Chernobyl (2019) HBO Series

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I gotta see this



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There were nuclear power millions of years ago. But it was used for farming and we had a free energy source. Solar energy has been here millions of years ago. Nuclear power was safe at first but then then came demons to destroy the knowledge and redo it for white supremacy.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Wrote a report on this back in my high school days, pride and cold wars BS got alot of people killed. As bad as this shit was it could have been alot worse. The series so far has been mild to the fact of the events that lead up to this and the response and whats still being covered up till this very day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Meanwhile that joint in Japan is still leaking isn't it?

It's not technically leaking anymore.... But the containment issues are piling up.

Tepco, who built the reactor, is into the 12 figures trying to keep it contained. The contaminated water is being stored in tanks and space is running out.

To keep the radiation from reacting the ocean and ground water, they froze the land surrounding the plant and must keep it frozen. The radiation near both the Chernobyl and Fukishima reactors would kill any human in seconds even after all this time. Will be that way beyond everyone living today by far.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So this is good?

Yeah man, check it out. New episodes air on Mondays. I had missed the first and second episodes and thought fuck it, I'll watch the first one then run errands because i had shit to do not expecting much.

Said fuck those errands and watched the second episode right after the first. I think it might only be 4 episodes but it's solid.

Like someone started earlier, cold war fuckery, bravado, and big egos got a lot of people killed
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Rising Star
I was familiar with Chernobyl, the circumstances surrounding the explosion and the aftermath, but had no idea how long the denial lasted immediately after the meltdown. These motherfuckers crazy. Even the smart dudes who should have known better was like “naw that’s some bullshit... core didn’t explode... don’t evacuate nobody.”

This is a good series. First two episodes really do put the hooks in you. Jared Harris is a seriously incredible actor.


Rising Star
I still don’t understand how radiation makes people just melt like that.

The particles from high doses of radiation attack the cells especially the areas that are fast dividing like the intestinal tract and bone marrow. Your body is full of water so the radiation pretty much strips those molecules and you kind of melt from the inside in the most severe cases.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Trumpism before Trumpism was cool

The reactor exploded...
"You're delusional, the reactor didn't explode...fake news"

People are dying of radiation poisoning
"fake news...I demand you go take a closer look"

And WHILE HE IS SHOUTING at the engineer he is vomiting his guts out :smh: . "I apologize for that". Oh OK

The situation is even more nightmarish when you realize its real. Until episode 3 all calculations still had the core exploding as an impossibility. I hope they get to it in the next 2 eps. I dont know that history so I'm in the dark.

PS - Trumpism isnt cool, just popular. But I know what you mean :cool:

Mr. Lengthy