People believing anything they read on the internet

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
-Winston Churchill

It is worse than ever in the social media age...

you dumb motherfuckers believe anything you read on the internet

That really should be its own thread. Dumb motherfuckers believing anything they read on the internet.

Post examples here... Bonus points if you're quoting a BGOL post.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
You have to do your research, but also somethings are too good to be true is most likely not true.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
You have to do your research, but also somethings are too good to be true is most likely not true.

The lesson here doesn't just apply to children:

I know I am guilty of accepting too much shit as true. And that includes from mainstream media. But one quick way to filter is questioning the source-- You don't automatically accept information because it comes from CNN but you should be able to instantly reject information from fake sites like "(NN" or be extra skeptical if the source is "Dave's Blog."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So can this thread be repurposed as a fact check thread then? I do my best to highlight, right-click and check different sources but I still fall for some fake shit.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Shit, since we started with an alphabet theme, why not this shit. :lol: In fucking 2023, I still had to direct people to the actual bill which might better be called 'DONT SAY SHIT'. Talk about lies right in the open with the 'don't say gay' narrative.


The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Draymond, no :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

He deleted this, almost had two grown men beefing over shit made up for clicks


Props to KG for being mature about it!

-- On Twitter, you can see he QTed the Draymond tweet while it was still up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
History is wrote that way. We assume that civilization started when whites came out of the caves. Actually they had to destroy what was already going on. Blacks own and ruled the earth, (GOD RULED) which was us. Now that falsehood masquerades as truth then satan masquerades as God. There is a time period that whites will kill to keep secret. It was a time period that they thought they had completely erased until Jesus appeared.



It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Here your bitch ass go crying, draymond must be paying you a lot of money to defend him.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
-Winston Churchill

It is worse than ever in the social media age...

Post examples here... Bonus points if you're quoting a BGOL post.
Sensitive fags really got, ahem, butt hurt over bonus holes lol.
Yall Soft ass newborn shit.

From your lil snopes post
No entity urged health professionals globally to abandoned the word "vagina" for "bonus hole." Rather, one cervical cancer charity in the United Kingdom published a document for medical staff leading cervical screenings with trans men or non-binary patients in which the terms "bonus hole" and "front hole" were listed as alternatives to the word "vagina." The document appeared to serve as an educational resource, not a policy mandate."

My OP never said that it was law or even wide spread. It was just an information/funny post (that didnt even mention the current administration, which is why yall mad) that triggered the hell out of you bitches for the obvious reason.

Jesus Christ

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Shit, since we started with an alphabet theme, why not this shit. :lol: In fucking 2023, I still had to direct people to the actual bill which might better be called 'DONT SAY SHIT'. Talk about lies right in the open with the 'don't say gay' narrative.

We're not supposed to call out the other side in this thread.

Stick to the agenda and status quo you Trumper!!!


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Sensitive fags really got, ahem, butt hurt over bonus holes lol.
Yall Soft ass newborn shit.

From your lil snopes post
No entity urged health professionals globally to abandoned the word "vagina" for "bonus hole." Rather, one cervical cancer charity in the United Kingdom published a document for medical staff leading cervical screenings with trans men or non-binary patients in which the terms "bonus hole" and "front hole" were listed as alternatives to the word "vagina." The document appeared to serve as an educational resource, not a policy mandate."

My OP never said that it was law or even wide spread. It was just an information/funny post (that didnt even mention the current administration, which is why yall mad) that triggered the hell out of you bitches for the obvious reason.

Jesus Christ
Fuck their feelings bruh, I realized you can't please everybody and no need to try to do so. Most on here are some bitches that whine about everything and only come on a thread to disagree with you but nowhere to be found when you post something that's good. Some of these dudes must wear a wig because it's crazy they be on their period this much over a thread they don't like. They gotta be sleeping mad when they go to bed at night. :lol:

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Folks getting mad trying to make this an argument about transgender people and Draymond Green.

Nah, the bottom line is y'all have zero discernment and posted some fake shit!

Talkin' about "you can't please everybody." :cmonson:

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Sensitive fags really got, ahem, butt hurt over bonus holes lol.
Yall Soft ass newborn shit.

From your lil snopes post
No entity urged health professionals globally to abandoned the word "vagina" for "bonus hole." Rather, one cervical cancer charity in the United Kingdom published a document for medical staff leading cervical screenings with trans men or non-binary patients in which the terms "bonus hole" and "front hole" were listed as alternatives to the word "vagina." The document appeared to serve as an educational resource, not a policy mandate."

My OP never said that it was law or even wide spread. It was just an information/funny post (that didnt even mention the current administration, which is why yall mad) that triggered the hell out of you bitches for the obvious reason.

Jesus Christ

You posted tweets claiming "health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes.'" The clear suggestion was this is widespread guidance, not some shit one UK charity said.

Just do better in the future.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Foh. Who is you?
Keep that same energy for every bgol post.
Yeah, these new niggas are out of control, they want to police a person thread then they also need to keep the same energy for others. Our name ring bells and they only come over to us about some shit. Dude need to sit his dumb ass down.

"Y'all have zero discernment", but yet so many others don't either but I have yet to see him call others out on it.

But I'mma match anybody energy when they try to come out here being disrespectful.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Yeah, these new niggas are out of control, they want to police a person thread then they also need to keep the same energy for others. Our name ring bells and they only come over to us about some shit. Dude need to sit his dumb ass down.

"Y'all have zero discernment", but yet so many others don't either but I have yet to see him call others out on it.

But I'mma match anybody energy when they try to come out here being disrespectful.
Foh. Who is you?
Keep that same energy for every bgol post.

Nothing personal with y'all. The same energy will be maintained generally.

If I post some fake shit, please call me out for it in this thread!

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Young successful professional:

"I was actually banned [by my job] from quote-tweeting any main account because I got got so many times in 2018... It was more just like advice from producers who were like 'Hey, you keep retweeting Adam Scheffer, why don't we cool it on the retweets here?'"



Rising Star
Platinum Member
History is wrote that way. We assume that civilization started when whites came out of the caves. Actually they had to destroy what was already going on. Blacks own and ruled the earth, (GOD RULED) which was us. Now that falsehood masquerades as truth then satan masquerades as God. There is a time period that whites will kill to keep secret. It was a time period that they thought they had completely erased until Jesus appeared.

I must ask. How were we so easy to be destroyed by a group fresh out the cave?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is a whole thread about yall believing in aliens.
There are threads about yall thinking a vaccine causes people to die when it is other shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I must ask. How were we so easy to be destroyed by a group fresh out the cave?
Life was perfect at first (somewhat) but to make it full proof would be totally perfect. I should not take the time out to explain all of it but it is the reason why me rebuilding the garden of eden is so important. But at first we only ate raw fruits and vegetables and the foods out of the bee hive and it is true we are God. The devil was always around but could never get in the body of God as long as we only consumed raw fruits and vegetables and foods out of the bee hive. But a female was very curious about killing a bird and using it for food until her curiosity over rode her. She killed a bird and ate it and later felt guilty about it. And blamed her guilt on sex but this was the first time any human had ever ate the poisonous flesh. And that temporarily took over that person.
But that is how it started. But we all realize how a parasite can enter the body and take all the nutrients that make you grow to use for itself. White people that came out of the cave just represented the plan for what is unnatural to continue to take over. When you consume poison what is in you is also what is around you. But to break the system of the poison is what I am still working on. If I overcome then the whole world will follow me in overcoming. But right now the control has come from a system of constantly being poisoned and controlled.
Jonestown was an example of experimentation on this. When ever a person tried to escape they caught him and when they bring him back it is certain drugs they put that person on to keep them off balanced. Unable to try to escape again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All over Africa and the middle east blacks were passing down the true story of the garden of eden. Life was modern in the beginning than it is now. And there was always people here besides Adam and Eve. In the beginning it was only blacks on the face of the earth. It was a clothing optional society. If you wanted to wear clothes you did if you did not want to then you didn't. But we did not have the social hang ups we have now such as lusting and being ashamed of the body. Technology was more advanced than what it is now. And we had natural powers that has been hid. We only ate raw fruits and vegetables and the foods out of the bee hive (food of the Gods). Everything obeyed us animals and everything. But back then animals did not eat each other like we have now with predator and prey. This came thru evolution.
Out of all the people on the face of the earth there was one female that was very curious about killing a bird and using it for food. Until one day her curiosity overrode her and she killed a bird and used it for food. This was the first time any human had ever ate the poisonous flesh. This is how we started going astray from being ourselves.