Music Debate: Looking back should Black people have been LESS forgiving of Justin Timberlake?

Do you think Justin was MORE involved then he let on at the time?

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



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Like MOST pop stars (his success with N'SYNC aside) J. Timberlake's current popularity and stardom can be DIRECTLY connected to the Black audience's acceptance of him and his music early on (The Neptunes and Timberland co-signed early).

But looking back if WE had been tougher on him after 'Nipplegate' do you think he would have had the same degree of success?

Do you think if he taken RESPONSIBILITY for the act he would have suffered permanent career damage (like Janet did)???

Do you BELIEVE that he had NO IDEA what happened and was innocent???
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand what did Justin do? He showed Janet's titty. Janet planned to show her titty. Janet didn't fall off because of showing her titty. That itty gave her plenty of free promotion for a good year or 2. She dropped some garbage ass music and she had label problems. That's where her career went.

She should've hopped on that EDM/dance bullshit.

You gotta remember Janet is a 40+ year old women. The prime of her career is over. Women don't get much time in the game like that. She had a great run. Nearly 25+ years. No shame in that.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

In the new MTV News special “All Eyes on Justin Timberlake,” the former N’Sync star wouldn’t say whether or not the boob flash was intentional, or indeed a “wardrobe malfunction” as described in a statement eventually released by Jackson. But Timberlake said he laments staying silent during the media torrent surrounding ‘Nipplegate’.

“I’m part of a community that considers themselves artists. And if there was something [more] I could’ve done in her defense, then I would have,” said Timberlake. “But the other half of me thought to myself, ‘Wow, like we still haven’t found the weapons of mass destruction. And everybody cares about this.’”

Timberlake also acknowledged the sexist and racial undertones surrounding the Super Bowl incident, suggesting the media focused more on Janet Jackson than on him.

“If you consider it 50/50, I probably got 10 percent of the blame. And that says something about society,” he said. “I think that America’s harsher on women and I think that America’s unfairly harsh on ethnic people. At the time it was happening, it was so crazy to me, that I didn’t handle it the best way I could have. But, you get your bumps and bruises from it and you learn. But it was sorta unfair.”​


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Great read:

Cry Me a River: The Timberlake Stories

Powell is right about one thing: It was unfair. Jackson bore the brunt of the blame, while Timberlake weaseled out of accountability. As early as February 4, 2004—three days after the Super Bowl—People was referring to Timberlake as "the teflon man" (keep in mind this all happened over two years before his quadruple platinum magnum opus FutureSex/LoveSounds). Jackson was effectively barred from the Grammys, which took place a week after the Super Bowl and were broadcast on the same network, CBS.

According to People, Jackson was being pressured to bow out of the music awards ceremony or risk being disinvited; she was initially supposed to be an award presenter, but that offer was revoked. Meanwhile, Timberlake showed up, won two awards (Best Male Pop Vocal Performance and Best Pop Vocal Album), and during an acceptance speech, made amends over the horrible incident that had happened one week prior:

"Listen, I know it's been a rough week on everybody," he said, his earnestness breaking when the audience responded with laughter to his melodrama. "What occurred was unintentional, completely regrettable, and I apologize if you guys were offended."

This was, though, just the most recent version of the story, which would change several times through the years, starting with Timberlake's drastically different reaction on Access Hollywood recorded the night of the Super Bowl. I couldn't find footage of this online, but there's a transcript in Frederick S. Lane's book The Decency Wars: The Campaign to Cleanse American Culture:

He cheerfully described the show for co-hosts Pat O'Brien and Nancy O'Dell: "It was fun. It was quick, slick, to the point."

"You guys were getting pretty hot and steamy up there," O'Brien pointed out to Timberlake.

"Hey man, we love giving you all something to talk about," Timberlake laughed.

By 11:47 pm that night, Timberlake's tone had shifted: "I am sorry if anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance at the Super Bowl," he said. "It was not intentional and is regrettable."

A few more days later, in an interview with Los Angeles' KCBS that was also broadcast on Entertainment Tonight, Timberlake described himself as "shocked and appalled."

At what, though? The answer should have been himself, if we're taking his narrative at face value.

Jackson's spokesman, Stephen Huvane, told the New York Times that "Timberlake was supposed to 'peel away' Jackson's rubber bustier 'to reveal a red lace bra...but the garment collapsed.'" Timberlake's mention of a wardrobe malfunction seemed to corroborate this story. If we believe it, Timberlake's hand was the one that set the malfunction in motion.

Of course, none of that makes sense. Imagine what the finale would have looked like with one boob hanging out in red lace, slightly less covered than the other. And I don't know what a "collapse" in that patent leather action-figure armor would look like, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't look like Justin Timberlake reaching over to snatch the material covering Janet Jackson's right breast.

I think it's pretty clear that what happened was exactly what was supposed to happen, and it was only the negative crowd reaction that sent those involved scrambling to revise.

It didn't take long for Timberlake to show his hand, as he did in the aforementioned KCBS interview:

The fact of the matter is, I've had a good year, a really good year, especially with my music, even me personally. I don't feel like I need publicity like this. And I wouldn't want to be involved with a stunt, especially of this magnitude. I immediately looked at her, they brought a towel up onstage, I immediately covered her up. I was completely embarrassed, just walked off the stage as quick as I could.

That's pure careerism: Slimy, but good for business. Three years later, the discrepancies between his stories still being ignored, he managed to paint himself as a regretful nice guy, placing blame on the feet of "society." Once again, Timberlake shifted the narrative to his advantage:

In my honest opinion now … I could've handled it better. I'm part of a community that consider themselves artists. And if there was something I could have done in her defense that was more than I realized then, I would have. But the other half of me was like, "Wow. We still haven't found the weapons of mass destruction and everybody cares about this!" … I probably got 10 percent of the blame, and that says something about society. I think that America's harsher on women. And I think that America is, you know, unfairly harsh on ethnic people.

Great call. Way to strike a blow against America's unfair treatment of "ethnic people," instead of, you know, using it to your advantage.

This is his standard take on the situation, now: "I wish I had supported Janet more. I am not sorry I apologized, but I wish I had been there more for Janet," he said in 2009. What a guy.


BGOL Patreon Investor


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playahaitian said:
Like MOST pop stars (his success with N'SYNC aside) J. Timberlake's current popularity and stardom can be DIRECTLY connected to the Black audience's acceptance of him and his music early on (The Neptunes and Timberland co-signed early).

But looking back if WE had been tougher on him after 'Nipplegate' do you think he would have had the same degree of success?
Definitely not.

playahaitian said:
Do you think if he taken RESPONSIBILITY for the act he would have suffered permanent career damage (like Janet did)???
No. I don't think his would have been as severe. White supremacy treats positive things Black folks do as not as good as an equivalent white action - and poor decisions made by Black folks as ten times as bad as similar poor decisions on the part of white folks.

playahaitian said:
Do you BELIEVE that he had NO IDEA what happened and was innocent???
"NO" idea? Hard to say. What is for sure is that if she was guilty of anything, he was at least equally guilty being the he was the one who exposed her breast.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
White privilege... cac took no heat. All blame went to Janet... and he white boy was cool with it.

“I wish I had supported Janet more. I am not sorry I apologised, but I wish I had been there more for Janet,” he said. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I wish, I wish...

No different that that Macklemore shit with Kendrick... "I was gonna say something during my speech..." :rolleyes:

Cacs cacing

And I :smh::smh: when I see other Black people working with dude... let him go back to his New Edition knock off group and be molested by that faggot as fat dude that ran all those boy groups.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White privilege... cac took no heat. All blame went to Janet... and he white boy was cool with it.

“I wish I had supported Janet more. I am not sorry I apologised, but I wish I had been there more for Janet,” he said. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I wish, I wish...

No different that that Macklemore shit with Kendrick... "I was gonna say something during my speech..." :rolleyes:

Cacs cacing

And I :smh::smh: when I see other Black people working with dude... let him go back to his New Edition knock off group and be molested by that faggot as fat dude that ran all those boy groups.

When he was with that group them niggas didn't go platinum....they'd go DIAMOND. He had more success with the group...but shit its one thing to split shit 5 different ways as opposed to solo. :lol: I'm sure he's eating way more now than then since he was young and plus that Lou Perlman cat was taking all their bread. :lol:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Ive never liked this CAC or his music so this incident didnt bother me as much as it maybe did others. I DID actually lose respect for Timbaland, Neptunes, and others STILL working with him afterwards though. These black R&B producers and artists today have the integrity of a porn harlot. Just cut the check and they will do anything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black people? LOL...Don't thinki anybody should've gave 2 fucks...nothing happened to Janet but some pissed off Cacs in bum fuck Iowa


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I sure that after the shit hit the fan, JT's handlers advised him to distance himself from the drama. They were doing their job to help him protect his brand. I don't blame him or them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I used to get a lot of flack from peeps for saying that Timberlake ran like a bitch from this incident and left Jackson to fend for herself.

But after the Molly Cyrus/Robin Thicke flap in which Thicke practically did the SAME DAMN THING, a few of those people have had a turnaround of sorts.

I still can't understand how Blacks support this cat.

I would have had respect for him if he initially came forward and to Jackson's defense.

But FUCK HIM then.
And FUCK HIM now!!!


Rising Star
I actually appreciate him for his role in that lil endeavor... Neither of their careers were adversely affected and we got some Janet Tit shots! I'm good with him... :D


Rising Star
I used to get a lot of flack from peeps for saying that Timberlake ran like a bitch from this incident and left Jackson to fend for herself.

But after the Molly Cyrus/Robin Thicke flap in which Thicke practically did the SAME DAMN THING, a few of those people have had a turnaround of sorts.

I still can't understand how Blacks support this cat.

I would have had respect for him if he initially came forward and to Jackson's defense.

But FUCK HIM then.
And FUCK HIM now!!!
The FCC went into overdrive @ that time even watchdogging content broadcasted on late night nyc radio shows like KaySlay's.
I wasn't even watching the game & just happened to turn it on when the titty show kicked off.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
he dumped Janet, turned his back on her when shit got hot, and then found a "New Black" to cosign her ongoing raping of Black music.

business I guess, but I personally stopped fucking with him based on his cut and run tactics


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
who give a fuck!!!! wtf are you talking about "black people" like we are some mindless monolith


Rising Star
And too, all it took/ takes is one or two producers on the money train to make a "hot" record. If the younger Justin finds a few AA producers to cosign, not saying JT was in the same boat, but if they pump up this obvious racist in the next year or two, a lot of our peeps will fall in like sheep. Proud of being associated with the new hotness.

And all people of color don't mess with these recording artists to begin with, so I can't co sign a total generalization that everyone accepted them from the get.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dont ask me this question..Ive hated his punk ass befote and definitely more after it!

I get mad when I hear him on MJ song...Why Did they use him to sing on that song? This CAC shitted on Janet and black producers put this fucker on MJ song..

Usher shouldve sang on that MJ track. Vecause of Justin TimnerFAKE on it, I dont like the song.


Rising Star
Black people don't run Justin Timberlake or his brand.

Black producers are producers cashing checks for beats and melodies.

The illusion of input is a mistake.

Black fans didn't make JT rich.

White fans paid JT.

The music business is populated by streetwalkers, whores and sluts - tricks -. The only color is green. Ain't no morals or ethics or loyalty.

Those Jew pimps don't care about black forgiveness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nudity is only a bad thing in's a tit...we all sucker on one as newborns.

True Real Info

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I used to get a lot of flack from peeps for saying that Timberlake ran like a bitch from this incident and left Jackson to fend for herself.

But after the Molly Cyrus/Robin Thicke flap in which Thicke practically did the SAME DAMN THING, a few of those people have had a turnaround of sorts.

I still can't understand how Blacks support this cat.

I would have had respect for him if he initially came forward and to Jackson's defense.

But FUCK HIM then.
And FUCK HIM now!!!


I have no respect for dude, especially after hearing how he straight jacked static majors style on hist last album....after straight jacking michael jackesons style before then..


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Black people don't run Justin Timberlake or his brand.

Black producers are producers cashing checks for beats and melodies.

The illusion of input is a mistake.

Black fans didn't make JT rich.

White fans paid JT.

The music business is populated by streetwalkers, whores and sluts - tricks -. The only color is green. Ain't no morals or ethics or loyalty.

Those Jew pimps don't care about black forgiveness.

Dude, little things like the truth has on place on BGOL.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Black people don't run Justin Timberlake or his brand.

Black producers are producers cashing checks for beats and melodies.

The illusion of input is a mistake.

Black fans didn't make JT rich.

White fans paid JT.

The music business is populated by streetwalkers, whores and sluts - tricks -. The only color is green. Ain't no morals or ethics or loyalty.

Those Jew pimps don't care about black forgiveness.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's there to forgive?
He didn't do anything wrong...

So, you cats are NOW outraged about an event that happened over 10 years ago??? :confused:

This shit was talked about to death ad nauseum for the rest of that year. As a result of it, "live tv" now has a 30 seconds delay during broadcasts. Case closed.:dunno:

Take my advice on this fellas; the world has LONG since moved on from the "Nipplegate" incident.

Perhaps it's time that you should too... :yawn:
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