Post funny BGOL fuckups/ignorance


Always Strive And Prosper
BGOL Investor








A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
What about the guy that got into a fight with the pregnant lady on the bus, and then said that he may be charged with a "Mr. Meaner"? Or the other cat that said that dudes be putting women on a "petal stool"? :smh::lol::lol:


Rising Star
Petal stool nigga? Really?

from this post

all you dudes thinking this shit is funny i dont think so. i know im not the only who thought they met a female who you thought was a woman and she turned out to be a hoe! she is the cool ,type really cool, has a job, in school, really smart, don't ask me for shit.

why you guys act like you 1st off you thought bitches aint shit??? what are you dudes in your 40's? im 23yrs old and i've fucked a gang of women in my life but i knew from the gate that they weren't shit. but i got got and i thought she was different but this chick is just a regular hoe.

i was picking this chick up from school, dropping her off at work, taking her out and we were having a good time. i even shared my bed with her and i slept on the couch because i didn't want her to feel like i was just after the pussy. its called being a gentleman. boy was i wrong.

come to find out i know 2 niggas that done ran thru the bitch and she finally confessed to me that she is still fucking her ex boyfriend.:smh::smh::smh: so i was a plan b to this bitch.... yup... told me she still had feeling for the nigga but they are not boyfriend and girlfriend..:hmm:

i was mad ass hell when she told me that shit:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: i know that i cant own a woman pussy... the reason and the only reason i was mad was because i was disappointed in myself for dropping my guard. i automatically put this chick on a petal stool. :smh::smh::smh: i learned my lesson and learned it well...

true story :smh:


Rising Star
lord have mercy.. :smh::smh::smh:
Everyone is selfish. It's just not a tolerable trait in rich/wealthy people.

There are degrees of selfishness. The main point of the thread is that selfishness is greater among those who have the greatest capacity to be selfless.

huh? :confused: so if you someone out gives you then you are selfish? what kind of logic is that? anyone who gives anything should be considered generous. how can you lable someone selfish just because someone else gave a bigger percentage?

No. I was acknowledging the aptly named poster QuestForWealth's point about selfishness being a trait in all people. Its true and its not necessarily a bad thing-- sometimes you have to think about yourself; most people would starve to death in a cold ditch if they did not.

But saying anyone who gives anything should be considered generous is absurd and renders the word meaningless. The very definition of generosity is "readiness or liberality in giving." Scrooge McDuck throwing a homeless man a penny does not amount to generosity.

we have different interpretations of the definition. to give is to freely transfer the possession of something. i feel if you willingly give then you are generous.

Many people give just to get... It doesn't matter at all to you who you're giving to or what you have to give?

As I said before, that definition renders the word meaningless. Can you name one person who is not generous by your standard? Everybody gives something at some point...

we are getting side tracked. we are talking about the original theme of this thread. anyone who gives to charity is generous regardless of their motives ( tax write off etc). it doesn't matter the percentage that they give. this was the point i was trying to make. the op is an idiot and a ftp. he's going on ignore.

Hold on, defend your point, don't just go back to restating what has already been written.

I asked a simple question: Can you name one person who is not generous by your standard?
In between all this, doglife claimed to be the most intelligent person on the board while debating da_snitch in the same thread.
How dare you question the most intellegent person on this board :rolleyes:
Next day:
Next day:
Dude ran from that question like a cockroach after a lightswitch got flipped...


Rising Star
Somebody posted this video last night... 8 minutes and seriously about 100 spelling errors.

"We just came because you got our attention."



:smh::lol: The grammar and spelling in this video would've been horrible even by the grade-level standards of the kids in the video.
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:lol:Yeah I remember that. I actually thought they were being sarcastic for a moment, but then I remembered, this is BGOL. :yes:Although there are a lot of sharp, enlightened, educated brothers on here, there are also a bunch of dense, ignorant, dumb cats too. :smh:

:eek: wait a min. that was real? oh shit i missed that thread.:eek: :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
ummmm actually if anyone reads that in full context, it's you who's the fool. i made a clear statement about my interpretation of the word generosity, and you followed it up with a question that makes no sense. how exactly is that debate relevant in this thread? i didn't fuck up at all, and there was no ignorance on my part whatsoever.... are you trying to expose yourself? :confused:
I linked to the debate... We were debating the meaning of a word, you claimed you had your own personal definition, I asked you a straight question that would prove your definition to be horseshit (of which your personal definition may be "honey"), all of a suden we were "getting side tracked" when you couldn't answer...

You can't save face, the ignorance is fully there for everyone to see... It's even more embarrassing if they click the link and see how you were bragging about "i'm one of the most intelligent, if not the most intelligent on this lame board. " before you got shut down...


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
u niggas are trying to find grammar mistakes on a message board???

have you ever tried to read a white message board????

man, go outside and get some air

this thread is ass


Rising Star
It's funny how the biggest idiots often think they are so smart.

Example #2, two posts, JUST FROM THE LAST TWO HOURS, from TheDynasty, who also claims to have a 173 IQ but regularly posts the stupidest shit on this board:

Why did you felt the need to post the original, sheep?


You really have no idea. Give a dog a little more room on his leach to explore and he will think he has the world in his hand not knowing that he is still in bondage.

When you try to insult someone you should probably spell your words correctly.

Now if you want to blame all the problems in the world on faceless conspiratorial groups that's fine but you sound absurd when you do it, given that it's an illogical, fatalistic, and nihilistic philosophy that removes all power from the populace.

He also had the dumbest thread I've ever seen about Will Smith admiring Hitler but that is unfortunately deleted...


Rising Star
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Rising Star
u niggas are trying to find grammar mistakes on a message board???

have you ever tried to read a white message board????

man, go outside and get some air

this thread is ass

Look at this dude getting sensitive on some racial shit... Who ever said it had anything to do with this being a black message board???

Of course, plenty of white people are stupid, some of the people being made fun of in this thread are probably white...

"at here"/"escape goat"/the attack on Georgia is funny (but sad) and has nothing to do with race... Maybe you're the one who needs some air, Alex?

Otis Supreme

BGOL Investor
What about the guy that got into a fight with the pregnant lady on the bus, and then said that he may be charged with a "Mr. Meaner"? Or the other cat that said that dudes be putting women on a "petal stool"? :smh::lol::lol:

:roflmao: nooooooooooooooo!


nigga said a "mr. meaner". :roflmao: does it get any dumber than that?

oh yeah it does. "petal stool". :roflmao:

u niggas are trying to find grammar mistakes on a message board???

have you ever tried to read a white message board????

man, go outside and get some air

this thread is ass

man its all in fun alex. ligten up homie. :lol:



Rising Star
Two threads later, look what I happen to see:

You damn right about that!

My pops has been on a kidney transplant list for over 2 years now. Dialysis 3x per week just to keep him up and running.

No fucking way they find a liver that fast because you just can't donate one like you would a kidney from a living donor.

You have to wait to find a damn near 90pt match who also happened to DIE in the last 24 hours!

Yeah, Jobs paid to get way up on the list or had some shit harvested for him.

i think you are mistaking. dialysis is given to those who have kidney failure. also i doubt your pops could survive with a failed liver for over 2 years. :confused:

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
you fucking idiot. that nigga edited his post. he originally said his pops was on the liver transplant list. if you could actually read, then you would've gathered that from my response to him. damn are you really that much on my dick? you must be another simp who's feelings i've hurt. keep trying nigga.... don't worry, you'll have plenty of other losers to give you momentum like that faggot dr truth.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What up doglife:lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
you fucking idiot. that nigga edited his post. he originally said his pops was on the liver transplant list. if you could actually read, then you would've gathered that from my response to him. damn are you really that much on my dick? you must be another simp who's feelings i've hurt. keep trying nigga.... don't worry, you'll have plenty of other losers to give you momentum like that faggot dr truth.

You see that little ">" that appears after the name of someone you've quoted? That's a link to the actual post. Anybody can click the link to Heist's post and see that it has never been edited or the can click the link next to your name and see that you have the full quoted material right above your response.



Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
you fucking idiot. that nigga edited his post. he originally said his pops was on the liver transplant list. if you could actually read, then you would've gathered that from my response to him. damn are you really that much on my dick? you must be another simp who's feelings i've hurt. keep trying nigga.... don't worry, you'll have plenty of other losers to give you momentum like that faggot dr truth.

You are "mistaking" Heist never edited his post I remember reading his comment in that thread.


Rising Star
You are "mistaking" Heist never edited his post I remember reading his comment in that thread.
No, he is "lying."

Reminds me of this bullshit from last night:

I'm copying his album. It would be better then a lot of rap out. His album will hold me over until Jay drops the classic on 9-11-2009.

I thought you didnt copy, steal, burn or download you lying sack of shit?

Oh let me guess, its a typo right? NO bitch. The word copy is not a typo. It has to be purposely typed. The "y" key is not next too anything that would make "copying" another acceptable word in this context.

You've been exposed...AGAIN! Cunt.

No bitch. I'm buying the album. I don't steal albums. Have your fun. You will still rapidshare and I will be at the store buying.

Besides I don't have the tools to even steal music. I'd rather buy an album any day. I still play Fab's first album.

Whore you slipped and said you would be copying the album. Thats stealing you limp wristed fable fabricating faggot.

Besides that, you live in an abandoned boarded up shithole ghost town of a city. You have no retail outlets to make purchases from. You aint buying shit you over imaginative broke bitch.

You talking out ya ass. You love to think everyone steals albums like you do. Your emotional and talking tough as well.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was the same genius behind both usernames.


Support BGOL
i can't remember who it was but some idiot was like "all intensive purposes"...

i was like :hmm: typo is a typo but i think some cats really are just dumb...

it's "all intents and purposes"

Big Preme

you fucking idiot. that nigga edited his post. he originally said his pops was on the liver transplant list. if you could actually read, then you would've gathered that from my response to him. damn are you really that much on my dick? you must be another simp who's feelings i've hurt. keep trying nigga.... don't worry, you'll have plenty of other losers to give you momentum like that faggot dr truth.

If you had read and followed the thread you would have known that Heist was responding to another poster who hinted at one of the benefits of being rich. Even if Heist changed his post (which there is no sign of him doing so) you didn't quote and respond to him until almost 3 hours later. Why you thought he was talking about his father's liver when he clearly typed kidneys I have no idea.


Rising Star
well either he edited it, or i misread what he said. either which way someone made a mistake.... a mistake isn't ignorance nigga... but like i said, keep trying. also it stands to reason he said liver considering the thread was about steve jobs liver transplant...... but whatever...


You admitted a mistake!!!


In a roundabout bullshit way with more excuses attached than a hooker in church, but its a start!!!

Now go back to that other thread and admit you were mistaken about what the word "generosity" means... :D

Big Preme

what in gods name are you talking about? where should the word "mistaken" be used? lmao at another example of a total idiot trying to call someone out, but fails. nigga never try to correct me. you are an obvious idiot.

who knows, and who cares.... it's obvious i thought i saw him say liver... if i misread then who cares? why is it of your concern? :confused:

Because you're an arrogant bastard who claims to be a genius yet you can't follow a simple conversation. You also come across as an overly-sensitive hoecake.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
what in gods name are you talking about? where should the word "mistaken" be used? lmao at another example of a total idiot trying to call someone out, but fails. nigga never try to correct me. you are an obvious idiot.

Ignorant. :lol::smh:

i think you are mistaking. dialysis is given to those who have kidney failure. also i doubt your pops could survive with a failed liver for over 2 years. :confused:


Rising Star
i'm done with that thread. i'm not changing my opinion on the definition. just let it rest. :hmm:

My definition of "definition" is tree. My definition of "not" is definitely. My definition of "changing" is wiping. And my definition of "opinion" is ass.

Now, why are you so dead set on wiping your ass with a tree?

You see what happens when we just invent our own personal definitions with no basis for them? Either words have meaning or they don't...


Support BGOL
I can't find the post, but it was during the Russian invasion of the country Georgia. It went something like this...

Board Member A: BREAKING NEWS: Georgia is under attack by Russia

Board Member B: Oh shit! I gotta call my people in Atlanta to see if they're ok. WWIII is here ya'll

Board Member C: Co-sign Board Member B. This is fucked up. I got fam in Georgia.

Board Member A: Did you two read the full fucking article?

Board Member D: Dumbasses! Russia is attacking Georgia the country, not the state of Georgia. :smh:

