Israel Declares War After Hamas Attacks


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Israel really gets so much nervous especially with Benjamin. I remember Obama was treating him really cold and for a good reason.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
:lol: the USA is almost done.

Brothers under 50 better preserve these moments in stone so your descendants won’t fall for the fake history narratives they’ll be taught in school.
When we go down England got next. So many more countries out there cant wait to exact their revenge on the British.

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agreed with almost everything you said but this. They are not Khazars. They want to be but they are not.
they are descendants from the kharzas and not truly jews. they are jewish through conversion but the original jews are from Eritrea and Ethiopia. this has been proven through dna and Ethiopian customs that predate the kharzas claim which is why they had to go get some of the people and bring them to Israel to help legitimize their claim. ever heard of the the bible stating the part about "those who say they are jews and are not, they are the synagogue of satan". Im not saying the khazars in israel are that but they damn sure act like the past years, the jews have been straight evil to the Palestinians. more and more and more....they werent trying to live in they have their chance to do a entire genocide with the world watching and you will see what your 1 billion dollars a year is going to get you. they plan on wiping Palestine from the map wholesale.....
i hate that this happened, but you can treat people like savages, monsters, and slaves and not expect them to one day to come after you.....i still got the video of the Israelis pour concrete down the water spring used by the Palestinians and cutting off their water supply....and not to mention the targeting and sniping of children by soldiers event though the children werent a threat. the jewish people feel just like the muslims in that they can do whatever they wish to you if you are not a jew with zero repercussions...there will be FAFO phase for all people who do evil.
as black people we need to take notes, bc as this thing could kick off WWIII. and we got all of these illegal immigrants now purposely placed in high population cities where primarily black people reside, so that when/if martial law goes down there will be reason to lock down our neighborhoods bc the different factions will be at war with each other for resources. make no mistake there will always be a war for resources....which is why food, water, housing, essential, etc are inflating to outrageous prices and this feckless administration is doing nothing but providing lip service to us like they always d and we get zero ROI.
if anything black people in black communities better take notes from this conflict and be able to guard your grill when/if it comes to that.


Rising Star
Platinum Member