Palin rejects nearly 30 percent of stimulus funds


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gov. Sarah Palin said Thursday that she would accept only 69 percent of the estimated $930 million dollars that could flow to the state, including $514 million for capital projects and $128 million for a hike in Medicaid reimbursement.

Playing politics instead of helping her constituents. :smh:
If she's rejecting money her state doesn't need for certain projects than I don't see why that's a problem. I would rather a govenor take what money they need right now, then take everything offered to them mis-use it and have to owe the federal government in the future.


I think it's done for political purposes but fa real, That stimulus is not a good idea. I only see hyperinflation as a result.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think it's done for political purposes but fa real, That stimulus is not a good idea. I only see hyperinflation as a result.

people on this board do not understand the language, in which you speak...

If Obama didn't say it, its not the gospel lamarr. I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!!


If Obama didn't say it, its not the gospel lamarr. I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!!

AAA, you're right! Man, I can't even bash Bush the right way. I've tried using logic, sarcasm, and straight-up agreeing with these people. I think I'll drink this 40, read past posts, and brush up on my Obamanese :D


So "Lamarr" please give a better alternative to the crisis and also to the Repugs who did nothing for 7 years but passed every favorable bill like Phill Gramm who destabilized the markets or Repugs who punked the Weak Democrats into voting for majority of their agenda with fear and public humiliation.

I have searched the board nor have I heard any criticism of Bush or the Republicans...It seems people have amnesia.. Bush for 8 years vs Obama 59 days! Wow


So "Lamarr" please give a better alternative to the crisis and also to the Repugs who did nothing for 7 years but passed every favorable bill like Phill Gramm who destabilized the markets or Repugs who punked the Weak Democrats into voting for majority of their agenda with fear and public humiliation.

To understand where I'm comin from, understand that I'm not gonna defend 'W's policies because they were wrong. I think I'll start another thread "solutions to the economy". You claim Bush 'did nothing', which is absolutely false, he did too much! One thing you can look at is the low interest-rates, this made money cheap and it allowed Investment banks to leverage it up. Second, we didn't need tax cuts, We Need Spending Cuts, I can't emphasize that enough! Third, "W" had a stimulus package too (Feb 2008), the sh*t didn't work! Fourth "W", with the help of a democratic Congress, bailed out the very theives that are recieving million dollar bonuses, Businesses that run inefficient operations should be allowed to fail. I could go on but Politicians have done too much, thats the problem, the people should run the economy.

It's so fundamental what is happening. We got into this mess because We, as a nation, borrowed and spent too much money that we didn't have! And the proposed solution is that we have to ease the credit markets, so we get people borrowing and spending again. Sorry, You can't re-inflate a bubble! We need a policy that promotes manufacturing and saving!
Here comes the sarcasm: If ya'll liked the last 8 years, you'll LOVE the new guy!!!! peace
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OG Investor
Lamarr didn't have a single post about what the banking deregulation could do to the economy. Not one post on Reagan's plan to move manufacturing overseas and how it would impact this economy to its detriment. Did not post one "seeing" post for the war in Iraq, it's cost and impact on the economy. HE COULD NOT SEE SHIT until Obama took the white house. Now post after post after post he's the sharpest knife in the got damn drawer on all things economic.

Selective SEEING. It's good GOP politics! Cause they couldn't see shit either until today.



The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I think it's done for political purposes but fa real, That stimulus is not a good idea. I only see hyperinflation as a result.
hyperinflation wont result from the stimulus
it will result from the 0% interest the fed has already set
it will result from the fed "injecting" trillions into the economy
The stimulus is infrastructure spending for the most part- that wont boost inflation. The programs it boosts pays for salaries and purchase orders. Inflation comes from the devaluation of the dollar.


Lamarr didn't have a single post about what the banking deregulation could do to the economy. Not one post on Reagan's plan to move manufacturing overseas and how it would impact this economy to its detriment. Did not post one "seeing" post for the war in Iraq, it's cost and impact on the economy. HE COULD NOT SEE SHIT until Obama took the white house. Now post after post after post he's the sharpest knife in the got damn drawer on all things economic.

Selective SEEING. It's good GOP politics! Cause they couldn't see shit either until today.


VG - you disappoint me. I didn't start getting active until early Feb. so I never said anything about anyblody. I've made posts about Glass-Steagall (banking deregulation). My antiwar post was one of the first I ever made.

So I'm anti-war, couldn't vote for McCain with a clear conscience but you make me out to be some kind of GOP cheerleader, c'mon dawg! I don't get my talkin points from CNN or FoxNews, I turned off the TV 3-4 years ago. As fa as I'm concerned, both sides is leadin you over a cliff.


it will result from the 0% interest the fed has already set
it will result from the fed "injecting" trillions into the economy

Inflation comes from the devaluation of the dollar.

you're right, I was generalizing. Stimulus / printing money, same thing to me but I understand the difference.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
you're right, I was generalizing. Stimulus / printing money, same thing to me but I understand the difference.
They shouldn't be the same thing to you. One helps your neighbors keep their jobs, the other will have them paying $500 for a loaf of bread.


They shouldn't be the same thing to you. One helps your neighbors keep their jobs, the other will have them paying $500 for a loaf of bread.

Bush had a stimulus too!

The stimulus is a depressant, it is the creation of money that we don't have, that is being allocated in a non-productive manner, hence, thats why I conclude, it's the same thing as what Bernanke is doing.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Bush had a stimulus too!

The stimulus is a depressant, it is the creation of money that we don't have, that is being allocated in a non-productive manner, hence, thats why I conclude, it's the same thing as what Bernanke is doing.
Go study economics.

Bush had a stimulus plan too and?

The stimulus is not a creation of money. The stimulus plan is a plan to inject cash into the economy through government spending. That money is not created out of thin air like the Federal Reserve does it. The money comes from the US Treasury and come from the sale of Treasury Bills and the collection of tax revenue.

Stimulus is not a depressant. What the fuck are you reading? Whatever it is, throw that shit in the trash or delete the bookmark cuz it has you twisted.
The stimulus is a stimulant. It puts money in the hands of businesses and consumers who will in turn circulate that money into the economy and hopefully help to boost the economy out of its current state.

You can say the stimulus is adding to the national debt - which it is. But if the economy does not improve the money lost will far surpass the amount currently being spent in the stimulus plan.

As for your assertions that the money is being allocated in a non-productive manner- put your money where your mouth is- aka explain yourself.

It is NOT the same thing Bernanke is doing. The Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal Government and the Stimulus Plan funds aren't loans.


Go study economics.

Bush had a stimulus plan too and?

I'll laugh that off. :)

The stimulus is not a creation of money. The stimulus plan is a plan to inject cash into the economy through government spending.

Makk, the govt cannot create wealth, they can only confiscate it through inflation, income taxes, and interest on a debt. So just by injecting it into the economy, it may be good in the short-term but long-term, it doesn't work. All these gimmicks the govt and the Fed are experimenting with, will have unintended consequences.
If they desire to stimulate the economy, it must start with Policy! They must allow this phony service-sector economy to crumble so we can get back to manufacturing products to export. Otherwise, you're just prolonging the inevitable.

It puts money in the hands of businesses and consumers who will in turn circulate that money into the economy and hopefully help to boost the economy out of its current state.

From the looks of some of the articles I've read, the stimulus money is being allocated in a manner to get votes, as opposed to money going to the private sector, which looks to make money. It's a couple of sites like that follow the unproductive money trail. Thats why I disagree with govt intervention in the markets


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I'll laugh that off. :)

Laugh if you want but youre making some crazy assertions.

Makk, the govt cannot create wealth, they can only confiscate it through inflation, income taxes, and interest on a debt.
So just by injecting it into the economy, it may be good in the short-term but long-term, it doesn't work. All these gimmicks the govt and the Fed are experimenting with, will have unintended consequences.

Really? It doesnt work long term? Seems like injecting billions into the military industrial complex did good things for decades. They are not gimmicks. They are why you have internet service to communicate with instead of rioting in the streets for a can of soup. Modern governments use stimulus plans and other tools to manipulate the economy. It helps prevent disasters.
Unintended consequences? possibly but whats the alternative? Total collapse.

If they desire to stimulate the economy, it must start with Policy! They must allow this phony service-sector economy to crumble so we can get back to manufacturing products to export. Otherwise, you're just prolonging the inevitable.

:lol: You can't just pick and choose what you want to read about that is going on if you want to really know what's going on. Have you read about the money for education in the stimulus plan? Obama's educational views? I agree the service -consumer economy is total bullshit. I dont see manufacturing jobs coming back here without a global calamity. American wages are just not competitive.

From the looks of some of the articles I've read, the stimulus money is being allocated in a manner to get votes, as opposed to money going to the private sector, which looks to make money. It's a couple of sites like that follow the unproductive money trail. Thats why I disagree with govt intervention in the markets

That isnt specific at all. a manner to get votes? - Im not gonna go read that entire site as your rebuttal :lol:
Cmon man how can you not come with some details? You have to have read some details to come to your conclusion.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I'll laugh that off. :)

Laugh if you want but youre making some crazy assertions.

Makk, the govt cannot create wealth, they can only confiscate it through inflation, income taxes, and interest on a debt.
So just by injecting it into the economy, it may be good in the short-term but long-term, it doesn't work. All these gimmicks the govt and the Fed are experimenting with, will have unintended consequences.

Really? It doesnt work long term? Seems like injecting billions into the military industrial complex did good things for decades. They are not gimmicks. They are why you have internet service to communicate with instead of rioting in the streets for a can of soup. Modern governments use stimulus plans and other tools to manipulate the economy. It helps prevent disasters.
Unintended consequences? possibly but whats the alternative? Total collapse.

If they desire to stimulate the economy, it must start with Policy! They must allow this phony service-sector economy to crumble so we can get back to manufacturing products to export. Otherwise, you're just prolonging the inevitable.

:lol: You can't just pick and choose what you want to read about that is going on if you want to really know what's going on. Have you read about the money for education in the stimulus plan? Obama's educational views? I agree the service -consumer economy is total bullshit. I dont see manufacturing jobs coming back here without a global calamity. American wages are just not competitive.

From the looks of some of the articles I've read, the stimulus money is being allocated in a manner to get votes, as opposed to money going to the private sector, which looks to make money. It's a couple of sites like that follow the unproductive money trail. Thats why I disagree with govt intervention in the markets

That isnt specific at all. a manner to get votes? - Im not gonna go read that entire site as your rebuttal :lol:
Cmon man how can you not come with some details? You have to have read some details to come to your conclusion.


Laugh if you want but youre making some crazy assertions.

I read this post at least 10 times. Obviously, my crazy assertions don't make much sense. My assertions are based on an understanding of the fundamentals of any healthy economy. Instead of looking at spending being necessary for economic growth, I feel it is economic growth that allows spending to be possible, big difference! The stimulus is a depressant.

You can allocate money towards education, job training, crime fighting, Pell Grants etc, none of this contributes to economic growth. - peace