Israel: Obama's Speech Won't Change Our Settlement Policy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's like a shoplifter claiming it's not fair when he's stopped


"We're disappointed," said one senior official. "All of the understandings reached during the [George W.] Bush administration are worth nothing."..."The United States is taking a line of granting concessions to the Palestinians that is not fair toward Israel," he said...


Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
It's like a shoplifter claiming it's not fair when he's stopped

yeah i wish obama wasn't such a pussy and actually forced them to stop stealing land and murdering Palestinians, show those cocky hymies who runs them [but he is a pussy].

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

yeah i wish obama wasn't such a pussy and actually forced them to stop stealing land and murdering Palestinians, show those cocky hymies who runs them [but he is a pussy].
How do you suggest he override the Senate & House Pro-Israeli moles to "force" Israel to do anything?


Rising Star
I was surprised at how strongly-worded his stance was.

At the same time, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. (Applause.) This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop. (Applause.)

Of course, the simple speech won't do it on its own...


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
fuck em we need to stop giving those free loaders tax payer money and use it towards the healthcare bill


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
fuck em we need to stop giving those free loaders tax payer money and use it towards the healthcare bill
easier said than done, you got jews running congress and the media, not to mention they got lobbies in all states


Rising Star
Strong words are like flimsy toilet paper with floral patterns. If they want to prove their point, stop giving them money and support.


International Member
Of course it wont. Since when has Israel paid any serious attention to what the outside world has to say against them?

Talk is cheap, action is what's needed. Unless the USA government starts backing up their words with some direct actions ( i.e. boycotts, withdrawing military funding, etc ) then the same shit will continue happening and the ever ongoing Palestinian situation will worsen rather than improve.

Laughing Man

How do you suggest he override the Senate & House Pro-Israeli moles to "force" Israel to do anything?

You expect him to come up with a solution?

If he's not being a jew puppet, he's being too slow and wishy washy with being tough on Israel.....cant satisfy these fools


fuck em we need to stop giving those free loaders tax payer money and use it towards the healthcare bill

easier said than done, you got jews running congress and the media, not to mention they got lobbies in all states

Did you forget to log in an alternate account?

I'm surprised how strongly worded the speech was as well, but how did you expect the Israeli's to respond?? Who actually admits fault and wrongdoing nowadays.