Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men Down


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and calling people coons everytime they are critical of black people is just a bad as homos calling people homophobic or women calling people misogynistic when they are critical of those groups.

so everything that black people do that is not good is automatically traced back to systemic racism. fuckouttahere...

please step up your deductive reasoning.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I was also one of those A's and B's for my grades, and N's and U's for conduct. Drove my pops mad! One day, after looking at one of my progress reports, he just stared at me for a minute and said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

lol mom know's i'm a clown hell i come from a family of clowns so she knew my asshole was next level and when she met some of my lame ass teachers she already knew that it was no way in the world i wasn't gonna entertain myself in order to get thru that moms would see some of my teachers than look at me than be like i understand:lol::lol::lol::lol:...hell on the low low i think the higher ups in my school knew the deal..i swear to this day that they would purposely put me in class with all the lame rookie teachers juss so i could mentally break them down and have them leave the school after the first was the school way of getting rid of the weak or undesirable teachers at my school..motherfuckers used me for their agenda


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

i don't deny systemic racism at all. it exists.

it is easy to toss that coon label online. anyone that know me personally would call ask what the fuck are u smoking. no one IRL life would label me a coon. both of my parents were REAL black panthers and i was raised as such.

also both of them knew education was the way to improve our lives and was became an attorney/judge and the other a cpa/public works director. my father didn't want us growing up lily white so he took us out of the white district and put us in an afro-centric private school. and then he decided we needed to live around more black folks so we moved to a 'black' neighborhood. please miss me with the bullshit.

i have lived on both sides my entire life. some shit is about racism. other shit is not. some shit is cooning. other shit is not. barkley isn't cooning on this shit.

so you went to a white District first and then you ended up in a black district.? And you can't see the disconnect here and why you were picked on? it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. By the way I did not call you a coon, I said do not act like a coon. there is a fundamental difference between the two. Again this is more so a lame personality issue rather than a racial issue. its obvious your father saw how lame you were and that's why he wanted you around your own people. In retrospect it was probably an error on his part and now you have internalized this bullshit to the point where you're almost cooning


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This "unintelligent", "brainwashed" married to a cave-bitch negro has some nerve.


He should just be grateful he was able to excel athletically otherwise he'd be in the same position he's looking down on.



A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and calling people coons everytime they are critical of black people is just a bad as homos calling people homophobic or women calling people misogynistic when they are critical of those groups.

so everything that black people do that is not good is automatically traced back to systemic racism. fuckouttahere...

please step up your deductive reasoning.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but at the same time, I get tired of people like Barkley broad brushing us all the time. Do you honestly think ALL of us don't like to see other black men succeed? When it comes to him, he's quick to show the whites that ALL blacks aren't bad, but when he speaks to them about us, somehow he fails to make that distinction.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

he can't handle the truth

actually i can.

i lived in 5 different states and went to 13 different schools before high school. being the new dude i always had to fight or get cool with the dudes that ran the school. after 5th or 6th grade i had no issues.

after living in so many places and learning that it the same personalities everywhere u go i didn't have issues as a teenager.

and i also learned that life is about way more than black and white.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and calling people coons everytime they are critical of black people is just a bad as homos calling people homophobic or women calling people misogynistic when they are critical of those groups.

so everything that black people do that is not good is automatically traced back to systemic racism. fuckouttahere...

please step up your deductive reasoning.

damn son you're all in your feelings. hell you still exhibit the personality flaws from your grade school days and you wonder why you got picked on:lol:


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

so you went to a white District first and then you ended up in a black district.? And you can't see the disconnect here and why you were picked on? it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. By the way I did not call you a coon, I said do not act like a coon. there is a fundamental difference between the two. Again this is more so a lame personality issue rather than a racial issue. its obvious your father saw how lame you were and that's why he wanted you around your own people. In retrospect it was probably an error on his part and now you have internalized this bullshit to the point where you're almost cooning


you can't be serious.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Barkley is an idiot and he proves it every time he opens his mouth. This is not a race issue, smart kids get picked by jocks all across the board. To dismiss the impact white supremacy, programming, and their propaganda has had on us generation after generation is ridiculous.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

did somebody pick on you when you were little or were you not smart?:lol:


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Barkley is an idiot and he proves it every time he opens his mouth. This is not a race issue, smart kids get picked by jocks all across the board. To dismiss the impact white supremacy, programming, and their propaganda has had on us generation after generation is ridiculous.

so to get this back on track.

help me understand how systemic racism in 2014 makes one black person undermine another black person's success?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

A lot of people can't. They were geeks then & they're geeks now. Shit left lame ass niggas emotionally scarred.

shhhhhhhh the board has a lot of them...look at every thread where dudes seem completely oblivious about females...the super pro tricking minset..calling anything that dosen't look or act like a nerd a thug..trying to wife anything with a pussy..this is a porn board who do u think this board would attract the most:eek::eek:..i been peep who this board is full of

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

so to get this back on track.

help me understand how systemic racism in 2014 makes one black person undermine another black person's success?

Are you serious ? Wtf.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

If you think Chuck is trippin just think back to when Obama was running against Bobby Rush in Chicago. Bobby said he wasn't black enough and was too educated to relate to the problems of regular black folk. Called him a Harvard educated fool. And don't forget the shots he took from Jesse, Rev. Wright, and the entire Congressional Black Caucus. If black people had they way we wouldn't have a black president today:smh:


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

so to get this back on track.

help me understand how systemic racism in 2014 makes one black person undermine another black person's success?

black people are not undermining black people success. hell for the most part we don't have that type of power and that's where white supremacy comes in place. stop acting like a victim dude.... it's pathetic


Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men


I dont know any black person who thinksits a goid thing or honorable to go to prison GTFOH

No, not that it's a good or honorable thing, but that people who have been to prison seem to gets more props than people who have gone to college, it's MUCH MORE of a poor/ignorant thing than it is a Black or White thing, Chris Rock famously went on a looong riff on this in "Bring the Pain", Black people vs. Ni**az.



Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

A lot of people can't. They were geeks then & they're geeks now. Shit left lame ass niggas emotionally scarred.

shhhhhhhh the board has a lot of them...look at every thread where dudes seem completely oblivious about females...the super pro tricking minset..calling anything that dosen't look or act like a nerd a thug..trying to wife anything with a pussy..this is a porn board who do u think this board would attract the most:eek::eek:..i been peep who this board is full of

and since we are going to run with the tangent as well.

95 percent of folks got picked on when they were kids. if you are in the 5 percent that didn't u are obviously gifted and among the great number of bgol greats that only drive 100k cars, have 800k homes and has never fucked less than a dime.

what builds character is adversity. luckily for me i was able to overcome those adversities and have a life where i dictate my own terms.

if someone is still getting the business after 7th or 8th grade i feel bad for them. but most of us figure it out before then.

please keep it real. e-egos aren't necessary.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

If you think Chuck is trippin just think back to when Obama was running against Bobby Rush in Chicago. Bobby said he wasn't black enough and was too educated to relate to the problems of regular black folk. Called him a Harvard educated fool. And don't forget the shots he took from Jesse, Rev. Wright, and the entire Congressional Black Caucus. If black people had they way we wouldn't have a black president today:smh:

stop fucking lying. Rush beat Obama by turning him into an elitist who didn't understand poor people. It was a never attack on his intelligence nor race.even in interviews where I've seen rush on he stated that he beat Obama on class issues. Try that spin job at people who aren't as smart Bro


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

black people are not undermining black people success. hell for the most part we don't have that type of power and that's where white supremacy comes in place. stop acting like a victim dude.... it's pathetic

wow. we must live in two different worlds. i see black people fucking black people over all of the time.

and yes people fucking other people over is not a black person only thing.

what is pathetic is your horse blinder world view.


Fat broads need NOT apply
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This dumb ass country coon needs to be purged...


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Let's not make Barkley the voice of black folk............please??????

Why does he get a mic to talk about anything other than bball????


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person.

Hold up! Charles dropped out of Auburn, regularly jokes about how he never actually attended classes and told Letterman he was now too "loaded" to care about getting his degree.

Admits he asked for and took money from sports agents, speaks turrible, admits he's lost over $10 million gambling, spit on a little girl, broke a man's nose after a game, threw another guy through a plate glass window at an Orlando nightclub, and otherwise has an arrest record two miles long - including countless DUIs.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and since we are going to run with the tangent as well.

95 percent of folks got picked on when they were kids. if you are in the 5 percent that didn't u are obviously gifted and among the great number of bgol greats that only drive 100k cars, have 800k homes and has never fucked less than a dime.

what builds character is adversity. luckily for me i was able to overcome those adversities and have a life where i dictate my own terms.

if someone is still getting the business after 7th or 8th grade i feel bad for them. but most of us figure it out before then.

please keep it real. e-egos aren't necessary.

you didn't overcome shit because you still feel victimized. That pain still resides deep within you and it comes out in posts like these. and 95 percent of kids do not get picked on I'm a school teacher i know. weirdos, geeks and lames get picked on. you were one of those and possibly all three


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Rush beat Obama.....

so an idiotic radio personality beat the president of the united states. what bizarro world do u live in. how does a radio personality beat a president?

wtf are u talking about?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and since we are going to run with the tangent as well.

95 percent of folks got picked on when they were kids. if you are in the 5 percent that didn't u are obviously gifted and among the great number of bgol greats that only drive 100k cars, have 800k homes and has never fucked less than a dime.

what builds character is adversity. luckily for me i was able to overcome those adversities and have a life where i dictate my own terms.

if someone is still getting the business after 7th or 8th grade i feel bad for them. but most of us figure it out before then.

please keep it real. e-egos aren't necessary.

What study did you do? 95%? Foh. There's a difference between picked on and clowning. Yeah we dogged each other at lunch but it was all love. Only a bitch nigga would take that to heart.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

shhhhhhhh the board has a lot of them...look at every thread where dudes seem completely oblivious about females...the super pro tricking minset..calling anything that dosen't look or act like a nerd a thug..trying to wife anything with a pussy..this is a porn board who do u think this board would attract the most:eek::eek:..i been peep who this board is full of

These old ass niggss have the same tasks and routine every fucking day


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

wow. we must live in two different worlds. i see black people fucking black people over all of the time.

and yes people fucking other people over is not a black person only thing.

what is pathetic is your horse blinder world view.

explain to me how you see black people fucking over black people all the time? Please give me some examples or else you're just turning into a full-fledged coon


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

you didn't overcome shit because you still feel victimized. That pain still resides deep within you and it comes out in posts like these. and 95 percent of kids do not get picked on I'm a school teacher i know. weirdos, geeks and lames get picked on. you were one of those and possibly all three

as i stated above. no one that knows me IRL would agree with your assessment. and if your really are a teacher i hope u teach something like math or science because i would never want my kids exposed to your world view in a civics, history or english class.

your are one weird cat.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

so an idiotic radio personality beat the president of the united states. what bizarro world do u live in. how does a radio personality beat a president?

wtf are u talking about?

yeah I can see why you got picked on now. if you think Obama was in a primary battle with rush fucking Limbaugh then you and I shouldn't talk anymore today. But now I get why you were tormented in school and that had nothing to do with race


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

explain to me how you see black people fucking over black people all the time? Please give me some examples or else you're just turning into a full-fledged coon

google is your friend. if you really are a teacher i am sure u know how to research.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

so an idiotic radio personality beat the president of the united states. what bizarro world do u live in. how does a radio personality beat a president?

wtf are u talking about?

Bobby Rush

Stop having CACs on ya mind