Joe Biden is now POTUS


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Just sit back with the big bag of popcorn and watch every slight Biden does like for example giving 11,000,000 illegal muthafuckas citizenship while giving you negroes nothing but his ass to kiss and say, "See, I told you so".

Folks like you hate to see happy Black people cause it reminds you just how empty and lonely you are.

Our happiness poisons your soul.

Die slow on this Black joy, motherfucker.


Rising Star
Salute, Poet Amanda Gorman
Beautiful young woman.
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Rising Star
Just sit back with the big bag of popcorn and watch every slight Biden does like for example giving 11,000,000 illegal muthafuckas citizenship while giving you negroes nothing but his ass to kiss and say, "See, I told you so".
So you're going to do nothing. Ok got it..
Some of us are men/adults and aint sitting around waiting for someone to do things for us like an infant. Instead we do for ourself.
You should try that out sometime.
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Does anyone know if he pardoned any of the people from capitol riots?

Here is the list, A bunch of corrupt politicians and people who committed financial fraud.


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Complain, Complain, Complain, Complain and Complain.
Folks like you hate to see happy Black people cause it reminds you just how empty and lonely you are.

Our happiness poisons your soul.

Die slow on this Black joy, motherfucker.
Why are you happy? Biden hasn't promised the Black community nothing. Basically told the negro leadership him getting elected was all you're going to get. Kamala has said she's going to put her power behind H1B1 visas hey she may through out a few skee wees while she watches her Indian cousin take your job.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
BGOL Investor
Joe IMMEDIATELY rips up Trump's legacy: New President will STOP building border wall, order federal mask mandate, scrap 'Muslim' ban, rejoin climate accord and dissolve anti-woke 1776 Commission
  • Joe Biden's first act as president on Wednesday will be signing 15 executive orders essentially undoing much of President Donald Trump's legacy
  • One order will stop construction of the southern border wall – one of Trump's biggest campaign promises to stop the flow of illegal immigration
  • He will also sign a mandate for all federal employees to wear masks and issue an order that all federal buildings and lands require the same
  • Other orders include ending the 'Muslim Ban', reentering the World Health Organization and Paris Climate Accord and dissolving the new 1776 Commission


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Joe IMMEDIATELY rips up Trump's legacy: New President will STOP building border wall, order federal mask mandate, scrap 'Muslim' ban, rejoin climate accord and dissolve anti-woke 1776 Commission
  • Joe Biden's first act as president on Wednesday will be signing 15 executive orders essentially undoing much of President Donald Trump's legacy
  • One order will stop construction of the southern border wall – one of Trump's biggest campaign promises to stop the flow of illegal immigration
  • He will also sign a mandate for all federal employees to wear masks and issue an order that all federal buildings and lands require the same
  • Other orders include ending the 'Muslim Ban', reentering the World Health Organization and Paris Climate Accord and dissolving the new 1776 Commission
I clicked on the link to the report and says not found. Good! Don't give any breathing room to that garbage ass report.