President Biden Refuses To Take Blame For Inflation Being Out Of Control


Rising Star
OG Investor
So basically this guy doesn't understand anything at all.

Trillions were spent before Biden stepped foot in office. That's in addition to low interest rates causing a feeding frenzy in the housing market.

"all our money going to foreigners instead of the American people"

Not only is this guy an idiot sounding like a Fox News personality, but he's also talking out of both sides of his mouth. Part of the spending that Biden did was a direct stimulus to Americans...

He also said that if Biden gets another four years, inflation will be at 20%. Not even the folks at Fox Business would say anything that stupid.

Just because he has a microphone and youtube channel does not mean that his insights are important or relevant.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
1. Reduce the number of dollars in circulation.
2. Increase rates and make money more expensive
3. Massively raise taxes on multinational corporations.
That's all? That certainly would not cause a uproar, affect the stock market, probably destroy any chance of getting re-elected.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
1. Reduce the number of dollars in circulation.
2. Increase rates and make money more expensive
3. Massively raise taxes on multinational corporations.


Rising Star
OG Investor
1. Reduce the number of dollars in circulation.
2. Increase rates and make money more expensive
3. Massively raise taxes on multinational corporations.

1. The Fed has been doing that for two years straight. They've reduced their balance sheet by nearly two trillion dollars.

2. You mean like this?


3. The president needs congress to raise taxes. There's a party called the republican party that would block any and every attempt at this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honest question....cause I can't say I'm the most knowledgeable when it comes to Corp taxes....but wouldn't #3 have to start in congress and make it's way to the president's desk? Or could he do that as exec order?

#2 Fed is already doing (when I'm needing to buy a car unfortunately).


1. Reduce the number of dollars in circulation.
2. Increase rates and make money more expensive
3. Massively raise taxes on multinational corporations.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
1. The Fed has been doing that for two years straight. They've reduced their balance sheet by nearly two trillion dollars.

2. You mean like this?


3. The president needs congress to raise taxes. There's a party called the republican party that would block any and every attempt at this.

Bruh, to really make an impact, the Fed would need to raise rates by 1000 basis points in one quarter or more! You don't want to know what Reagan did to try to fix the economy, even though he is heralded as a hero.

I could go further, but I have a Latina I just smashed and probably gonna smash again.