
lo tech

yo my bro is in HS...theres a dude there, his pops who owns a conviencience store sells him boxes of candy for 50 cents each bar which he turns around and sells for a buck....he might make 100$ on a good day...

so i was wonderin where candy can b purchased wholesale...for cheap....? Because if we come with a variety of candy, at a cheaper price...maybe we can take him out the market an make a lil $$$


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Let me tell you a candy story.....

My girl used to sell cany in high school for profit. Her dad invested a $100 in her to buy candybars and sodas......In two years she had made $15,000 selling fucking candy to folks in her school...

She went to a huge high school and did it everyday. Every weekend she would deposite like a almost a grand or more in the bank.....

Ya hear me dude.....fucking candy


Analytical nerd
Platinum Member
lo tech said:
yo my bro is in HS...theres a dude there, his pops who owns a conviencience store sells him boxes of candy for 50 cents each bar which he turns around and sells for a buck....he might make 100$ on a good day...

so i was wonderin where candy can b purchased wholesale...for cheap....? Because if we come with a variety of candy, at a cheaper price...maybe we can take him out the market an make a lil $$$

try sams wholesale or costco depending on where you live. if you want to go legit (like pay taxes on what you sell) and get a business license you can hit up the local distrubitors and see what their mininum is to sell to an individual.