NFL Network Suspends Marshall Faulk, Ike Taylor, Heath Evans After Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Jay Ringo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cats been saying shit would get worse. No due process. He said/she said. Civil shit. And men paying the price.

Bitch like 60 and folks throwing away everything for her. Let me guess. Some dogfaced feminist will say it isn't about looks, it's about power. :hmm: FOH

shes not 60? :puke:


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
My point, my only point, and in my opinion the only point that needs to be made is that we are in an environment were a woman can call out a guy saying....ANYTHING....remotely sexually suggestive ,RETROACTIVELY, and he's gone.
Thats what I've been screaming to anyone that'll listen since all this started. Folks treating me like Chicken Little.


Rising Star
Many of the “Super Niggas” stated “Don’t chase tail in the clock”. We also stated were weren’t the ones behaving like the ones who got caught up.

And guess what, I still don’t behave like the ones that got caught up whether Black or white so I’m still going to move forward business as usual.

Your resident “Super Nigga”!

Any cat who stated "Don't chase tail on the clock." agrees with the point I'm ultimately making and wasn't one of the one's talking about how they can move and shake on the clock without getting caught up cause they "smooth" about it.

So, if you don't chase skirt on the clock none of what I said applies to you. Any Super Nigga that does however....


See you lakeside...

*two cents*
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Rising Star
juss saying lot of the accuse have been guilty..maybe this situation is diff but the others cats been guilty.. that serial jerkoff louis ck guilty...kevin spacey guilty... that cook nig guilty... weinstein guilty.. lauder and ratner pretty much guilty.. every man aint a sexual predator but every sexual predator is guillty

That's my point fam, every man ISN'T a sexual predator but in this climate ANY MAN can get caught up talking to a women at work and she 'misunderstood' a comment, took something out of context, or no longer likes his ass.

It's the EASINESS at which ANY MAN that can be accused that is deeply concerning.

So, until some protocols, due process, or just a "Wait hold up chick....WHAT?!?" happens...


Don't chase skirt on the clock. Be 'smooth' on one's own time.

*two cents*
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any cat who stated "Don't chase tail on the clock." agrees with the point I'm ultimately making and wasn't one of the one's talking about how they can move and shake on the clock without getting caught up cause they "smooth" about it.

So, if you don't chase skirt on the clock none of what I said applies to you. Any Super High as that does however....


See you lakeside...

*two cents*

One can definitely be “Smooth” about it, one can also be reckless. That’s always been the case back then as it is now.

One can chase tail at work by dropping hints, not dropping your dick off on her desk or in text messages :roflmao:

Just be “Smooth”...




Rising Star
One can definitely be “Smooth” about it, one can also be reckless. That’s always been the case back then as it is now.

One can chase tail at work by dropping hints, not dropping your dick off on her desk or in text messages :roflmao:

Just be “Smooth”...



You really want to put your livilhood in the hands of some bitch you work with instead of getting at one of the BILLIONS of women you don't???


*two cents*


Rising Star
This whole "me too" movement will have a very unwelcomed and adverse effect on women moving up in the work place and breaking down barriers in society on a whole. It might reach a point where society is back to the stone ages where women are only allowed to stay at home, cook, and raise kids.

In this political and social climate, as a manager I would be very reluctant to hire a female right now. Or if she comes on board, make sure she signs a waiver of liability, where she has much to lose as I do financially or career wise.

Yours Truly......Professor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You really want to put your livilhood in the hands of some bitch you work with instead of getting at one of the BILLIONS of women you don't???


*two cents*

Do you come into contact with “Billions” of women a day or do you come into contact with the ones that you interact with on a daily basis?

And if you’re interacting with a woman that you’re both interested in eachother, she’s more than “Some Bitch”.

Also, one doesn’t extend himself to every woman, but if you both have a mutual interest.



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Cats been saying shit would get worse. No due process. He said/she said. Civil shit. And men paying the price.

Bitch like 60 and folks throwing away everything for her. Let me guess. Some dogfaced feminist will say it isn't about looks, it's about power. :hmm: FOH

remember when niggas were laughing at me... when I said this was about to get worse.

Somebody bump that "How do we talk to women now thread"...... were Kats are in their talking about you have to have your game up.

SHIT!!!!! All rules are out the door now.... These dudes are suspended over an accusation.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
She named McNabb, Sapp, Eric Davis also- WTF. I can't call it, since dudes do stupid shit with that fame, especially Heath Evans, since he never really had none. But she claims some pretty wild shit and if she's got videos and pics, she's hit jackpot bc of the current climate. If these dudes didn't keep a pic or consenting text, then they're really stupid. If you're gonna fuck around at work, always get incriminating and consenting evidence. Always respond with consenting texts or emails. For example, i love when you suck my dick the way you do followed by a dicksucking pic or naked pic of her, NOT of YOU.

This can still back fire on you... if you are considered her Superior. The key is Sadly... Don't fuck around at work.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
The one thing that the "Super Niggas" are not taking in to consideration is just how fickle women are, an innocent comment or joke on Monday is sexual harassment on Friday. No due process, no investigation. Just accusation then termination.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
If the broad has an agenda, she can twist and distort even the most descreet respectable attempts Bruh. I said in another thread, you get at a broad the 'respectable way', she starts catching feelings you dont have for her, she makes accusations, even if unfounded it stains you. Before, women would just take the L, talk bad on you to her girls, etc.

NOW, that these 'NEW' broads have introduced this shit!?!?! Who new ballgame for a vindictive Broad...

Game had changef Bruh...

exactly... Chicks can get 15 minutes of fame and a Yahoo cover piece over a completely made up story and you have NO WAY to defend yourself.

Shit is actually kind of terrifying.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Tom Leykis was talking about this #metoo movement yesterday; said that if dudes were stupid enough to harass that they need to be punished, but that this is also going to make it more challenging for women to get hired because companies will fear the liability. I agree. The behavior needs to change (if most of these allegations are true) but it will have ramifications.

The thing is that they are bringing up.... 5 year old allegations on kats.

McNabb is in a completely different job. Sapp ain't worked at NFL network for 2 years and now these dudes are suspended from their current jobs for shit that they can't have much of a strong defense against. Shit is fucked up.


Rising Star
OG Investor
This dudes need to be reminded that they are no longer rushing for 1000 yards or passing for 30 tds. It’s insane,


Rising Star
Do you come into contact with “Billions” of women a day or do you come into contact with the ones that you interact with on a daily basis?

And if you’re interacting with a woman that you’re both interested in eachother, she’s more than “Some Bitch”.

Also, one doesn’t extend himself to every woman, but if you both have a mutual interest.


FUN FACT: Every other person on the planet has a fully functional vagina. That's were I got 'Billions' from. I meant it figuratively but yeah, there are literally BILLIONS of women your are not working with. Pick one of them. Or several, fuck it, play on playa....

FUNNER FACT: If one only interacts with women at work and that is his chief watering hole for ass then I question his 'smoothness'. You can't talk up the chick working out at the gym? Pumping her gas at the gas station? Buying groceries? No, it has to be Delores in accounts receivable? SMMMMMOOOOOOOOOTHHHHHH.

EVEN MORE FUNNER FACT: Yep, any woman who could frivolously hold my livelihood in the balance based on me trying to get at her on the clock is 'some bitch' I was foolish enough to give that power to.

FUNNIEST FACT: Mutual interest? Fam, it's all good until she says it isn't. Then it's YOU in HR and it's YOU boxing up your shit and it's YOU looking for a new gig.


But you know what, do you. You got this whole thing figured out....

*two cents*

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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
One can definitely be “Smooth” about it, one can also be reckless. That’s always been the case back then as it is now.

One can chase tail at work by dropping hints, not dropping your dick off on her desk or in text messages :roflmao:

Just be “Smooth”...



I don't even think you can drop hints now......

What if you drop hints and you end up getting promoted over this girl...

in todays world.... All it takes is one conversation with HR about how you make her uncomfortable and next thing you know.... Ol girl is pushing your family photos off her new desk.

For the time being... I don't think you can risk it. I don't even care if you are Billy Dee Williams.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
This whole "me too" movement will have a very unwelcomed and adverse effect on women moving up in the work place and breaking down barriers in society on a whole. It might reach a point where society is back to the stone ages where women are only allowed to stay at home, cook, and raise kids.

In this political and social climate, as a manager I would be very reluctant to hire a female right now. Or if she comes on board, make sure she signs a waiver of liability, where she has much to lose as I do financially or career wise.

Yours Truly......Professor

This is a point... that really needs to be discussed.

I completely agree.... especially in the At-Will employment states. Why even risk it if you are an employer? I would just hire a man and avoid the risk. It's a sad fact but it's true.

3 more pages..


Rising Star
I don't even think you can drop hints now......

What if you drop hints and you end up getting promoted over this girl...

in todays world.... All it takes is one conversation with HR about how you make her uncomfortable and next thing you know.... Ol girl is pushing your family photos off her new desk.

For the time being... I don't think you can risk it. I don't even care if you are Billy Dee Williams.
..on top of all of this they are fucking with free porn in the net.... Dude wont have any damned alternatives :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FUN FACT: Every other person on the planet has a fully functional vagina. That's were I got 'Billions' from. I meant it figuratively but yeah, there are literally BILLIONS of women your are not working with. Pick one of them. Or several, fuck it, play on playa....

FUNNER FACT: If one only interacts with women at work and that is his chief watering hole for ass then I question his 'smoothness'. You can't talk up the chick working out at the gym? Pumping her gas at the gas station? Buying groceries? No, it has to be Delores in accounts receivable? SMMMMMOOOOOOOOOTHHHHHH.

EVEN MORE FUNNER FACT: Yep, any woman who could frivolously hold my livelihood in the balance based on me trying to get at her on the clock is 'some bitch' I was foolish enough to give that power to.

FUNNIEST FACT: Mutual interest? Fam, it's all good until she says it isn't. Then it's YOU in HR and it's YOU boxing up your shit and it's YOU looking for a new gig.


But you know what, do you. You got this whole thing figured out....

*two cents*

Funnnerest Fact: Any woman you deal with can cry rape and fuck your entire world up.

Not once did I state that work was the only place to find woman. What I did say was a gentleman doesn’t have to walk on eggshells when interacting with women at any level.

I don’t have it everything figured out, what I do have figured out is to not place myself in the predicament that those men who are getting caught up are currently in.

My 100%


Rising Star
Funnnerest Fact: Any woman you deal with can cry rape and fuck your entire world up.

Not once did I state that work was the only place to find woman. What I did say was a gentleman doesn’t have to walk on eggshells when interacting with women at any level.

I don’t have it everything figured out, what I do have figured out is to not place myself in the predicament that those men who are getting caught up are currently in.

My 100%

The highlighted part is what I'm talking about and should be everyman's concern due to the #metoo situations.

Cause what's going on is undercutting your statement I highlighted.

You're 'gentlemaness' is based solely on the woman's prerogative -not only then but years later. What if she likes you more than you like her and you try to end whatever it was? Then what? You wanna risk your livilhood KNOWING how fickle and vindictive women can be?

Lastly, rape accusations come with protocol and due process. This shit? An accusation is all that is needed. AND THAT'S A FACT.

So you can be as 'gentlemen' as you want on the clock but in this climate that would make as much sense and sticking your dick in a snake hole while playing Russian Roulette with a six shooter five bullets loaded.

Me personally? Keep it professional and keep it about business. Leave the gentlemen stuff for the ladies that you don't share a HR manager with.

Keeping it 100%

*two cents*
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The highlighted part is what I'm talking about and should be everyman's concern due to the #metoo situations.

Cause what's going on is undercutting your statement I highlighted.

You're 'gentlemaness' is based solely on the woman and how she feels about the situation not only then but years later. What if she likes you more than you like her? Then what? You wanna risk your livilhood KNOWING how fickle women are?

Lastly, rape accusations come with protocol and due process. This shit? An accusation is all that is needed. AND THAT'S A FACT.

So you can be as 'gentlemen' as you want on the clock but in this climate that would make as much sense and sticking your dick in a snake whole while playing Russian Roulette with a 5 bullet loaded six shooter...


*two cents*

You do what works for you and I’ll do the same. I’m not worried of any issues coming my way and I’m sure you’re not either.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
well we have groping ass nigs in all cultures..were you in that thread with that fat italian cook juss got caught up for being a groping ass nig.. still majority cac and jews.. this situation i don't kno but i dont put anything passed any1... remember sharpe got hit up for drugging bitches.. and rapenberger with his two rapes, peyton putting his nuts on bitches head.. athletes and cac bitches is always a bizzaro world shit.. if these dumb nigs sending dick pics these dudes is extra sloppy.. how a bitch got you nude and not the other way around.. for they sake i hope its not true but if it is smh for hollering at joan rivers type bitch


lucky Draymond accidental dick pic got laughed of during the Olympics...

It that had went another way?

Hoe girl saves that claims he harasser her?

I bet they could probably try to void a guaranteed contract over that.


Rising Star
If your career is paying you millions, or you can't afford to lose that career. Stop shiting where you eat, especially if the woman is a subordinate, or lower on the totem pole then you are. Even if she flirts you got to look at it like it is a setup. Say or do nothing that can be recorded. There's a good chance this woman might have sent inappropriate text to these guys. Problem is those guys probably deleted the text or changed phones and don't have the tech savvy to even think about keeping those texts forever.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If your career is paying you millions, or you can't afford to lose that career. Stop shiting where you eat, especially if the woman is a subordinate, or lower on the totem pole then you are. Even if she flirts you got to look at it like it is a setup. Say or do nothing that can be recorded. There's a good chance this woman might have sent inappropriate text to these guys. Problem is those guys probably deleted the text or changed phones and don't have the tech savvy to even think about keeping those texts forever.
I hear and agree with most of what you are saying but.....

you can't get FIRED over some shit you did several years ago, at another place of employment, over an accusation. There's got to be STRONG proof, not just "she said shit". Granted, some of this mofo's acted like little horny frat house bro's, probably. In the automotive world, there are tons of mofos shaking in there cubes over shit that goes down in the plants.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I hear and agree with most of what you are saying but.....

you can't get FIRED over some shit you did several years ago, at another place of employment, over an accusation. There's got to be STRONG proof, not just "she said shit". Granted, some of this mofo's acted like little horny frat house bro's, probably. In the automotive world, there are tons of mofos shaking in there cubes over shit that goes down in the plants.

The problem is that you are having dudes getting fired over shit they did years ago...


Rising Star
The problem is that you are having dudes getting fired over shit they did years ago...

Whelp niggas didn't have foresight . Playing the demon advocate every chick ain't checking to get knocked down at work. Even some are u can't be shitting where u collect bags and u trying to level up. Keep it boring fuck talking about barbershop ish at work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wouldnt even say hello to this fugly cac bitch
but unfortunately i know some brothas
who would try to holla at her.:puke: