Our 1st BGOL team has launched their product.


Rising Star
yea man.

the twitter tactics worked too well Thursday.
I got retweeted to too many people rapidly and too much traffic hit the site. Which is a GREAT thing.

but i got my bgol on my server crashed

i was able to get it back up and running and it didn't mess up everything because people kept retweeting me today

but just an example of how you gotta be ON it.

if i hadn't checked the site out just for the sake of checking it i probably wouldn't have known AND it might have been down the entire night and the morning for east coaster..totally ruining momentum

What was the metrics for January?


BGOL Patreon Investor
I am very proud of all the brothers involved in this project and wish all involved great success!


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
Right now, it's about getting it out there to the internet at large. That is the current focus. There aren't too many more things we're going to do to the site visually. there are a couple but no major overhaul like with the beta and what it is now.

The process of coming up with content is tedious there are a lot of steps and you have to get your "viral eyes" going.

Also when starting something like this.. be prepared to put in extra. It's been a month I think we're doing damn good for a month in but now its time for the growth.

I'm glad we have shown you growing pains and just tweaks and everything with building something like this. It's just beginning though.

Also been focused more on doing than informing and for that that's my bad.

I post on here as a release from the day to day and i had been slipping on providing updates here as opposed to just the launchfactors.com blog... which i think you guys should revisit because you see the pattern of the day to day things you HAVE to do that seem like they aren't much but are vital.

It's a fragile ecosystem. For instance. The content was getting into a good groove and the views were climbing. Something personal happened and I wasn't able to update with fresh content for a day.. and the views declined back to infancy..

just 1 day without new stuff can kill momentum. Thankfully we have been able to get it geared back in the right direction. Now is the audience. And look forward to sharing how that comes about.

It will happen, it's just a matter of when..personally I think all we need is to find that spark.. and it'll grow rapidly from there.

But that's where we are.

might want to look into a autoposter


you can set it up to make daily posts and you can manually add new content

at least if u miss a day something new will come out regardless


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
We need to get this back on a good schedule. I've been extremely busy the last month or so....haven't been on bgol as much. I'm going to chat with largebills this weekend. He definitely has some progress to report.


Support BGOL
This could just be a personal thing for me...

...but do you think dating posts would help?

Well, if you think you're going to be posting as frequently as you intended to at first.

Point is, if it seems you're dedicated to adding fresh content, then fans will recognize this, and likely respond by returning frequently to view the new content.

People who already follow the site may be aware that new content is being added very frequently, but what about new visitors? They come to your website and just see content. For all they know, it all could've been added in short period of time, then never again.

Proof of consistency of content - i.e. dating posts - is arguably equal to posting quality content.

Dino Velvet

Potential Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This could just be a personal thing for me...

...but do you think dating posts would help?

Well, if you think you're going to be posting as frequently as you intended to at first.

Point is, if it seems you're dedicated to adding fresh content, then fans will recognize this, and likely respond by returning frequently to view the new content.

People who already follow the site may be aware that new content is being added very frequently, but what about new visitors? They come to your website and just see content. For all they know, it all could've been added in short period of time, then never again.

Proof of consistency of content - i.e. dating posts - is arguably equal to posting quality content.

I second this. I hadn't visited the site in a while, but did recently. The content is great, but for anyone visiting the site, being able to relate posts to points in time just adds to the usability and user experience. "Funny" type of posts can get away with it, but anything that is relating to actual/current events in the world should be considered to having post and/or revised dates added.
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Art Vandelay

Visited the site and clicked on "Ocked" on the menu because I wondered what that was-- saw one story about LeBron James going home to Cleveland. So is the site dead?