Israel Declares War After Hamas Attacks


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Damn Bibi & em wasnt prepped
For Gorilla Warfare

Isreal is still chasing rabbits - still falling in briar patches
and based on the latest resistance videos - they refuse to adapt or change tactics on the ground
still got snipers leaning out windows / using curtains - still no infantry moving with armor etc


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No doubt, fam

This war has been going on WAY BEFORE the October 7th excuse that gets peddled for sympathy. Cats rockin Adidas n sweats, taking out squadrons of tanks, like just another day:lol::roflmao:

Israel is clearly flustered with the swag factor on display.

Like this cat right here he puts an explosive device on that tank the same way you'd act at your post office, and then go back to smoke them with his RPG telling his homie NOPE ! they're mine I do the firing !

Talking about being bold !



Platinum Member
Like this cat right here he puts an explosive device on that tank the same way you'd act at your post office, and then go back to smoke them with his RPG telling his homie NOPE ! they're mine I do the firing !

Talking about being bold !

Bruh just think of them rpg we’re a little powerful…

They be jabbing them tanks just think if they were haymakers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh just think of them rpg we’re a little powerful…

They be jabbing them tanks just think if they were haymakers

Yep ! that's why Israelis are that reluctant when it comes to deal with the Hezbollah on the ground, they know the fight is going to be on another level !


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bibi would’ve loved to bomb this meeting

Two of the Triple-H leaders that's giving Israel THAT WORK.

I'd bet that Israel would rather attack the source of the proxy wars but...

Risk another escalation from Iran, which took out one of their biggest their military air bases in less than 24-Hours AFTER giving Israel and its multi-national defenders two-weeks notice?

Tell 'em Clay....

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Platinum Member
Yep ! that's why Israelis are that reluctant when it comes to deal with the Hezbollah on the ground, they know the fight is going to be on another level !

Bruh this a prefect follow up for your post…

This guy does great commentary on some of the clips we’ve seen over the pass week. The lady’s video he include is masterful. This was my first time seeing and hearing her.
I’m seek out more of her work


Platinum Member
Concerning Jabalia (northeast of Gaza), Israel is in the FIND OUT phase after fuck around. Like I suspected, they were headed into a well placed TRAP.

"Destroy Hamas" is an empty worded mission that's not realistic.
Seem like your statement is very very accurate…

They might need to leave the north alone.
Don’t seem like the same fighting force from the first go round, unless the reporting ain’t one sided anymore



Platinum Member
Two of the Triple-H leaders that's giving Israel THAT WORK.

I'd bet that Israel would rather attack the source of the proxy wars but...

Risk another escalation from Iran, which took out one of their biggest their military air bases in less than 24-Hours AFTER giving Israel and its multi-national defenders two-weeks notice?

Tell 'em Clay....

And look what’s going on with the 3rd H member….

They hit one of our destroyers yesterday sooooooo



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
America never said South Africa had a right to defend itself when Botha was killing thousands of blacks every day in their own country. We were never told we had a right to defend ourselves over here.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh this a prefect follow up for your post…

This guy does great commentary on some of the clips we’ve seen over the pass week. The lady’s video he include is masterful. This was my first time seeing and hearing her.
I’m seek out more of her work

This is very SOLID analysis. Thanks, fam


Platinum Member

IDF confirms Hezbollah drone hit a sensitive military site; damage being assessed​

Terror group claims to target missile-detecting balloon in deepest strike in Israel amid war; in response, air force attacks weapon manufacturing plant in northeastern Lebanon​

By Emanuel Fabian
A massive blimp containing an advanced radar system that Israel plans to deploy into the sky over northern Israel to detect incoming missiles and drones, as seen at its home base on November 3, 2021. (Defense Ministry)

Hezbollah managed to hit a sensitive military facility in the Lower Galilee with an explosive drone on Wednesday evening, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed Thursday, as fighter jets responded by striking targets belonging to the terror group in northeastern Lebanon.

In the attack on Wednesday, Hezbollah claimed to have launched explosive-laden drones at an Israeli Air Force base from which a giant missile-detecting blimp, known as Sky Dew, is operated.

The base is located near Golani Junction, some 35 kilometers (21 miles) from the Lebanon border.

The IDF on Thursday morning confirmed that one of Hezbollah’s drones hit a sensitive military facility in the area of Golani Junction.

Two drones were launched in the attack, with one being downed by air defenses, according to the military.

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The second explosive drone struck the facility, and the damage was being assessed by the military.

It marked Hezbollah’s deepest strike in Israel amid the war.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meets IAF soldiers at a base in northern Israel housing a giant missile-detecting balloon, February 20, 2024. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry)

Hezbollah has launched thousands of drones, missiles, and rockets at northern Israel in the past seven months, though the attacks have largely been limited to the border area. Until Wednesday, the terror group had fired projectiles at Israeli targets up to around 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the frontier.

The Sky Dew aerostat is deployed at high altitudes to detect incoming long-range missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. It was first used some two years ago, but the system is not yet operational and has seen significant setbacks with its deployment.

In response to the attack, the Israeli Air Force carried out strikes overnight in northeastern Lebanon’s Baalbek, a Hezbollah stronghold some 100 kilometers from the border.

The strike targeted a Hezbollah weapons manufacturing plant, used to build guided munitions and drones, according to military assessments.

Lebanese media described the Israeli strike as the largest in the Baalbek region amid the war.

Hezbollah said the drone attack was a response to recent Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon that killed members of the terror group. On Tuesday night, a top field commander, Hussein Ibrahim Makki, was killed in an IDF drone strike.

Makki, according to Israeli military sources, was the intelligence officer of Hezbollah’s Southern Front unit, a relatively senior role in the terror group.

Following the strike, Hezbollah carried out several major attacks on northern Israel, including the drone attack.

Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the border on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there.

So far, the skirmishes on the border have resulted in ten civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 14 IDF soldiers and reservists. There have also been several attacks from Syria, without any injuries.

Hezbollah has named 298 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing skirmishes, mostly in Lebanon but some also in Syria. In Lebanon, another 60 operatives from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier, and at least 60 civilians have been killed.


Platinum Member
Y’all noticed something, the most pro-government folks on here… don’t be saying nothing.

What do you’ll think is the reasoning for that, I’m kinda curious?

I mean if it’s not Trump, Repiglet, Putin, taking Covid shot and a few other things…. You don’t here nothing


Platinum Member
If you have a hour this some info to break down, the fighting groups in Gaza

And ask touch on Hezbollah

Tunnels, Weapons and Guerrilla Tactics: How Palestine’s Armed Forces Survived


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

When a hawk starts talking like a dove, you do know how tough the situation really is !
This cat was among the most hawkish ones in Bibi's government, he must have witnessed some troubling shit to now talk like that !

the same cat seven months ago



Rising Star
Platinum Member
When a hawk starts talking like a dove, you do know how tough the situation really is !
This cat was among the most hawkish ones in Bibi's government, he must have witnessed some troubling shit to now talk like that !

the same cat seven months ago



It's hilarious because I recall Israel basically saying, "We'll wash them in a few weeks or so, everywhere" and some folks on here talking cash money shit, "what did they (Hamas) think would happen?"..."Israel has the MIGHTIEST military...blah, blah, blah!!"...back in October.

And here we are, going on 8-MONTHS later, Israeli military feeling the weight of THAT WORK from Triple-H as well as the pressure of a post-war plan, i.e., wrap this bullshit up, already.
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Platinum Member

Palestinians displaced by the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip walk through a makeshift tent camp in Rafah, May 10, 2024. (AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)


Platinum Member

US said offering intel on Hamas leaders’ whereabouts if Israel drops major Rafah op​

Biden administration reportedly also says it can give information on locations of secret tunnels in Gaza used by terror group as incentive not to enter Gaza’s southernmost city​

By ToI Staff
Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Yahya Sinwar speaks during a rally marking Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, in Gaza City, April 14, 2023. (Mohammed Abed / AFP)

The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on a long-promised major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah.

“We could also, in fact, help them target the leaders, including [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar, which we are, frankly, doing with the Israelis on an ongoing basis,” he said.

The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels.”

The report said that the administration has also offered to help put up large tent encampments for Palestinians evacuated from Rafah, and to assist in building infrastructure to provide humanitarian aid.

A senior administration official familiar with the discussions, also unnamed, was quoted as saying that Israel had provided assurances that Israel Defense Forces troops would not enter Rafah before evacuating about 800,000 of an estimated 1 million Palestinians sheltering there amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

Comments from White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby at a Thursday briefing appeared to be in line with the report, though he noted that such intelligence was already being given to Israel

The Washington Post report came after two officials familiar with the matter toldThe Times of Israel on Friday that Sinwar is not hiding in Rafah, citing recent intelligence assessments that placed the Hamas leader in underground tunnels in the Khan Younis area.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to launch a major offensive in Rafah for months, arguing that the operation is essential for defeating Hamas, which has four of its remaining six active battalions located in the city

At the beginning of the week, Israel launched an operation to take over the Palestinian side of the Rafah Crossing, which it said was being used for terror purposes. The crossing has since been shuttered, with Israel offering no timetable for it will be reopened for the delivery of aid.

The White House on said Friday that the US does not believe the campaign amounts to a wide-scale military operation in the population centers the crowded city of the sort that US President Joe Biden warned would lead him to halt offensive weapons shipments to Israel. He already withheld a shipment of high payload bombs last week amid fears they’d be used in Rafah.

File: This photo provided by the Israel Defense Forces shows a tank with an Israeli flag on it entering the Gazan side of the Rafah Border Crossing on May 7, 2024. (Israel Defense Forces via AP)

Israel’s security cabinet voted on Thursday to approve a measured expansion of the Rafah operation in what is aimed to remain within the scope of what Washington is willing to accept.

The war in Gaza erupted with Hamas’s October 7 massacre, when thousands terrorists burst across the border into Israel by land, air and sea, killing some 1,200 people and seizing 252 hostages, mostly civilians, amid many acts of brutality and sexual assault.

Vowing to eliminate Hamas, Israel launched a wide-scale military campaign in Gaza aimed at freeing the hostages and destroying the terror group’s military and governance capabilities. Health authorities in Gaza say almost 35,000 people have been killed in the ensuing war, though figures issued by the Hamas-run health ministry cannot be independently verified, and are believed to include both civilians and Hamas members killed in Gaza, including as a consequence of terror groups’ own rocket misfires.

The IDF says it has killed over 13,000 operatives in Gaza, in addition to some 1,000 terrorists inside Israel on October 7, while 267 soldiers have been killed during the ground offensive against Hamas and amid operations along the Gaza border


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Rift in Israel war cabinet as defence chief opposes ‘military rule’ in Gaza​

Israeli Defence Minister Gallant challenges PM Netanyahu over failure to address issue of post-war plan for Gaza.
Divisions within Israel’s war cabinet over the lack of post-war plans for the Gaza Strip have erupted in a rare public row, with Defence Minister Yoav Gallant saying the country should not be involved in ruling the besieged and bombarded territory once the fighting ends.

On Wednesday, Gallant said he was opposed to the Israeli military control or taking responsibility for the governance of Gaza.

“I must reiterate … I will not agree to the establishment of Israeli military rule in Gaza. Israel must not establish civilian rule in Gaza,” he told a news conference.

Since the current conflict started in October, Gallant said he had been “raising this issue consistently in the cabinet, and have received no response,” rebuking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calling on him to “make a decision”.

Netanyahu, who has indicated Israel intends to maintain open-ended control over security affairs in the enclave, responded to Gallant’s call saying he was not “prepared to exchange Hamastan for Fatahstan”. He has previously said that talking about the “day after” war was a moot point because the conflict would not end until the complete defeat of Hamas, the group that has been running Gaza since 2007.

Benny Gantz, another war cabinet member, came out in support of Gallant, saying he spoke the truth and that it was the leadership’s responsibility to do the right thing for the country at all costs.

“This is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the war cabinet at a very critical time,” said Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom, reporting from Amman, Jordan, following an Israeli ban on the network.

Far-right ministers took aim at Gallant, whose statement placed him in the crosshairs of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

“The Minister of Defense who failed on October 7 and continues to fail today. Such a Minister of Defense must be replaced in order to achieve the goals of the war,” said Ben-Gvir in an X post.

Also posting on X, Smotrich said: “Defense Minister Gallant announced today his support for the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state as a reward for terrorism and Hamas for the most terrible massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Rift in Israel war cabinet as defence chief opposes ‘military rule’ in Gaza​

“This is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the war cabinet at a very critical time,” said Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom, reporting from Amman, Jordan, following an Israeli ban on the network.

Far-right ministers took aim at Gallant, whose statement placed him in the crosshairs of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

“The Minister of Defense who failed on October 7 and continues to fail today. Such a Minister of Defense must be replaced in order to achieve the goals of the war,” said Ben-Gvir in an X post.

Also posting on X, Smotrich said: “Defense Minister Gallant announced today his support for the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state as a reward for terrorism and Hamas for the most terrible massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”

They're losing it ! :lol: