Castlevania The Series Season 4 (FINAL SEASON) (discussion thread (Spin-off Officially Announced)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Episode 10...



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Damn you Fonz! Another show I gotta watch now. It's been sitting in my watch list since season 1. I guess I'll start diving in this weekend now that I finished Altered Carbon

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Bout fucking time. :dance: They kept it quiet, then BOOM!

I wonder do they include the black character where he left off at in the last season?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Ten episodes and it felt like filler for the main story that's probably going to take another year if we're lucky.

I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad, but it just felt like an incomplete season and the main story could have been resolved in less time.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Ten episodes and it felt like filler for the main story that's probably going to take another year if we're lucky.

I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad, but it just felt like an incomplete season and the main story could have been resolved in less time.

Im re watching season 2 rn I hope season 3 isnt a let down.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Im re watching season 2 rn I hope season 3 isnt a let down.
Dont let my opinion influence you, but it would have been better with more episodes or telling the same story in fewer episodes. It really does feel like a setup for the next season and not something that can stand alone.

Hector's story was more interesting than the main story. The problem is you dont see the plans of the vampires develop this season.

I didn't care about Issac's story at all. I'm going to need to rewatch, but I'm not even sure what his goals were and more importantly I didn't care. Youd think he is going to be the new threat, but something happens that may contradict this idea somewhat.the story was being built but it just ended.

Alucard story was somewhat understandable but still felt emo and more importantly did not go anywhere in the end.

They touched on the void Dracula being gone has left, but some how you bearly see the problems him being gone causes. Again the groundwork was laid this season but it felt like a prequel to a real story.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man I fell asleep every time I tried to watch the first season.
Too much talking and not enough putting in work with the whip


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Ten episodes and it felt like filler for the main story that's probably going to take another year if we're lucky.

I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad, but it just felt like an incomplete season and the main story could have been resolved in less time.

This is exactly what I felt.. I actually just rewatched season 2... it’s a gawd damn masterpiece

As for Season 3... this really felt like a Voltron like Split season... season 4 has to be dropping this year.....

It’s clear that they are working on Slowly Turning Hector into the a Protagonist next season.. They slightly changed his story from the game.. I figure that at some point Ol Girl actually does fall in love with him and then Issac kills her which leads to The big Issac and Hector confrontation that Saint Germaine is going to try to stop.

I definitely love how the Showrunner is opening up all the Castlevania games for this show.. resurrecting Dracula is going to be the main theme probably until the end..

I’m going to rewatch Season 3 now that I’m completely caught again.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I didn't care about Issac's story at all. I'm going to need to rewatch, but I'm not even sure what his goals were and more importantly I didn't care. Youd think he is going to be the new threat, but something happens that may contradict this idea somewhat.the story was being built but it just ended.

I agree on Hector but I thought Issac’s was the best story... Dude is blindly devoted to Dracula and still believes that Humanity should die but that’s contradicted with the small amounts of goodness that’s shown to him. I thought the conversation with the ship caption on the boat was extremely well written.

Issac’s quest to avenge the Betrayal of Dracula is going to end up with him meeting Hector again and likely leading to confrontation that i predicted in my previous post.

But like I said earlier today... a lot of Kats are going to come in and not like this season because there isn’t a lot of action.. but I kind of feel it’s a necessary season..

But like you said.. I do wish they just dropped 24 episodes and be done with it.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I agree on Hector but I thought Issac’s was the best story... Dude is blindly devoted to Dracula and still believes that Humanity should die but that’s contradicted with the small amounts of goodness that’s shown to him. I thought the conversation with the ship caption on the boat was extremely well written.

Issac’s quest to avenge the Betrayal of Dracula is going to end up with him meeting Hector again and likely leading to confrontation that i predicted in my previous post.

But like I said earlier today... a lot of Kats are going to come in and not like this season because there isn’t a lot of action.. but I kind of feel it’s a necessary season..

But like you said.. I do wish they just dropped 24 episodes and be done with it.
I caught up on all of Seasons 1 & 2 and the first episode of Season 3. It has been worth the watch.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree on Hector but I thought Issac’s was the best story... Dude is blindly devoted to Dracula and still believes that Humanity should die but that’s contradicted with the small amounts of goodness that’s shown to him. I thought the conversation with the ship caption on the boat was extremely well written.

Issac’s quest to avenge the Betrayal of Dracula is going to end up with him meeting Hector again and likely leading to confrontation that i predicted in my previous post.

But like I said earlier today... a lot of Kats are going to come in and not like this season because there isn’t a lot of action.. but I kind of feel it’s a necessary season..

But like you said.. I do wish they just dropped 24 episodes and be done with it.

Yeah. Like I've said it wasn't necessarily the story that disappointed it just felt incomplete. I haven't finished rewatching yet, but Issac's story was slightly more interesting. Somehow I missed the talk between him and the captain and the one with the demon.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought it was dope. All the stories held my interest. Hectors was predictable as fuck though. I mean I figured Alucard swung both ways, but I didnt really need to have it put on front street. Isaacs arc was cool, but a seemed more like filler as the season went on. Trevor and Sypha was the meat of it and their story was as great as it could be. But it's my issue with Batman without Joker... Yeah other villains in the universe are compelling and fleshed out. But they ain't Joker. Castlevania without Dracula feels empty. Looking forward to season 4. They left allot of meat out there for next season.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man Hector got hit with that Literal Pussy Whip

and I fucking Knew something was up...
Weird Twins... Something told me that they were going to Seduce Alucard, but the show almost got me when they showed the scene with them talking about them wanting to do something nice for him

Oh and Holy Shit.. Episode 9... Jesus.. that ending... I fucking knew it.

LOL, Alucard is half vampire and half a fag.

Outside of the BS in episode 9 great season. Germain (aka the mason), the Judge, and Lenore all are great additions.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. Ten episodes and it felt like filler for the main story that's probably going to take another year if we're lucky.

I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad, but it just felt like an incomplete season and the main story could have been resolved in less time.

You are crazy. I just finished season 3. That shit was fire.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You are crazy. I just finished season 3. That shit was fire.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. Not trash but no where near fire in my opinion. I've read comments from others (outside of BGOL) that share a similar opinion, so I'm confident I'm not crazy lol.

Again my main issue is the story didn't seem like a real season and it seems incomplete. The season just didn't seem like something you could enjoy without watching the coming season.


Rising Star
OG Investor
If you are into dark fantasy...really dark...with demons, magic, lore and the like...season 3 was the best.

More dialogue...less fighting....more twisted ass irredeemable characters that make you feel uncomfortable...

I almost got a "Berserk" vibe from it....and nothing is fucking with Berserk in this genre.

I am only disappointed because I wanted more.

I thought that dracula was going to be resurrected but that would have been too obvious.

Issac's arc was dope. Dude is going to have a night creature army.

Sypha's and Trevor's fighting scenes at the end were nicely animated. If you watch the scenes with sypha...she almost seemed to enjoy it.

You get the feeling that Sypha really is crazy.

Trevor actually showed mad skills with the whip finally.....


Rising Star
OG Investor
Different strokes for different folks I guess. Not trash but no where near fire in my opinion. I've read comments from others (outside of BGOL) that share a similar opinion, so I'm confident I'm not crazy lol.

Again my main issue is the story didn't seem like a real season and it seems incomplete. The season just didn't seem like something you could enjoy without watching the coming season.

I can respect that...


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
If you are into dark fantasy...really dark...with demons, magic, lore and the like...season 3 was the best.

More dialogue...less fighting....more twisted ass irredeemable characters that make you feel uncomfortable...

I almost got a "Berserk" vibe from it....and nothing is fucking with Berserk in this genre.

I am only disappointed because I wanted more.

I thought that dracula was going to be resurrected but that would have been too obvious.

Issac's arc was dope. Dude is going to have a night creature army.

Sypha's and Trevor's fighting scenes at the end were nicely animated. If you watch the scenes with sypha...she almost seemed to enjoy it.

You get the feeling that Sypha really is crazy.

Trevor actually showed mad skills with the whip finally.....
That's what I love about the third season, it's extremely dark. You rarely have any fantasy shows that's dark. For whatever reason, people have an issue with it.They rather have a fantasy show be typical or slightly dark.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I wont lie....I was like :rolleyes: when that scene began, but the "seduction" did fit into the plot.

I found it weirder that they were supposed to be brother and sister, right?

People didn't give a fuck about incest back then. So that didn't surprised me.

Trevor is about to knock Sypha up. That last scene is going to want Sypha to have a kid....
