Fitness & Physical Beauty


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (Low Intensity)

Squat Jumps
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2. Arms should be in the “ready" position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground and immediately explode upwards vertically and drive arms up. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up – keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
4. Land on both feet. Rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.


Jump to Box
1.Stand facing box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2.Lower body into a semi-squat position and immediately jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up – keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat.

Lateral Jump to Box
1. Stand side on to box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2. Lower body into a semi-squat position and jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up – keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat.



Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
^^Ohhhh, 5star post Princess!! I like the squat jumps, the best, when I'm doing my leg curls, ahh the burn, but then, squat and jump, relief and right back to it...!:yes:


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
I stole this from the fitness forum, I want to get somewhere, with this brotha....:yes:






I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
I took my first spin class today @ my gym... It was good, a lot of people were like "Oh, you won't make it through your first one..." But I did it, I kept up with the pace of the class very well :yes::yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I stole this from the fitness forum, I want to get somewhere, with this brotha....:yes:





Shit is on point.... I'm doing this!!! Thanks!


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Cleopatra, spin class is exhilirating, I haven't been to one in a while, from what I recall, you can burn up 1000calories in a 50minute session...!

More leg workouts, I like this one:D

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

oh snap

Potential Star
*Cheerios or another non-sweet fibrous cereal. If you must have sweet I guess you can have some honey nut Cheerios . A better option would be to buy some Splenda.

Damn, I love my Honey nut cheerios. Can't do it :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^I feel you pimpin'...

In April I was 285... I'm now 246... Don't seem to be loosing any more weight. However, I am getting bigger... In more places than one! If ya know what I mean...
Still, thanks for all of this... I am putting it to use....
Stay up!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cleopatra, spin class is exhilirating, I haven't been to one in a while, from what I recall, you can burn up 1000calories in a 50minute session...!

More leg workouts, I like this one:D

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

WOHA!!! I just did these and shit... My legs are pumped!!! Did three set of twenty and the last set I barely made it.
Big thanks for this one... Dec. I will be ripped and the ladies in Freetown will have a fit!
Stay up!


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
sport for all

Thank you so much! What a positive saying.

When I go workout at the gym or just kickin' it at the park, in my home, my focus is on being and staying healthy. I don't discern between reasons for exercise. I have the temptation to "Just Do It", in most cases, I just did, lol...


Rising Star
I just love women that take care of themselves. This morning, the chick I was visiting got up and went for a 5 mile run. And then came home and did some pushups and situps. I was in love.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
I just love women that take care of themselves. This morning, the chick I was visiting got up and went for a 5 mile run. And then came home and did some pushups and situps. I was in love.

Visiting hmmm, sounds like you are living with her, grow up!!!...:angry:J/K lmao


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is a link exercise demonstrations. It will show you how to properly work all parts of the body and the muscles, which will benefit from the workout...


Video clip

and there is more there too, check it out...

“Get You Hot” I want to thank you for this! In April of this year I was a 285lb man that fooled himself each day that I was Okay. Then one day I was looking at some property in a gang infested area and a drive by took place as I was walking from my truck. The guy at first was not shooting at me. His target was the five young guys chilling by a car parked two spaces from me. When the guy stopped in the street and yelled out “what set you from” these guy ran right passed me and I knew I better run as well.
To make a long story short, the five guys ran down the street into an alley, hopped a fence one by one and I was right behind them but I did not make it over the fence. So I backed my fat ass up and tried again, again, again, (Shooting) and I paced a trash can ran jumped on top of that then over the fence. I was bleeding and the young dudes were checking themselves and asking are you hit and then check me. The blood was from my fat ass cutting myself on the fence.
I did Okay for a fifty something old guy running from the shooter, I was right with the young cats but when it came to getting over that fence I was out of gas!
Today I am 238lbs, leaner, fitter and stronger! I’m teaching my son and his friends boxing and self defense. Some of his friends are able to out last me and they all should at 16 years of age. But here is the kicker, now I am stronger and last even longer in bed! My shit is like it was when I was in my twenties!
My goal is 210, 220 with washboard abs, chest, arms and legs to match!
I’m post pics soon. Just maybe I'll get you hot.


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Lick(King of the Hill), that's a great miniautobio, thanks for sharing, I hope it inspires, some members here....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lick(King of the Hill), that's a great miniautobio, thanks for sharing, I hope it inspires, some members here....

:lol: I'm no king of da hill pretty lady. In fact, there are quite a few people that make it that dune two and three times more than I! There are to fine ladies that puts me to shame! One of them does ten push ups between trips up and down the dune!:eek:


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Nah, I was in Dallas Friday and the first half of Saturday. You know my heart belongs to you. :lol:

Heart!!!? Speaking of, cardio via eliptical or bicycle for 20min before or after your workout depending on the routtine, you decide to take, is extremely benifical.

How? Well, it's a good way to get your stamina up for circuit training or a good way to finalize a body building workout. I like to start off with the steamer, cardio and weights/core exercises, then finish off with a casual swim in the pool, cool...


Rising Star
Heart!!!? Speaking of, cardio via eliptical or bicycle for 20min before or after your workout depending on the routtine, you decide to take, is extremely benifical.

How? Well, it's a good way to get your stamina up for circuit training or a good way to finalize a body building workout. I like to start off with the steamer, cardio and weights/core exercises, then finish off with a casual swim in the pool, cool...

*goes to and buys ticket to GYHotSpot for swim sessions*



Potential Star
BGOL Investor
I actually drink alot of water but wanna know exactly what I can do to tone my body up. I can stand to loose about 25lbs or so but I really just wanna tone up some of the fat in my legs arms and around my belly. are there any specific exercises I can do


I actually drink alot of water but wanna know exactly what I can do to tone my body up. I can stand to loose about 25lbs or so but I really just wanna tone up some of the fat in my legs arms and around my belly. are there any specific exercises I can do

There are, what are called concentrated exercises to get rid of fat on specific areas of the body. IE; The belly. If is hard to do, and takes time as well.

I would, if I was you, eat 6 small portion size meals a day, do 60 mins of cardio., body weight, or gym resistance training.

Try, and I know it is hard, focus on complex carbs, and get proper sleep.


Please note that female bodies are different from male bodies and females are suppose to have at least 20 percent body fat.

Also, time matters. It will not be over night, but will take time to boost your metabolism.

I know you do not want to bulk up, but take a look here:

Female Bodybuilding (Nutrition and Dieting)


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
There are, what are called concentrated exercises to get rid of fat on specific areas of the body. IE; The belly. If is hard to do, and takes time as well.

I would, if I was you, eat 6 small portion size meals a day, do 60 mins of cardio., body weight, or gym resistance training.

Try, and I know it is hard, focus on complex carbs, and get proper sleep.


Please note that female bodies are different from male bodies and females are suppose to have at least 20 percent body fat.

Also, time matters. It will not be over night, but will take time to boost your metabolism.

I know you do not want to bulk up, but take a look here:

Female Bodybuilding (Nutrition and Dieting)

THanks for the helpful advice. I'm actually about to start going to the gym this weekend to start doing cardio exercises like the treadmill and the elyptical and the bike lol... I will definitely try what u suggested about eating. I just wanna be slim again for the summer. I'm not looking for any results over night lol.


THanks for the helpful advice. I'm actually about to start going to the gym this weekend to start doing cardio exercises like the treadmill and the elyptical and the bike lol... I will definitely try what u suggested about eating. I just wanna be slim again for the summer. I'm not looking for any results over night lol.

Sounds like a plan.