The twin and the this sister were on a reality tv show with other ex members of groups trying to rehatch their careers and shit.
I used to read the "word Up" magazines and all they would talk about was these girls,Immature,Usher and a few other groups,very little articles but mostly pictures and shit.And they were saying that the twin that passed had lupus and after almost dying from it and getting it under control the medications destroyed her kidneys so she needed a transplant and she became a spokes person for that cause,she got a transplant and was on the road to recovery and rehursing with the group again 702 but was setback again do to complication from lupus but this time wasn't much that could be done but making her as comfortable as possible.
Also her and RayJ were a couple for many years and I'm mentioning that because after they had broke up he still was paying for her medical bills because she became sick while they were dating.