Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
George RR Martin Writes About the ‘Real’ Ending of ‘Game of Thrones’ – and His Progress on the Last 2 Books

In a bittersweet blog post commemorating the “wild ride” from his first meeting with “Game of Thrones” showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff to the ratings record-smashing series finale, George R.R. Martin attempted to answer the question of just how much the HBO show’s ending matches up with the one he has planned for the books that inspired the series.

when he’ll finish." Martin also insisted that he will eventually finish the long-delayed final installments of those book… just don’t ask him when he’ll finish.

Martin wrote. “I won’t say when, I’ve tried that before, only to burn you all and jinx myself… but I will finish it, and then will come ‘A DREAM OF SPRING.'” So there you have it. Sort of." I’m writing. Winter is coming, I told you, long ago… and so it is. ‘THE WINDS OF WINTER’ is very late, I know, I know, but it will be done,” Martin wrote. “I won’t say when, I’ve tried that before, only to burn you all and jinx myself… but I will finish it, and then will come ‘A DREAM OF SPRING.'” So there you have it. Sort of.

Meanwhile, there’s the question of the show’s ending. The first five seasons of “Game of Thrones” were adaptations of Martin’s novels. But the basis for season 5, “A Dance With Dragons,” was released in 2011 while the show’s first season was still in progress and Martin didn’t finish “The Winds of Winter” before season 6 began production. Which is why, during the final three seasons of the HBO series, the show charted its own course.

who would end up ruling Westeros in the end. Even so, many fans have wondered if the finished novel series will go in a different place and more importantly, serve as the true conclusion to “Game of Thrones.” Events in seasons 6, 7 and 8 were based on notes Martin gave to the showrunners about where he intended things to end — which, among other things, included who would end up ruling Westeros in the end. Even so, many fans have wondered if the finished novel series will go in a different place and more importantly, serve as the true conclusion to “Game of Thrones.”

According to Martin, expect things to be the same, and different.

“How will it all end? I hear people asking. The same ending as the show? Different? Well… yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes,” Martin wrote.

In his post, Martin said that the differences between television and literature will certainly come in to play. “I expect these last two books of mine will fill 3000 manuscript pages between them before I’m done… and if more pages and chapters and scenes are needed, I’ll add them.”

But the main thing Martin wants fans to know is that the question of which version will contain the correct ending isn’t really important. “Book or show, which will be the ‘real’ ending? It’s a silly question. How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have?” he said, referencing the heroine of another novel-turned-filmed-landmark, “Gone With the Wind.”

“How about this? I’ll write it. You read it. Then everyone can make up their own mind, and argue about it on the internet.”

Roger that.

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Rising Star
Westeros is going to be worst off with this new small council than it would've been under Dany. Like yeah house Targaryen took a L in this finale but Westeros took the bigger L with this new Master of Coin who didn't even understand the concept of loan and interest in season 2 already ready to rebuild the brothels of KL first before infrastructure. The entire idea that killing innocents on the enemy side is "wrong" or a reason to abandon or murder a monarch does actually not fit very well with the overall setting of Westeros. No nobleman ever condemned another nobleman for the suffering or killing of innocent people in war. Sure, there are less accepted and more accepted ways of how to butcher, exploit, and kill the smallfolk, but none of that is likely to turn people against a ruler.

Dany can be cruel, but it's not cruelty that's out of the ordinary for either the world that the show runners created, or the world of the books, or the kind of societies that they are based on. This is a world in which the "good guys" can feed people their own children, gouge out eyes before slitting throats, feed people to dogs, behead shell-shocked soldiers etc. Dany fits into that world. But, for some reason, from the middle of series 7 onwards, her advisors are increasingly shocked by her behaviour. So, they plot against her, and reasonably enough, she punishes them. And punishing them is then used as justification for treating her as a villain. Varys repeatedly betrayed her, before trying to poison her. What medieval monarch would not put someone to death who did that? On top of that, Sansa is constantly trying to bring her down.

So, then we get to the massacre in Kings Landing. A horrendous deed, by our modern standards, but not by the standards established in this world. The city refused to surrender, and Cersei beheaded her best friend. Any city would expect to be sacked once her army broke in, and all of the armies were happy to participate in the sack


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Game of Thrones: Series Finale - Review

The shit is so hilarious!
The dude that's the most disconnected to this world is the chosen one to rule this world?
Bran, I'm a 3 eyed Raven now? That muther fucker is the one to connect with folks and rebuild this world?

Instead of being remember as one of the greatest show of all time. Many will say fuck the entire show due to one season...
People tend to remember the 1st and last position.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
The shit is so hilarious!
The dude that's the most disconnected to this world is the chosen one to rule this world?
Bran, I'm a 3 eyed Raven now? That muther fucker is the one to connect with folks and rebuild this world?

Instead of being remember as one of the greatest show of all time. Many will say fuck the entire show due to one season...
People tend to remember the 1st and last position.

Jeremy Jahns said: “How is Bran going to stop people from waging war against each other?”:dunno:

Ummm... How can anyone (successfully) wage war against one of the remaining 6 kingdoms when Bran can warg into a tree & know their whole battle strategy & all their motivations
& intentions before they can even get their troops into marching formation?

Nobody else in Westeros has the power to nullify Bran’s ‘warging ability’ like the Night King had. That’s why Bran couldn’t stop him before he ever got started. But when it comes to everyone else... he can. Because now Bran has whole armies that he can dispatch at the drop of a dime.

People who even attempt a ‘hostile takeover’ on another city would literally just end up like Stannis.... getting caught-off guard & severely outnumbered before they could even fortify their own position, or start marching down the Kings Road. :rolleyes:

Bran could send a raven anywhere & have the local Armies of the region & all their Bannermen (or even his own King’s Army) waiting for them at their front gate on Wednesday at dawn, talking about.... “Oh y’all thought y’all was gonna invade US two days from now, on Friday huh? :rolleyes: Yeah well... King Bran the Broken ‘First of his Name’ saw that coming 3 weeks ago and sent all of us to intercept you before you got fully organized. Seems there won’t be an invasion this weekend, like you planned. Throw down your weapons & bend the knee. Or be destroyed in your own backyard before half of your forces even wakes up this morning.” :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I m actually content with how things ended. Not sure Bran "deserved" to be king cause he didn t do much.

How is his house going to be "independent" and he still be king. He has no house stake in the kingdom.

I don t know but it is what it is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last One. Dragons are not loyal to Targaryens. They are loyal to their riders. They have a bond with their riders. Dragons have killed other dragons and other Targaryens in the past. So Drogon should have roasted Jon. Also Jon isn’t fire proof because he is half Stark. He is not 100% Targaryen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Breathe!!! Find a brown paper bag and breathe.

You making up your own story now. Bran never did anything strategic before. So how you know he can do that shit? Explain to me how he used strategy to stop a future problem from really happening? He just says dumb shit like “oh this is as meant to happen”.

Bran has done nothing.
Jeremy Jahns said: “How is Bran going to stop people from waging war against each other?”:dunno:

Ummm... How can anyone (successfully) wage war against one of the remaining 6 kingdoms when Bran can warg into a tree & know their whole battle strategy & all their motivations
& intentions before they can even get their troops into marching formation?

Nobody else in Westeros has the power to nullify Bran’s ‘warging ability’ like the Night King had. That’s why Bran couldn’t stop him before he ever got started. But when it comes to everyone else... he can. Because now Bran has whole armies that he can dispatch at the drop of a dime.

People who even attempt a ‘hostile takeover’ on another city would literally just end up like Stannis.... getting caught-off guard & severely outnumbered before they could even fortify their own position, or start marching down the Kings Road. :rolleyes:

Bran could send a raven anywhere & have the local Armies of the region & all their Bannermen (or even his own King’s Army) waiting for them at their front gate on Wednesday at dawn, talking about.... “Oh y’all thought y’all was gonna invade US two days from now, on Friday huh? :rolleyes: Yeah well... King Bran the Broken ‘First of his Name’ saw that coming 3 weeks ago and sent all of us to intercept you before you got fully organized. Seems there won’t be an invasion this weekend, like you planned. Throw down your weapons & bend the knee. Or be destroyed in your own backyard before half of your forces even wakes up this morning.” :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Bran is who y’all say he is then he is just as evil as Dany because he allowed all those people to die. Hw could have stopped it all right? But he allowed it so he could be the king? He wanted the power for himself because he feels he is the better king?

Why? Why is he better than the next person who thinks they are the best ruler?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jeremy Jahns said: “How is Bran going to stop people from waging war against each other?”:dunno:

Ummm... How can anyone (successfully) wage war against one of the remaining 6 kingdoms when Bran can warg into a tree & know their whole battle strategy & all their motivations
& intentions before they can even get their troops into marching formation?

Nobody else in Westeros has the power to nullify Bran’s ‘warging ability’ like the Night King had. That’s why Bran couldn’t stop him before he ever got started. But when it comes to everyone else... he can. Because now Bran has whole armies that he can dispatch at the drop of a dime.

People who even attempt a ‘hostile takeover’ on another city would literally just end up like Stannis.... getting caught-off guard & severely outnumbered before they could even fortify their own position, or start marching down the Kings Road. :rolleyes:

Bran could send a raven anywhere & have the local Armies of the region & all their Bannermen (or even his own King’s Army) waiting for them at their front gate on Wednesday at dawn, talking about.... “Oh y’all thought y’all was gonna invade US two days from now, on Friday huh? :rolleyes: Yeah well... King Bran the Broken ‘First of his Name’ saw that coming 3 weeks ago and sent all of us to intercept you before you got fully organized. Seems there won’t be an invasion this weekend, like you planned. Throw down your weapons & bend the knee. Or be destroyed in your own backyard before half of your forces even wakes up this morning.” :smh:


I'm done with this dumbass show and all these pathetic excuses and this thread. Have at it!

Ironically all this started with Spartacus vs. Game of thrones for the old heads that were around when the debate and threads first started.

Ya'll can have GOT and this shitty ending. I'll stick with my Spartacus...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Breathe!!! Find a brown paper bag and breathe.

You making up your own story now. Bran never did anything strategic before. So how you know he can do that shit? Explain to me how he used strategy to stop a future problem from really happening? He just says dumb shit like “oh this is as meant to happen”.

Bran has done nothing.
Bran revealed to both Sansa & Arya that LITTLEFINGER was responsible for everything that happened.
He told both of them BEFORE that 'fake trial' for Arya started.

So Bran PREVENTED Littlefinger from convincing Sansa to execute Arya... which would've allowed LF to take over Winterfell, in all the chaos. :rolleyes:

Sansa did not figure out ALL of Littlefinger's schemes on her own. She was drawn-in.... ready to kill her own sister. :rolleyes: She even HELPED him ‘escape justice’ in the Eryie. :rolleyes: And he ‘rewarded’ her dumb ass by ‘convincing her’ to marry Ramsay Bolton. :rolleyes:

In fact, they literally had to DELETE a whole scene..... just to make Sansa 'seem half-way smart' after all these years. :yes: (see below)

During the trial, Bran revealed that Littlefinger betrayed Ned Stark & held a knife to his throat & was responsible for him being imprisoned.. and eventually beheaded.

Bran also told them who originally owned the dagger that Arya is carrying. Neither one of them knew that shit. And had NO WAY of figuring that out.

What show have you been watching?? o_O

So to answer your question directly.... Bran used the strategy of 'telling them both the truth'... BEFORE Sansa could execute Arya... which would 'cause a problem' of Littlefinger taking over the North.
His strategy was 'to act' BEFORE a fiasco happened. :yes: Not AFTERWARDS.

If it wasn't for Bran... Arya would've DIED in the season 7 finale... and Littlefinger would have been Warden of the North. :yes:

Now do you think that would have been a BIG problem? or Nah? :rolleyes:

This is exactly why I said.....Bran could tell other Noble Houses that are loyal to him THE TRUTH of a ‘hostile enemy’ that is PLANNING to attack them LONG BEFORE they are prepared to do so.

He can tell them the who, what, where, when, how & why.... IN ADVANCE. :yes:
Send a raven. Or send HIS OWN troops. Or do BOTH.... In advance. :yes:

Not that hard to figure out, chief.

It's 2019 now.... But you have KNOWN about this deleted scene since 2017... when season 7 originally aired. :yes:

It has been posted (and discussed) MANY times in this thread. :yes: And you have even commented on it.

Isaac Hempstead Wright reveals a Bran-Sansa scene cut from the finale

"We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, “I need your help,” or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, “Oh, s—." - Issac Hemstead Wright
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Please Littlefinger was like a neutered puppy. He was no longer a threat when he was in Winterfell. Lurking in the shadows.

His death....It was also not well thought out if the characters were smart. They executed him without a proper trial. Everything was hearsay. Like he said non of them were there. Bran did nothing if any real use in this show. Nothing. You point out one bullshit thing he did to benefit his own family.

How come he didn’t do something about Dany? Before the fall of Kings Landing? That is my point Bran hasn’t done anything to stop any tragedies. You cannot give me an example cause his character is lame. No pun intended.

Bran revealed to both Sansa & Arya that LITTLEFINGER was responsible for everything that happened.
He told both of them BEFORE that 'fake trial' for Arya started.

So Bran PREVENTED Littlefinger from convincing Sansa to execute Arya... which would've allowed LF to take over Winterfell, in all the chaos. :rolleyes:

Sansa did not figure out ALL of Littlefinger's schemes on her own. She was drawn-in.... ready to kill her own sister. :rolleyes: She even HELPED him ‘escape justice’ in the Eryie. :rolleyes: And he ‘rewarded’ her dumb ass by ‘convincing her’ to marry Ramsay Bolton. :rolleyes:

In fact, they literally had to DELETE a whole scene..... just to make Sansa 'seem half-way smart' after all these years. :yes: (see below)

During the trial, he revealed that Littlefinger betrayed Ned Stark & held a knife to his throat & was responsible for him being imprisoned.. and eventually beheaded.

Bran also told them who originally owned the dagger that Arya is carrying. Neither one of them knew that shit. And had NO WAY of figuring that out.

What show have you been watching?? o_O

So to answer your question directly.... Bran used the strategy of 'telling them both the truth'... BEFORE Sansa could execute Arya... which would 'cause a problem' of Littlefinger taking over the North.
His strategy was 'to act' BEFORE a fiasco happened. :yes: Not AFTERWARDS.

If it wasn't for Bran... Arya would've DIED in the season 7 finale... and Littlefinger would have been Warden of the North. :yes:

Now do you think that would have been a BIG problem? or Nah? :rolleyes:

This is exactly why I said.....Bran could tell other Noble Houses THE TRUTH of a hostile force that is PLANNING to attack them LONG BEFORE they are prepared to do so.

He can tell them the who, what, where, when, how & why.... IN ADVANCE. :yes:

Not that hard to figure out, chief.

It's 2019 now.... But you have KNOWN about this deleted scene since 2017... when season 7 originally aired. :yes:
It has been posted (and discussed) MANY times in this thread. :yes: And you have even commented on it.

Isaac Hempstead Wright reveals a Bran-Sansa scene cut from the finale

"We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, “I need your help,” or something along those lines. So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, “Oh, s—." - Issac Hemstead Wright


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jeremy Jahns said: “How is Bran going to stop people from waging war against each other?”:dunno:

Ummm... How can anyone (successfully) wage war against one of the remaining 6 kingdoms when Bran can warg into a tree & know their whole battle strategy & all their motivations
& intentions before they can even get their troops into marching formation?

Nobody else in Westeros has the power to nullify Bran’s ‘warging ability’ like the Night King had. That’s why Bran couldn’t stop him before he ever got started. But when it comes to everyone else... he can. Because now Bran has whole armies that he can dispatch at the drop of a dime.

People who even attempt a ‘hostile takeover’ on another city would literally just end up like Stannis.... getting caught-off guard & severely outnumbered before they could even fortify their own position, or start marching down the Kings Road. :rolleyes:

Bran could send a raven anywhere & have the local Armies of the region & all their Bannermen (or even his own King’s Army) waiting for them at their front gate on Wednesday at dawn, talking about.... “Oh y’all thought y’all was gonna invade US two days from now, on Friday huh? :rolleyes: Yeah well... King Bran the Broken ‘First of his Name’ saw that coming 3 weeks ago and sent all of us to intercept you before you got fully organized. Seems there won’t be an invasion this weekend, like you planned. Throw down your weapons & bend the knee. Or be destroyed in your own backyard before half of your forces even wakes up this morning.” :smh:

Bran may have done what you are talking about, however, its questionable if the 3 eye raven would. In that role Bran seems to be more of an observer than someone who is going to take action.

If Bran is the person you believe him to be, why did he allow innocent people to die instead of telling Jon what would happen. I could have missed the reason, but why didn't he at least insist on being onsite and taking over the dragon once the bell was sound.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Please Littlefinger was like a neutered puppy. He was no longer a threat when he was in Winterfell. Lurking in the shadows.

His death....It was also not well thought out if the characters were smart. They executed him without a proper trial. Everything was hearsay. Like he said non of them were there. Bran did nothing if any real use in this show. Nothing. You point out one bullshit thing he did to benefit his own family.

How come he didn’t do something about Dany? Before the fall of Kings Landing? That is my point Bran hasn’t done anything to stop any tragedies. You cannot give me an example cause his character is lame. No pun intended.
You asked me a question.... and I answered it. Now you ‘moving the goalposts’. :hmm:

Littlefinger was HARDLY a ‘neutered puppy’ in Winterfell. He was ON THE BRINK of eliminating Arya from the game permanently... and TAKING OVER the entire North... (with Sansa’s help, of course :rolleyes:)

Nuetered puppy my ass. :hmm:

That fucker managed to ‘gain more land, power & titles ‘ everywhere he went... just by BEING THERE long enough. :yes:

He was creeping around Winterfell. Had the new Maester ‘doing his bidding’ by searching through the archives for ‘classified Stark documents’ on his own behalf. And was ‘holding secret meetings’ with the other Nobles/Generals of the North, in every dark corner of the Castle. :rolleyes: Without having ANY ‘real authority’ in that neck of the woods. :hmm:

What show have you been watching?o_O
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bran may have done what you are talking about, however, its questionable if the 3 eye raven would. In that role Bran seems to be more of an observer than someone who is going to take action.

If Bran is the person you believe him to be, why did he allow innocent people to die instead of telling Jon what would happen. I could have missed the reason, but why didn't he at least insist on being onsite and taking over the dragon once the bell was sound.
Bran may have done what you are talking about, however, its questionable if the 3 eye raven would. In that role Bran seems to be more of an observer than someone who is going to take action.

If Bran is the person you believe him to be, why did he allow innocent people to die instead of telling Jon what would happen. I could have missed the reason, but why didn't he at least insist on being onsite and taking over the dragon once the bell was sound.
The show already answered these questions for both of you...

Everyone was WAITING for Jon to ‘step up’ and claim the Iron Throne.

Bran didn’t say anything to Jon about Dany killing those civilians because it was up to Jon the whole time to ‘step up’. But he refused. Even AFTER he saw all the carnage.

What show have you been Watching? o_O

There is a big difference between being the 3ER.... and being the King. One doesn’t have to say anything. Just record the events as they unfold.

But the other DOES.... in order to protect the people under his dominion ‘who are loyal to him’. And he uses ‘all the information’ he has at his disposal to PROVIDE said protection.

That’s all.

And btw, another difference is that the 3ER doesn’t NEED his own Army to do anything. Because he remains ‘neutral’ about everything. Whether good or bad. He’s not out there fighting any wars. Thats not in his ‘job description’.

But a King has an Army and he NEEDS people like ‘The Master of Whispers’ to provide information to them & their Small Council, to help them make laws & decisions. Or prevent invasions. Because that IS in his ‘job description’.

The thing is... Bran (personally) doesn’t even need a new ‘Master of Whispers’ for himself... but the Small Council DOES... to avoid running to Bran ‘every second of every hour, every single day’ to get information that helps THEM make the ‘small decisions’ for the kingdom. Because that is in THEIR ‘job description’.

If Bran was ‘just an observer’ alone..... he would have said absolutely NOTHING during Littlefinger’s trial. He would not have said a mumbling word to Sansa & Arya.

Now he’s the 3ER... with all the responsibilities of a King. So he can not afford to just ‘be an observer’ and ‘take no action’ in the future. :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How can a real 3ER be a King. Bran is supposed to be a 3ER and neutral. However he has never been neutral. He has done things to benefit himself and his family only. The more you try to explain this dumb show and how they ruined the character of Bran the more you reveal yourself to be on the spectrum of autism.

The show already answered these questions for both of you...

Everyone was WAITING for Jon to ‘step up’ and claim the Iron Throne.

Bran didn’t say anything to Jon about Dany killing those civilians because it was up to Jon the whole time to ‘step up’. But he refused. Even AFTER he saw all the carnage.

What show have you been Watching? o_O

There is a big difference between being the 3ER.... and being the King. One doesn’t have to say anything. Just record the events as they unfold.

But the other DOES.... in order to protect the people under his dominion ‘who are loyal to him’. And he uses ‘all the information’ he has at his disposal to PROVIDE said protection.

That’s all.

And btw, another difference is that the 3ER doesn’t NEED his own Army to do anything. Because he remains ‘neutral’ about everything. Whether good or bad. He’s not out there fighting any wars. Thats not in his ‘job description’.

But a King has an Army and he NEEDS people like ‘The Master of Whispers’ to provide information to them & their Small Council, to help them make laws & decisions. Or prevent invasions. Because that IS in his ‘job description’.

The thing is... Bran (personally) doesn’t even need a new ‘Master of Whispers’ for himself... but the Small Council DOES... to avoid running to Bran ‘every second of every hour, every single day’ to get information that helps THEM make the ‘small decisions’ for the kingdom. Because that is in THEIR ‘job description’.

If Bran was ‘just an observer’ alone..... he would have said absolutely NOTHING during Littlefinger’s trial. He would not have said a mumbling word to Sansa & Arya.

Now he’s the 3ER... with all the responsibilities of a King. So he can not afford to just ‘be an observer’ and ‘take no action’ in the future. :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
How can a real 3ER be a King. Bran is supposed to be a 3ER and neutral. However he has never been neutral. He has done things to benefit himself and his family only. The more you try to explain this dumb show and how they ruined the character of Bran the more you reveal yourself to be on the spectrum of autism.
Because ‘being neutral’.... is a Choice. Jackass.
Not a lifelong disease that cannot be healed, with absolutely no cure.

He ‘chose’ to remain nuetral.
He ‘chose’ to go North of The Wall.
He ‘chose’ to warg into Hodor.
He ‘chose’ to speak up at Littlefinger’s trial.
He ‘chose’ to give Arya the Valyrian Steel Dagger.
He ‘chose’ to be King at the very end.... after they all voted for him.

The entire show has been about ‘the choices’ all these characters make... and the ramifications of those decisions.

After 8 whole seasons... your dumb ass really should have figured this out by now. :smh:

The same way ‘you chose’ to constantly bitch about the writing... because you cannot ‘think shit through’ without being ‘spoon fed’ every last minute detail... of every last scene that flashed in front of your face. :rolleyes:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok First off I apologize for insulting you. Please forgive me. I actually respect you and your love of the show.

However you are just so unwilling to admit it is bad it is almost comical to me.

Bran is clairvoyant right? They wasted him. That is my point.

He chose to roll his eyes into the back of his head when he was needed the most.

What I have an issue with is his character does NOTHING.

It is not about being spoon fed it is about proper story telling and a character arch that makes sense and is enjoyable to watch.

Do you not see that damn near the whole world thinks the show sucks?

You think you are smarter than these people? Cause you aren't.

Stories are not like real life. In order to have a good story things need to be shown so we can base judgement.

If it isn't shown or happens "off camera" it is a cop out. It then has fans use their own imagination and make up bullshit like you are doing.

Bran has done nothing to indicate he would be a good king.

He doesn't have a "better story" than Jon Snow. He doesn't have a better claim either.

Because ‘being neutral’.... is a Choice. Jackass.
Not a lifelong disease that cannot be healed, with absolutely no cure.

He ‘chose’ to remain nuetral.
He ‘chose’ to go North of The Wall.
He ‘chose’ to warg into Hodor.
He ‘chose’ to speak up at Littlefinger’s trial.
He ‘chose’ to give Arya the Valyrian Steel Dagger.
He ‘chose’ to be King at the very end.... after they all voted for him.

The entire show has been about ‘the choices’ all these characters make... and the ramifications of those decisions.

After 8 whole seasons... your dumb ass really should have figured this out by now. :smh:

The same way ‘you chose’ to constantly bitch about the writing... because you cannot ‘think shit through’ without being ‘spoon fed’ every last minute detail... of every last scene that flashed in front of your face. :rolleyes: