Ice Cube is a Trump Supporter


Rising Star
Its not that he is a trump supporter

Its just a grift

It was a grift his being in NWA - he played a role not saying he didn't believe in some of the stuff he said but clearly he said some shit JUST to say it but he didn't read believe in it

This is along the same line - he is about making money off of being "pro-black" - it makes him money and gets him fame (or infamy) by associating with the likes of the FOX News set who ONLY exist to boost Nationalists/white supremacists ....this is whats so damning about him and them

You can go on all day about how you think Dems do racist shit ...but the GOP actively promotes and pushes for racist shit ...full on stop ...there's no white nationalists getting g promoted by Dems or "left" leaning outlets -

A Ben Shapiro isn't getting a half hour or one hour show on NPR to spew white nationalist right-wing propaganda....

Even if you did think the Dems are racists you don't team up with avowed racists as if they are somehow an actual choice

This is what shows he is full of shit about being problack - he is letting himself be used to validate them which is some real twisted shit