Dave Zirin on Colin Kaepernick's right to hate both candidates and election-year liberalism

Art Vandelay

Colin Kaepernick Has a Right to Hate Both Candidates
He’s been upsetting conservatives for weeks—and now he is upsetting liberals, too.
By Dave Zirin

SEPTEMBER 29, 2016

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is on a mission to make this country face the reality of racist police violence, one anthem protest at a time. That is his quest.

His mission is not to make sure that Hillary Clinton becomes president. It’s not to keep the liberals who have supported his “right to protest” happy. He is representing a politics that falls outside the conventional cable-news discourse.

Kaepernick was asked by reporters what he thought of Monday night’s debate between Clinton and Trump, and this is what he said: “It was embarrassing to watch that these are our two candidates. Both are proven liars and it almost seems like they’re trying to debate who’s less racist.”

Like it or not, this statement is actually an apt reflection of the view of millions of young voters, particularly young voters of color. This demographic looks at these two candidates and wonders why they are being asked to choose between a raving bigot and someone whose platform seems to be—frankly, somewhat reasonably—“The other guy will start a nuclear war based on a tweet.”

Kaepernick is using his new platform to reject the partisan framework that passes for politics. It is bracing, it is brave, and—again—it is upsetting many of the right people.

Bill Maher—who for reasons unfathomable given his penchant for bigotry and sexism is still seen as something of a liberal hero—tweeted at 2:30 in the morning:

(Quick word of advice: When you are drunk-tweeting in the middle of the night, make sure you spell the name of the person you’re calling “an idiot” correctly.)

Maher’s tweet came just a week after he passionately defended Kaepernick, saying, “What people died and fought for was for his right to [protest.]”

And that’s election-year liberalism in a nutshell: “Protest the anthem, the country, police violence, and the absence of freedom in the ‘land of the free,’ but if you criticize Hillary, we will bury you.”

This was also seen in a USA Today column by Josh Peter, who wrote that Kaepernick’s comments about the debate “came across as shrill and lacked nuance and could cost him the growing support he needs to affect real change.”

The implication, despite hundreds of years of evidence to the contrary, is that “real change” happens only when you cozy up uncritically to one of the two major parties. That would be news to the masses of protesting people whose fingerprints exist on every piece of progressive legislation ever passed.

To Kaepernick’s credit, it’s not like he is holding a press conference to give his “hot take” on the debates, like some kind of wannabe pundit. He was asked in the locker room for his thoughts. He could easily have deflected or even said, “I’m focused on this police-violence issue.” Instead, he spoke his truth.

If you think that the number-one issue in the fight against racism in this country right now is stopping Donald Trump, then argue that point. The worst thing Hillary’s supporters could do is call him “shrill” or an “idiot,” because he represents the very demographic that Democrats need to turn out in November to secure the White House.

The only people being “shrill”—a word I hate as a writer, because it has such sexist connotations—are Bill Maher and USA Today. Colin Kaepernick has the right to his opinion on the flag and he has the right to his opinion about the elections. Instead of blasting him, maybe people should try to understand why someone would look at this country, look at the cases of Terence Crutcher, Terrence Sterling, Alton Sterling, Keith Lamont Scott, and so many other human beings who have become hashtags, and try to understand why the solutions on that debate stage would taste like the thinnest possible gruel—utterly unsatisfying to young people whose appetite in 2016 is for bold change and some semblance of justice.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Call me crazy but I seriously think that trump would do genocide in this country and a large number of whites would tolerate and precipitate in it ,I am sure you get the same feel from whites at your job whatever that um gettin ,they want trump and its only for one reason, to get the Blacks and Mexicans ,you better vote ,all this anti hillary and anti BLM and anti kaepernick stuff is a ruse 'THE BELL TOOLS FOR THEE MY FREINDS'

I hate all things Clinton, but I do agree with you

Art Vandelay

It was hard for me not to read LeBron James' endorsement and not think of Kaepernick and his very different position on the election:

LeBron James: Why I'm endorsing Hillary Clinton

If basketball has taught me anything, it’s that no one achieves greatness alone. And it takes everyone working together to create real change.

When I look at this year’s presidential race, it’s clear which candidate believes the same thing. Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty. And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear.

Like my foundation, Hillary has always been a champion for children and their futures. For over 40 years, she’s been working to improve public schools, expand access to health care, support children’s hospitals, and so much more.

She wants to make sure kids have access to a good education, no matter what zip code they live in. She’ll rebuild schools that are falling apart and put more money into computer science. She’ll make sure teachers are paid what they deserve so they can give everything to their students.

She also has plans to make college a reality for more people in America, especially for those who can’t afford it. My kids in Akron are proof of the hope and motivation that come from knowing college can be in their future, no matter what obstacles they might be facing.

Finally, we must address the violence, of every kind, the African-American community is experiencing in our streets and seeing on our TVs. I believe rebuilding our communities by focusing on at-risk children is a significant part of the solution. However, I am not a politician, I don’t know everything it will take finally to end the violence. But I do know we need a president who brings us together and keeps us unified. Policies and ideas that divide us more are not the solution. We must all stand together — no matter where we are from or the color of our skin. And Hillary is running on the message of hope and unity that we need.

There’s still a lot of work to be done in Akron, Northeast Ohio, and all across our great country. We need a president who understands our community and will build on the legacy of President Obama. So let’s register to vote, show up to the polls, and vote for Hillary Clinton.