Homewreckers: Pass or Hulk Smash (These Bad Women Too THICK For You?)

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's a visitor from Italy and will be in town for 2 weeks. You met her through happenstance because she was trying to go to the "Red Rooster," and you just happen to live a few blocks from there (well 10 actually, but who's counting).

But, how did you go from having lunch in "Red Rooster" with a total stranger to ended up at a midtown hotel (Doubletree) in Manhattan?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You suspected your girlfriend was cheating on you, but your suspicions were confirm when you found used condoms under the bed. So you broke up.

You chilled for awhile and then one day you and Alexandra (had a conversation about food) and you invited her to "Melba's."

Now, most people don't know that Alexandra is actually Moroccan because they tend to assume other things when they see her.

So you get to "Melba's," and run into your ex-girlfriend's friend Lori, and she eventually comes over to your table to give Alexandra the once over.

You play it cool and introduced them, and then as of almost on cue, Alexandra excuses herself and gets up to go to the bathroom. You know Lori is going to tell you ex that she saw you, as soon as she stops staring at Alexandra's body.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nicki grew up on the Upper East side in a very affluent neighborhood. Attended private school and attended Brown.
Nevertheless, she always seemed to have difficult time attracting the attention of some of the guys in her circle.

Maybe it was because she developed at an early age and maybe some guys were intimidated by her voluptuous curves.
Needless to say she appears to have an affinity for the "brothers."
