Social Engineering!!! Interesting information!!


Rising Star
This thread is going to touch on Social Engineemmring and how it touched the Copper Color People life!! Open your mind, eyes and ears!! Some of the vids are long and others are short.. All this information is public record and can be found on the Net!! You can research all the information. Feel free to add your input
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Rising Star
We've only just begun!!

How the white media manipulates Black population

How the white Media Psychologically Manipulates Black populations By Franklin G. Jones aka Thanubian
The media, government, religion, and even academia institutions, all engage in methods of mass manipulation in order to direct or influence the direction of its society. While we are all manipulated by these institutions, for the purpose of this article I will focus only on how-- as a means of maintaining white dominance--Black populations are now being manipulated by white controlled media outlets;and how the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reinforcements of that false reality is being carefully crafted and applied.
Presently the self perceptions among Black people are not entirely by their own making. The white media controllers distorted racially devaluing depictions of its Black population that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is a deliberately designed well crafted mass manipulation program. Its constant deplorably negative depictions of its Black population-- that subjects them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves--is covertly designed to corrupt its Black population's sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This media driven program maintains white dominance by impressing the myth of white racial superiority upon the collective concious of the Black masses. This process of manipulation affects the unconscious mind by using deception and outright lies to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is a very subtle and subconsciouly sophisticated in its approach. It is deplored like a massive marketing campaign that marginalizes the Black brand while exemplifying the white brand. Its unrelenting daily assault upon the Black psyche is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its targeted Black population. This mass manipulation program is so profecient that it conditions its Black victims to not only accept White dominance over their lives but to also prefer it.
All the media has to do, in order to destroy a targeted group, is to slowly administer lies (poison) about them. All that was required for the media to destroy the Black image was to publicly connect them, even if it is through intricate stratagem, to something negative--something the masses will reject. The media controllers met this objective by administering lies and negative labels and misinformation about it's Black population. Such as seen where of which Blacks are often inaccurately depicted as the largest recipients of welfare and as America's largest contributors of crime. What also happens, by applying these negative labels upon Black populations, is that you freeze, isolate, and polarize that group. You make them out to look like they are part of a dangerous, scary, and insane fringe. This process is otherwise known in history as "group character assassination. Never mind if it is true or not, simply to make the association is sufficient. Even if it is not true, it will leave a dark cloud of doubt in the mind of the recipients receiving the information. This tactic of mass psychological manipulation is referred to as the "Guilt by Association" method. This is why slander is so effective in destroying enemies. In the case of Black people this false (black degrading) reality is being covertly crafted, reinforced, and applied daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. It is being done in the public forum on full display.
So often when ever the white controlled media's credibility is brought into question we see journalists reacting," saying how dare should they be questioned " as if they belonged to some privileged group directly connected to a Divine stream of ultimate truth. However being an individual that uses "qualitative methods of research" I know very well how every bit of research made by any human being is always tainted at some level with some bias. It is no different within the media. In the media, even a well-intentioned journalist is affecting his message in some form. The media officials will never come out and admit that they do this but this is entirely true. .They are accountable to no one. No one! They are free to target and therefore destroy any group or individual they choose. Sometimes these tactics are outrageously blatant and sometimes it is covert.
I have endeavored to share just some of the tactics of psychological manipulation of mass thinking. Most reading this will easily recognize these. I don’t claim to provide an exhaustive list. .
Repetition Makes True
Incessant repetition of a lie registers as truth in the mind of the masses. Some of the most successful tyrants in history used repetitive propaganda to their advantage. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister said that if "You repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." This same tactic was used by Goebbels to foster a national consensual setting for Hitler's mistreatment of the European Jews.
Make the Devil Look Like God and God Like the Devil ( In this case make white look good and Black look bad)
Hitler himself said, "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." In this technique, the attacker makes himself look like a benefactor and savior. He twists the sides. Have you ever wondered why the media narcissistically loves to see themselves as the protectors and keepers of truth? It almost has religious indoctrination undertones, doesn’t it? In classical religious literature we are told that the Devil deceives and disguises himself as an angel of light. I call this, characteristically, the reversing of the poles by making black look like white and vice-versa
I don’t claim to have covered all aspects of the art of deceit as used in the media against Black people. These are only a few noted methods. I simply attempted to provide some of the more obvious typical forms of deceit used to psychologically manipulate the Black masses. What can we learn from this? Perhaps the biggest lesson could be that we must not be naïve.
We must discriminately keep awake and aware. We must always search for truth. We must be careful to avoid coming to hasty conclusions just because the "white experts" say it. It is a great quest but filled with "mind-fields". Be careful and beware.


Rising Star
The Social Engineering of Black People

The Social Engineering of Black People by Secret white Governments

Social Engineering of Black People by Secret U.S Government.

The American government has a secret element within it. This secret element equates to being a secret government concealed within an existing government. This covert government is secretly committed to ensuring that America’s white dominance and control is maintained –regardless of who is actually President. Moreover, it has secretly developed classified programs for meeting this racist agenda, and is actively working in communities across America implementing it.

This secret government has been covertly working behind the scene to ensure the continuance of America’s white dominance and control for the last several decades. This secret government is engaged in social engineering by way of mass media manipulation. It is engaged in domestic operations across America that is changing and shaping the American society into what it believes America should look like.

The secret government has been in the business of creating propaganda that perpetuates white superiority and racially devalues other targeted groups. Government agents who are implementing this secret government's agenda are using the media’s proven mass manipulating capabilities to carry out their missions. Those government agents who specialize in psychiatry, propaganda, and social engineering analyze surveillance information gathered about the targeted group. Decisions are then made on which fraudulent stories to produce to best negatively define and engender certain psychological feelings within the targeted group. The secret government then creates fraudulent news report, hoaxes and deplorably negative statistics about the targeted group. These false deplorable depictions, stories and news reports about the targeted group are then displayed on news reports across America. These depictions are deliberately designed to garner certain psychological feelings among the targeted group that benefits the secret governments agenda of maintaining the U.S. white dominance and control.

By subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves, the negative propaganda causes disunity, division and self hatred among the targeted groups. It also implies that they trust and respect only whites. This psychosocial program/technology provides the secret government with a very sophisticated and covert method of controlling the targeted group.

The next stage of the government's operation against the targeted group will be the attack stage. The government agents will use the deplorable depictions gathered about the targeted group to justify their mistreatment or to make others insensitive to their plight. After several years of this negative psychosocial program about the targeted group, the American public after hearing and seeing these stories will have their opinions formed regarding the targeted group. The American people will be convinced that the mistreatment of the targeted group is not only justified, but is also absolutely necessary. The secret Government creates fear and hatred towards the group. Then it will use this fear and hatred the American people feel to deliberately foster a national consensual setting for the mistreatment of the targeted group. This is what mass manipulation experts refer to as engineered consent. Hitler’s Propaganda experts implemented the same program against the Jews as a precursor to the gas chambers.
This mass manipulation technology is a very sophisticated method of control. Furthermore it is the same classified technology used against foreign adversaries. The technology was developed to protect national security and is now secretly being used domestically to defend the white race’s position of power and dominance against its growing minority group. This mass media driven psychosocial program goes completely undetected by the group targeted. However its effects are detrimentally real and very proficient at adversely effecting the self perceptions of the targeted groups. The targeted group will never know they are being mass manipulated and socially engineered (programmed) to hate themselves. Most people who have been victims of this social engineering remain totally oblivious of it even when it is destroying their lives. Some have bought into the conditioning so much that they have disdain for those who are determined to break free from the this psychosocial program. Since these methods of socially engineering mass populations are classified, no one locally to the targeted group will understand it or believe it is being used against the targeted group. Basically if this classified mass manipulation program is used against a group, they have no way to detect it or anyone to report the unethical activity to.The secret government's agents operate above the law. In the eyes of federal, state, and local law enforcement, this technology doesn't exist. Groups targeted by the secret government agents are on their own.

Although most Blacks will never suspect that government agents are doing this to them, this mass manipulation program is deplored most tenaciously against America’s Black population. America’s Black communities are covertly targeted by the secret government in order to ensure that white dominance and control is continued.
Black people are seeing through lenses that have been deliberately assigned to them by white social engineering experts. They are being conditioned to hate themselves and to admire only whites through a deliberately designed psychosocial program. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so subjected to throughout the U.S. media is a deliberately applied psychosocial program. It deliberately inundates its Black population with fraudulent misinformation that perpetuates and frames the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, intellectual and ethical superiority. It is a covert and sophisticated system of ensuring the continuance of White racial hierarchy by way of mass manipulation that shapes the minds and collective perceptions of its Black population by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. It is an insidious method of control that misleads African Americans to believe that it is now themselves that are their own worst enemies and that therefore they require whites to govern over their lives. It uses the media’s proven mass manipulation abilities to divide and condition African Americans to accept white dominance over their lives. This psychosocial program is disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. It is being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc. Furthermore, it is the most detrimentally proficient racist system ever deplored against African Americans because most remain totally oblivious of its existence.
This concept of manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. To the detriment of many African Americans this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche engenders feelings of self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It also develops profound feelings of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It totally detaches African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion and also totally detaches them from their sense of power and reality while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This method of control provides America’s secret government with a more socially acceptable means of ensuring the continuance of its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily recognized. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern system is more covertly deplored and works from a psychological perspective.
This massive psychosocial program also creates a national climate that is insensitive to the plight of African Americans —thus fostering a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily mistreated and suppressed. This psychosocial program’s distorted deplorable depiction of African Americans changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. This creates a shift of victimization—in favor of whites-- that engenders acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today.
This produces false justifications for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, this mass media psychological manipulation campaign meets this need—because it covertly manipulates the self perceptions of African Americans and creates a national climate that allows the government to consensually suppress the advancement of its African American population-thus maintaining its White racial dominance and control.
Most African Americans have no idea of the influence the secret American government has had on their lives. I wonder what would these people do if they discovered that their perceptions were the result of the secret government's social engineering? This posting has only mentioned a few of the social engineering programs orchestrated by the secret American government against its Black population over the decades. It's unknown how the African American people would react if they discovered how they were manipulated over the decades. What is known is that in order for those who have been misled to begin to see “correctly”, they must have a clear, analytical understanding of the origin, strategies, mechanics, purpose and methods of the device that has blinded them in the first place. Therefore it is imperative that this email is forwarded. Please post this information in other newsgroups and lists.Thank You.
“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it you then really begin to die


Rising Star
The Social Engineering of Black People

Black People are seeing themselves through blue eyes

Whites are thinking for you.

Today a great number of African Americans favorably perceive the white race while negatively viewing their own. Today it is not uncommon to hear a black person make a declaration lessoning the significance of white racism while arguing that it is rather they themselves that are worst to their own communities. Some Blacks will argue this viewpoint with such immense conviction that it appear to be a crusade. These self contemptuous sentiments are also evident in how many now regards their own history of slavery.
Many African Americans now blame more harshly their history of slavery on Africans rather than their white invaders. Some Blacks have even gone as far as to excuse whites by saying that it wasn’t their fault for enslaving us, but rather the fault of our own people for not wanting us. In addition, although the African Holocaust lasted four hundred years longer and resulted in millions of or more deaths than that of the Jewish Holocaust, many African Americans however often express greater regards and sympathy towards the Jewish Holocaust -over their own. This display of Black self contempt or low regard is almost always accompanied with a higher regard towards whites.

Despite a brutal history to the contrary, many African Americans now holds the sentiment that whites are most often more humane, punctual, lesser to engage in crime, better spouses, less promiscuous, and are of a higher moral character. For some Blacks these perceptions have become so strongly affirm within their minds that they immediately react angrily against their fellow Blacks that makes any claims or references of white racism today.
. Generally, internalized racism in the Black community is more problematic now than at any other time in history. Never before have African Americans most favorably referred to themselves as “*******” than they do now; never more than now, upon attaining wealth and success, have a greater number of Blacks deliberately rejected all potential Black spouses, preferring to marry only White spouses. And never more than now have even the poorest of Blacks spent a greater percentage of their yearly earnings on Europeanizing cosmetic surgeries, bleaching skin creams, chemical hair softeners, and hair weaves. Internalized racism is at an all-time high for Blacks in America . Considering these disturbing tendencies coupled with White America’s atrocious treatment of Blacks, how can the majority of African-Americans function as amnesiacs – forgetting this barbarity and simultaneously developing profound admiration for Whiteness and contempt for their Blackness? The equally troubling question is not only how have we (Blacks) become self-hating, living contradictions of our former selves, but also how is it that the White race, with its unparalleled racism, subjugation of all other races, as well as unjustifiable wars and crimes against humanity is now perceived as the most ethical and moral racial group. What explains the present favorable perception of whites that contradicts historical facts? Clearly there is something terribly wrong here, but what?

How has this happened to the Black mind? How have views commonly held by racist whites now become those of so many black people?

Is it merely an incredibly convenient coincident that those racist perceptions commonly held by many whites are now those held by so many Black people?
The undeserving white admiration and self-loathing perceptions now among so many African Americans are outcomes of a deliberate media driven psychosocial program. It is an insidious, yet very sophisticated method of control that possesses both the ability to engender personal psychological feelings among African Americans and influence the climate of nation in regards to their plight.
It is the most proficient racist system ever deplored against African Americans - and yet most are totally oblivious of its existence.

The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the U.S. media is a deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to adversely manipulate and shapes the minds and collective perceptions of America ’s Black population by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupts African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group thus pulverizing Black unity and halting Black upward mobility. It also totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
It conditions America ’s Black population to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are themselves, their own worst enemies. It is a psychosocial program that uses propaganda to divide, conquer and ultimately suppress it Black population and it is being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc- nationally and internationally.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, mass media psychological manipulation campaign meets this need—because it covertly creates a national climate that allows the government to suppress consensually the advancement of its African American population and to maintain its White dominance and control.

Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism works from a psychological perspective. This provided the U.S. government a more socially acceptable method of continuing the White racial hierarchy for dominance and control given that it is not as easily recognized.
The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports, fake news, and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population..
To the detriment of Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. Many Blacks may even begin to feel that there is something not quite right about their Black humanity.
Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through the psychology mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, but for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. Moreover, this type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. This mass manipulation program is In fact, so proficient at damaging the Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept derogatory premises of themselves rather than recognizing this program.

This mass psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The media’s constant negative imagery of Black Americans is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is actually being done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today and attempts discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need—because it covertly creates a national climate that allows the government to suppress consensually the advancement of its African American population and to maintain its White dominance and control.​


Rising Star
The U.S. Governments Black Mind Manipulation

The Real Black Matrix : Mass Black Mind Manipulation

Exposing the real Black Matrix
We as a people can no longer survive as a race hanging on to lies a reality of truth must prevail if we are to be a part of the future.Hello I am Franklin Jones the author of the popular underground book entitled The Black Matrix: The modern mental and social suppression of African Americans under National interest.(C) 2006 revised 2008. No I am not attempting to peddle my book within this group site. I am an author, activist and lecturer that has become the victim of many death threats because of my many endeavors to expose the following truth. My response to these threats has been to forward my findings to as many Black people as possible. You see I believe that they can kill me, but they cant stop the truth.[because the truth is bullet proof] As the original author of the following article I give full permission to all whom wish to forward and post it upon their websites.


Today, in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, the United States Government now conducts planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Its unrelenting committment towards maintaining its white dominance and control resulted in the U.S. Government using these same proven methods of strategic psychological manipulation of its Black population.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of psychological manipulation that works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception, using the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.
The U.S. Government now secretly disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population that are deliberately designed to corrupt African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason and to foster a consensual national environment of which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.
Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans.
Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people where aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser seaworthy, perhaps smaller, slower, slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies about themselves will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better. Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the newsmedia-- which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television,press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients and influences society as a whole.
The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to subject African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves-- while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group.
To the detriment of many Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. Today, as a result of this conditioning program, many Blacks themselves now believe the analogy that they themselves are their own worst enemies like that of crabs in a bucket always pulling each other back down and now often refers to themselves as ******* more than whites do [ publicly at least].
Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically over time many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many are then discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that therefore if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred, loss of educational aspirations, loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride, and fragile psyches of so many African Americans today. This type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder.
All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.
This psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The constant, relentless bombardment with deplorably negative imagery of Black Americans , which the general population is inundated with throughout the media is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is being actually done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designedto discourage miscegenation, makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercestand effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatmentof African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
This concept of the U.S government using psychology as a weapon to influence and control its Black population is not at all ridiculous. This system of applied psychological conditioning is indeed directly derived from those mind-conditioning programs and systems developed by the federal government. These systems were already perfected by members of the U.S. military and were then turned over to the intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector, in turn, deliberately and successfully undertook to have this same kind of highly negative, destructive and effective conditioning applied to targeted group and society as a whole.
Furthermore, more than a century ago, Charles Darwin predicted in his book, "The Origin of Species" (1859) "the evolutionary theory would one day provide a new foundation for the science of psychology." The truth in his words where realized when the science of psychology, through the methods of propaganda techniques was codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain . The war propaganda campaign of Lippman and Bernays produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America ’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Edward Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work.. Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Lippman's and Bernays' work and is still used extensively by the United States government.
Over time the techniques increased in their sophistication as modern advances in the understanding of the genetics of social behavior ushered in Sociobiology; a controversial new science of the biological study of social behavior of humans. Since the 1950's, U.S. experimental psychologists and Cognitive scientists have developed ideas about the unconscious mental process that proposes that most of our mental processes happen outside of our awareness suggesting that the ability to control the behavior of people around us subconsciously is now a distinct possibility. Moreover, over the past five decades, human sociobiology has transformed into an evolutionary psychology that has gained science the means and ability to control and, therefore, predict the actions and feelings of individuals or groups merely by the messages conveyed against them. According to this controversial use of psychology, the human mind is the most extraordinary part of the human body, and there seems to be little doubt, wrote biologist David Barash, "that the unconscious is real and that in certain obscure ways the forces of culture are all-powerful in shaping human behavior. Advances in these studies resulted in governments using psychology as a weapon for maintaining White dominance.
This effectiveness of the usage of the psychology of deceit to profoundly influenced and control individuals and mass groups was made obvious as a result of one of the most infamous mistakes in history. It happened on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to a popular radio program that featured a plays directed by, and starring, Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds, about a Martian invasion of the earth. But in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that, presumably, was intended to heighten the dramatic effect. News of the panic was conveyed as a via genuine news report. As the audience listened to this simulation of news broadcast, created with voice acting and sound effects, a portion of the audience concluded that it was hearing an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. This quickly generated immense scare. People packed the roads, hid in cellars, loaded guns, fought among themselves, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens, oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken public that actually belonged in a radio play. These people listening to the false broadcast were taken in by the totally false accounts and became confused, disarray and distrusting of their neighbors even resulting in immense violence. This example proves and demonstrated more potently than any argument, that beyond a question of a doubt, the enormous effectiveness of the media at affecting masses of people.
Furthermore, according to researcher Mack White, Psychologist Dr. Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, (1939). This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Dr. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University 's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing. Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton . Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center , the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been fully established.
Given the preceded noted history and facts, clearly then connecting these dots should be made rather easy. Furthermore, the objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need. It was the logical choice—because it covertlyprovides the U.S. Government the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among its Black population that meet the U.S government objectives of maintaining its white dominance. Furthermore, history overwhelmingly demonstrates that the White race’s innate proclivity for racism, control, and dominance is much too deeply ingrained for them to just merely give up their practices of implementing suppressive methods over its African American population. The records of history show that the reincarnation of suppressive methods into forms more acceptable to the changing times is a common practice of the United States government as seen after the abolishment of slavery wherein its methods of using racist, oppressive treatment of its Black population was reincarnated into Jim Crow laws. And let us not forget the many sorts of devious strategies and methods used to prevent Blacks from becoming registered voters. The historic and demonstrative evidence overwhelmingly reflects the reality that the U.S. government does manifest a proclivity for reinventing devious methods to suppress its Black population. This proclivity has led to the U.S. Government now using its proven method of psychological operations to control the advancement and growth of its Black population. It was the next logical choice for it provides the Government the benefit of the appearance of conducting humanitarian efforts to help its Black community while covertly seeking only to maintain its White dominance


Rising Star
Black people and the Tavistock Institute

Black people and the Tavistock Institute

We Africans and African descendants throughout the world must educate our selves about what is really going on. Imagine that a stranger broke into your home, robbing it, leaving it in ruins and then kidnapped your children to work as servants within his home. This stranger, fearing an eventual retribution from these kidnapped children will find it necessary to implement systems for ensuring that these children remain loyal.
The stranger may do so by routinely showing these children pictures of their ruined former home while falsely retelling the details of their abduction that he merely rescued them from the ruins and that their parents didn’t want them at all. This would cause the children to develop an undeserving sense of loyalty and appreciation towards their kidnapper. The kidnapper may also find it necessary to implement a scheme to divide the children, to prevent them from unifying against him, by teaching them not to trust each other while simultaneously teaching them to trust only him. A system with such an objective of controlling the exploited group, however on a much larger scale, has been implemented against Black people.
The above scenario is precisely what is being done to Black people. As a means of meeting an unrelenting objective of maintaining white racial dominance and control, a massive global manipulation scheme-- that works very much like the preceded kidnapper analysis-- has been implemented against Black people. There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of white individuals (at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite.

An insidious mass manipulation propaganda scheme that many researchers believe was originally orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute of Human relations. Although it had existed for decades earlier, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was formally established as an independent not-for-profit charity organization in September 1947. Headquartered in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a leading organization in the use of new and experimental behavioral science programs. It is an independent organization that conducts research in the social and behavioral sciences, applied in the field of health, education and community development. Its research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.
The Institute’s prophet was Dr. Sigmund Freud, whom settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. Tavistock's pioneer work in science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology.
One of its prestige’s contributing members was Freud’s nephew and propaganda specialist Dr. Edward Bernays. He was one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation. Dr. Edward Bernay’s invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of a group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it" -- Dr. Edward Bernays

Another of noted contributor was Sir John Rawlings-Reese. A commander of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare that conducted research studying the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I to establish the "breaking point" of men under stress.
A wide body of indebt researches by a collection of many renowned researchers has enabled the Tavistock Institute to develop pioneering breakthroughs in the field of mass manipulation and brain-washing techniques. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.
In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill that agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute. An important, objective of the Tavistock institutes is to use its skilled method of mass manipulation and societal social engineering to maintain social order. An objective that secretly includes ensuring the continuance of white dominance.
Today in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, many western governments (including the U.S.) now manipulates, and shapes the minds and collective consciousness of the public through the usage of misinformation and propaganda disseminated through the mass media. The common feelings of Black self hatred accompanied by an undeserving admiration towards whiteness, among so many Black people, are not merely indirect consequences of white cultural dominance upon the Black psyche, but rather instead the direct result of an insidious massive manipulation program. A sophisticated system that uses methods of propaganda and public manipulations practices, deployed very much like a massive marketing campaign. It divides to conquer and misinformed to exploit and suppress. Its propaganda and manipulations practices are being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc- nationally and internationally.
The present despairing global condition of the Black world is neither a Black curse, baffling phenomenon nor the result of some innate deficient capacity for unity or intellectual ability among Black people, but rather instead the direct result of this covert compulsory racial integration program. This program is designed to break down the Black individual's sense of personal knowledge in Black identity, Black racial heritage, allegiance and unity. It encourages the minds of the Black masses to admire and love whites while blaming and hating themselves for their current despairing conditions historically created and presently continued by the white elites. Implementing such a diabolic manipulative program against the Black population is deemed necessary, by the perceptions of the white elites, because not only have they brutally exploited the Black world during the era of slavery, but also because their exploitations are being continued through America’s prison industrial complex and judicial courts that unfairly targets the Black population; American pharmaceutal companies that uses Africa as a testing ground for its experimental drugs; ongoing unfair trade practices that ensures that Africa remain a third world country; U.S. government’s economic hit men and espionage specialist that continues, like vampires , to ravish Africa of its resources while portraying the image to the world that it is merely Africans that are unable to govern themselves.
It is surmised that this modern method of control was implemented in 1968 in the face of widespread violence that ensued after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s brutal assassination led to many demonstrations of unrest and rioting disturbances; that of which were reported in more than 100 cities across the nation. This violence resulted in the loss of lives and property that cost the nation and taxpayers millions of dollars and increasingly placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. America’s brutal racial mistreatment of African Americans had appeared to have reached its boiling point creating much unrest and discord. These factors, combined with the rapidly tarnishing American global image, led the U.S. Government’s agents of White supremacy to quickly reform their techniques of institutionalized racism.
The problem led to the then president, Lyndon B Johnson, ordering that a commission be formed, later known as the Kerner Commission, to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendations for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems.
The Kerner report’s findings required that the U.S. Government abandon it’s condoning of open, blatant forms of racism to control and maintain White dominance. This abandoning of dated tactics led to the need for developing an improved method of controlling and suppressing its Black population. Changing times made it necessary for the U.S. government to change its methods to a much more subtle and socially acceptable means of continuing its racial suppression of Blacks and to maintain its White dominance. Clearly, the sophisticated method of psychological warfare met such a need. It was the logical choice, perfect for the changing times. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism works from a psychological perspective. This provided the U.S. government a more socially acceptable method of continuing the White racial hierarchy for dominance and control given that it is not as easily recognized. This new method exists in the space between overt racism and racial respect. Its methods include the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among Americans that meet the U.S government objective.

The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients.
The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to subject African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves-- while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. Many Blacks may even begin to feel that there is something not quite right about their Black humanity. To the detriment of Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility.
Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through the psychology mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, but for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. Moreover, this type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. This mass manipulation program is In fact, so proficient at damaging the Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept derogatory premises of themselves rather than recognizing this program.

This mass psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The media’s constant negative imagery of Black Americans is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is actually being done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today and attempts discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need—because it covertly creates a national climate that allows the government to suppress consensually the advancement of its African American population and to maintain its White dominance and national stability.
Many Black people, in defending their white Governments, will adamantly present the question of why would their government find it a necessity to implement such a racist scheme? Within America these declarations are made among Blacks because the image that has been firmly established upon the consciousness of Black America, in regards to the U.S. Government, are those of the U.S. government sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to safely escort Black students to attend schools, or that of the Northern Union soldiers fighting and dying against the Confederate army to free the slaves, and of the many social programs that the federal Government has implemented towards the benefit of African Americans. However, while these undertakings by the U.S. government individually and collectively deserve our appreciation, they do not accurately provide the full picture revealing the true or entire relationship shared between the U.S. Government and its Black population. These favorable stories and events are the result of the same compulsory racial integration programs that reflects only what the U.S. Government wants its African Americans population to remember and are not historically accurate at reflecting or determining the true past relationship or the underlying present existing relationship between African Americans and the U.S. Government.
From slavery to the present, African Americans have undeniably borne an unprecedented amount of suffering and mistreatment by the U.S. government because of their race. However, so many have forgotten or repressed so much of these maltreatments and have, instead, come to accept the favorable-but-false perpetuated White persona that represents everything that White people never were -- and still are not -- in place of the truth, thus engendering a sort of psychologically induced coma concerning their own Black holocaust. Because most African Americans are denied an educational system and media reports that gives them accurate information, both historically and at present, reflecting the U.S. Governments relationship with African American, therefore most are totally oblivious of the true fundamental core character of this existing relationship.
This disclosure is formulated upon an in debt knowledge of America’s history and intrinsic racist ideologies. It is also conceptualized like that of a circumstantial case not unlike many of those case heard within America’s highest courts demonstrating a means, motive, and prior behavior of the accused that is consistent with the theory of the case.
The insidious propaganda and public opinion manipulations (including mind control agendas) orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute is covered at greater length in the book the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones .
Educate yourselves about what is really going on, and avoid traps that many have fallen into so deep.


Rising Star
I've been saying this for years!!

This country/corporation spends billions a year to us from uniting and snapping outta this trance!! They have been spending billions since the early 1900's!! They use tv, radio, think tanks, entertainers and sports celebrities to pull this off!!

Ask yourself, how has rap music lasted for 40+ yrs?? There's something in that music, that's allowing these folks to infiltrate our communities!! We're at the point, nothing can be removed from the table and we've gotta question everything and believe nothing!!


Rising Star
Since our people are the largest viewers of television!! We're taking the brunt of this misinformation!!

Fake news that is used to manipulate African Americans

Educate yourselves about what is really going on, and avoid traps that many have fallen into so deep.

Fake News in the United States and how it being used against African Americans.
Today what are often deemed as being credible news sources are often totally made up stories made to push an agenda or meet a governmental objective. Many journalists working for public relations firms are now hired by a U.S. government department to produce fake news reports. These false reports-- that amount to being overt manipulative propaganda-- are being presented as factual news by journalists, and are rebroadcast by news stations without revealing the segment is from a PR firm hired by the government, thus giving it the appearance of genuine news.
The U.S. government’s hiring of PR firms to create and dissemination fake news is nothing new at all; it has been going on for a long time. An interview with John Stauber from notes that issues such as “fake news” have been around for years and the mainstream has hardly ever covered it. ”David Miller, of Spin Watch, has noted in a commentary that there is a lot of fake news: “This is the age of the fake. We live in an era where the gap between how the world is and how powerful interests try to portray it has grown dramatically wider. Virtually nothing in public debate these days is free of the virus of fakery.... In recent years the fakes have become more sophisticated, so that the distinction between fake and real is less easy to discern”. The media is manipulated in all manners through professional public relations (PR) firms, and covert and overt government agencies which disseminate propaganda as news.

In March 2005, the New York Times revealed that there has been a large amount of fake and prepackaged news created by US government departments, such as the Pentagon, the State Department and others, and disseminated through the mainstream media. The New York Times noted that the US government has “aggressively” used public relations to prepackage news. Records and interviews shows that in just the past four years alone at least 20 federal agencies, including the Defense Department and the Census Bureau, have made and distributed hundreds of television news segments. Many were subsequently broadcast on local stations across the country without any acknowledgement of the government’s role in their production.
A number of these government-made news segments are made to look like local news (either by the government department or by the receiving broadcaster) Sometimes these reports have fake reporters such as when a “‘reporter’ covering airport safety was actually a public relations professional working under a false name for the Transportation Security Administration. Other times, there is no mention that a video segment is produced by the government.
Citing the New York Times at length:
…. “The federal government has aggressively used a well-established tool of public relations: the prepackaged, ready-to-serve news report that major corporations have long distributed to TV stations to pitch everything from headache remedies to auto insurance. In all, at least 20 federal agencies, including the Defense Department and the Census Bureau, have made and distributed hundreds of television news segments in the past four years, records and interviews show. Many were subsequently broadcast on local stations across the country without any acknowledgement of the government’s role in their production.
Some reports were produced to support the administration’s most cherished policy objectives like regime change in Iraq or Medicare reform. Others focused on less prominent matters... (But there purposes are always about accomplishing governmental objectives). They often feature “interviews” with senior administration officials in which questions are scripted and answers rehearsed. Critics, though, are excluded, as are any hints of mismanagement, waste or controversy.
Some of the segments are broadcast in some of nation’s largest television markets... prepackaged segments [include] “suggested” lead-ins written by public relations experts. It is a world where government-produced reports disappear into a maze of [news programming, feeds, web sites, etc.] only to emerge cleansed on the other side as “independent” journalism.
— David Barstow and Robin Stein, Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News, New York Times, March 13, 2005 [Emphasis Added]

Furthermore, a former CIA agent mentioned in an interview, that the US has been doing it since the 1950s and 1960s at least:
When I was in the agency from the late 1950s on through to the late 1960s, the agency had operations going internationally, regionally, and nationally, attempting to penetrate and manipulate the institutions of power in countries around the world, and these were things that I did in the CIA—the penetration and manipulation of political parties, trade unions, youth and student movements, intellectual, professional and cultural societies, religious groups and women’s groups and especially of the public information media. We, for example, paid journalists to publish our information as if it were the journalists’ own information. The propaganda operations were continuous. We also spent large amounts of money intervening in elections to favor our candidates over others.
— Philip Agee, The Nature of CIA Intervention in Venezuela, Interviewed by Jonah Gindin,, March 22, 2005

The media is manipulated in all manners through professional public relations (PR) firms, and covert and overt government agencies which disseminate propaganda as news. These media reports are used to promote certain political policies, ideologies and governmental objectives. Some reports are used, for example, to produce support for the administration’s most valued policy objectives, like Medicare reform. Others have been used, in cases where a war is deemed questionable professional public relations firms are hired to help sell that war to the public. [The 2003 war on Iraq saw a great deal amounts of public relations and media manipulation at work. PR was turned onto America’s own citizens to convince them to support the war by making it appeared to be more glorious and right, than could it otherwise in fact was.]
These false news reports, that are being presented as factual news, are also often used as smear tactics to discredit, and /or destroy the reputation of someone or to defame or marginalize a particular targeted group. It can either involve outright lies, or a distortion of the truth that are then disseminated nationally as well as internationally reaching millions.
The State Department typically distributes its segments via satellite to international news organizations like Reuters and Associated Press Television News, which in turn distribute them to the major United States networks, which then transmit them to local affiliates.” In this way, a large audience is reached.
Some techniques used by governments and parties/people with hidden agendas include:
Paying journalists to promote certain issues without the journalist acknowledging this, or without the media mentioning the sources;
Governments and individuals contracting PR firms to sell a war, or other important issues
Disinformation or partial information reported as news or fact without attributing sources that might be questionable
PR firms feeding stories to the press without revealing the nature of the information with the intention of creating a public opinion (for example, creating deplorable stories targeting racial/ethnic groups; and or stories to support a war, as the previous link highlights where even human rights groups fell for some of the disinformation, thus creating an even more effective propaganda campaign)

Smear tactics are often used within these reports to discredit, stain or destroy an opposing political view point, the reputation of someone or to defame or marginalize a particular targeted group. It can either involve outright lies, or a distortion of the truth that are then disseminated nationally as well as internationally reaching millions.
The above examples of the U.S. government usage of fake news reports to support its governmental objectives is precisely what is being done to African Americans as a means of meeting its unrelenting objective of maintaining its white racial dominance and control. The U.S. government now secretly uses this same proven method of media manipulation through fake news reports against its Black population. It is an insidious yet very sophisticated system of control that creates deplorable false misinformation and media reports about its Black population. These fake news reports about African Americans are deliberately disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages adversely affect its targeted Black recipient group.

Its constant relentless bombardment of deplorably negative imageries of African Americans is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of America’s Black population by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche drills the message that Blacks are powerless, of lesser moral, and intelligence and that they need Whites to govern over their lives. It totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality. Moreover, it corrupts African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites. Additionally it conditions America’s Black population to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. Its propaganda and manipulations practices divides to conquer and misinforms to exploit and suppress it Black population and it is being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc- nationally and internationally.

It is surmised that this modern method of control was implemented in 1968 in the face of widespread violence that ensued after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s brutal assassination led to many demonstrations of unrest and rioting disturbances; that of which were reported in more than 100 cities across the nation. This violence resulted in the loss of lives and property that cost the nation and taxpayers millions of dollars and increasingly placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. America’s brutal racial mistreatment of African Americans had appeared to have reached its boiling point creating much unrest and discord. These factors, combined with the rapidly tarnishing American global image, led the U.S. Government’s agents of White supremacy to quickly reform their techniques of institutionalized racism.
The problem led to the then president, Lyndon B Johnson, ordering that a commission be formed, later known as the Kerner Commission, to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendations for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems.
The Kerner report’s findings required that the U.S. Government abandon it’s condoning of open, blatant forms of racism to control and maintain White dominance. This abandoning of dated tactics led to the need for developing an improved method of controlling and suppressing its Black population. Changing times made it necessary for the U.S. government to change its methods to a much more subtle and socially acceptable means of continuing its racial suppression of Blacks and to maintain its White dominance. Clearly, the sophisticated method of psychological warfare met such a need. It was the logical choice, perfect for the changing times. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism works from a psychological perspective. This provided the U.S. government a more socially acceptable method of continuing the White racial hierarchy for dominance and control given that it is not as easily recognized. This new method exists in the space between overt racism and racial respect. Its methods include the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among Americans that meet the U.S government objective.

The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports, fake news, and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients.
The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to subject African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves-- while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. Many Blacks may even begin to feel that there is something not quite right about their Black humanity. To the detriment of Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility.
Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through the psychology mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, but for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. Moreover, this type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. This mass manipulation program is In fact, so proficient at damaging the Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept derogatory premises of themselves rather than recognizing this program.

This mass psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The media’s constant negative imagery of Black Americans is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is actually being done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today and attempts discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need—because it covertly creates a national climate that allows the government to suppress consensually the advancement of its African American population and to maintain its White dominance and national stability.
These issues are not new
An interview with John Stauber from notes that issues such as “fake news” have been around for years and the mainstream has hardly ever covered it, until the recent New York Times article:
I was absolutely elated to see The New York Times front page coverage with the inside spread.... In the more than 10 years that I have been investigating and reporting on the widespread use of public relations as news, there’s never, ever been a story like this. This widespread use of fake news, we’re talking thousands of stories a year. This is a billion dollar sub-industry of the P.R. industry has been going on for 20 years, and this is the first mainstream media expose of any length and depth about it.
... There’s so much money to be made or saved, if you will, by replacing real news on TV with fake news, that this will continue to be a widespread problem unless there’s a mobilization of outraged news viewers [for better standards, because] TV news directors and producers' [are] not going to want to give this up. This — we’re talking billions of dollars here in producing these and in airing them instead of going out and producing real news.
... the University of Amherst study ... and there have been other studies that have corroborated this ... that the American public, who watched the most TV coverage of that Gulf War, thought they knew the most, actually knew less than most people who were getting their news through newspapers, for instance, and yet were the strongest supporters of the war. So, the bottom line here is that if you are watching war on television, with all of the propaganda and video news releases that go along with it, you are actually being misinformed, and yet you’re more likely to support the war. Television is the number one source of so-called news for most Americans, and a huge proportion of that is fake news.
State Propaganda: How Government Agencies Produce Hundreds of Pre-Packaged TV Segments the Media Runs as News, Democracy Now! Radio Broadcast, March 14, 2005
The Gulf War in Iraq, 1991, also highlighted a lot of PR work in action. Founder of the Washington PR firm, The Rendon Group, John Rendon told cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1996:
“I am not a national security strategist or a military tactician,” Rendon said. “I am a politician, and a person who uses communication to meet public policy or corporate policy objectives. In fact, I am an information warrior and a perception manager.” He reminded the Air Force cadets that when victorious troops rolled into Kuwait City at the end of the first war in the Persian Gulf, they were greeted by hundreds of Kuwaitis waving small American flags. The scene, flashed around the world on television screens, sent the message that U.S. Marines were being welcomed in Kuwait as liberating heroes.
“Did you ever stop to wonder,” Rendon asked, “how the people of Kuwait City, after being held hostage for seven long and painful months, were able to get hand-held American, and for that matter, the flags of other coalition countries?” He paused for effect. “Well, you now know the answer. That was one of my jobs then.”
... Public relations firms often do their work behind the scenes....But his description of himself as a “perception manager” echoes the language of Pentagon planners, who define “perception management” as “actions to convey and (or) deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning. ... In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover, and deception, and psyops [psychological operations].”
Such technical phrases like “truth projection” hide their true meanings and intent: propaganda.
— Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, How To Sell a War, In These Times, 4 August, 2003
More Information
The above only scratches the surface of a deep issue. Many researchers have concluded that this insidious racist propaganda manipulations program was originally orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute of Human relations. Headquartered in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a leading organization in the use of new and experimental behavioral science programs. The Tavistock Institute is an independent organization that conducts research in the social and behavioral sciences, applied in the field of health, education and community development. Among the Tavistock Institute's specialties is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear war, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings. Its research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology. However BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of the Tavistock Institute of Human behavior.
It has developed pioneering breakthroughs in the field of mass manipulation and brain-washing techniques. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. The Tavistock Institute uses its skilled method of mass manipulation and societal social engineering to maintain social order-of which includes maintaining white dominance and control. [The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network.]

Although it had existed for decades earlier, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was formally established as an independent not-for-profit charity organization in September 1947. The Institute’s prophet was Dr. Sigmund Freud, whom settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. Tavistock's pioneer work in science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology.
One of its prestige’s contributing members was Freud’s nephew and propaganda specialist Dr. Edward Bernays. He was one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation. Dr. Edward Bernay’s invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of a group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it" -- Dr. Edward Bernays

. Clearly, the sophisticated method of psychological warfare met such a need. It was the logical choice, perfect for the changing times. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism works from a psychological perspective. This provided the U.S. government a more socially acceptable method of continuing the White racial hierarchy for dominance and control given that it is not as easily recognized. This new method exists in the space between overt racism and racial respect. Its methods include the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among Americans that meet the U.S government objective.
The objective of this diabolical mass manipulations scheme against the Black race is to ensure the continuance of white dominance and control. It is being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of white individuals, at the highest echelons, which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite.

Many Black people, in defending their white Governments, will adamantly present the question of why would their government find it a necessity to implement such a racist scheme? Within America these declarations are made among Blacks because the image that has been firmly established upon the consciousness of Black America, in regards to the U.S. Government, are those of the U.S. government sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to safely escort Black students to attend schools, or that of the Northern Union soldiers fighting and dying against the Confederate army to free the slaves, and of the many social programs that the federal Government has implemented towards the benefit of African Americans. However, while these undertakings by the U.S. government individually and collectively deserve our appreciation, they do not accurately provide the full picture revealing the true or entire relationship shared between the U.S. Government and its Black population. These favorable stories and events are the result of the same compulsory racial integration programs that reflects only what the U.S. Government wants its African Americans population to remember and are not historically accurate at reflecting or determining the true past relationship or the underlying present existing relationship between African Americans and the U.S. Government.
From slavery to the present, African Americans have undeniably borne an unprecedented amount of suffering and mistreatment by the U.S. government because of their race. However, so many have forgotten or repressed so much of these maltreatments and have, instead, come to accept the favorable-but-false perpetuated White persona that represents everything that White people never were -- and still are not -- in place of the truth, thus engendering a sort of psychologically induced coma concerning their own Black holocaust. Because most African Americans are denied an educational system and media reports that gives them accurate information, both historically and at present, reflecting the U.S. Governments relationship with African American, therefore most are totally oblivious of the true fundamental core character of this existing relationship.
This disclosure is formulated upon an in debt knowledge of America’s history and intrinsic racist ideologies. It is also conceptualized like that of a circumstantial case not unlike many of those case heard within America’s highest courts demonstrating a means, motive, and prior behavior of the accused that is consistent with the theory of the case.


Rising Star
Development of the media, social engreening, culture in the 20th century!! This video shows how the CIA, OSS, MI6, think tanks, FBI, tv and radio, Ford foundation and others Billionaires, Colleges, bands and hipppies, designed every culture known to american and it touched everyone of us to this day!! It's a long video but very interesting.. You will see how music and movies are used to program all of us!! Movies are not produced for our entertainment, they are produced to program all that view it!!



Rising Star
What's really being done to Black America
How Black people are being fooled in order to preserve white dominance

Many African Americans now holds the opinion that in the face of greater gained opportunities that many within their race became their own worst enemies. It is not uncommon to hear these negative sentiments about their own race now echoed by many African Americans themselves—they that consider themselves as being exceptions to this norm. This perception often engenders profound feelings of immense humiliation, racial self contempt, and disunity among many African Americans in the 21st-century. But are these self contemptuous views among so many African Americans correct?
And if so how have African Americans, the racial group that demonstrated an unprecedented degree of Black racial pride and unity during the 1960's civil rights movement now become living contradictions of their former selves? The common response, when presented with this daunting question is to take the position that the core problem lies with something to do with Black people themselves. Although tragically many Blacks themselves have also come to accept this viewpoint, the emerging evidence does not support this premise. Such assertions are racist and totally not consistent with the history of African Americans.
While perhaps difficult to believe today, Black unity (Umoja) was historically, the cornerstone of the African American community and a crucial factor in their survival for more than four-hundred years of White racial oppression. Black unity was the most significant factor in the success of the 1960's civil right movement. The remarkable degree of unity among African Americans then was made evident by the brilliant organization and mobilizations of mass bus boycotts, marches, freedom riders, and sit ins that were peacefully conducted through the unified protest of civil disobedience. The degree of unity and organization demonstrated among African Americans then was extraordinary and arguably remains unrivaled by any other group in the history of America. So what then is the reason for the unprecedented racial self contempt and disunity among many African Americans today?
The present unprecedented feelings of racial self contempt among so many African Americans are neither a baffling phenomenon, nor the result of some innate racial deficiency. It is instead the result of a deliberate governmentally deployed mass manipulating social engineering program. White America’s methods of institutionalized racism has been secretly modified into a more sophisticated and stealthy design. Today to control and produce conformity among the masses, the U.S. government commonly disseminates propaganda domestically among its own citizens. To domestically defend its position of white dominance that was lessened by civil rights gains made by the civil rights strategies and efforts of African Americans, the U.S. Government secretly deployed these same mass propaganda programs against its entire Black population. Through the usage of psychological manipulation programs Black people in the United States are seeing themselves through lenses that have been secretly and deliberately assigned to them by white mass manipulation experts. This psychological manipulation program uses negative propaganda to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective perceptions of America’s Black population. Through totally white controlled outlets it conditions African Americans to admire whites and despise themselves by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves.
The mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes of its recipients. Most African Americans that frustratingly and shamefully complain about the national disparities among their group are, for the most part, responding to negative statistics and depictions given about their race totally comprised by white controlled sources and media outlets. African Americans own negative personal interactions among their group merely then act as a confirmation of what is being implied through these white sources.
Because the previous blatant methods used in the past for ensuring that white dominance be maintained in the U.S. had become morally and socially unacceptable, the U.S. government secretly implemented this more sophisticated and stealthy system. For several decades covert agencies within the U.S. Government have secretly disseminated false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population. It uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect African Americans in terms of their perceptions and behavior. Its constant deplorable depiction of African Americans is a very carefully and deliberately designed massive media manipulation program that subjects African Americans to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. Its fraudulent information is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its African American population. The motto of this method of psychological manipulation is to divide and conquer and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that Blacks admire, respect, and trust only Whites. Thus fostering a massive setting for where of which African Americans are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. This present system uses the national media's proven ability to mass manipulate the perceptions of the public by the usage of propaganda. This process merges the often harsh individual realities of many black people with what is misleadingly deplorably depicted of them, therefore solidifying the thoughts within their psyche that it is they that are now their own worst enemies. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche also drills the message that Blacks are powerless, of lesser moral, and intelligence and that they need whites to govern over their lives. It totally detaches African Americans from their sense of power and reality.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true danger is this well proven method of affecting the unconscious mind by using deception, and psychological manipulation. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect targeted groups in terms of their perceptions and behavior. This massive manipulation program is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory media reports and statistics. These fraudulent data are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans are then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages perpetuate and frame the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. The ultimate goal of this psychosocial treatment of African Americans is to destroy the Black unity and cohesion that was a crucial factor of the survival of African Americans through more than four hundred years of white racial oppression. Logic dictates that given that unity and cohesion among African Americans was responsible for the demise of White America’s past blatant system of institutionalized racism, then destroying this unity would be an essential objective of this psychological manipulation program. This modern method of deploying white racism is far more sophisticated and stealthier than those blatant methods used in the past. Moreover, it is directly attributed to the intensification of internalized self hatred, and profound disunity presently among many African Americans. All African Americans have experienced the burden of this applied psychological conditioning, some more severely than others have. To the detriment of many African Americans it has been extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to not only accept the white dominance over their lives but to also prefer it. It also engenders an aberration of internalized self contempt among many African Americans that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. This psychosocial program is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. No group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.
This massive psychosocial program is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess. And while many African Americans have successfully navigated through this psychologically mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, for far too many this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to subconsciously accept the negative portrayals of themselves.
Not only does this psycho-social program negatively impacts Blacks self perceptions, but it also conveniently provides a more socially acceptable means of ensuring that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economically exploited group in America. Its deplorable depictions of African Americans are also used to engender national consent that justifies their mistreatment. Its deplorable depictions of Africans Americans are also designed to create a shift of victimization in behalf of whites while lessoning pressures for social changes in behalf of Blacks. Thus creating a consensual national setting that facilitates the easier exploitation and suppression of African Americans. This is in fact a common practice used throughout modern western history. When groups in power want to suppress or to exploit its minority group they do so by portraying that group as a fearsome enemy or a major problem of the society through lies and manufactured news items. This same type of propaganda technique was also used by Adolph Hitler to facilitate a national consensual setting that allowed his heinous mistreatment of the Jews. Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels portrayed them as a fearsome enemy of German society through lies and manufactured news items. These negative imageries were used to justify their annihilation. This tradition continues today in the case of African Americans. The U.S. media’s constant deplorable depictions of Black Americans is deliberately designed to produce prejudice distorted and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that makes the others insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, and makes any serious criticism of White racism in the U.S. almost impossible today. This also creates false justifications for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has subconsciously become that it’s more often justified. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the fiercest and most effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated under the belief that it is justified. This is what America’s renowned propaganda expert Dr. Edward Bernays referred to as “socially engineered consent”. The effects of this social program are also manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Some studies have shown that this social program has engendered increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably now stronger today than they were after emancipation. It was this psychological conditioning program that ended the Black revolutionary movement of the nineteen sixties and that stripped African Americans of the national and global support that was acquired during that era’s civil rights struggles. This article is an excerpt from the book the Black


FKA Shaka38
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We've only just begun!!

How the white media manipulates Black population

How the white Media Psychologically Manipulates Black populations By Franklin G. Jones aka Thanubian
The media, government, religion, and even academia institutions, all engage in methods of mass manipulation in order to direct or influence the direction of its society. While we are all manipulated by these institutions, for the purpose of this article I will focus only on how-- as a means of maintaining white dominance--Black populations are now being manipulated by white controlled media outlets;and how the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reinforcements of that false reality is being carefully crafted and applied.
Presently the self perceptions among Black people are not entirely by their own making. The white media controllers distorted racially devaluing depictions of its Black population that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is a deliberately designed well crafted mass manipulation program. Its constant deplorably negative depictions of its Black population-- that subjects them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves--is covertly designed to corrupt its Black population's sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This media driven program maintains white dominance by impressing the myth of white racial superiority upon the collective concious of the Black masses. This process of manipulation affects the unconscious mind by using deception and outright lies to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is a very subtle and subconsciouly sophisticated in its approach. It is deplored like a massive marketing campaign that marginalizes the Black brand while exemplifying the white brand. Its unrelenting daily assault upon the Black psyche is designed to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of its targeted Black population. This mass manipulation program is so profecient that it conditions its Black victims to not only accept White dominance over their lives but to also prefer it.
All the media has to do, in order to destroy a targeted group, is to slowly administer lies (poison) about them. All that was required for the media to destroy the Black image was to publicly connect them, even if it is through intricate stratagem, to something negative--something the masses will reject. The media controllers met this objective by administering lies and negative labels and misinformation about it's Black population. Such as seen where of which Blacks are often inaccurately depicted as the largest recipients of welfare and as America's largest contributors of crime. What also happens, by applying these negative labels upon Black populations, is that you freeze, isolate, and polarize that group. You make them out to look like they are part of a dangerous, scary, and insane fringe. This process is otherwise known in history as "group character assassination. Never mind if it is true or not, simply to make the association is sufficient. Even if it is not true, it will leave a dark cloud of doubt in the mind of the recipients receiving the information. This tactic of mass psychological manipulation is referred to as the "Guilt by Association" method. This is why slander is so effective in destroying enemies. In the case of Black people this false (black degrading) reality is being covertly crafted, reinforced, and applied daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. It is being done in the public forum on full display.
So often when ever the white controlled media's credibility is brought into question we see journalists reacting," saying how dare should they be questioned " as if they belonged to some privileged group directly connected to a Divine stream of ultimate truth. However being an individual that uses "qualitative methods of research" I know very well how every bit of research made by any human being is always tainted at some level with some bias. It is no different within the media. In the media, even a well-intentioned journalist is affecting his message in some form. The media officials will never come out and admit that they do this but this is entirely true. .They are accountable to no one. No one! They are free to target and therefore destroy any group or individual they choose. Sometimes these tactics are outrageously blatant and sometimes it is covert.
I have endeavored to share just some of the tactics of psychological manipulation of mass thinking. Most reading this will easily recognize these. I don’t claim to provide an exhaustive list. .
Repetition Makes True
Incessant repetition of a lie registers as truth in the mind of the masses. Some of the most successful tyrants in history used repetitive propaganda to their advantage. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister said that if "You repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." This same tactic was used by Goebbels to foster a national consensual setting for Hitler's mistreatment of the European Jews.
Make the Devil Look Like God and God Like the Devil ( In this case make white look good and Black look bad)
Hitler himself said, "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." In this technique, the attacker makes himself look like a benefactor and savior. He twists the sides. Have you ever wondered why the media narcissistically loves to see themselves as the protectors and keepers of truth? It almost has religious indoctrination undertones, doesn’t it? In classical religious literature we are told that the Devil deceives and disguises himself as an angel of light. I call this, characteristically, the reversing of the poles by making black look like white and vice-versa
I don’t claim to have covered all aspects of the art of deceit as used in the media against Black people. These are only a few noted methods. I simply attempted to provide some of the more obvious typical forms of deceit used to psychologically manipulate the Black masses. What can we learn from this? Perhaps the biggest lesson could be that we must not be naïve.
We must discriminately keep awake and aware. We must always search for truth. We must be careful to avoid coming to hasty conclusions just because the "white experts" say it. It is a great quest but filled with "mind-fields". Be careful and beware.


Rising Star
America's covert racism

America's Covert white racism

Today's system of racism implemented against African Americans is by far the most detrimental and proficient method ever deployed and yet most African Americans are totally oblivious of it. For almost half a century, as means of maintaining its white dominance and control, the U.S. Government has secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda about its Black population.
The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of which African Americans are so inundated with of themselves, through a white controlled media, is a very carefully, and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is design to adversely manipulate and shape the minds and collective consciousness of African Americans -- corrupting Blacks sense of unity, cohesion, and reason -- thus fostering a national environment of where in which African Americans are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true danger is the proven method of affecting the unconscious mind through the usage of deception.
Here is a simplified example of how this method work. Let us imagine that a crew of people were out at sea aboard a massive ship and that this ship was being followed by another ship constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first noted ship's crew. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps even slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the crew receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves.
The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better.
This is precisely what is being deliberately done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics about themselves. Misinformation created by U.S. governmental agencies, and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, that are designed to frame the myth of Whites' racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population and mold the character of Black self-hatred thus pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It also conditions African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives.
This system of applied psychological conditioning provides a more socially acceptable means of maintaining white dominance and control by ensuring that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America. Moreover, it is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess. The evils of racism thrives best when its victims no longer recognizes the evil.


Rising Star
Oh shit!! Check this madness out!! Un-fuckin-believeable!!!

We've gotta research these think tanks these people use to do their dirty work!! It's all public record but they don't make it easy to research!!


Rising Star
Heroin isn't what you think it is!!

The war on drugs has to be looked at with different eyes!! Don't let the television paint a different picture in ur eyes and mind!! We are mislead on every level, from pre- K to 12 or even higher!!


Rising Star
Black Mind Control
U.S. Governments Black Mind Control

  1. Today, in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, the United States Government now conducts planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Its unrelenting objective of maintaining white dominance and control resulted in the U.S. Government using these same proven methods of strategic psychological manipulationof its Black population.
    When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of psychological manipulation that works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception, using the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.
    The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda of its Black population that are designed to corrupt African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason and to foster a consensual national environment of which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed.
    Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans.
    Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.
    Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of falsederogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the newsmedia, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television,press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients.
    The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to subject African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves-- while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. To the detriment of Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility.
    Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through the psychology mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, but for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalizedpsychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. Moreover, this type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact.
    This psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The constant, relentless bombardment with deplorably negative imagery of Black Americans , which the general population is inundated with throughout the media is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is being actually done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designedto discourage miscegenation, makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to theirplight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
    When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercestand effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatmentof African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
    This concept of the U.S government using psychology as a weapon to influence and control its Black population is not at all ridiculous. This system of applied psychological conditioning is indeed directly derived from those mind-conditioning programs and systems developed by the federal government. These systems were already perfected by members of the U.S. military and were then turned over to the intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector, in turn, deliberately and successfully undertook to have this same kind of highly negative, destructive and effective conditioning applied to targeted group and society as a whole.
    Furthermore, more than a century ago, Charles Darwin predicted in his book, "The Origin of Species" (1859) "the evolutionary theory would one day provide a new foundation for the science of psychology." The truth in his words where realized when the science of psychology, through the methods of propaganda techniques was codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain . The war propaganda campaign of Lippman and Bernays produced such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently impress America ’s governmental elites with the potential of large-scale propaganda to control public opinion. Edward Bernays coined the terms "group mind" and "engineering consent", important concepts in practical propaganda work.. Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda, that; "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. The current public relations industry is a direct outgrowth of Lippman's and Bernays' work and is still used extensively by the United States government.
    Over time the techniques increased in their sophistication as modern advances in the understanding of the genetics of social behavior ushered in Sociobiology; a controversial new science of the biological study of social behavior of humans. Since the 1950's, U.S. experimental psychologists and Cognitive scientists have developed ideas about the unconscious mental process that proposes that most of our mental processes happen outside of our awareness suggesting that the ability to control the behavior of people around us subconsciously is now a distinct possibility. Moreover, over the past five decades, human sociobiology has transformed into an evolutionary psychology that has gained science the means and ability to control and, therefore, predict the actions and feelings of individuals or groups merely by the messages conveyed against them. According to this controversial use of psychology, the human mind is the most extraordinary part of the human body, and there seems to be little doubt, wrote biologist David Barash, "that the unconscious is real and that in certain obscure ways the forces of culture are all-powerful in shaping human behavior. Advances in these studies resulted in governments using psychology as a weapon for maintaining White dominance.
    This effectiveness of the usage of the psychology of deceit to profoundly influenced and control individuals and mass groups was made obvious as a result of one of the most infamous mistakes in history. It happened on Oct. 30, 1938, when millions of Americans tuned in to a popular radio program that featured a plays directed by, and starring, Orson Welles. The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds, about a Martian invasion of the earth. But in adapting the book for a radio play, Welles made an important change: under his direction the play was written and performed so it would sound like a news broadcast about an invasion from Mars, a technique that, presumably, was intended to heighten the dramatic effect. News of the panic was conveyed as a via genuine news report. As the audience listened to this simulation of news broadcast, created with voice acting and sound effects, a portion of the audience concluded that it was hearing an actual news account of an invasion from Mars. This quickly generated immense scare. People packed the roads, hid in cellars, loaded guns, fought among themselves, even wrapped their heads in wet towels as protection from Martian poison gas, in an attempt to defend themselves against aliens, oblivious to the fact that they were acting out the role of the panic-stricken public that actually belonged in a radio play. These people listening to the false broadcast were taken in by the totally false accounts and became confused, disarray and distrusting of their neighbors even resulting in immense violence. This example proves and demonstrated more potently than any argument, that beyond a question of a doubt, the enormous effectiveness of the media at affecting masses of people.
    Furthermore, according to researcher Mack White, Psychologist Dr. Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, (1939). This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Dr. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University 's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing. Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton . Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril and Rockefeller money assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center , the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been fully established.
    Given the preceded noted history and facts, clearly then connecting these dots should be made rather easy. Furthermore, the objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need. It was the logical choice—because it covertlyprovides the U.S. Government the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among its Black population that meet the U.S government objectives of maintaining its white dominance. Furthermore, history overwhelmingly demonstrates that the White race’s innate proclivity for racism, control, and dominance is much too deeply ingrained for them to just merely give up their practices of implementing suppressive methods over its African American population. The records of history show that the reincarnation of suppressive methods into forms more acceptable to the changing times is a common practice of the United States government as seen after the abolishment of slavery wherein its methods of using racist, oppressive treatment of its Black population was reincarnated into Jim Crow laws. And let us not forget the many sorts of devious strategies and methods used to prevent Blacks from becoming registered voters. The historic and demonstrative evidence overwhelmingly reflects the reality that the U.S. government does manifest a proclivity for reinventing devious methods to suppress its Black population. This proclivity has led to the U.S. Government now using its proven method of psychological operations to control the advancement and growth of its Black population. It was the next logical choice for it provides the Government the benefit of the appearance of conducting humanitarian efforts to help its Black community while covertly seeking only to maintain its White dominance.​


Rising Star
This vid shows how these think tanks come up with this madness!! We have been infiltrated!!! We have got to research Operation Paperclip!! Those Nazi's that came here after WW2 and continued doing the same experiments they were doing in Germany!! Pure madness!!!



Rising Star
A Black people being divided and distracted

Dividing and distracting African Americans

You are here because you know something, what you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life; that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is but its there, like a splinter in your mind…

A Short summary of the real racist Black Matrix
By Franklin G. Jones

We African Americans must continue the long march of our parents. A march for a more just, and equal society. However we cannot solve the challenges of our time while always responding to deplorably negative statistics and information about ourselves that are being totally compiled by whites-- which we can in fact neither confirm, nor refute. This unfair arraignment has always given white America the ability to define Black America before the entire world and the power to profoundly manipulate Black self perception.

[The white elites have always been cognizant of this powerful position and ability and have always secretly used it to their advantage]

Through their corporate owned and government controlled media outlets, it is the white ruling elites that gives the world the image of Black America. Their perpetuated depictions have expressed a profoundly distorted view of African Americans. A view that sees their white racism as no longer a significant problem in America; that revises the past to conveniently make themselves appear less inhumane through out our history; and that elevates what is wrong with Black America above all that we know is right with Black America. Their portrayal of Black America is one that ignores all facts that conflict with their own racist conceptions and sees the endemic problems of Black America as rooted primarily with Blacks themselves, instead of emanating from their white racism.

These distorted views and its deplorable depictions of African Americans are more than just biased media reports they function as a psychosocial programs. A modern racist system that covertly uses the mass media as a tool for ensuring that its white dominance and control be maintained. And while less overt than in the past, their affects are very real and very powerful. The distorted views of Black America that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality not only conforms African Americans to the caricatures being peddled by many white conservative commentators, it also negatively defines Black America before the entire world and collectively negatively influences the self perceptions of Black America.

The convincible power of this media driven psychosocial campaign --that depicts whites as the standard of ethics and morale value despite a brutal history to the contrary and Blacks fraudulently as being all that’s wrong with America —is very powerful. Sadly it convinces many African Americans themselves to accept this frame of thought. It causes many to function as amnesiacs – forgetting the history of white barbarity while simultaneously developing profound admiration for whiteness and contempt for their Blackness. It is attributed to the lost of the unrivaled racial pride, unity and cohesion, and ambitious perseverance that were once the hall mark of Black American identity. The white media told us that Black unity and cohesion no longer existed and we accepted their fraudulent assessment of us thus making it our reality. [Our own negative experience with fellow Blacks then merely act as a confirmation to what is being implied to us through their media].

When we African American argue over the disparities within our communities we are in fact doing so over information which we can in fact neither confirm nor refute—given to us by whites. We African Americans in fact cannot even be certain of how many of us are there in America , because we’re relying upon whites to tell us that amount. They that have been telling us for decades that were still only 12% of the American population while in the same breath telling us that our rate of having babies is immorally much higher then theirs .

This psychosocial treatment also causes behavior among Blacks that can appear psychologically retarding. Those African Americans that accept this frame of thought given by the media-- now consumed by frustration, internalized racism and contempt towards their race –often vents their frustration against their own race. These groups then becomes engaged within a constant argument with the collective group. This media psychosocial treatment of African Americans causes Black disunity at a time when we need unity; it distracts us from solving real problems; increases self loathing at a time when we need to come together to face the complicity in our condition--especially now in the face of a falling economy. It prevents the African-American community from forging the alliances it needs to bring about real change.

I am aware that because most African Americans are unfamiliar with this media deployed psychosocial method of exercising white racism, therefore many will find it too difficult to contemplate. Nevertheless, it is directly intertwined with the extensive challenges negatively impacting Black America today.
I am also aware that there will be some that will see this article as a wrongful attempt to absolve the black race of all of our own responsibilities-suggesting that we all ignore all statistics and live our lives vicariously. I can assure you it is not.

But clearly most of us will agree that if we are to solve our problems that there must be gained unity among us. A much needed unity that is being deliberately prevented by this massive media's psychosocial treatment of us that subjects us to seeing only the fraudulent worst within our selves thus divides us as a mean of holding on to its white powers.

We will never be able to come together and solve our many challenges as long as our existence is being defined to us by whites. For as long as the power to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Black people remains in the hands of whites they will always deem it necessary to transmit those information that perpetuates their whites superiority over we Blacks.
They will always give to us the fraudulent data that suggest that Blacks cannot govern themselves as a means of keeping its Black population accepting white dominance and white institutions over their lives. [This is even being done in the way that Africa is portrayed to African Americans.]
As long as it is whites that are controlling the societal score board, it will remain we Blacks that are on the losing team.
Although we African Americans now have different incomes, educational levels and affiliations, we must stay cognizant of the fact that America does still harbors deep-seated racial biases. And that if we are ever to obtain our common hopes for a better tomorrow we must recognize that the prospect for this better tomorrow remains grim as long as it is whites that are defining and manipulated us Blacks.

This modern system of covert white racism that uses the mass media as a tool for ensuring that its white dominance and control be maintained will continue to be used by the white ruling elites regardless of whom is sitting in the white house. We should not allow ourselves to be made delusional by the historically and wonderful cadency of Senator Barrack Obama. For it is greatly likely that if he is allowed to win it will be more about restoring America ’s eroding global image and standing in the world, rather than bringing equality to us African Americans. Senator Obama himself has stated that ; “I have never been so naive as to believe that we can get beyond our racial divisions in a single election cycle, or with a single candidacy”.

History affirms that white America has never easily retired its system used to maintain its white dominance and control over its Black population. I believe this is an issue that we can no longer ignore. To merely ignore this disclosure and label it as misguided or even reverse racism, without recognizing that it is grounded in legitimate concerns would be a monumental mistake.

Although this literature references African Americans, much of what is discussed is applicable to African people throughout the world.

To learn more and see just how deep that the rabbit hole really goes visit go conduct and Internet Search under The Black Matrix By Franklin Jones or you can instead take red pill and forget ever thing that you've read.


Rising Star
Social Engineering

Social engineering is the attempt to shape the public's perception or behavior, influence the direction of social trends, or shape political policy. Social engineering has only really been possible as a scientific endeavor starting in the 20th century with advances in social science, cognitive science, psychology, and also the mass communication technology needed to subtly disseminate the desired message. Television is without question the most powerful and pervasive form of this technology. Think tanks are often quoted in televised and print news as if they represent the opinion of an impartial panel of experts, but the fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of think tanks promote a right-wing agenda. Only a handful are Democratic and virtually none can be called truly left-wing.The Internet, through websites like this and through other means, offers the possibility of sharing alternate narratives about our past, present, and future.

- The Office of War Information is created to consolidate U.S. propaganda efforts both at home and abroad.

1943 - Norman Rockwell's painting "Rosie the Riveter" appears on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. It is inspired by a Redd Evans song which came out the previous year. J. Howard Miller's "We Can Do It!" poster, commonly misidentified as Rosie the Riveter, is released around the same time. Both images, as well as the song, are designed as war propaganda, but later come to be identified with the feminist movement.

- The Tavistock Institute is launched. Officially a British charity concerned with psychology, the institute has long been scrutinized as a source of social engineering, mass psychology, and propaganda in the Western World.

1946 - The Libertarian think tank Foundation for Economic Education is formed.

- The RAND Corporation is founded by the Douglas Aircraft Company to act as a think tank for the United States armed forces.

1948 - The CIA begins a domestic media-manipulation campaign which will later become known as Operation Mockingbird. The operation involves buying off journalists to present the CIA's propaganda as fact as well as funding student and cultural organizations.

1948 - William Donovan and Allen Dulles help to create the anti-communist American Committee on United Europe. It will channel funds into many organizations which will play large roles in the creation of the European Union.

1949 - Through a front called the National Committee for a Free Europe, the CIA sets up Radio Free Europe to broadcast pro-capitalist propaganda to Soviet-bloc and Middle Eastern countries.

1950 - The first Committee on the Present Danger is convened. It acts both to influence foreign policy in a more militaristic direction and to manipulate public opinion in support of military interventions. Key figures include Dean Acheson, Paul Nitze, and Tracy Voorhees.

1950 - The Aspen Institute is formed to develop the leadership style of political and social luminaries. It is primarily funded by the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brother Fund, and the Ford Foundation. Board members over the years include a number of powerful political insiders including Madeline Albright, David Gergen, David Koch, and Condoleezza Rice.

1950 - The CIA finances the creation of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, an anti-communist advocacy group. The CCF attacks communist artists like poet Pablo Neruda while promoting American modern art and an array of musical productions in an attempt to show that America is a cultural mecca while the Soviet Union is artistically sterile and repressive.

1953 - President Eisenhower launches a propaganda campaign on nuclear power with a speech entitled "Atoms for Peace". The campaign serves to promote the nuclear industry, enhance the ideological battle against Russia, and cover for the American nuclear arms build-up. American Machine and Foundry will sell both Pakistan and Iran their first nuclear reactors under this program.

1954 - The phrase "under God" is added to the pledge of allegiance by a joint resolution of Congress.

1955 - The Foreign Policy Research Institute is founded. It advocates a militant anti-communist position. Notable early participants include Hans Kohn, Henry Kissinger, and James Schlesinger. Following the end of the Cold War, the War on Terror becomes its primary focus.

1955 - Disneyland opens.

1956 - "In God we trust" is adopted as the official motto of the United States.

1957 - Ayn Rand publishes Atlas Shrugged, laying out the foundations of Objectivism.

1958 - The American Security Council Foundation is founded. The think tank promotes a strategy of "peace through strength," and will be highly influential in Cold War foreign policy, particularly during the Reagan administration.

1959 - The Barbie Doll is launched.

1961 - The right-wing Hudson Institute think tank is founded.

1961 - The Atlantic Council think tank is established to promote globalist policies. Its board includes numerous political heavyweights including Henry Kissinger, James Schlesinger, R. James Woolsey, Dov Zakheim, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

1962 - The Ripon Society, a right-wing think tank, is founded.

1962 - The Center for Strategic and International Studies, a foreign policy think tank, is formed. Notable board members include Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William Cohen, and Brent Snowcroft.

1963 - The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is formed. It will become one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the country.

1964 - The Warren Commission issues their report which concludes that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK and Jack Ruby acted alone in killing Oswald. Prominent within the Commission is Allen Dulles, the man Kennedy removed from his top post at the CIA, and immediately following the release of the report, CIA mockingbirds begin to popularize the phrase "conspiracy theorist" as a derogatory term for those who question the Commission's findings.

1964 - The right-wing Philadelphia Society think tank is formed.

1965 - Most silver coins in the U.S. are phased out and replaced with substantially less valuable copper and nickel versions.

- Ken Kesey carries out the first psychedelic "acid tests".

1968 - The right-wing Reason Foundation think tank is established.

1968 - Pro-war film The Green Berets is released. It received funding and support from the Pentagon following a request to President Johnson [33] from director and star John Wayne [33].

1969 - The National Republican Heritage Groups Council is formed. It is a haven for Nazi émigrés from Eastern Europe, and is intended to serve as a far-right voting bloc. Several lead figures from this group will serve in George Bush's 1988 presidential campaign.

1971 - The gold standard is ended in the United States, coupled with other economic measures known as the Nixon Shock.

1973 - David Rockefeller founds the Trilateral Commission to foster cooperation between North America, Western Europe, and Japan.

1973 - Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is founded.

1974 - The Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank, is formed.

1974 - The Fusion Energy Foundation is created to promote nuclear power and scientific research. It is accused of being a front for the LaRouche Movement and is eventually forced into bankruptcy by legal proceedings.

1976 - Helen Schucman publishes A Course in Miracles, a supposedly channeled message which is influential in the New Age movement. Around the time she is hearing a voice in her head she is also working closely with William Thetford, who was heading MKULTRA Subproject 130.

1976 - The Libertarian think tank Foundation for Rational Economics and Education is formed.

1976 - The Rockford Institute, a conservative think tank, is founded.

1976 - The second Committee on the Present Danger is convened.

1977 - Conservative NGO Focus on the Family is founded.

1977 - A think tank called the Center for Public Justice is formed for the purpose of attempting to impose Christian values on American political policy.

1977 - A hoax documentary called Alternative 3 is aired on British television. The faux-documentary alleges that the Earth is becoming uninhabitable and, as a result, the American and Soviet governments have colluded to set up a colony on Mars with a way station on Earth's moon. Immediately after the conclusion of the show, the station airing it is flooded with calls from panicked citizens who believed it to be real.

1978 - An economic think-tank called the Group of Thirty is created with financing and direction from the Rockefeller Foundation.

1978 - A Libertarian think tank called the Manhattan Institute for Public Policy is founded by Antony Fisher and soon-to-be CIA Director William Casey.

1978 - The Institute for Historical Review is founded by white-supremacists David McCalden and Willis Carto. It will grow into the world's leading Holocaust denial organization.

1979 - A conservative think tank called The Claremont Institute is founded.

1979 - Pro-war film The Great Santini is released with support and funding from the Pentagon.

1980 - The Mercatus Center, a free-market, anti-regulation think tank is founded. It is funded by foundations, individual donations, and businesses like Koch Industries and ExxonMobil.

1980 - The Confederation of the Associations for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas (CAUSA), an anti-communist education organization, is formed by members of the Unification Church under direction from Sun Myung Moon.

1981 - War-comedy film Stripes is released with Pentagon support and funding. There is a surge in recruitment in the year which follows.

1982 - The American Foreign Policy Council, a conservative think tank, is established.

1982 - The Ludwig von Mises Institute, a libertarian think tank, is established.

1982 - The Federalist Society, a conservative law think tank, is established.

1982 - Pennies are devalued in the U.S. by changing their composition from copper to zinc.

1983 - The National Center for Policy Analysis, a right-wing think tank, is formed.

1983 - The National Endowment for Democracy is created as a soft power projection of American interests.

1984 - The Jamestown Foundation is created to promote anti-Soviet propaganda, allegedly with help from the CIA. Zbigniew Brzezinski serves on its board for some time.

1984 - The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian think tank, is founded.

1984 - The Heartland Institute, a right-wing advocacy organization, is founded. They will become best known for their work for the tobacco lobby, fracking companies, and a campaign comparing those who believe in global warming to the Unabomber, Charles Manson, Fidel Castro, and Osama bin Laden.

1985 - The Independence Institute, a Libertarian think tank, is formed.

1986 - The Economic Policy Institute, one of only a handful of liberal think tanks, is founded.

1986 - The Independent Institute, a libertarian think tank, is founded.

1986 - The film Top Gun is released with Pentagon support and financing. Applications for positions as Naval Aviators subsequently jump by 500%.

1987 - The FCC ends the Fairness Doctrine, a policy which had required news agencies to present controversial public issues in an honest and balanced manner.

1987 - The James Madison Institute, a conservative think tank, is founded. Jeb Bush serves on its board for some time.

1988 - The Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, a right-wing think tank, is founded.

1988 - The Goldwater Institute, a right-wing think tank, is founded.

1988 - The Council of Conservative Citizens, a right-wing and white nationalist organization, is formed.

1989 - The Progressive Policy Institute, a moderate Democratic think tank, is founded.

1990 - Public support for an invasion of Iraq is ambivalent until the widely publicized testimony of "Nurse Nayirah" who describes seeing Iraqi soldiers take premature babies from their incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital and leave them to die. Nayirah, whose full identity it is said must be kept secret for the safety of her family, turns out to be the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter. Her entire story is fake, and she has received coaching from the U.S. public relations firm Hill & Knowlton, for which they are paid $10 million.

1990 - Concerned about the impact that images of dead soldiers and civilians had on the American public during the Vietnam War, the Pentagon carries out a campaign to restrict and censor media coverage of the Gulf War as described in a memo titled "Annex Foxtrot".

1990 - On September 11th, before a Joint Session of Congress, President Bush lays out his vision for a new world order.

1990 - The Acton Institute, a conservative think tank, is founded.

1991 - The Employment Policies Institute, a right-wing think tank, is founded.

1991 - The Milken Institute, a market think tank, is founded by Michael Milken, the billionaire who largely invented high-yield bonds (junk bonds) and who pled guilty in 1990 to various financial crimes.

1992 - The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is created by accused pedophile Peter Freyd and his wife. The organization invents the term "false memory syndrome" and, despite the lack of scientific recognition of any such syndrome, launches a major PR campaign to discredit not only their own child, but children across the country who have accused either their parents or institutions of abusing them. The organization gains thousands of members, mostly other accused pedophiles.

1993 - The James Baker Institute is founded. Officially a non-partisan think tank, it hosts the Chevron Excellence in Leadership Energy Lecture Series, the Shell Distinguished Lecture Series, and for some years awards the Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service.

1993 - Philip Morris creates the Advancement of Sound Science Center to circulate misinformation intended to counter the recent EPA classification of second-hand smoke as a carcinogen, and to lobby in Congress on behalf of the tobacco industry.

1994 - The Discovery Institute, a conservative Christian think tank, is formed for the primary purpose of promoting Creationism in science classes in public high schools.

1994 - The Center for the National Interest (originally the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom), a right-wing think tank, is formed.

1996 - The New Democrat Network, a centrist Democratic think tank, is formed.

1997 - The Project for the New American Century, a neoconservative think tank, is founded. One year before the 9/11 attacks, they will publish a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defences which calls for a massive military build up and an invasion of the Middle East and Central Asia to secure oil and gas reserves. The document notes that the American people are unlikely to support such an intervention "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a new Pearl Harbor".

1997 - The military-science fiction television series Stargate SG-1 is released with support from the Pentagon. The plot of the show centers around interactions with aliens once worshiped as gods by the Ancient Egyptians. Strangely, the military and intelligence community had recently concluded a multi-decade project called Stargate which tested the possibility of using various psychic powers for military purposes. A significant figure in the Stargate project was a man named Andrija Puharich who believed he was in contact with alien entities once worshiped as gods in Ancient Egypt.

1999 - The Center for Economic and Policy Research, a progressive think tank, is founded. It will be one of only a few groups to accurately predict the collapse of the housing bubble and subsequent recession in the mid-to-late-2000's.

1999 - The International Intellectual Property Institute is formed as a think tank which promotes and supports the enforcement of corporate patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.

2000 - Demos, a liberal think tank, is created.

2001 - The film Black Hawk Down is released with Pentagon support.

2002 - The aptly named film The Sum of All Fears is released with Pentagon support. The plot of the film centers around the danger of weapons of mass destruction falling into the wrong hands just as the Bush administration is ramping up its bogus PR campaign about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

2003 - The Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, is formed.

2004 - The Third Committee on the Present Danger convenes to plan a PR strategy for the War on Terror.

2004 - The Streit Council, a globalist think tank, is formed.

2005 - The National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, is formed.

2005 - The military-science fiction film Stealth is released with Pentagon support.

2006 - The National Security Network, a liberal foreign policy think tank, is formed.

2006 - The film United 93, dramatizing some of the events of 9/11, is released.

2007 - The film Transformers is released. This film and subsequent films in the series paint the U.S. military in a glowing light and receive considerable support from the Pentagon.

2007 - The Center for a New American Security, a think tank focused on terrorism, is formed.

2007 - The Foundation for Excellence in Education, a right-wing think tank chaired by Jeb Bush, is founded.

2007 - The Institute for the Study of War, a pro-war think tank, is formed.

2007 - Programmer Virgil Griffith releases a free program called WikiScanner. The program shows that Wikipedia is being heavily edited by government agencies including the CIA, and major corporations including news agencies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thread should be on the front page.

the profane won’t like this because it makes them realize their whole life has been a lie.

the sad part is that instead of admitting they were lied to and believed it but vow to get better, they continue to live the lie and call the truth tellers that they are the fools.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this is why I’m against the two-party system that the ignorant voters of this country define their identity by. Blue vs. Red. Like a gang.

Why is that? Because the shadow government is the one that is really in charge, also known as the deep state government, “illuminati”, the Cabal, or a variety of other names.

People don’t even know America is not a country but a corporation and all of these world leaders (Trump, Boris Johnson, Putin, Xi Jinping) all report to the Pope of the Vatican.

The Social Engineering of Black People

The Social Engineering of Black People by Secret white Governments

Social Engineering of Black People by Secret U.S Government.

The American government has a secret element within it. This secret element equates to being a secret government concealed within an existing government. This covert government is secretly committed to ensuring that America’s white dominance and control is maintained –regardless of who is actually President. Moreover, it has secretly developed classified programs for meeting this racist agenda, and is actively working in communities across America implementing it.

This secret government has been covertly working behind the scene to ensure the continuance of America’s white dominance and control for the last several decades. This secret government is engaged in social engineering by way of mass media manipulation. It is engaged in domestic operations across America that is changing and shaping the American society into what it believes America should look like.

The secret government has been in the business of creating propaganda that perpetuates white superiority and racially devalues other targeted groups. Government agents who are implementing this secret government's agenda are using the media’s proven mass manipulating capabilities to carry out their missions. Those government agents who specialize in psychiatry, propaganda, and social engineering analyze surveillance information gathered about the targeted group. Decisions are then made on which fraudulent stories to produce to best negatively define and engender certain psychological feelings within the targeted group. The secret government then creates fraudulent news report, hoaxes and deplorably negative statistics about the targeted group. These false deplorable depictions, stories and news reports about the targeted group are then displayed on news reports across America. These depictions are deliberately designed to garner certain psychological feelings among the targeted group that benefits the secret governments agenda of maintaining the U.S. white dominance and control.

By subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves, the negative propaganda causes disunity, division and self hatred among the targeted groups. It also implies that they trust and respect only whites. This psychosocial program/technology provides the secret government with a very sophisticated and covert method of controlling the targeted group.

The next stage of the government's operation against the targeted group will be the attack stage. The government agents will use the deplorable depictions gathered about the targeted group to justify their mistreatment or to make others insensitive to their plight. After several years of this negative psychosocial program about the targeted group, the American public after hearing and seeing these stories will have their opinions formed regarding the targeted group. The American people will be convinced that the mistreatment of the targeted group is not only justified, but is also absolutely necessary. The secret Government creates fear and hatred towards the group. Then it will use this fear and hatred the American people feel to deliberately foster a national consensual setting for the mistreatment of the targeted group. This is what mass manipulation experts refer to as engineered consent. Hitler’s Propaganda experts implemented the same program against the Jews as a precursor to the gas chambers.
This mass manipulation technology is a very sophisticated method of control. Furthermore it is the same classified technology used against foreign adversaries. The technology was developed to protect national security and is now secretly being used domestically to defend the white race’s position of power and dominance against its growing minority group. This mass media driven psychosocial program goes completely undetected by the group targeted. However its effects are detrimentally real and very proficient at adversely effecting the self perceptions of the targeted groups. The targeted group will never know they are being mass manipulated and socially engineered (programmed) to hate themselves. Most people who have been victims of this social engineering remain totally oblivious of it even when it is destroying their lives. Some have bought into the conditioning so much that they have disdain for those who are determined to break free from the this psychosocial program. Since these methods of socially engineering mass populations are classified, no one locally to the targeted group will understand it or believe it is being used against the targeted group. Basically if this classified mass manipulation program is used against a group, they have no way to detect it or anyone to report the unethical activity to.The secret government's agents operate above the law. In the eyes of federal, state, and local law enforcement, this technology doesn't exist. Groups targeted by the secret government agents are on their own.

Although most Blacks will never suspect that government agents are doing this to them, this mass manipulation program is deplored most tenaciously against America’s Black population. America’s Black communities are covertly targeted by the secret government in order to ensure that white dominance and control is continued.
Black people are seeing through lenses that have been deliberately assigned to them by white social engineering experts. They are being conditioned to hate themselves and to admire only whites through a deliberately designed psychosocial program. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so subjected to throughout the U.S. media is a deliberately applied psychosocial program. It deliberately inundates its Black population with fraudulent misinformation that perpetuates and frames the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, intellectual and ethical superiority. It is a covert and sophisticated system of ensuring the continuance of White racial hierarchy by way of mass manipulation that shapes the minds and collective perceptions of its Black population by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves. It is an insidious method of control that misleads African Americans to believe that it is now themselves that are their own worst enemies and that therefore they require whites to govern over their lives. It uses the media’s proven mass manipulation abilities to divide and condition African Americans to accept white dominance over their lives. This psychosocial program is disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports. It is being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc. Furthermore, it is the most detrimentally proficient racist system ever deplored against African Americans because most remain totally oblivious of its existence.
This concept of manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. To the detriment of many African Americans this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche engenders feelings of self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It also develops profound feelings of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It totally detaches African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion and also totally detaches them from their sense of power and reality while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.
This method of control provides America’s secret government with a more socially acceptable means of ensuring the continuance of its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily recognized. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern system is more covertly deplored and works from a psychological perspective.
This massive psychosocial program also creates a national climate that is insensitive to the plight of African Americans —thus fostering a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily mistreated and suppressed. This psychosocial program’s distorted deplorable depiction of African Americans changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. This creates a shift of victimization—in favor of whites-- that engenders acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today.
This produces false justifications for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, this mass media psychological manipulation campaign meets this need—because it covertly manipulates the self perceptions of African Americans and creates a national climate that allows the government to consensually suppress the advancement of its African American population-thus maintaining its White racial dominance and control.
Most African Americans have no idea of the influence the secret American government has had on their lives. I wonder what would these people do if they discovered that their perceptions were the result of the secret government's social engineering? This posting has only mentioned a few of the social engineering programs orchestrated by the secret American government against its Black population over the decades. It's unknown how the African American people would react if they discovered how they were manipulated over the decades. What is known is that in order for those who have been misled to begin to see “correctly”, they must have a clear, analytical understanding of the origin, strategies, mechanics, purpose and methods of the device that has blinded them in the first place. Therefore it is imperative that this email is forwarded. Please post this information in other newsgroups and lists.Thank You.
“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it you then really begin to die


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Council on Foreign Relations:

This think tank is one of the factions within the shadow government and ALL of these people are plants for pushing the agenda of the cabalists and globalists. A little background:

Pay close attention to the names on this list as I’m sure you are familiar with quite a few and notice how many different industries they are part of, spreading lies and misinformation to carry out an agenda that is destructive to the masses:



Rising Star
This is a part of history that gets washed from all the history books!! Every copper color person should know about these Operation run by this country. These Operation were used and continue to be used on our people to this day!! Watch the video it's interesting!!

Everyone knows why they call the projects, the projects right??? If you didn't know, because they were/are a PROJECT!!!?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“There will never be another Black Messiah unless we create him.”
— J. Edgar Hoover

brotha - the masses don’t even know most of their favorite athletes, entertainers, politicians and other celebrities are all Project Monarch programmed or Manchurian Candidates but these posters think they know these “stars” because they see them on TV... LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
did you read that the last 4 presidents were part of the Council on Foreign Relations? Both Democrat and Republican?

Maybe they will wake up soon.

On another note, the profane and 2 Dimensional Thinkers of BGOL continue to avoid this thread like the plague.


Rising Star
brotha - the masses don’t even know most of their favorite athletes, entertainers, politicians and other celebrities are all Project Monarch programmed or Manchurian Candidates but these posters think they know these “stars” because they see them on TV... LOL

Bruh, I posted a reply on celebrity worshipping and I questioned one of these celebrities that has Covid-19. Man, you would've thought I had said something about their family. I'm surprised how these celebrities have a stranglehold on sum people.. I don't get it, I understand how the tv and media can start or control a culture or people.

I'm going to keep posting these articles on how this colony has done things in the past.. Maybe 3 Kat's might snap outta trance..


Rising Star
did you read that the last 4 presidents were part of the Council on Foreign Relations? Both Democrat and Republican?

Maybe they will wake up soon.

On another note, the profane and 2 Dimensional Thinkers of BGOL continue to avoid this thread like the plague.

X, that CFR article is says alot.. Easy to read and decode!! I don't understand how people overlook that madness.. Anyway, these think tanks have done a number on our people. And you can trace the madness back following the television programming and number of channels.. But getting the masses to see the danger of the television, is impossible!!