Joe Biden is now POTUS


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
"Trump Spirit" remix:

"You keep it going man, you keep those lawsuits rolling, You pick up all those votes that you're gonna read and not count and you roll man.
You get that Pennsylvania lawsuit, okay,
Then you sue Michigan, then you sue Arizona
Then you get you get more donations for your lawsuits,
Then you sue Wisconsin,
You go man, and then when everybody says, "Quit,"
You show them those illegal votes man,
When everyone says, "Hey, it's not working,
You're not winning any lawsuits,
You say, "You look at my lawsuits and you look at my donations, Yeah I'm down by more votes after the recount. So what? Hate all you want,
But I'm smart, I'm so smart, and I'm in court,
And these guys are out here, um, making
Money all these ways, and I'm spending mine on lawsuits.

You know why?

'Cause when I die, buddy, you know
What's gonna keep me warm? That's right! Those lawsuits."

Post of the month....


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
The Dems at that hearing where fucking useless, tryna ng to be aoc and be sharp and witty but came off as unhinged, I heard very few questions that any one of us in this thread would have asked those witnesses. Dems need to do better

Are you talking about the Rudy hearing...

Man that entire thing was a joke..... LOL..... if I was at that hearing... I'd probably spend most of my allotted time laughing ... then leave 30 seconds

Then later reclaim my time to laugh some more....


Mr. Pool
Are you talking about the Rudy hearing...

Man that entire thing was a joke..... LOL..... if I was at that hearing... I'd probably spend most of my allotted time laughing ... then leave 30 seconds

Then later reclaim my time to laugh some more....
I'm with you, the thing is that even though it was a circus there where still Dems there and they didn't really do a good job imho, I know it's a pojntless shit show but if you're going to show up might as well ask the right questions. But you're right it was a total farce and an embarrassment for our nation that I'm sure the rest of the world is laughing at as I type these words. What a fucking disgrace


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you talking about the Rudy hearing...

Man that entire thing was a joke..... LOL..... if I was at that hearing... I'd probably spend most of my allotted time laughing ... then leave 30 seconds

Then later reclaim my time to laugh some more....
I hope them dems is checking them republican county votes


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I'm with you, the thing is that even though it was a circus there where still Dems there and they didn't really do a good job imho, I know it's a pojntless shit show but if you're going to show up might as well ask the right questions. But you're right it was a total farce and an embarrassment for our nation that I'm sure the rest of the world is laughing at as I type these words. What a fucking disgrace

fam I knew it was bad and I didn't think Trump could somehow makes this any worse

and I was wrong... What he is doing is NEXT FUCKING LEVEL..

He has hundreds of Lawyers getting paid Millions of dollars ..... absolutely fleecing this fucker

These fuckers are willing to put decade long legal careers on the line for frivolous lawsuits...

When this shit is over... these Bar Complaints are going to be gangsta

Cause you know Trump is going to sue EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE FIRMS for Malpractice .....

Sidney and Lin are going to get Malpractice'd to oblivion and I'm loving it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh this is an old post that I don't even remember typing it or the context for my response.
It is more likely a reply to someone who actually meant defund the police. See y'all assuming that everyone who says defund the police is talking about handing some responsibilities and funding over to other professionals. No, there are actually people who mean defund the police and that is why those who meant otherwise fucked up attaching themselves to that slogan.
Hell I remember conversation on this very board about fuck the police and let's protect our own neighborhoods. I've had such discussions off this board about not needing police. Have you not heard people say cops don't prevent crime but only come after crimes are committed? There are a good number of people who would like to do away with cops.
we good. we all on the same team figuring the same fight just need to b vigilant and up to date


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Naw homie. GOP gonna do what they do, but REFORMING the police sounds NOTHING like DEFUNDING the police. Most people understand that REFORMING means "improvement" in some way with the system staying functional. DEFUNDING sounds like you're going to dismantle it all completely.

I'm not talking about Republicans anyway. I'm talking about people who have voted straight democrat tickets their entire lives saying "I can't mess with the defunding" thing.

And it's not even an education-based thing. I'm talking democrats who follow politics that immediately shutdown over "DEFUNDING the police". First thing that comes to their mind is their neighborhoods being unsafe while all day every day the MSM was showing people rioting all over the country.

I can't believe people are so dense that they don't get this.
ppl forget that most thinking adults aren't really like us, we understand the difference and what it truly means but there's 70mill + the dumb dems voters who hear that and short circuit! it sucks but it is what it is ! the republicans know their base and play to it way better, the dems , also the dems have too manny factions under one umbrella that its sometimes hard to be on one message , with the republicans its simple " DOG WHISLTE FOR RACISM & POLICY THAT WiLL MASK THAT DOG WHISTLE ! EVERYTHING ELSE IS BUNK


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
lol..... All these Lawyers taking Ls for this dude

PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — A Florida attorney is at the center of a new state investigation after elections officials say he recently attempted to register to vote in Georgia and instructed other Florida Republicans on how to do it .

Bill Price is seen in a now-deleted Facebook Live video, speaking to the Bay County GOP members in Florida on Nov. 7th. It was about half an hour after the election was called for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket.

Channel 2 investigative reporter Nicole Carr recorded the nearly hour-long video Tuesday afternoon, shortly before it was deleted.

Price begins by sharing his legal expertise with the crowd, telling them lawsuits challenging the presidential race are likely to fail.

“I’d love to tell you that there are legal avenues for success in the courts, but as a realist and as a lawyer myself, I know that that’s just not going to happen,” he said.

Instead, Price encouraged the crowd to work toward a “billion-man” march at the State Capitol, show up in Atlanta on Election Day, and move if they can do it.

“We absolutely have to hold the Senate and we have to start fighting back, and we have to do whatever it takes,” Price said in the video. “And if that means changing your address for the next two months, so be it. I’m doing that. I’m moving to Georgia and I’m gonna fight and I want you all to fight with me.”

Price told the group he’s moving to his brother’s address in Hiram, Georgia in order to register to vote in the January runoff. He repeats and spells and his brother’s name and address, as members of the group jot it down. They can be heard mumbling the address in the background while some write.

“We can truly register at that address?” one woman asks.

“Sure,” Price answers, adding they have to plan to show a move, suggesting they have mail sent there.

“And can it be anywhere in the state of Georgia you can register?” another woman asks. “So if you’ve got cousins, dogs, cats that live somewhere else, it doesn’t need to be one particular county?”

“Yep,” Price answers. “This is going to be a statewide election on Jan. 5th. I’m gonna be voting for Kelly Loeffler?” (In the recording, his voice indicates a question, as he mispronounces the senator’s last name). “And David Perdue.”

One woman also asks about the deadline to register in Georgia. Price said he’s unsure, would have to check, but offers advice on how to get it done online.

“It can be done online or you can request your ballot at your new address in Georgia by mail,” Price said. You just go to the secretary of state’s website for the state of Georgia and register to vote there.”

“If they need a driver’s license, I’m going to get a driver’s license,” he said. “If they need mail, I’m going to have mail there.”

“We have to win that election in Georgia, and so I’m moving to my brother’s house in Hiram, Georgia and I’m registering to vote,” Price says. “And we are going to win that election in January.”

“That’s what needs to be done. If you don’t want to do it, fine. Might as well move to Venezuela now‚” he said. “Get used to that lifestyle, cause that’s what’s coming.”

When Carr reached Price by email Tuesday evening, he denied he was serious about the move.

“Thanks for reaching out. I did not change my voter registration and I don’t have 2 million roommates,” Price wrote, referencing a joke he’d told at one point during the talk about having millions join him in Georgia. " But if my humorous comments bring attention to the massive and widespread voter fraud in Georgia, I would submit to you that it’s a good thing.”

But Channel 2 confirmed Price registered to vote the day after he made the speech, using his brother’s Hiram address and swearing to an affidavit that he was a Georgia resident and eligible to vote.

“When we clearly know that he is not,” said Deidre Holden, Paulding County’s election supervisor.

Holden said Wednesday that Price’s voter registration is in pending status. Her office was preparing to write him and ask him to bring in his driver’s license to “cure” and complete the registration, since the information was provided last month.

By Monday morning, Holden had been contacted by state elections investigators who had flagged Price’s Georgia registration address. They shared the video with her. She said the elections board will hold a special-called meeting next week to make sure Price’s registration does not become active.

Holden, a Republican, told Carr Price’s intent was clear in the video, and it was disturbing to hear him instruct the group and say he planned to return to Florida on November 6th.

“What kind of message is this sending out to our children and our grandchildren and our neighbors that if you don’t win an election, that you can just go out and steal one?” Holden asked. “And that’s absolutely unacceptable here in the State of Georgia.”

Carr stopped by Price’s brother’s home on Wednesday. He confirmed he’d been contacted by state investigators, but had not seen the video.

“The whole thing was just tongue- in-cheek,” Fredrick Price said of his brother’s remarks. “There’s nothing here. "

“Some of it was tongue-in- cheek,” Carr said. “The other was specific instructions.

“No,” Price answered.

“It wasn’t all a joke,” Carr said.

“OK, but No,” Price answered.”

“OK, thank you, Sir,” Carr said.

In a Wednesday afternoon, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs confirmed the office would be exploring the felony charges tied to fraudulent voter registration in Georgia.

For weeks Georgia officials have warned that registering to vote with no attempt to stay in Georgia can be punishable by a felony charge that can carry up to a ten-year sentence , and $100,000 fine.

“This isn’t California,” said Fuchs. “We actually investigate and seek to prosecute individuals who try vote here illegally. Our system is built to prevent this behavior— we will seek to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.”

Carr reached out to the Bay County GOP to see if the group advised members that Price was under investigation, and his suggestions regarding temporary moves to vote is illegal. As of airtime, Wednesday, Channel 2 has not received a response."


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I hope the dems are checking republican counties and states. These fuckas trying to flip the election

It is too late. The states that matter have sent the signed certificates and all
the names of electors to the National Archive. These are the people who will
meet on Dec 14 to vote for the President. By law each candidate has voters
designated to him. If he wins, they are the ones certified, and listed on the
certificate signed by the Secretary of State and Governor. They are the ones
who will vote on Dec 14. If the state legislatures want to play games, they
can nominate other people, who will not vote on Dec 14. These people can
be submitted to the Senate and the House on January 6 when the identity
of the winner of the December 14 vote is announced. The Democrats in the
House will not entertain any usurpers submitted by rogue states. Now if the
Senate decides to use such people and they number 270 or more, there will
be a deadlock. In that case the US constitution stipulates that those who
voted in the electoral college, i.e. the Biden voters, prevail. Trump cannot
stop the wheels of the train. Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin
and Pennsylvania have already sent in their certificates. Only Minnesota
remains to speak. Even without MN, Biden will have 296 electoral college

The Electoral College | National Archives
Last edited:


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — A Florida attorney is at the center of a new state investigation after elections officials say he recently attempted to register to vote in Georgia and instructed other Florida Republicans on how to do it .

Bill Price is seen in a now-deleted Facebook Live video, speaking to the Bay County GOP members in Florida on Nov. 7th. It was about half an hour after the election was called for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket.

Channel 2 investigative reporter Nicole Carr recorded the nearly hour-long video Tuesday afternoon, shortly before it was deleted.

Price begins by sharing his legal expertise with the crowd, telling them lawsuits challenging the presidential race are likely to fail.

“I’d love to tell you that there are legal avenues for success in the courts, but as a realist and as a lawyer myself, I know that that’s just not going to happen,” he said.

Instead, Price encouraged the crowd to work toward a “billion-man” march at the State Capitol, show up in Atlanta on Election Day, and move if they can do it.

“We absolutely have to hold the Senate and we have to start fighting back, and we have to do whatever it takes,” Price said in the video. “And if that means changing your address for the next two months, so be it. I’m doing that. I’m moving to Georgia and I’m gonna fight and I want you all to fight with me.”

Price told the group he’s moving to his brother’s address in Hiram, Georgia in order to register to vote in the January runoff. He repeats and spells and his brother’s name and address, as members of the group jot it down. They can be heard mumbling the address in the background while some write.

“We can truly register at that address?” one woman asks.

“Sure,” Price answers, adding they have to plan to show a move, suggesting they have mail sent there.

“And can it be anywhere in the state of Georgia you can register?” another woman asks. “So if you’ve got cousins, dogs, cats that live somewhere else, it doesn’t need to be one particular county?”

“Yep,” Price answers. “This is going to be a statewide election on Jan. 5th. I’m gonna be voting for Kelly Loeffler?” (In the recording, his voice indicates a question, as he mispronounces the senator’s last name). “And David Perdue.”

One woman also asks about the deadline to register in Georgia. Price said he’s unsure, would have to check, but offers advice on how to get it done online.

“It can be done online or you can request your ballot at your new address in Georgia by mail,” Price said. You just go to the secretary of state’s website for the state of Georgia and register to vote there.”

“If they need a driver’s license, I’m going to get a driver’s license,” he said. “If they need mail, I’m going to have mail there.”

“We have to win that election in Georgia, and so I’m moving to my brother’s house in Hiram, Georgia and I’m registering to vote,” Price says. “And we are going to win that election in January.”

“That’s what needs to be done. If you don’t want to do it, fine. Might as well move to Venezuela now‚” he said. “Get used to that lifestyle, cause that’s what’s coming.”

When Carr reached Price by email Tuesday evening, he denied he was serious about the move.

“Thanks for reaching out. I did not change my voter registration and I don’t have 2 million roommates,” Price wrote, referencing a joke he’d told at one point during the talk about having millions join him in Georgia. " But if my humorous comments bring attention to the massive and widespread voter fraud in Georgia, I would submit to you that it’s a good thing.”

But Channel 2 confirmed Price registered to vote the day after he made the speech, using his brother’s Hiram address and swearing to an affidavit that he was a Georgia resident and eligible to vote.

“When we clearly know that he is not,” said Deidre Holden, Paulding County’s election supervisor.

Holden said Wednesday that Price’s voter registration is in pending status. Her office was preparing to write him and ask him to bring in his driver’s license to “cure” and complete the registration, since the information was provided last month.

By Monday morning, Holden had been contacted by state elections investigators who had flagged Price’s Georgia registration address. They shared the video with her. She said the elections board will hold a special-called meeting next week to make sure Price’s registration does not become active.

Holden, a Republican, told Carr Price’s intent was clear in the video, and it was disturbing to hear him instruct the group and say he planned to return to Florida on November 6th.

“What kind of message is this sending out to our children and our grandchildren and our neighbors that if you don’t win an election, that you can just go out and steal one?” Holden asked. “And that’s absolutely unacceptable here in the State of Georgia.”

Carr stopped by Price’s brother’s home on Wednesday. He confirmed he’d been contacted by state investigators, but had not seen the video.

“The whole thing was just tongue- in-cheek,” Fredrick Price said of his brother’s remarks. “There’s nothing here. "

“Some of it was tongue-in- cheek,” Carr said. “The other was specific instructions.

“No,” Price answered.

“It wasn’t all a joke,” Carr said.

“OK, but No,” Price answered.”

“OK, thank you, Sir,” Carr said.

In a Wednesday afternoon, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs confirmed the office would be exploring the felony charges tied to fraudulent voter registration in Georgia.

For weeks Georgia officials have warned that registering to vote with no attempt to stay in Georgia can be punishable by a felony charge that can carry up to a ten-year sentence , and $100,000 fine.

“This isn’t California,” said Fuchs. “We actually investigate and seek to prosecute individuals who try vote here illegally. Our system is built to prevent this behavior— we will seek to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.”

Carr reached out to the Bay County GOP to see if the group advised members that Price was under investigation, and his suggestions regarding temporary moves to vote is illegal. As of airtime, Wednesday, Channel 2 has not received a response."
This guy is in a lot of trouble he is definitely going to get disbarred


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
The more 45 runs with the fake legal BS the more they will start looking at the Repubs closet full of skeletons and dirty they have been keeping on the low.
Yeah I was telling someone this last week that if they don’t shut Donald Trump down the Republican skeletons are going to come flying out of the closet because I think they did try to cheat but the mail in ballots nullified all of that bullshit.


International Member
Michael Flynn calls for Trump to suspend the constitution and declare martial law to re-run election.

With a fresh presidential pardon still warm, former national security advisor Michael Flynn has called on Donald Trump to suspend the constitution and declare martial law for the military to run a new election.

The retired general tweeted out a full-page ad that ran in The Washington Times that claimed the extraordinary executive actions were necessary to avoid the alternative of an imminent "shooting civil war".

Captioning the tweet "Freedom never kneels except for God [pray emoji, US flag emoji]", Mr Flynn linked to ad from a TEA Party-affiliated group called We The People Convention.

The 1,500-word manifesto invokes Abraham Lincoln's extraordinary use of presidential authority to suspend habeas corpus as it compares the more widely-known civil war with Antifa and Black Lives Matter attacking major cities with their anti-American agenda.
