 80 to 90 percent of all drug offenders sent to prison. In at least 15 states blacks are admitted to prison on drug charges at a rate from 20 to 57 times greater than white men[xvi]. Although the majority of drug users and dealers are white, three-fourths of all person admitted to prison on drug charges were black or Latino.
The disparities between the way white drug offenders are treated and the way drug offenders who are people of color are treated are explained briefly as follows.
  • As noted above, black communities are scoured by the police for possible drug arrests. There is often no probable cause or any reason for the police stop and frisk tactics, other than the role of the police to control and intimidate poor black workers.
  • The notes and other documents of prosecutors are shielded from outside review, so that there are no statistics on how prosecutors handle similar drug related cases involving persons of different races. Thus, racist targeting of people of color is hidden.
  • Penalties for many crimes are so severe that innocent people accept plea deals to avoid long mandatory sentences.[xvii]
  • Because jurors in many states are drawn from voter rolls, the number of blacks on juries is limited. In addition, most states exclude former felons from serving on juries, so that about 30 percent of all black men are automatically excluded from juries. Given the few people of color that can be on a jury in the first place, peremptorily striking a few of them will make for the all-white jury that many prosecutors desire.
The result of the mass, targeted, incarceration of blacks is that whole cities like Baltimore or Washington have black communities with the black men missing – they have been incarcerated. The War on Drugs has resulted in the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have few educational or job opportunities, often as a result of being punished for drug offenses which in turn have resulted from attempts to earn a living because of having very limited education or job opportunities.[xviii] Since prisoners are denied the right to vote for life in most states, conservative political candidates are advantaged.
Moreover, prisons have become a great source of profits. Since 1979 the federal Bureau of Prisons has operated a program known as Federal Prison Industries that pays inmates roughly $0.90 an hour to produce everything from mattresses, spectacles, road signs and body armor for other government agencies, earning $500 million in sales in fiscal 2016.xxi California is currently saving about $100 million by paying prisoners $1/hour to fight wildfires, a practice likened to slave labor. Privately built prisons using prison labor and widespread privatization of such services as prisoner monitoring, phone calls and cafeterias have also reaped billions in profits.

A Fine Blindness
On the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) website it said in 2008: “despite the civil rights victories of our past, racial prejudice still pervades the criminal justice system.” Not one word about mass incarceration of blacks and the enormous harm it has caused. In 2008 there were more people in prison than there are today. Why were they blind to the problem? More to the point, the targeting of blacks for minor felonies was a topic of discussion in the black communities, not in 2008, but already in 1980! Why the complete blindness of what was obvious to so many people?
In the article “The Real Lesson of the Civil Rights Movement: Armed Resistance to Racist Violence Works”, in this blog, it says: “There is also a significant difference in the demands put forward by demonstrations run by the Deacons for Defense and those run by the nonviolent groups. While the middle-class blacks who supported nonviolent organizing strove for surface changes such as voting rights and desegregation of public accommodations – things that would benefit them, the demands put forward and won in communities where the Deacons operated tended to reflect the needs of the working class: better schools, paved roads, better public facilities, public sewer and water, and so forth. Integration turned out not to be so important.” The class difference makes for an enormous difference in emphasis! This is why so many supposed black “leaders” were blind to mass incarceration. Precisely because it did not affect them or anyone they knew, but it sure affected working class blacks.
Where Did the Dope Come From?

The war on drugs was announced in 1982, a time when drug use was waning. Then, suddenly a few years later, there were plenty of drugs and drug users. In fact, by the late 1980s, the illicit drug trade was one of the largest industries in the United States, exceeding the size of the auto industry. The war on drugs was not very effective in stopping the drug trade, but it was very adept at destroying the lives of people of color. This is still the case to this day. Mass incarceration is a major aspect of the American capitalist system, one in relative decline in the world, that relies on racism to maximize profits and divide the working class. The imprisonment of one third of all black men at some time during their lives builds racism, justifies poverty, and reaps enormous profits. Most important, it increases divisions within the working class that weaken all of us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't tell Black people this secret!

This disclosure is not an attempt to derail the national feelings of immense pride, hopefulness, nor sense of accomplishment brought on by the historical 2008 election of America’s first African American President. It is, however, a disclosure that is extremely imperative if African Americans are to ever obtain true equality within the American society. The many problems now facing Black America will not be corrected by implementing outdated strategies of foot marches, speeches, or the commemoration of fallen Black martyrs. We can no longer address today’s modern systems of racism using nineteen century strategies. In order for African Americans to acquire real change within the American society, it is imperative that we understand how racism has sophisticatedly evolved in America. This understanding is, in fact, extremely imperative if Black people are to survive as a race and be a part of the future. The present despairing state of Black America is neither a baffling phenomenon, nor the result of some innate racial deficiency among Blacks, but is rather, in fact, a deliberate design and outcome of a very sophisticated, more detrimental and proficient system of racism that has been secretly implemented against African Americans--as a means of maintaining America's white dominance and control. Although the United States government portrays itself as the leading ethical and moral authority of the world and professes equal rights for all American citizens, its oldest and most important objective has always been an unyielding commitment towards the preservation of its White dominance and control. Therefore, if the U.S. government treated its Black population in a manner which did not promote maintaining its White dominance and control, it would be diametrically opposed to itself. This hidden scenario has always necessitated the U.S. government to secretly use every conceivable means and opportunity to domestically defend its position of White dominance even if it means engaging in suppressive methods that contradict its own stated moral and ethical values. ( i.e. Government funded eugenics program targeting Black birth rate, Tuskegee syphilis experiment, CIA’s drug involvement that flooded Black communities. etc.) Because the 1960's were a period of massive Black rebellion and unrest, especially in 1968 after the brutal assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that eroded the American global image, increasingly placed the nation’s peace and stability in dire jeopardy, and caused the U.S. government to fear the uprising of a violent Black revolution. These collective problems resulted in President Lyndon B. Johnson ordering the formation of the Kerner Commission. Its mission was to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendation for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems. The Kerner report’s findings led the U.S. government agents of White supremacy to reform their techniques use for maintaining its white dominance. It required that the U.S. government abandon its blatant forms of institutionalized racism and create a more sophisticated system of maintaining white dominance and control in the United States. As a means of maintaining its White dominance and control the U.S. government secretly implemented its largest ever covert operation against its Black population. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with, through a White controlled media, is a very carefully and deliberately designed massive social engineering psychological conditioning program that provides a stealthier and more socially acceptable means of maintaining white dominance. Today there are secret agencies within the U.S. government that covertly disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population-- corrupting African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason -- and facilitates a consensual national environment of where in which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation, they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with is a very carefully and deliberately designed mass media social manipulation program that subjects African Americans--through a White controlled media --to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche drills the message that Blacks are powerless, of lesser moral, and intelligence and that they need Whites to govern over their lives. It totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality. Moreover, it corrupts African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites. The motto of this psychosocial program is to divide and conquer and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was, in fact, better. The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the mind through deception. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is implemented by, first, simply learning everything about the targeted group, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations against them. Within a real life setting this mortifying psychosocial treatment is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans. Where of which they are constantly bombarded and inundated by deplorably negative imageries of themselves through an immense campaign of false racially devaluing media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages perpetuate and frame the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. This falsehood detrimentally affects the Black population at large. The ultimate goal of this governmental psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was historically the cornerstone of civil rights gains and that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of White racial oppression. The overrepresentation of Black crimes and grossly exaggerated statistics of Black on Black violence within this psychosocial program are intentionally designed to create fear, hatred, and distrust thus molding the character of disunity and self-hatred among the Black community. (Black’s own personal negative experiences and interactions with their fellow Blacks merely then confirm the program’s perpetuated message that it is they that are their own worst enemies). Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past system of blatant, institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program. All African Americans have experienced the burden of this system of applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we (Blacks) read a newspaper, watch the evening news, listen to a radio report, enter a classroom and read its racially biased textbooks. To the detriment of many African Americans, it has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess. It attempts also to discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. Not only does this massive governmental psychological manipulation campaign negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, but it also conveniently provides a more socially acceptable and covert means of ensures that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won. This in turn manifests negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychosocial treatment of African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. Unlike the blatantly overt system of racism used in the past that resulted in African Americans unifying themselves against it, this modern system of racism is not easily recognized or comprehended by its Black victims. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of African Americans may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects.
The psychological manipulation of African Americans has been so successfully accomplished that it is very difficult to reverse. You see, part of the conditioning is almost like Stockholm syndrome. The victimized group begins to love their enemy and to feel that the enemy is justified in its mistreatment of them. The victim begins to feel that they deserve the mistreatment, and they will actually oppose anyone who suggests what is being disclosed here. This type of psychological manipulation program has also been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and engendering negative cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people, to some degree, are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. The media’s constantly depicted deplorable imagery of Black Americans is also designed al so to create a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. Therefore fostering a national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily exploited and ultimately consensually suppressed. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s all now justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. The effects of this social program are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Through the usage of mass psychological manipulation White America’s methods of institutionalized racism has been secretly modified into a more sophisticated and stealthy design. Unfortunately to the detriment of many African Americans this modern system of deploying white racism has been very proficient. Some studies have shown that this social program has engendered increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
It was this governmental psychological conditioning program that ended the Black revolutionary movement of the 1960's and that stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during that era’s civil rights struggles. Although this disclosure may sound ridiculous for some, it is however consistent with history. Through out western history cultures that create and maintain empires have done so by manipulating the people that they are trying to conquer. They go out of their way to make sure that the people that they’re attempting to conquer is perpetually misled and manipulated. Therefore the conquered group’s perception of reality is not their own. It is shrewdly imposed upon them without them even knowing it. When the people in power wants to suppress or to exploit a group they do so by portraying that group as a fearsome enemy or a major problem of the society through lies and manufactured news items. These negative imagery’s are used to socially engineer a national consent that justifies mistreating the group. This same type propaganda technique was used by Adolph Hitler to facilitate a national consensual setting that allowed his heinous mistreatment of the Jews. Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels portrayed them as a fearsome enemy of German society through lies and manufactured news items. These negative imageries were used to justify their annihilation. Since the beginning of recorded history, ruling governmental bodies of nearly every nation have involved themselves in implementing methods designed to maintain and defend their positions of established power against its minority group. The U.S. government is in no way an exception to this rule, but is rather, to the contrary, a leader of implementing suppressive methods to defend its positions of established power against its minority group. In fact from the time that Africans were first enslaved and brought to America its government has always implemented methods designed to ensure that its White dominance be maintained. Even after the abolishment of slavery, Jim Crow inequities continued White dominance through denying Blacks the right to vote and the brutal lynching of thousands of African Americans. After these blatant methods used to ensure the continuance of its White dominance had become morally unacceptable, the United States government secretly applied a more subtle, sophisticated, and socially acceptable method for ensuring the continuance of its white dominance and control through the usage of mass psychological manipulation. Since World War I, the U.S. government had been engaging in more overt usages of mass psychological manipulation campaigns designed to influence public opinion towards it governmental objective. Such as seen, for example, during World War l, when then Unit ed States President, Woodrow Wilson, used mass psychological manipulation to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. That war propaganda campaign produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Since then the U.S. government has acquired an extensive history of conducting mass media campaigns of psychological manipulation programs through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. The massive Black rebellion of the 1960's quite logically necessitated that the U.S. Government used these same proven methods of mass psychological manipulation program against its Black population. Clearly, the sophisticated method of mass media psychological manipulation met such a need. It was perfectly suited for the changing times. Unlike the extremely cruel and public racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to easily identify and thus unify to form counter strategies against, racism through psychological warfare is much harder to detect. This governmental mass psychological manipulation of African Americans continues today and can be traced to many of the maladies now affecting Black America.
As long as whites are controlling the societal scoreboard they will always place Blacks on the losing team, by giving us fraudulent data that implies white superiority.

this post explains most so-called blacks today with how they hate open racists but love covert racists. it all comes down to being pro-white and those need to go.


Rising Star
If have sum free time, read the book by Gary Webb!! A good read!!! Understand how the beast operates!! Then again dont!!!

U.S. Policy Helped Start Crack Plague Drugs Sold To Gangs; Profits Funded Cia’s Contras

First of three partsooo[

For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, an investigation by the San Jose Mercury News has found.

This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the “crack” capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America - and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.’s gangs to buy automatic weapons.

It is one of the most bizarre alliances in modern history: the union of a U.S.-backed army attempting to overthrow a revolutionary socialist government and the Uzi-toting “gangstas” of Compton and South-Central Los Angeles.

The army’s financiers - who met with CIA agents both before and during the time they were selling the drugs in L.A. - delivered cut-rate cocaine to the gangs through a young South-Central crack dealer named Ricky Donnell Ross.

Unaware of his suppliers’ military and political connections, “Freeway Rick” - a dope dealer of mythic proportions in the L.A. drug world - turned the cocaine powder into crack and wholesaled it to gangs across the country.

The cash Ross paid for the cocaine, court records show, was then used to buy weapons and equipment for a guerrilla army named the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (Nicaraguan Democratic Force) or FDN, the largest of several anti-communist groups commonly called the Contras.

While the FDN’s war is barely a memory today, black America is still dealing with its poisonous side effects. Urban neighborhoods are grappling with legions of homeless crack addicts. Thousands of young black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine - a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before members of the CIA’s army brought it into South Central in the 1980s at bargain-basement prices.

And the L.A. gangs, which used their enormous cocaine profits to arm themselves and spread crack across the country, are still thriving, turning entire blocks of major cities into occasional war zones.

“There is a saying that the ends justify the means,” former FDN leader and drug dealer Oscar Danilo Blandon Reyes testified during a recent cocaine trafficking trial in San Diego. “And that’s what Mr. Bermudez (the CIA agent who commanded the FDN) told us in Honduras, OK? So we started raising money for the Contra revolution.”

Recently declassified reports, federal court testimony, undercover tapes, court records here and abroad and hundreds of hours of interviews over the past 12 months leave no doubt that Blandon was no ordinary drug dealer.

Shortly before Blandon - who had been the drug ring’s Southern California distributor - took the stand in San Diego as a witness for the U.S. Department of Justice, federal prosecutors obtained a court order preventing defense lawyers from delving into his ties to the CIA.

Blandon, one of the FDN’s founders in California, “will admit that he was a large-scale dealer in cocaine, and there is no additional benefit to any defendant to inquire as to the Central Intelligence Agency,” Assistant U.S. Attorney L.J. O’Neale argued in his motion shortly before Ross’ trial on cocaine trafficking charges in March.

The most Blandon would say in court about who called the shots when he sold cocaine for the FDN was that “we received orders from the - from other people.”

The 5,000-man FDN, records show, was created in mid-1981 when the CIA combined several existing groups of anti-communist exiles into a unified force it hoped would topple the new socialist government of Nicaragua.

From 1982 to 1988, the FDN run by both American and Nicaraguan CIA agents waged a losing war against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, the Cuban-supported socialists who’d overthrown U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979.

A ton of cocaine

Blandon, who began working for the FDN’s drug operation in late 1981, testified that the drug ring sold almost a ton of cocaine in the United States that year - $54 million worth at prevailing wholesale prices. It was not clear how much of the money found its way back to the CIA’s army, but Blandon testified that “whatever we were running in L.A., the profit was going for the Contra revolution.”

At the time of that testimony, Blandon was a full-time informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration, a job the U.S. Department of Justice got him after releasing him from prison in 1994.

Though Blandon admitted to crimes that have sent others away for life, the Justice Department turned him loose on unsupervised probation after only 28 months behind bars and has paid him more than $166,000 since, court records show.

“He has been extraordinarily helpful,” federal prosecutor O’Neale told Blandon’s judge in a plea for the trafficker’s release in 1994. Though O’Neale once described Blandon to a grand jury as “the biggest Nicaraguan cocaine dealer in the United States,” the prosecutor would not discuss him with the Mercury News.

Blandon’s boss in the FDN’s cocaine operation, Juan Norwin Meneses Cantarero, has never spent a day in a U.S. prison, even though the federal government has been aware of his cocaine dealings since at least 1974, records show.

Meneses - who ran the drug ring from his homes in the Bay Area - is listed in the DEA’s computers as a major international drug smuggler and was implicated in 45 separate federal investigations. Yet he and his cocaine-dealing relatives lived quite openly in the Bay Area for years, buying homes in Pacifica and Burlingame, along with bars, restaurants, car lots and factories in San Francisco, Hayward and Oakland.

Probes stymied

Meneses’ organization was “the target of unsuccessful investigative attempts for many years,” prosecutor O’Neale acknowledged in a 1994 affidavit. But records and interviews revealed that a number of those probes were stymied not by the elusive Meneses but by agencies of the U.S. government.

Agents from four organizations - the DEA, U.S. Customs, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement - have complained that investigations were hampered by the CIA or unnamed “national security” interests.

One 1988 investigation by a U.S. Senate subcommittee ran into a wall of official secrecy at the Justice Department.

In that case, congressional records show, Senate investigators were trying to determine why the U.S. attorney in San Francisco, Joseph Russoniello, had given $36,000 back to a Nicaraguan cocaine dealer arrested by the FBI.

The money was returned, court records show, after two Contra leaders sent letters to the court swearing that the drug dealer had been given the cash to buy weapons for guerrillas. Russoniello said it was cheaper to give the money back than to disprove that claim.

“The Justice Department flipped out to prevent us from getting access to people, records - finding anything out about it,” recalled Jack Blum, former chief counsel to the Senate subcommittee that investigated allegations of Contra cocaine trafficking. “It was one of the most frustrating exercises that I can ever recall.”

It wasn’t until 1989, a few months after the Contra-Sandinista war ended and five years after Meneses moved from the Peninsula to a ranch in Costa Rica, that the U.S. government took action against him - sort of.

Federal prosecutors in San Francisco charged Meneses with conspiracy to distribute 1 kilo of cocaine in 1984, a year in which he was working publicly with the FDN.

Indictment locked away

According to the indictment, Meneses was in the midst of his alleged cocaine conspiracy at the time the picture was taken.

But the indictment was quickly locked away in the vaults of the San Francisco federal courthouse, where it remains today - inexplicably secret for more than seven years. Meneses was never arrested.

Reporters found a copy of the secret indictment in Nicaragua, along with a federal arrest warrant issued Feb. 8, 1989. Records show the no-bail warrant was never entered into the national law enforcement database called NCIC, which police use to track down fugitives. The former federal prosecutor who indicted him, Eric Swenson, declined to comment.

After Nicaraguan police arrested Meneses on cocaine charges in Managua in 1991, his judge expressed astonishment that the infamous smuggler went unmolested by American drug agents during his years in the United States.

“How do you explain the fact that Norwin Meneses, implicated since 1974 in the trafficking of drugs … has not been detained in the United States, a country in which he has lived, entered and departed many times since 1974?” Judge Martha Quezada asked during a pretrial hearing.

“Well, that question needs to be asked to the authorities of the United States,” replied Roger Mayorga, then chief of Nicaragua’s anti-drug agency.

Still not talking

His seeming invulnerability amazed American authorities as well.

A Customs agent who investigated Meneses in 1980 before transferring elsewhere said he was reassigned to San Francisco seven years later “and I was sitting in some meetings and here’s Meneses’ name again. And I can remember thinking, ‘Holy cow, is this guy still around?’th”

Blandon led an equally charmed life. For at least five years he brokered massive amounts of cocaine to the black gangs of Los Angeles without being arrested. But his luck changed overnight.

On Oct. 27, 1986, agents from the FBI, the IRS, local police and the Los Angeles County sheriff fanned out across Southern California and raided more than a dozen locations connected to Blandon’s cocaine operation. Blandon and his wife, along with numerous Nicaraguan associates, were arrested on drug and weapons charges.

The search warrant affidavit reveals that local drug agents knew plenty about Blandon’s involvement with cocaine and the CIA’s army nearly 10 years ago.

“Danilo Blandon is in charge of a sophisticated cocaine smuggling and distribution organization operating in Southern California,” L.A. County sheriff’s Sgt. Tom Gordon said in the 1986 affidavit. “The monies gained from the sales of cocaine are transported to Florida and laundered through Orlando Murillo, who is a high-ranking officer of a chain of banks in Florida named Government Securities Corporation. From this bank the monies are filtered to the Contra rebels to buy arms in the war in Nicaragua.”

Despite their intimate knowledge of Blandon’s operations, the police raids were a spectacular failure. Every location had been cleaned of anything remotely incriminating. No one was ever prosecuted.

Congress approves funding

FBI records show that soon after the raids, Blandon’s defense attorney, Bradley Brunon, called the sheriff’s department to suggest that his client’s troubles stemmed from a most unlikely source: a recent congressional vote authorizing $100 million in military aid to the CIA’s Contra army.

According to a December 1986 FBI Teletype, Brunon told the officers that the “CIA winked at this sort of thing. … (Brunon) indicated that now that U.S. Congress had voted funds for the Nicaraguan Contra movement, U.S. government now appears to be turning against organizations like this.”

Blandon has also implied that his cocaine sales were, for a time, CIA-approved. He told a San Francisco federal grand jury in 1994 that once the FDN began receiving American taxpayer dollars, the CIA no longer needed his kind of help.

“When Mr. Reagan get in the power, we start receiving a lot of money,” Blandon testified. “And the people that was in charge, it was the CIA, so they didn’t want to raise any (drug) money because they have, they had the money that they wanted.”

“From the government?” asked Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall.

“Yes, for the Contra revolution,” Blandon said.

Blandon’s lawyer, Brunon, said in an interview that his client never told him directly that he was selling cocaine for the CIA, but the prominent Los Angeles defense attorney drew his own conclusions from the “atmosphere of CIA and clandestine activities” that surrounded Blandon and his Nicaraguan friends.

“Was he involved with the CIA? Probably. Was he involved with drugs? Most definitely,” Brunon said. “Were those two things involved with each other? They’ve never said that, obviously. They’ve never admitted that. But I don’t know where these guys get these big aircraft …”

That very topic arose during the sensational 1992 cocaine trafficking trial of Meneses after Meneses was arrested in Nicaragua in connection with a staggering 750-kilo shipment of cocaine. His chief accuser was his friend Enrique Miranda, a relative and former Nicaraguan military intelligence officer who had been Meneses’ emissary to the cocaine cartel of Bogota, Colombia. Miranda pleaded guilty to drug charges and agreed to cooperate in exchange for a seven-year sentence.

In a long, handwritten statement he read to Meneses’ jury, Miranda revealed the deepest secrets of the Meneses drug ring, earning his old boss a 30-year prison sentence in the process.

“He (Norwin) and his brother Luis Enrique had financed the Contra revolution with the benefits of the cocaine they sold,” Miranda wrote. “This operation, as Norwin told me, was executed with the collaboration of high-ranking Salvadoran military personnel. They met with officials of the Salvadoran air force, who flew (planes) to Colombia and then left for the U.S., bound for an Air Force base in Texas, as he told me.”

Meneses declined to discuss Miranda’s statements during an interview at a prison outside Managua in January. He is scheduled to be paroled this summer, after nearly five years in custody.

U.S. General Accounting Office records confirm that El Salvador’s air force was supplying the CIA’s Nicaraguan guerrillas with aircraft and flight support services throughout the mid-1980s.

Miranda did not name the Air Force base in Texas where the FDN’s cocaine was purportedly flown. The same day the Mercury News requested official permission to interview Miranda, he disappeared.

While out on a routine weekend furlough, Miranda failed to return to the Nicaraguan jail where he’d been living since 1992. Though his jailers, who described him as a model prisoner, claimed Miranda had escaped, they didn’t call the police until a Mercury News correspondent showed up and discovered he was gone.

He has not been seen in nearly a year.


1. CONTRA CONNECTION In 1985, the DEA agent assigned to El Salvador - Celerino Castillo III began picking up reports that cocaine was being flown to the United States out of hangars 4 and 5 at Ilopango Air Base near the capital, San Salvador, as part of a Contra-related covert operation. Castillo said he soon confirmed what his informants were telling him. Starting in January 1986, Castillo began documenting the cocaine flights - listing pilot names, tail numbers, dates and flight plans - and sent them to DEA headquarters. The only response he got, Castillo wrote in his 1994 memoirs, was an internal DEA investigation of him. He took a disability retirement from the agency in 1991. “Basically, the bottom line is it was a covert operation and they (DEA officials) were covering it up,” Castillo said in an interview. “You can’t get any simpler than that. It was a cover-up.” DEA officials would not respond to those allegations. -San Jose Mercury News

2. ABOUT THIS SERIES Today - A San Francisco-based drug network opens the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Millions in drug profits are funneled to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Thursday - A smuggler, a bureaucrat and a ghetto-driven teenager make fortunes creating the first mass market in America for a product so hellishly desirable that consumers will literally kill to get it: crack cocaine. Friday - The Johnny Appleseed of crack in California plants deadly roots in L.A.’s black neighborhoods, and the Contra connection gives the Crips and Bloods their first direct connection to the cocaine cartels of Colombia.



Rising Star
Black Americans were forced into ‘social distancing’ long before the coronavirus

Speaking about the COVID-19 pandemic at Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden implored, “This is a crisis. We’re at war with the virus.” Without question, we have to treat the situation like the acute emergency it is. However, if we don’t address structural inequalities in this country, recovery will be uneven and enduring. As officials implore the nation to practice “social distancing,” we should remember that, throughout history, it is that same concept which has made some Americans more vulnerable to the physical and economic effects of the coronavirus, as well as other epidemics and disasters.
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending social distancing measures: avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining at least six feet of distance from other people. For decades, however, Black people and Native Americans have been subject to a different kind of social distancing in America: segregation, discrimination, and devaluation.
These policies, which were built on a racial hierarchy, isolated Black and indigenous people closer to polluters and in areas more susceptible to natural disasters. History has shown that social distancing through racist housing policies such as redlining extracted wealth from communities of color, eliminating a crucial buffer against the financial shock of a crisis such as today’s. COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate, but U.S. policy has—in ways that now leave Black and brown people more vulnerable to effects of the pandemic.
Segregated housing and schools are manifestations of the United States’ long history of legal discrimination, which have ramifications for our current crisis. Redlining was the practice born of the federally backed Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, which outlined areas with sizable Black populations in red ink on maps as a warning to mortgage lenders, effectively isolating Black people in areas that would suffer lower levels of investment than their white counterparts.
Far from a cure, this form of social distancing created a social disease that has made many of us sick—literally. According to a 2019 study, residential segregation makes Black communities more susceptible to hospital closings. Another study published by Medical Care Research and Review in 2014 found that an increase in the concentration of Black people in a neighborhood is associated with a corresponding decrease in the availability of surgical equipment.
Meanwhile, social isolation through policy discrimination has extracted significant wealth from Black families. According to the Federal Reserve’s most recent numbers in 2016, white families had the highest median family wealth at $171,000. Black and Latino or Hispanic families had $17,600 and $20,700, respectively—making these household far more susceptible to pandemics of this scale.
According to the Federal Reserve’s most recent numbers in 2016, white families had the highest median family wealth at $171,000. Black and Latino or Hispanic families had $17,600 and $20,700, respectively—making these household far more susceptible to pandemics of this scale.
According to my own research with David Harshbarger and Gallup’s Jonathan Rothwell, homes of similar quality in neighborhoods with similar amenities are worth 23% less in Black-majority neighborhoods compared to those with very few or no Black residents. After accounting for factors such as housing quality, neighborhood quality, education, and crime, owner-occupied homes in Black neighborhoods are undervalued by $48,000 on average, amounting to a whopping $156 billion that homeowners would have received if their homes were priced at market rate.
For life expectancy, money matters,” according to the Harvard Gazette. Wealthier people live longer—but the COVID-19 pandemic reveals that our fates are more intertwined than we think. Due in part to a lack of access to managerial positions, Black workers are overrepresented in occupations that require face-to-face contact, such as health care support, personal care, and protective services, as well as in gig-economy jobs. While business in these sectors has been rising during the pandemic, the nature of these jobs places workers at greater risk for contracting the virus, with many employers refusing to offer paid sick leave. While white-collar workers telecommute, receive paid time off, or are otherwise able to both socially distance and remain financially secure, the most vulnerable members of society are forced to choose between their work and their health.
This is a structural problem created by the social distancing of people of color—and the more we put these workers at risk of COVID-19, the longer the entire country will suffer. The proliferation of the coronavirus forces us to see the inherent connections we share in a way that our public policy has not always recognized. Individual recovery is contingent upon how much we collectively live by the principle of being “all in this together.” If undocumented residents are sick, the country’s citizens will be as well. If Black and Latino or Hispanic people suffer from COVID-19’s effects, so will Asian American and white people.
This is a structural problem created by the social distancing of people of color—and the more we put these workers at risk of COVID-19, the longer the entire country will suffer.
We are at war with not just the virus, but our past mistakes. Now is the time to create the kind of social safety net that America’s segregated communities never received. As my Brookings colleague Ryan Nunn wrote, we need a new plan for paid sick leave, policies for food security, targeted support for small businesses, loan forgiveness, and greater increases in unemployment insurance.
If we don’t address the discrimination that is baked into current policy, efforts to address this pandemic will be undermined by the past practices that led to such inequality. Even as we heed the CDC’s advice on social distancing, policymakers need to see opportunities to bring historically disenfranchised communities closer to the systems they’ve been excluded from. The war against the virus and the war against structural racism can be fought at the same time.


Rising Star
This is a long read!! So, if you read this it's going to take a few mins!!

From “brute” to “thug:” the demonization and criminalization of unarmed Black male victims in America
CalvinJohn Smiley and David Fakunle

The synonymy of Blackness with criminality is not a new phenomenon in America. Documented historical accounts have shown how myths, stereotypes, and racist ideologies led to discriminatory policies and court rulings that fueled racial violence in a post-Reconstruction era and has culminated in the exponential increase of Black male incarceration today. Misconceptions and prejudices manufactured and disseminated through various channels such as the media included references to a “brute” image of Black males. In the 21st century, this negative imagery of Black males has frequently utilized the negative connotation of the terminology “thug.” In recent years, law enforcement agencies have unreasonably used deadly force on Black males allegedly considered to be “suspects” or “persons of interest.” The exploitation of these often-targeted victims' criminal records, physical appearances, or misperceived attributes has been used to justify their unlawful deaths. Despite the connection between disproportionate criminality and Black masculinity, little research has been done on how unarmed Black male victims, particularly but not exclusively at the hands of law enforcement, have been posthumously criminalized. This paper investigates the historical criminalization of Black males and its connection to contemporary unarmed victims of law enforcement. Action research methodology in the data collection process is utilized to interpret how Black male victims are portrayed by traditional mass media, particularly through the use of language, in ways that marginalize and de-victimize these individuals. This study also aims to elucidate a contemporary understanding of race relations, racism, and the plight of the Black male in a 21-century “post-racial” America.
Keywords: Black males, thug, media, social media, police brutality, racial profiling
On April 28, 2015, President Barack Obama referred to a collection of citizens from Baltimore, Maryland as “criminals and thugs” in response to a question about the recent rebellion that broke following the death of Freddie Grayi while in police custody. The use of the term “thug” by President Obama became the zenith of the word's use to characterize primarily individuals and groups of Black males. In this specific case of the rebellion that began on April 25, 2015, public figures such as President Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake both used the term “thug” along with many news reporters and others on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. During an interview with CNN, Baltimore councilman Carl Stokes, a Black male, rejected the notion of calling citizens “thugs” by the news anchor that pushed him to agree with the term to describe the occurrences of looting. Stokes responded by stating, “C'mon, so calling them thugs, just call them *******, just call them *******” (WSHH, 2015). Councilman Stokes was calling attention to the use of coded language that is in some ways explicitly and other ways implicitly used as a substitute for personally mediated racism, specifically the term “******.”
Over the last several years, the term “thug” has become a way to describe Black males who reject or do not rise to the standard of White America. For example, NFL football player Richard Sherman was called a “thug” for his post-game interview following the National Football Conference (NFC) Championship game (Wagner, 2014). While Sherman did not use vulgar language or express any feelings of violence or criminal action, his physical presence and loud voice was used to evoke the idea of “thuggery.” Additionally, political adversaries of President Obama such as Michelle Bachmann, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh have referred to him as a “political thug.” This term has become the platform to dismiss Black life as less valuable and perpetuates a negative and criminal connotation in forms of micro-insults and micro-invalidations. Moreover, the recent killings of unarmed Black men have sparked discussion and discourse surrounding the term “thug” and how it is used in the context of reshaping perceptions of Black life broadly and Black males specifically.
This study investigates how language is used to describe Black men who have been killed by law enforcement in the past year (July 2014-April 2015). Specifically, there is a demonizing process that happens to unarmed Black men posthumously. Unlike earlier Black icons and figures, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, that were vilified while alive and then sanitized in death to be repackaged as an acceptable part of the United States historical narrative, these men are portrayed as thugs and criminals to seemingly justify their deaths while simultaneously shifting blame away from law enforcement. To illustrate, we examine six different unarmed Black menii who were killed by police throughout the United States in order to understand how media coverage addresses their deaths. By utilizing local, national, and international media coverage of these cases, we are able to find both overlapping and unique themes to each case which support the notion of posthumous demonization and criminalization of unarmed Black men.
In order to explore this notion of posthumous demonization and criminalization, we examine this inquiry in several ways. First, we look at the terms historically used to describe Black people in the United States. Secondly, it is important to connect the historical legacies of racial demonization to contemporary criminalization of Blackness, particularly in a Post-Obama America. Therefore, we utilize four major groups to categorize the language and imagery of the articles being investigated for this study: (1) Behavior, (2) Appearance, (3) Location, and (4) Lifestyle. These are used to specifically address both overt instances of racism as well as micro-insults and micro-invalidations. Moreover, we look at the cases of each unarmed Black male and how they are treated by media sources focusing particularly on the primacy effect, or the first impression media outlets create when describing these males posthumously which either justifies or negates their death by law enforcement. Finally, the paper discusses the growing social movements of #BlackLivesMatter and the impact these collectives have on both national and international awareness of White privilege, White supremacy, and coded race-based language.
Literature Review
Race is the most significant sociodemographic distinction in the United States. The social construction of contemporary racial ideology finds its birth in the period known as the Enlightenment (Eze, 1997). Enlightenment thinkers such as David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Thomas Jefferson contributed to the literature and theory behind biological racial differences. Jefferson, a founding father of the United States, third U.S. President, and slave owner, wrote about the differences between the races in his essays, Notes on the State of Virginia. In his writings he describes physical differences such as skin color and hair texture as the basis for scientific distinction, stating, “the difference is fixed in nature, and is as real as if its seat and causer were better known to us” (Jefferson, 1997, p. 97). Jefferson uses observable data – presumably his own slaves – to come to his conclusions, stating:
Besides those of colour, figure, and hair, there are other physical distinctions proving a difference of race. They have less hair on the face and body. They secrete less by the kidneys, and more by the glands of the skin…They seem to require less sleep…They are at least as brave, and more adventuresome…They are more ardent after their female; but love seems with them to be more an eager desire, than a tender delicate mixture of sentiment and sensation. (Jefferson, 1997, p. 98)

These sentiments and ideologies were carried on to develop notions of race, and more specifically the racial dynamics of superiority and inferiority.
As slavery prevailed this dichotomy of racial superiority and inferiority metastasized because of the need for economic labor (Fields, 1990). The need for a surplus of cheap labor, which was acquired in Africa, was justified through racial distinction primarily set by law (Fields, 1990; Memmi, 2000). Separations were made clear through the passage of laws that determined the race of child via the matrilineal line and anti-miscegenation laws, harsher punishments for Black runaway slaves, and the use of poor Whites as laborers to monitor and guard against slave rebellions. These legal distinctions coupled with economic need justified slavery and the growth of racial ideologies, to which Barbara Jeanne Fields (1990) states, “Racial ideology supplied the means of explaining slavery to people whose terrain was a republic founded on radical doctrines of liberty and natural rights; and, more important, a republic in which those doctrines seemed to represent accurately the world in which all but a minority lived.” (p. 114) In other words through the repetitive and daily routine, these social constructions take on meaning over time and become seen and internalized as truth.
This “truth” of racial ideology spawned racism, which is practiced at both the institutional and individual level in American society. However, we must be cognizant of other sociodemographic variables such as social class and gender and the authority they play on influencing the dynamics of the superiority and inferiority dyad. Therefore, to understand racism in the 21st century we must look at the intersectionality (Crenshaw, 1989) of these variables in how it relates to the use of excessive and deadly force by law enforcement on unarmed Black males and its relationship to historic views of race, class, and gender. Specifically, there must be an understanding of the shift from the “brute” which demonized Black males in the 19th and early 20th century to the “thug” that brought about criminalization in the late 20th and early 21st century.
From “Brute” to “Thug”
During the institution of slavery, the image of Black people, specifically Black males, was of a docile character. The images of buffoonery, blissful ignorance, and juvenile angst were seen as the primary traits of enslaved Blacks. This is characterized in several portrayals of Black males of this time. The use of Blackface – a type of performance that generally used White actors wearing black make-up to portray Black people in stereotypes – became popular in the 19th century. White actors popularized minstrel shows, depicting stereotypes of Black life as foolish, messy, and overall comedic at the expense of Black culture (Lhamon Jr., 2000; Strausbaugh, 2006). In addition, other popular literature and media characterized antebellum enslaved Blacks as content with their place in society. In literature, the character of Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin is portrayed as an older Black slave who is faithful and dutiful to his White master. The film Gone with the Wind depicts content slaves, specifically the role of Mammy who even fends off freedmen. Finally, the Disney film Song of the South depicts Uncle Remus as an elderly Black freedman who was satisfied with his place in society, singing the famous happy song, “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.”
These depictions of Blackness as docile and manageable reflected the ability to control the Black body and mind, creating the idea that slavery was the best position for Black people. This status of inferiority is echoed in W.E.B. DuBois' writing of how Whites viewed freedom as a way to “spoil” and “ruin” Black people (DuBois, 1903). Additionally, according to David Pilgrim:
These portrayals were pragmatic and instrumental. Proponents of slavery created and promoted images of blacks that justified slavery and soothed white consciences. If slaves were childlike, for example, then a paternalistic institution where masters acted as quasi-parents to their slaves was [sic] humane, even morally right. More importantly, slaves were rarely depicted as brutes because that portrayal might have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. (2012)

However, this image of Blackness ended after the American Civil War. During the period of Reconstruction (1865-1877), newly freed Blacks began to obtain social, economic, and political rights with the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. This growth was seen in the building of Black communities such as Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was referred to as “Black Wall Street” (Pickens, 2013), the building of schools now known as Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs), and the election of the first two Black U.S. Senators in Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce.
This growth in power challenged White supremacy and created White fear of Black mobility. Particularly, wealthy Whites were fearful of political power newly freed Black people could acquire via voting, whereas poor Whites saw Blacks as competition in the labor force. Thus the rise of the Jim Crow era began, which was solidified by the Supreme Court ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson which stated, “separate but equal is constitutional.” This fear was met with a shift from Black people being viewed as compliant and submissive servants to savages and brute monsters.
Media portrayals of this mythical Black brute began to grow using the same initial science Jefferson and other Enlightenment-era theorists proclaimed, which was based on inaccurate anthropological and biological factors. This time, the argument was that Blacks were naturally more prone to violence and other aggressive behaviors. Charles H. Smith wrote in 1893, “A bad Negro is the most horrible creature upon the earth, the most brutal and merciless” (p. 181). This myth of cruelty and vicious disposition was directed towards White women. As the myth grew and stories spread about the savage Black brute, so did the occurrences of lynching. Lynching – the extrajudicial punishment – was ritualistic and struck fear into Black residents throughout the United States (Litwack, 2004). The most prevalent accusation was the rape or sexual assault of a White woman by a Black male. This allegation would have reverberating effects throughout entire communities. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a young White woman accused a Black male of sexual assault and roughly 300 Black people were killed and more than 9,000 people were left homeless after White mobs destroyed the Greenwood community (Pickens, 2013). Regardless of producing evidence or facts, White mobs would seize Black defendants or attack Black neighborhoods to seek out revenge for this crime.
The case of Sam Hose is an example of how different and various versions of the truth were reported. Hose killed his employer in self-defense after being threatened with a pistol. However newspapers wrote “a monster in human form” emerged, which detailed Hose as cold-blooded, killing his employer, and savagely raping his employer's wife. The report drove White fear to lynch Hose (Litwack, 2004). In reality, these charges were mere excuses to exercise exorbitant amounts of violence on Black people. The lynching of a Black body became a form of ritualistic violence where limbs and other body parts were taken as souvenirs. Litwack wrote:
After stripping Hose of his clothes and chaining him to a tree, the self-appointed executioners stacked kerosene-soaked wood high around him…they cut off his ears, fingers, and genitals, and skinned his face…the contortions of Sam Hose's body as the flames rose, distorting his features, causing his eyes to bulge out their sockets…Before Hose's body had even cooled, his heart and liver were removed and cut into several pieces and his bones were crushed into small particles. The crowd fought over these souvenirs. (p. 123, 2004)

This overkill of the Black body became part of the racist ideology that was used to justify these acts of violence. This mythical act of Black savagery was situated in this idea of Black brutality and criminality that had no other recourse but death. A prominent Georgia woman wrote about the Sam Hose lynching, “The premeditated outrage on Mrs. Cranford was infinitely more intolerable than the murder of her husband” (Litwack, 2004). Hence, uncontrollable desires of Black males were illegal, criminal, and needed to be stopped through the use of physical force. Therefore, this justified vigilante justice in the name of keeping White womanhood pure.
The brute image of Black men became significant moving into the early 20th century, when fear was reinforced with depictions of Black men as harmful. The film Birth of a Nation, made in 1915, shows Black men as savages trying to attack White women. Their brutality is met with propaganda depicting the Ku Klux Klan as heroic and honorable. The result was Blackness becoming closely associated with criminalization. The criminalization of Blackness (Davis, 1998; Alexander, 2010; Muhammad, 2010) allowed for White supremacy to use Black bodies as their scapegoat for all problems, real or fictional. The driving forces behind Black criminality as savage and unmanageable were structurally reinforced by passage of stricter sentencing guidelines in prison and the expansion of the War on Drugs in the second half of the 20th century (Mauer, 2002). These programs and stricter prison guidelines exponentially grew the American prison system by 700% (Pew States, 2007). During this time campaigns for “tough on crime” policy emerged as the soundboard for elected officials. For example, George H.W. Bush's presidential run used a smear campaign tactic, famously known as the “Willie Horton” ad, where a Black prisoner's face was used to talk about his heinous crimes and Bush's opponents' soft-on-crime policy. While the ad overtly discusses a single Black man, the subliminal and larger take away is Willie Horton's face became synonymous with all Blackness. In short, the mythical brute became the realistic thug via the process of criminalization.
The image of Black men as brutes in society has a long legacy that begins with the social construction of race and brings us to the current period of mass incarceration. In the United States, Black men are six times as likely to go to jail or prison as White men (Gao, 2013). This disproportionate and unequal number indicates the skewed representation of Black men in U.S. prisons. However, the argument is shifted to no longer being about race but about crime and community safety. This negation of understanding the historical link between “brute” and “thug” marginalizes the significant role race plays.
Lastly, a prime example of how the brute image still thrives in society is the April 2008 Vogue magazine cover of professional basketball player LeBron James holding super model Gisele Bündchen. The image of LeBron giving a menacing look while Gisele is in his arms shares a strikingly eerily similarity to a World War I poster that depicts a gorilla holding a White woman with the title “Destroy this Mad Brute” (Shea, 2008). These types of images that draw on past racial stereotypes and myths reinforce this criminalization, and are now coded with terms such as “thug” today. While historically in America overt racist language was socially acceptable, there has been a cultural shift of social intolerance to this blatant racist behavior. This does not mean that racism or discriminatory actions have been eradicated but rather driven beneath the surface and reemerged as coded language, gestures, signs, and symbols to indicate difference. Terms such as “thug,” “ghetto,” “hood,” “sketchy,” and “shady” are all examples of coded language that are used to refer to or speak of Blackness without overtly sounding racially prejudiced. Fraternities on college campuses throw “Pimps and Hos” parties where stereotypes of Black people as pimps or prostitutes, exemplifying characters from the film Superfly (1972), also lack the language of race but show in physical gesture and imagery the racism encoded in the details.
Over the last several years with the proliferation of social media, many more events are documented and shared via social networking sites (Yar, 2012; Smiley, 2015). Some of these events captured on video are cases involving unarmed Black males being killed by law enforcement agents. While some videos show the disturbing death, such as Eric Garner, others show the aftermath like that of Michael Brown's body in the street. These deaths and others have sparked outrage across communities looking for justice and accountability of law enforcement's excessive force when dealing with Black people.
Furthermore, this paper looks at how these Black males who are killed by law enforcement are turned into a “thug” (the modern day “brute”), which seemingly tries to justify their death or personal contribution to their demise. Beyond this, a “blame game” effect occurs that shifts culpability from the perpetrator to the victim. In this case, the blame moves from law enforcement agents to the Black males who have been killed.
Content Analysis
For this study, media coverage of the deaths of six unarmed Black males resulting from law enforcement interaction were investigated. Specifically, the portrayal of the incidents and the victims involved via newspaper articles were examined. Newspaper articles were chosen as the modality for investigations because of the understanding that all published articles go through a vetting process. As a result the articles, including the perceptions created, are an organizational decision. The cases garnered significant national and international coverage for a notable period of time, leading to a considerable database from which to select samples. The incidents chosen for analysis are as follows, listed in chronological order from earliest to latest:
  • Eric Garner – 43 years old, died July 17, 2014 due to “compression of neck (choke hold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police” after altercation with New York Police Department officers Daniel Pantaleo and Justin Damico in Staten Island, New York.
  • Michael Brown, Jr. – 18 years old, died August 9, 2014 due to multiple gunshot wounds after altercation with Ferguson Police Department officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.
  • Akai Gurley – 28 years old, died November 20, 2014 due to single gunshot wound after interaction with New York Police Department officer Peter Liang in Brooklyn, New York.
  • Tamir Rice – 12 years old, died November 22, 2014 due to single gunshot wound after interaction with Cleveland Police Department officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Tony Robinson – 19 years old, died March 6, 2015 due to multiple gunshot wounds after altercation with Madison Police Department officer Matt Kenny in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Freddie Gray – 25 years old, died April 19, 2015 due to various injuries, including three fractured vertebrae, damage to the voice box, and spine 80% severed at the neck, after altercation with Baltimore Police Department officers Caesar Goodson, Garret Miller, Edward Nero, William Porter, Brian Rice, and Alicia White in Baltimore, Maryland.

Analytical Plan
For each incident ten news articles, each published no more than 30 days after the victim's death, were selected. The time range allowed for an accurate capturing of the newspapers' initial portrayals of the victims, underlining the influence of the primacy effect (Holbert et. al., 2007), as well as minimized the coverage of tangential events to the incident such as protests and legal proceedings. All newspaper articles were retrieved from LexisNexis using only the names of the victims. An effort was made to select an equal number of articles from national and international outlets if possible, and particular attention was paid to articles from news outlets in the cities where the deaths occurred. Analysis of the articles were based on the concept of autoethnography, which allowed the authors to utilize personal knowledge of and experience with racial profiling, harassment, negative interactions with law enforcement, and involvement in protests stemming from a number of police brutality cases, as a primary foundation of expertise and evidence.
While this paper is an exercise in academic writing about current and social issues, for the authors – both of whom identify as Black males – the intersections of race, police brutality, and harassment are part of the lived experience which contextualize our social milieu. The relevance and urgency in creating a discourse around state violence, particularly law enforcement, upon the Black community, specifically unarmed Black males, is not at a distance but an immediate threat to the health and livelihood of the authors. Therefore, autoethnography becomes an important and useful methodology to include in this work because it relies on the narrators' credibility of using memory as legitimate data (Ellis et. al, 2011; Wall, 2008; Byfield, 2014). In other words, as Blacks in America experiencing racism through forms of overt speech and actions, as well as through micro-insults and micro-invalidations (Sue et. al, 2007), we believe our own experiences are relevant and valid towards assessing the results and conclusions of this paper.
There has been a precedent set by scholars using autoethnography. Natalie Byfield (2014) utilized autoethnography methodology in her study of media coverage of the “Central Park Five” case, where five young men of color were tried and convicted for the rape and attempted murder of a White female jogger in New York City. Byfield, who is a Black woman and a reporter for the New York Daily News at the time of the event, covered the case from the arrest, trial, and conviction, and then followed up when another person admitted to the crime. Byfield wrote, “Autoethnography seemed an ideal methodology for me to incorporate into this study because it is a technique that allows the researcher to also be a subject in a study” (2014, p. 20). Furthermore, while not articulated through the term “autoethnography,” various Black historical figures have utilized this methodology to bring to light their experiences of racism and social justice. People such as Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, and Malcolm X elucidated their narratives of being victimized by state violence, and their memories and experiences validated their claims.
Our personal encounters with harassment by law enforcement become a way in which we corroborate the narratives of unarmed Black males being killed by law enforcement. For example, the first author of this paper has been stopped by New York City Police and has been questioned by all White officers if he, “was the one screaming ****** down the street?” The second author, while having no notable instance of harassment by law enforcement, has lived much of his adult life combatting the perception of being an intimidating, menacing Black male due to his large size, long locked hair, goateed facial profile, and propensity to wear urban attire. Additionally, he has experienced the physical and social manifestations of anger and pain due to the death of an unarmed Black male by law enforcement as a lifelong resident and participant in protests surrounding Freddie Gray's death in Baltimore, Maryland. These are just a couple of illustrations of law enforcement's abuse of power through micro-aggressions, believing the police were looking for a hostile reaction in order to escalate the situation. Overall,
Autoethnography is characterized by personal experience narratives, auto-observation, personal ethnography, lived experience, self-ethnography, reflexive ethnography, emotionalism, experiential texts, and autobiographical ethnography. Thus autoethnographic accounts are characterized by a move from a broad lens focus on individual situatedness within the cultural and social context, to a focus on the inner vulnerable and often resistant self. (Boyle & Parry, 2007, p. 186)

Research suggests that race and racism is still a relevant and determinant factor in the United States (Advisory Board to the President's Initiative on Race, 1998; Thompson & Neville, 1999; Haney-Lopez, 2010). The election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States and the first Black president led many to believe that America achieved racial equality. The term “post-racial” America was coined to validate this notion of racial parity, while simultaneously negating issues of racism as somehow irrelevant in this new era of American history. Despite this idea of being post-racial, several cultural critics and scholars point out that this racial equity has not been reached or achieved (Wise, 2010; Tesler & Sears, 2010). Further research indicates the widening gap in racial inequality in this post-racial era include the following: education research shows racial segregation has grown in the last forty years and policy makers have abandoned policies to create efforts for integration (Rothstein, 2013; Kucsera & Orfield, 2014); housing examinations determine that Black and White citizens still live in racially segregated communities (Desmond, 2012; Crowder et al, 2012); health disparities indicate the vast differences in health care determined by race (LaVeist, 2005; Dressler et. al, 2005); employment opportunities starkly contrast by racial differences favoring White potential employees over their Black counterparts (Western, 2006; Pager, 2007); voting rights have been shown to play a significant difference in changing election results and denying Black citizens through disenfranchisement laws (Harvey, 1994; Manza & Uggen, 2006; Uggen et al, 2006); incarceration has been shown to be unequally distributed across racial lines (Wacquant, 2002; Western, 2007; Alexander, 2010).
Despite the abundance of research specifying stark differences by race and creating enormous racial disparities, White Americans believe racial differences are declining (Sue et. al, 2007). In addition, many White Americans view themselves as good, moral, and believe in equality, which would refute ideas of prejudice or discrimination (Sue, 2004). Therefore, racism in a post-racial America is much more covert and implicit as opposed to earlier forms of overt and explicit forms of racial aggression. Scholarship indicates that new forms of racism have emerged via micro-aggressions that imply traditional racist ideology without having to be explicit in using race but now use other traditional American values (e.g. self-reliance) as a reason why individuals or groups are unsuccessful.
Operational Definitions
The sample of news articles fell under two operational classifications, both derived from the concept of racial micro-aggressions. The first classification is the micro-insult, which is defined as “verbal and nonverbal communication that subtly conveys rudeness and insensitivity as well as demeaning a person's racial identity and heritage” (Sue et. al, 2007). The second classification is the micro-invalidation, defined as “communication that subtly excludes, negates, or nullifies the thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a person of color” (Sue et. al, 2007). A number of examples demonstrated aspects of both micro-insults and micro-invalidations, suggesting that the two are not mutually exclusive.
Key Themes
In addition to the two operational classifications, the portrayals of the victims fell under four major recurring themes:
  • Behavior – the actions of the victim at the time of their death. Also found were actions of the victim prior to their death that could be considered correlational to the interaction with law enforcement. This included but was not limited to past criminality.
  • Appearance – the look of the victim at the time of their death. This included both their physical composition as well as the style of apparel worn.
  • Location – the geographical area in which the victim's death occurred. Also found were references to the area in which the victim lived and references to the area(s) in which the victim frequented for social engagement.
  • Lifestyle – the culture(s) with which the victim was associated. Family usually provided friends, this information, or close associates of the victim.

Eric Garner
Eric Garner's representation in newspapers primarily featured micro-invalidations revolved around his physical composition. Specifically, Garner's health and size, as he was a particularly tall and large individual with a number of preexisting medical conditions, were among the first pieces of information introduced in many of the articles:
The 350-pound man, about to be arrested on charges of illegally selling cigarettes, was arguing with the police. (Goldstein & Schweber, 2014)

But the 350-pound Garner's poor health, including ‘acute and chronic bronchial asthma; obesity; hypertensive cardiovascular disease,' were also ‘contributing conditions' to his death, it added. (Schram et. al, 2014)

A 400-POUND asthmatic Staten Island dad died Thursday after a cop put him in a chokehold and other officers appeared to slam his head against the sidewalk, video of the incident shows. (Murray et. al, 2014)

The prominent references related to Mr. Garner's physical attributes were micro-invalidations and micro-insults regarding his behavior at the time of his death, which involved Garner vehemently defending his role in breaking up an altercation. Additionally were the micro-invalidations related to his past actions and lifestyle. This included criminality and the perception of being a “hustler” due to his propensity to sell single cigarettes, which is illegal yet not a felony in New York:
The encounter between Mr. Garner and plainclothes officers, from the 120th Precinct, began after the officers accused Mr. Garner of illegally selling cigarettes, an accusation he was familiar with. He had been arrested more than 30 times, often accused of selling loose cigarettes bought outside the state, a common hustle designed to avoid state and city tobacco taxes. In March and again in May, he was arrested on charges of illegally selling cigarettes on the sidewalk. (Goldstein & Schweber, 2014)

The pending cases, which have now been dismissed and sealed, included selling untaxed cigarettes, driving without a license, and possession of marijuana, said a law enforcement official. (Fox, 2014)

Police suspected that Garner, who was African American, was selling untaxed cigarettes - a charge that he had faced numerous times before. (Blakely, 2014)

Michael Brown
The representation of Michael Brown in the media immediately following his death surrounded issues of behavior and appearance. The incident between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson was wrapped in opaque details with various eyewitness testimonies contradicting each other. On one hand some witnesses, including Brown's friend, indicated that he had his hands raised in the air when Wilson opened fire. On the other hand others, including Officer Wilson, said that Brown lunged at the officer and physically assaulted him.
Brown's death ignited the “Hands Up, Don't Shoot” chant in subsequent protests around the country. Within days, articles appeared that implicated Brown in a robbery moments before his death:
Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning. (Berman & Lowery, 2014)

Almost a week after 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, the police department identified the officer involved as six-year veteran Darren Wilson. At a press conference at 9 a.m. this morning, police chief Tom Jackson said Wilson, who has no disciplinary history, was responding to a robbery at a nearby convenience store when he encountered the teenager. The police also released video stills that appeared to show Brown threatening the convenience store owner, and a detailed report on the incident. (Coscarelli, 2014)

These reports became micro-insults and micro-invalidations to Brown's death as this report of him robbing a convenience store took precedent to the overall narrative of an unarmed young Black male being shot several times by a police officer. In addition, there were contradictions in news reports about the relevancy of the robbery and the stop of Brown by Officer Wilson. The Huffington Post reported Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said, “the initial contact between 18-year-old Michael Brown and police officer Darren Wilson was not related to a convenience store robbery” (Lavender & Cadet, 2014). Despite the opposing stories, the larger theme of associating the posthumous Michael Brown with robbery became the broader narrative.
Beyond the theme of behavior was that of Brown's physical presence. Images released by the media showed Michael Brown's physical size.
Brown certainly was a giant, as surveillance footage seems to prove, showing his 6′4”, nearly 300-pound self towering over a petrified convenience-store employee, who got manhandled and intimidated for having the temerity to object to his store being robbed. (Duke, 2014)

Shortly before his encounter with Officer Wilson, the police say he was caught on a security camera stealing a box of cigars, pushing the clerk of a convenience store into a display case. He lived in a community that had rough patches, and he dabbled in drugs and alcohol. He had taken to rapping in recent months, producing lyrics that were by turns contemplative and vulgar. He got into at least one scuffle with a neighbor…He was hit at least six times, twice in the head. His 6-foot-4 frame lay face down in the middle of the warm pavement for hours, a stream of blood flowing down the street. (Eligon, 2014)

Very much married to the theme of the convenience store robbery, descriptions of his physical presence and lifestyle, including the coupling of rapping, has a negative connotation of both Brown's physical appearance and lifestyle. This larger-than-life description of Michael Brown is supported by Officer Darren Wilson's description of Brown in a media interview given in November 2014. Wilson stated:
When I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan…and then after he did that, he looked up at me and had the most intense aggressive face. The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that's how angry he looked. (Sanburn, 2014)

While Wilson's description of Brown gave the impression of Brown being a colossal or more than human figure, it should be noted this imagery of Brown became another justification of the use of excessive and lethal force. However, what was very much downplayed was the fact that Wilson and Brown were of the same relative size. Sanburn writes, “Wilson, who is 6′ 4″ and 210 lbs., said of Brown, who was 6′ 4″ and 292 lbs. at the time of his death” (2014). In any professional boxing match or mixed martial arts fight, Wilson and Brown would fall into the same weight class, heavyweight. In other words, Wilson's imagery makes him the victim while simultaneously perpetuates Brown's criminalization.
Akai Gurley
The shooting death of Akai Gurley was immediately spun in the media, mainly by police press conferences as a “tragic accident” by a rookie officer. Despite the concerned effort to make this story not about police brutality or conscious excessive force, this case presented Gurley in several ways including his appearance and location as indications of micro-insults and micro-invalidations, which de-victimized him.
Akai Gurley's death gained coverage because of its timing of happening within days of the grand juries in both the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases declining to indict the officers involved. Many images of Akai were used in news articles. The most flagrant image of Akai Gurley's mug shot was used by at least two international media sources. The United Kingdom's Daily Mail published a story with a double entendre title, “NYPD rookie officer shot ‘innocent’ unarmed father dead in Brooklyn stairwell by ‘accident’ as girlfriend watched in horror.” The interesting part of this is they put innocent and accident in quotes as if to question if Akai Gurley was actually innocent, which would then imply that his death was not an accident but valid if he was not innocent. The Daily Mail goes a step further and published a mug shot photo saying, “Akai Gurley, 28, (pictured left and right in an old booking photo) was shot and killed by rookie cop Peter Liang as he entered a stairwell in a public housing project in Brooklyn” (Robinson, 2014). Beyond the use of mug shots, many of the images published of Gurley show him wearing urban fashion styles: cornrow hairstyle, flat brimmed hats, sunglasses, and visible neck tattoos (Goodman, 2014; Corcoran, 2014). All of these images are associated with Blackness specifically, which are in turn linked to this idea of criminality (Davis, 1998; Muhammad, 2010).
In addition to Gurley's appearance is the location of his death. He was killed leaving his girlfriend's apartment located in the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Pink Houses located in East New York, Brooklyn. The East New York section of Brooklyn is associated with violence and according to, East New York holds some of the highest crime rates in all five boroughs. Fagan et. al (2002) have indicated that over seventy percent of all New York state prison inmates come from New York City. Moreover the majority of those being incarcerated from New York City come from one of seven neighborhoods, East New York being one of them. Beyond just the environment of East New York, the location of Gurley's death at the Pink Houses is also relevant. The Pink Houses is a notorious New York City public housing complex making several online sites' worst housing projects (Ettelson, 2009). The New York Post published an article two days after Akai Gurley's death entitled, “Living in Fear at the Dark & Deadly Hellhole Houses” (Feuerherd et. al, 2014). The article discusses the collapse and neglect of the Pink Houses, particularly the lack of proper lighting in the hallways and uncleanliness of the environment. In addition, the article makes reference to violence saying, “The Pink Houses are among the most dangerous projects in the city, and their stairwells are the most dangerous places in the projects” (Feuerherd et. al, 2014). While the article is addressing real concerns of environmental justice and public safety issues, the timing of its release becomes an issue. From the beginning the NYPD claimed this shooting to be an accident because of lack of lighting in the hallways, which once again shifts the blame from the NYPD officer who killed Gurley to city government. In addition, the theme of continually expressing how violent the Pink Houses are does two things: 1. Again, shift the blame from the officer who did not use proper training tactics and 2. Negates Gurley's death as a victim because he is associated with the Pink Houses which is linked to violence, therefore implicating Gurley as a criminal or violent. The micro-insults and micro-invalidations of Akai Gurley come out in a particular manner of subversive text and imagery to take the focus off the particular case of excessive police violence but rather focus on the physical character and appearance of Gurley and the location and environment of the event.
Tamir Rice
Tamir Rice's death was met with questions of lifestyle and behavior. However, the themes of micro-insults and micro-invalidations were expanded to include Rice's mother as part of his death. The first and most shocking theme that emerged out of this case of a twelve-year old child being shot and killed by law enforcement was the discussion of who was to blame. Initially, the city of Cleveland, Ohio announced that Rice caused his own death:
The city of Cleveland's response to a lawsuit filed by the family of Tamir Rice says the 12-year-old boy is to blame for his own death by police…The family's suit filed in December said Tamir ‘suffered terror and fear’ at the hands of Loehmann [police officer] before his shooting death — claims the city says Tamir and his family are at fault for. It states Tamir's death was “directly and proximately caused by their own acts. (Hensley, 2015)

In papers filed in federal court Friday, the city said Tamir was responsible for his own death and said the injuries, losses and damages were “directly and proximately caused by the failure of [Tamir] to exercise due care to avoid injury.” (Muskal & Raab, 2015)

The city also stated in their response, obtained by, that Tamir died because of 'the conduct of individuals or entities other than Defendant…The Defendant is police officer Timothy Loehmann. (Spargo, 2015).

This blaming of a child for his own demise by a professional law enforcement agent is a micro-invalidation of his death. It puts the ownership on the victim rather than the perpetrator.
Other forms of micro-insults towards the death of Tamir Rice were in the form of blame and lifestyle of his mother. Many on social media outlets were pondering and posing the question: Why did his mother allow Tamir Rice to play with a realistic-looking fake gun? Again, this is a micro-insult, which implies Tamir's mother was not a good parent and did not exercise good parenting skills. This also reinforces micro-invalidation of Tamir's life because it implies his fault that he was shot for playing with this gun. Tamir Rice's mother, Samaria Rice's character became the focus. An article on, entitled, “Lawyer Representing Tamir Rice's Family Defended Boy's Mom in Drug Trafficking Case” (Blackwell, 2014) explains that the mother's lawyer from an earlier drug charge would be representing her in her son's death case. This irrelevant connection to a previous drug charge becomes a way to invalidate and negate Tamir's death and his mother's credibility as a parent. More recently, Samaria Rice has moved into a homeless shelter, which would also give a negative connotation of her unfit parenting and ability provide for her children, therefore to blame for Tamir's unsupervised playing with a toy gun. Like other cases, this case shifts the focus from excessive force by law enforcement and puts blame on the victim and victim's family.
Tony Robinson
The perception of Tony Robinson was overwhelming concentrated on the behavior that immediately preceded his death, prompting a number of micro-invalidations and micro-insults based on presumed criminality:
Authorities have said Robinson, who was unarmed, was shot multiple times after he assaulted Officer Matt Kenny, punching him in the head and knocking him off balance. (Savidge, 2015)

Anthony Robinson, 19, was killed about 6:30 p.m. as police responded to multiple reports of a disturbance, Koval said. Officers were told a man was jumping in and out of traffic and was suspected of committing battery before he ran into an apartment, he said. An officer forced his way inside after hearing sounds of a disturbance, where Robinson struck the officer in the head, Koval said. The officer then fired his weapon. (Frankel, 2015)

Robinson was shot after Officer Matt Kenny responded to calls about a man dodging cars in traffic who had allegedly battered another person, according to police officials. They said Kenny fired after Robinson attacked him. (O'Brien, 2015)

One newspaper, a local outlet, highlighted Robinson's past behavior that included criminality:
Wisconsin court records show that Mr. Robinson pleaded guilty to armed robbery last year and received a probated six-month sentence. Chief Koval declined to comment on Mr. Robinson's record. (Brooks, 2015)

Freddie Gray
Much of the narrative surrounding Freddie Gray focused on the behavior immediately prior to his arrest. Many considered his behavior suspicious and thereby warranted a presumption of criminality, resulting in examples of micro-insults:
Four bicycle officers tried to stop Gray about 9 a.m. on April 12 in the 1600 block of W. North Ave. for an alleged violation that police have not disclosed. He ran, police said, and the officers caught him and restrained him on the ground while awaiting backup. (Sherman et. al, 2015)

In a police report filed with the court, Officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped after fleeing "unprovoked upon noticing police presence." Miller said a knife was found clipped to Gray's pants pocket and he was arrested. (Johnson & Eversley, 2015)

Also notable in Gray's posthumous portrayal were micro-invalidation, which emphasized both, where he lived, known to be one of the more impoverished and crime-heavy neighborhoods in Baltimore, and also his prior interactions with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. A few newspaper outlets included his physical composition:
Gray was a 25-year-old resident of the neighborhood around the Gilmor Homes, a Baltimore Housing Authority project. He stood 5 feet 8 and weighed 145 pounds. He had a police record, mainly on drug charges and minor crimes, according to court records reported by the Baltimore Sun. (Muskal, 2015)

Court records indicate that Gray's arrests were mostly for drug charges and minor crimes, and sometimes were not prosecuted. He had several cases scheduled for trial in the coming months. One case, involving charges for second-degree assault and malicious destruction of property, was scheduled for a June trial. He also faced drug charges that were scheduled for trial in April and May. He has been found guilty of drug charges in the past; his sentences were unclear from court records. (Rector & Marbella, 2015)

While media depictions of Black bodies have remained compliant to White supremacist structures using body type, negative images (e.g., picture of victim in mug shot), previous criminal convictions or charges, and allegations of criminal behavior, it is important to realize that individual reporters do not need to be consciously racist. The purpose of this study is not to accuse any individual of holding those values, but to recognize how White privilege and other forms of privilege allow journalists and other media outlets to report on these cases the way they do, without self-reflection of how the words, images, and storylines are disseminated. These narratives play a role in the initial assumption of the victim and can shift the perspective of how these victims are viewed.
In this last section, we discuss the overall movement that has grown in wake of these deaths, #BlackLivesMatter. It is important to recognize social movements and their usefulness in gaining equality. It is also important to recognize and understand why this movement uses the language of “Black Lives Matter.”
In the wake of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, which occurred less than a month apart in Summer 2014, activists, students, and many groups of various racial, class, and social backgrounds came together to protest the ways in which law enforcement handled these situations. In New York City, an organic rally emerged using the slogan “hands up, don't shoot!” which was also being chanted in Ferguson, Missouri. Other cities around the country took notice and joined in solidarity. Fast forward to November 2014, when both the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases were dismissed because grand juries decided to not indict either officer involved in these cases. The first decision came in the Michael Brown case. Contradictory testimony from eyewitnesses, racial tension in the community of Ferguson, and a prosecutor who seemed to not do his job dictated this case. However, the main argument was that there was no video evidence that confirmed either side's story. Conversely, a week later, a grand jury in Staten Island, New York, put forth a non-indictment verdict for the officer who was implicated in killing Eric Garner. The main difference in this case from Ferguson was the video evidence.
Over the next several days and weeks leading into the holiday season, mass movements began to emerge across U.S. cities shutting down highways, practicing forms of civil disobedience, and chanting “Black Lives Matter.” #BlackLivesMatter has become a recognizable hashtag on social media, which has been used to connect individuals and organizations in solidarity against police brutality, excessive force by law enforcement, and racial profiling. Critics of the #BlackLivesMatter movement argue that equality is about “all” lives and therefore saying “Black” lives is limiting and a form of racism. The answer is simple: those who have issue with the term “Black” do not recognize their own privilege and why there is both a historical and systemic need to focus on the brutality the Black community has faced throughout America's existence. If Black lives mattered in the United States, we would not see such disproportional rates of poverty, incarceration, school drop-out, lack of secure housing and other socially significant factors. To not recognize racism as an ongoing problem only exacerbates the issue, silences and marginalizes those affected by it, and does not start the process of discourse on how to change cultural and social paradigms in society that only see young Black men as thugs.
Responsibility of Media
As previously mentioned, the aim of this study is not to accuse the selected newspaper outlets of intentionally perpetuating a negative or insensitive racialized portrayal of any of the aforementioned victims of police brutality. We cannot ascertain the mindsets of neither the authors nor the editorial staffs who finalized the articles' publication, so to make such assumptions would be highly flawed and unethical. However, this study aims to highlight that the White-dominated media, newspapers included, is operated under the perspective of White privilege. Among its many aspects, White privilege incorporates an assumed naïveté as to the negative implications of perceived innocuous verbal and nonverbal behaviors committed by Whites against people of color. Simply put, it is not their obligation to understand, let alone acknowledge, that what they believe to be a compliment, a term of endearment, a simple observation, or even the presentation of facts is anything but what they intended it to be.
Relative to the horrors of lynching and mob “justice” carried out against people of color on a regular basis during the 19th and 20th centuries, personally mediated racism is rarely committed via overt acts of violence today. For as much as it seems that little progress has been made in the efforts to promote true racial equality, such blatant expressions of racial hatred are usually met with the highest levels of condemnation in American society. The resulting adjustments made are that an individual who aims to exert their White supremacy over a person of color is socially inclined to do so via coded language – micro-aggressions, as previously detailed – as its subtlety limits mainstream detection. Additionally, the nature of micro-aggressions has evolved to include tangential facets and characteristics historically linked to people of color such as socioeconomic status and culture (Clark et. al, 1999). What occurs with the inclusion of tangential facets and characteristics to race is that the line of demarcation between entities that are intentional in their racial disrespect and insensitivity and entities that have no ill will are blurred. Therefore even honest reporting of an incident carries the risk of creating a negative persona for the victim, and that is what the selected newspaper articles exemplify.
A reasonable question can be raised when considering the potential influence of micro-aggressions in media: should an outlet sacrifice journalistic integrity for the sake of a heightened sensitivity to racialized language? The simple answer is a resounding no. Rather, outlets must be more judicious in the information that they decide to present regarding any incident, let alone deaths involving unarmed Black males and law enforcement. The situations previously examined provide many teachable moments. For example, how necessary was it that the audience knew Eric Garner was 6′3”, 400 pounds, and had preexisting medical conditions (Goldstein & Schweber, 2014)? What greater clarity was achieved by readers in knowing that Tony Robinson was previously convicted for armed robbery (Brooks, 2015)? How does knowing that he lived in a housing project and had an extensive police record promote a better understanding of why Freddie Gray died (Muskal, 2015)? Relative to the facts of each incident, these pieces of information were peripheral at best. The only contributions they potentially provide are a triggering of negative misconceptions that will be unconsciously and unjustifiably attached to these individuals. What is worse is that because this potential triggering is done in the immediacy following their deaths, when all information is novel, the perception created is very difficult to alter even in the face of more sound, debunking information. The growing number of fatal law enforcement interactions involving unarmed individuals, especially Black males, warrants greater cognizance of the images created by the media of the victims. Simply regurgitating all information provided, most of which comes from the same law enforcement agencies involved in the altercations and could possibly contain an agenda, is no longer acceptable. True understanding of the power of racialized language, both overt and covert, should be the new standard of journalistic integrity.


Rising Star
The title grabbed my attention!! See how this beast operates?? Read, research, decode on your own. The television isn't the equipment most think it is!! .

When Black News Disappears: White Holds on Black Intellectuals’ Minds & Mis-Informing the Black Public.


As an historical entity, the Black press has not only offered critical commentaries and political critiques of the sempiternal racism of the modern world, but correctives as to how white newspapers, opinion-makers, legislators, and most importantly the white public sought to justify their complacency towards and support for anti-Black racism and the sexual brutalization of Black men, women, and children. Today, however, the post-Obama lullabies of racial détente and the progressive liberal passivity of Black intellectuals have allowed the structural and ideological manifestations of white supremacy to remain unquestioned despite their persistence alongside the growing realities of Black death. For example, when Trayvon Martin was killed, Melissa Harris Perry thought it prudent to use the tragedy as a moment to teach white folks “how to talk about Black death”—she literally created a checklist for whites rather than deal with the horrors facing young Black men and boys in their communities.
Currently, the post-racial idea has contoured Black news into a narrow politically progressive ideology. This ideology is thematically geared towards convincing the Black public that the symbols of racial progress are in fact actual progress. This contest over “symbols,” rather than exposing the propaganda of the liberal endeavor, allows Black academics to retreat into their own ideologically predetermined blog’s rendering of “Black” events, so that their views, be it feminist, leftist, or progressive, are legitimized. Meanwhile, the Black public remains victimized by the political interests of multiple entities; each with their agenda rooted in de-radicalizing Black consensus and normalizing Black deaths, specifically the death of Black men, as having nothing to do with racism, merely accidental rather than systemic. As I have argued previously, Black academics and news personalities are rewarded for pimping out “the delusion of hope” to Black people while racism increases alongside the normalization of their death, incarceration, and poverty.
Has the Black Press Lost Its Way?
Since slavery, Black abolitionists, ministers, and revolutionaries understood the need for “Black perspectives,” on the racist evil that plagues America. The Christian theology that justified the horrors of slavery was indicted, and the white Christian, the earliest imperialist, was not held to be the savior of civilization but its greatest detractor whose abuse and degradation of Blacks was rooted in their imperial lust for power and profit. As David Walker says in Article I of The Appeal
“I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the white Christians of America, to merit such condign punishment as they have inflicted on them, and do continue to inflict on us their children. But I must aver, that my researches have hitherto been to no effect. I have therefore, come to the immoveable conclusion, that they (Americans) have, and do continue to punish us for nothing else, but for enriching them and their country. For I cannot conceive of anything else”
With the rise of Freedom’s Journal, the Black press took on the radical mission of liberation that up to that point was confined to pamphlets, and the now revered slave narrative. The Black press, its editors and writers, were among the most notable Black thinkers of the 1800’s and beyond. T.Thomas Fortune’s (1856-1928) The New York Age was the training ground for no less an intellectual than W.E.B. DuBois. It was a publication where Fortune’s radicalism which advocated for Black self-determination and security, even by armed resistance if necessary, was center stage. It not only gained him notoriety among Black journalists but earned him the admiration of the young Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931) who would continue to develop his political philosophy of agitation and help build the first civil rights organization for Black rights; the Afro-American League. This radicality was present in most of the Black journalists at the turn of the century. Henry McNeal Turner and John Edward Bruce exemplified a political tone that was only matched by the radicality of the 1960’s and 1970’s in the founding and growth of the Black Panther Party and the journalistic accounts of the Black Power Movement. As my student, Ms. Judith Bohr, points out in her master’s thesis “A People’s History of Philosophy: The Development and Ideological Segregation of Black Nationalism,” the violence against Blacks in society, be it at the hands of police state militarism or the prison industrial complex, necessitates a compliant and complacent account of reality. As she states,
“The media assists in this erasure of police violence through their portrayals of African Americans as a danger to society…Whites’ fear, however, is for their privilege and not for their safety…Propaganda in the media functions through erasure and through distortions of the state’s as well as the public’s motivations for racial violence” (Bohr 2011, 30).
Thus, the de-radicalization of Black news and the complacency of the Black journalistic endeavor—its commodification into predetermined categories, that ironically have academic currency despite being driven by political interests—does little to inform, much less improve, the conditions of Black people. The silence of mainstream Black news on the systemic political and economic divisions, divisions made necessary by the militaristic racist endeavors of the U.S. government, even under a Black Obama administration, is imperative in preventing the Black public from engaging the concrete American condition confronting Blacks, immigrants, and the poor.
Most recently, SiriusXM decided to change Sirius 128—The Power to urban driven entertainment programming under the new title of the Urban View. In doing so SiriusXM eliminated ReddingNewsReview, an independent Black political commentary dedicated to exposing the contradiction between Black political representation in the Obama era and Black political exploitation under Obama’s administration. The change in the lineup effectively changed the Power 128 from the “News and Issues” category to the Urban View 110 a “African American Talk and Entertainment” channel. Reacting to this change, Wade Simmon wrote a splendid editorial asking, “Is SiriusXM Trying to Undermine Black Power?” The effect of this censorship could be isolated, but it again begs the question as to why independent Black radio and press that dares to question the status quo of America’s race problem is so easily engulfed by liberal reformist agendas that take Obama’s symbolism to be of more importance than the actual economic and political viability of mass Black agendas.
Despite the criticisms one may make of Redding, the reality is that Black Americans lack a non-partisan interpretation of the Black condition that does not retreat into the ideologies of the blogosphere, where select academics, married to predetermined paradigms of reading Blackness, meet and greet. The Black public is usually deemed irrelevant in these deliberations from the outset. They are to be “spoken about” authoritatively, but rarely “spoken from,” since these Black people are outside the academy, and lack the supposed knowledge/education to “understand” the complexities of Black life. Independent Black radio, reaching back to the Ralph “Petey” Greene and radicals like Robert F. Williams, sought transgressive messages against empire and racism. Whereas today, many Black elites, the Melissa Harris Perrys of the world, confine discussions of racism to their specific opportunities to gain social capital and recognition from whites; choosing to ignore both the material consequences of the liberal agenda for Black people at home and its militaristic program against darker peoples abroad. ReddingNewsReview, like that of Voxunion, sought to disrupt that narrative.
The same way Ida B. Wells-Barnett decided to report the horrors of Black reality, anti-Black violence through lynching, and the weakness of Black leadership in the 1890’s, so too did Redding in the 21st century. At the very bottom of Black politics, there is a need to recognize that the manipulation of Black media—the Black press and radio—to further the political agendas and social legitimacy of specific parties, namely the democratic party’s claim that they represent the Black/Browning of America, does nothing to arrest the imperial agendas this presidency like all presidencies before it continue to engage in the world over. As Dr. Jared Ball argues in his talk on “Colonialism and Media Psychological Warfare,” media, or rather propaganda, is at the heart of America’s white supremacist empire.
Race-crits, critical sociologists, and Black, Brown, and Indigenous scholars cannot continue to embrace the symbolism of progress without making those symbols resonate with the actual economic, political, and extra-legal conditions of Black existence. There is a very real contradiction between the symbolism of Obama’s reign and the worsening plight of Blacks under Obama’s reign. Rather than being at odds with the type of progressivism that perpetuates the poverty, the apparati of state sponsored violence, and social repression, the Black press has taken to excusing it—pointing out the extraordinary cases of violence that shock us most, but leaving the racist narrative written into the foundation of America’s democracy, militarism, imperialism, and capitalist lust untouched.