Hollywood Biz: Netflix just stole television’s biggest creator from Disney Shonda Rhimes


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Netflix just stole television’s biggest creator from Disney in midst of separation
This is a much needed move for Netflix
split from Disney — a deal Netflix paid hundreds of millions of dollars to enter into five years ago — Netflix needs to look strong. It needs to remind subscribers why Netflix is the go-to streaming service. In the past few months, Netflix has become synonymous with troubling times. Reports of the company being $20 billion in debt appear alongside stories regarding Fox pulling its series from the streaming service and massive complaints that Netflix’s new rating system has made the user experience much worse. Disney announcing that it would pull all of its movies from Netflix by the end of 2019 was just the cherry on a depressing, unfortunate cake.

Netflix needed a win. Even with the absurd amount of original series Netflix offers, Netflix needed something eye-catching. Partnering with Rhimes, one of the few television creators who is almost guaranteed to create popular, talked-about series every single time, is that win.

It’s not just that Netflix partnered with a top-tier creator, but the company has stolen Rhimes away from ABC; a network owned by Disney. Netflix can distract its subscribers by promising more television series — which will include A-list actors — even while popular movies are removed from the service.

Netflix’s decision to buy into Rhimes’ vision — along with the talents of other creators like Chuck Lorre and Jerry Seinfeld — also says something else about the company’s future: it will continue to be TV first. Netflix has received flack from its users in the past few months for its decision to cancel some of its original series, including the beloved, but trés expensive Sense8. At CodeCon, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings admitted the company needed to take more riskswith its original series and cut its losses instead of trying to hold onto everything. Not even a company as viable as Netflix could continue to add content without worrying about its financial future.

It’s a sentiment that Sarandos echoed just a few weeks later.

“Relative to what you spent, are people watching it? That is pretty traditional,” Sarandos said, as reported by Variety. “When I say that, a big expensive show for a huge audience is great. A big, expensive show for a tiny audience is hard even in our model to make that work very long.”

This is where Netflix’s new deal with Rhimes gets even bigger. Compared to other dramas, Rhimes’ shows don’t cost as much to make. Rhimes creates series about the drama of human relationships and those tend to cost less than a CGI-intensive, special effects heavy sci-fi series. For example, Orange is the New Black and House of Cards reportedly cost $4-4.5 million an episode whereas Sense8 and Game of Thrones reportedly cost $8-9 million an episode. Rhimes has said in the past that her own shows take anywhere from $3-6 million to make, depending on what’s needed. While that’s a little more in some cases than Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, it’s still far less than Sense8.

Rhimes can continue to create the series she wants, without having to worry about the logistical restraints that come with being on a network and pushing the envelope even further. Netflix can boast having Rhimes on its schedule and make itself look even better to an audience it may not have broached beforehand. Both can work together on the shows they want to create without having to worry about crossing a line or spending a fortune to make it happen.

Netflix partnering with Rhimes was more than a good idea; it was a display of survival. While Netflix is in talks with Disney to retain some of the studio’s films, including Marvel and Lucasfilm titles, snatching one of ABC’s biggest talents is a win all on its own.

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BGOL Investor
Am I the only one who thinks she is over rated? I could never get into Greys anatomy and scandal, they always seem like modern day soap operas to me


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Shonda Rhimes, Welcome to the #SavetheOA Movement
By Bethy Squires

Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

Shonda Rhimes is just one of many people who aren’t happy with Netflix for canceling The OA, Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij’s show about dimensional travel and the hope such ideas inspire. Rhimes tweeted Thursday night that she was “holding a grudge about the fact that they cancelled @The_OA on us.” Many share her grudge. Cancellation of The OA has been protested with billboards in Time Square, flash mobs, and a hunger strike. Netflix gave the show the ax August 5, which prompted the show’s creators, fans, and even one executive to cry. “The first time I heard the news I had a good cry,” Marling wrote on social media. “So did one of our executives at Netflix who has been with us since the early days when we were sketching out Hap’s basement on the floor of our production office in Queens.” For Rhimes, at least, the time for crying is over and the time for spite has come. If they want to cancel the very concept of hope, what can Netflix expect?
