Movie Discussion: CAPTAIN MARVEL (Spoilers) UPDATE: Sequel MARVELS has New Black female director! Feb 2023 most-watched film on any streaming


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
Who ever wrote the cat story lines in the movie needs to be fired and never hired again.

So she got her powers from the engine blowing up and absorbing the energy? Thats it? I wish they explained it a bit more.

it's not too far from how she got her powers in the comics. she destroyed a weapon created by yon rogg and the energy released gave her her powers



Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
'Captain Marvel' Sandbagged on Rotten Tomatoes Within a Few Hours of Opening

Progress: 0%

Despite the site's attempts to subvert the trolls, 58,000 reviews were counted (with thousands of them later expunged).
It appears that trolls have descended upon Captain Marvel.

The Disney film had only been in theaters for hours on Friday when the female-driven superhero picture was torpedoed online via Rotten Tomatoes.

As of 8 a.m., the film had a 33 percent audience score from more than 58,000 reviews. That is more than the total of audience score reviews for Avengers: Infinity War for its entire theatrical run.

However, around 1 p.m., the number of reviews dropped to 7,000 with a score of 35 percent. Rotten Tomatoes explained in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that a glitch was responsible for thousands of reviews showing up on the site when they shouldn't have. According to Rotten Tomatoes, it had included audience reviews given before the film was released, something which is no longer allowed.

"We launched some changes to the movie pre-release functionality last week, which included not allowing users to leave a comment or review prior to a movie’s release in theatres. However, we still invite users to vote if they 'want to see' a movie prior to its release, and that vote total is displayed on the site," the statement read.

The statement continued, "We have identified a bug in the post-release functionality for the movies that have released into theaters since our product update last week. The quantity of user ratings (which is displayed directly below the audience score and is intended to only include the quantity of users who have left a rating or written review after a movie’s release) had included both pre-release and post-release fan voting."

Rotten Tomatoes recently retooled its scoring system in an effort to combat trolls from sandbagging scores for movies they believed inferior and hadn't necessarily seen. A film now can no longer be "reviewed" by audiences before it is released.

"We are disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date," Rotten Tomatoes said of the other changes. "Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature, for now, is the best course of action. Don’t worry though, fans will still get to have their say: Once a movie is released, audiences can leave a user rating and comments as they always have."

Online trolls have attacked a number of films via the site's audience score system in the past, including 2017's Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

On the other side, Captain Marvel, a film starring Brie Larson who plays an extraterrestrial warrior caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle, holds an 82 percent critics' score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Captain Marvel marks the 21st film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The movie was written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. It launched to more than $20 million in Thursday night previews.

March 8, 1 p.m.: Updated with new statement from Rotten Tomatoes.

white men really showed their ass on this movie.....

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Ok Nuther no prize contender

Remember the scene when the kree were scanning goose and fury?

They identified goose as a flerkin threat high. They scanned fury and labeled him human male threat low to none.

Avengers mid credit scene
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
I loved it

Saw it today

Skrulls are brown people of earth and kree the cac, kree had some coons and abolitionist

Anyone see that? I’m just sayin tho

Black folk kept the the items that would help the hero remember

Did they change Ronan up, or was it the same dude? Looked different to me

Someone help me with this, what other heros are changed or become who they are due to contact with the power of an infinity stone? Of those how many are alive after the snap?


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
The movie had a lot of nostalgic stuff in it man.

Blockbuster, radio shack, beepers, phone booths, the clothes, call backs to other classic movies, using the lunch box. Over time it will sink in for most of the nay sayers that this was a solid movie.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I loved it

Saw it today

Skrulls are brown people of earth and kree the cac, kree had some coons and abolitionist

Anyone see that? I’m just sayin tho

Black folk kept the the items that would help the hero remember

Did they change Ronan up, or was it the same dude? Looked different to me

Someone help me with this, what other heros are changed or become who they are due to contact with the power of an infinity stone? Of those how many are alive after the snap?

On the kree skrull thing I touched on the kree and my feelings towards them in this post

MANNN the 1st 10-15 minutes of the movie had my mouth agape I couldn't believe they were actually pulling off a good telling of the Kree/skull war.

Also that is another reason I believe people (read fragile white male ego's) were shiting on this movie so hard. I always looked at the kree in comics as this neo nazi aryan, super race wannabe mutha fucka's.

This movie showed thru their bullshit rhetoric. Showed how they will turn on yo ass the instant you start to think for yourself and realize they full of shit. and will use their gestapo methods (ronin the accuser) and go scorched earth the minute they find they have loss the advantage of their false superiority...Did I read too much into that?

Also another reason I feel white boys were losing they mind now that I've seen it...They made Mar-vel a WOMAN?!?

That shit had white boys heads exploding like


Mar-vel in 70's comics was the unofficial pinacle of aryan greatness




Platinum Member
The movie had a lot of nostalgic stuff in it man.

Blockbuster, radio shack, beepers, phone booths, the clothes, call backs to other classic movies, using the lunch box. Over time it will sink in for most of the nay sayers that this was a solid movie.

I agree, I was digging the 90’s type shit...
The map, pay phone, 96 box impala, pager

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
More so on the last part, I shoulda edit the top out.

Super powers gained by the power of a stone
Ok gotcha

Someone help me with this, what other heros are changed or become who they are due to contact with the power of an infinity stone?

2 answers to the question red skull was changed/transformed when he held the tessaract and it transported him to vorimer.

There's theories that thru contact/experimentation with the mind stone/scepter, wanda and pietro got there power's based on other infinity stones.

Wanda's power's mirror the reality warping ability of the reality stone/aether and pietro the space stone/tessaract.

Of those how many are alive after the snap?

Red skull is spose to be alive and freed from the confines of vorimer.

Pietro died in age of ultron, wanda got dusted in the snap.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok gotcha

Someone help me with this, what other heros are changed or become who they are due to contact with the power of an infinity stone?

2 answers to the question red skull was changed/transformed when he held the tessaract and it transported him to vorimer.

There's theories that thru contact/experimentation with the mind stone/scepter, wanda and pietro got there power's based on other infinity stones.

Wanda's power's mirror the reality warping ability of the reality stone/aether and pietro the space stone/tessaract.

Of those how many are alive after the snap?

Red skull is spose to be alive and freed from the confines of vorimer.

Pietro died in age of ultron, wanda got dusted in the snap.

This is where the MCU not being 100% tied to the comics fucks everything up.

Wanda and Pietro are supposed to be Magneto’s kids. But in the MCU they made it seem like they’re just some random kids that Hydra experimented on and they ended up with powers.

They both have different power sets that do not match the stone from which those powers came from.......the Mind Stone.

Carol Danver in the comics doesn’t get her powers from the Infinity Stones at all, but in the MCU...she gets get powers from the Tesseract which is the Space Stone.....but she’s described as being pure power.

some shit don’t make no sense to me... :dunno: