Israel Declares War After Hamas Attacks


Platinum Member
Guess Bibi don’t like the fact Hamas and Palestinians leaders going visit Russia

Israel is working to provide Ukraine with early warning systems for missile strikes and drone attacks, Israeli permanent representative to the UN Gilad Erdan said. According to him, Israel “is happy to share its potential with Ukrainian friends.”


Platinum Member

Four undersea communication cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been disabled by the Houthis in recent months.

The successful attack on four cables believed to belong to AAE-1, Seacom, EIG and TGN systems indicates a major disruption to communications between Europe and Asia.

Most of the immediate damage will be in the Gulf states and India.”


Platinum Member
Wtf kinda of equipment is this, them
Houthis ninajs are crazy



Platinum Member
@LS-uw5cc1 hour ago
I live in Egypt and the first thing I thought of when the ge-noc-ide happened is that Egypt forcefully cleared out the Sinai Egyptians a few years ago. I think it is all connected too



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Four undersea communication cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been disabled by the Houthis in recent months.

The successful attack on four cables believed to belong to AAE-1, Seacom, EIG and TGN systems indicates a major disruption to communications between Europe and Asia.

Most of the immediate damage will be in the Gulf states and India.”

Once this conflict over the entire world should keep that advice in mind "Don't ever mess with those Houthis, just leave them the fuck alone!"
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Platinum Member
Once the conflict over the entire world should keep that advice in mind "Don't ever mess with those Houthis, just leave them the fuck alone!"

I remember that they decided to stop beefing with their Yemen opposition…

I’m not 100% sure that Yemen will become United but just think if they would.
Houthis lead the resistance chapter within the military…

That would be crazy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember that they decided to stop beefing with their Yemen opposition…

I’m not 100% sure that Yemen will become United but just think if they would.
Houthis lead the resistance chapter within the military…

That would be crazy

A new power in that region, economically poor but militarily able to seriously whoop some asses !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This is the dude that said in an interview that they created the state of Israel. They had advised Hitler to do what he did to whites that claimed the Jewish religion. They wanted to be able to say that they did what they did to blacks because they deserve it but they did what they did to whites that claim the religion because they are the chosen people of God and from the bloodline of Jesus. We know they are lying.
But another powerful move they made is that they financed ufo operations thru the Vatican. Something they have been controlling for a very long time. If we only knew some of what was going on after the brainwashing we would have continued to be raw vegans. But the brainwashing from these devils was very effective.
This thing about gays and lesbians was part of Jonestown and Hitler's rule. About one man being the only man and everybody else being gays and lesbians. The black man is God and Jesus proved that but that is why they rushed to kill him. It was about his manhood not being controlled by them and he did not have to promote a white reality just to be a man. If we elect a black mayor or governor they got to promote a white reality or they will get rid of him or her. And it is definitely that way with the president seat.
The lies that rule the earth got to be put to an end.


Platinum Member
I hope this don’t seem like I’m cheerleading but this shit is funny as hell

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The same dudes that wasn’t reliable enough to have any impact on the situation against Israel because they just had a civil war



Platinum Member
Red Sea/HOA: The status of the M/V RUBYMAR remains unclear and contradictory. Last night, Houthi forces posted videos indicating that they were in possession of the partially-sunken vessel, or at the very minimum are conducting security patrols in the area. Houthi forces have claimed that they will allow the towing of the stricken vessel only in exchange for humanitarian aid being sent to Gaza. AC: This directly contradicts claims by western authorities/media that the vessel was being towed into port Djbouti. In the videos provided by Houthi forces, the condition of the vessel has deteriorated since the photos released by the BBC a few days ago. Satellite imagery confirms that the RUBYMAR is at anchor in approximately 165 feet of water, at grid coordinate: 38PLV1642909551. Currently, the vessel is abandoned and continues to take on water.