Presidential debate with MrNoGood


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
President Trump did not build the ‘greatest’ US economy in history
According to a report by, “over the last 39 years, the real GDP has reached or exceeded Trump’s peak year of 3% a total of 17 times.”



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
What kind of meeting goes on at midnight?
It was not midnight... It was planning meeting for a wedding. We looked
at the budget, the venue, the DJ, the catering, we are getting close to
the day, and we have a lot of shit to be done. The meeting was from
8-9:30, but it went well way over...People arrived late; etc etc


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

What you need to know

– Trump and Biden debated the climate crisis, COVID-19 and foreign interference in US elections on Thursday – The rules were recently changed so candidates had two minutes of uninterrupted time to begin each segment, followed by an open discussion and debate – The debate was moderated by NBC News’ Kristen Welker – Journalists fact-checked claims made by both Trump and Biden throughout the debate
