
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
if Russia invades the Ukraine that disrupts one of the world's major gas lines. so theoretically yes the USA doesnt use gas from that area but a lot of the world does. Gas is a global commodity. If it the price goes up in one area it goes up everywhere too. basic economics bro. again, are you ready to pay $8 a gallon?

The U.S. is now the top oil exporter in the world because of its energy policies and shale production. That says to me that the U.S. because of it's self sufficiency is not imperiled by a spike in foreign oil prices and could keep gas prices well below what the rest of the world pays if domestic producers choose to.

But being the greedy bastards they are they could and probably would raise prices somewhat and say it's due to hostilities in Ukraine. And no I am not ready to pay $8 a gallon and won't have to because of the reason stated and the public outcry would not fall on deaf oil executives ears for fear of losing billions in governments subsidies and tax breaks. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
energy markets are global wtf are you talking about? if supply is short in one place it is replaced by others but at higher costs because.... shrunken supply. You really don't understand free market economics in the slightest.

The U.S. is now the top oil exporter in the world because of its energy policies and shale production. That says to me that the U.S. because of it's self sufficiency in oil production is pretty much insulated from the pricing whims of foreign exporters.


Rising Star
The U.S. is now the top oil exporter in the world because of its energy policies and shale production. That says to me that the U.S. because of it's self sufficiency in oil production is pretty much insulated from the pricing whims of foreign exporters.
You do know how expensive shale oil extraction and fracking are, right? That shit is essentially a losing enterprise despite the fact that it is heavily subsidized. i hope you aren't counting on that to save the day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You do know how expensive shale oil extraction and fracking are, right? That shit is essentially a losing enterprise despite the fact that it is heavily subsidized. i hope you aren't counting on that to save the day.

I hope you are not counting on its demise to save your prediction of $8 a gallon gas. It won't happen especially with more and more electric and hybrid vehicles coming on line.


Platinum Member
as times we don’t know if we can believe our own news media or government officials

so do with you want with these reports



Platinum Member
Normally we could say it’s hard to deny video proof but we know you can tweak them also

but this seems legit


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At one point, before the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had a few thousand nukes.

How the hell don't you hold onto a few of em?

Mighta been enough to give a country reason to pause before tryna punk you.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
At one point, before the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had a few thousand nukes.

How the hell don't you hold onto a few of em?

Mighta been enough to give a country reason to pause before tryna punk you.
It wasn’t theirs. They were frontin with their manz chain and whip.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
At one point, before the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had a few thousand nukes.

How the hell don't you hold onto a few of em?

Mighta been enough to give a country reason to pause before tryna punk you.
They still have those nukes. That's why I'm surprised Russia is fucking with them.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No they don't. My bad

Soooo a security agreement from the US and Russia... :smh:

How any country makes a security deal with the US...and expects us to honor it is beyond me.

The US damn near always goes back on it's word....been that way since the country's founding.

No fuckin way I'm giving up nukes.