Border and limits


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
<font color="#d90000" face="arial black" size="5">
This whole immigration debate is
just another RepubliKlan "wedge" issue.<img src="" border="0" height="49" width="50"></font>

<img src="" width="120" height="148">
<font face="arial" size="3" color="#0000FF"><b> Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (RepubliKlan-CA) says ""Let the <S>PRISONERS</S> NI66ERS pick the fruits," Mr. Rohrabacher said. "We can do it without bringing in millions of foreigners."</b></font>


<hr noshade color="#D90000" size="14"></hr>

<img src=""><br><font color="#000000" face="verdana" size="4"><b><br>House &amp; Senate RepubliKlans <img src="" border="0" height="49" width="50"><br>with baby bush at the White House</font>

<font face="arial" size="1" color="#000000"><b>Token Republican Negro J.C. Watts had already left the party prior to this white house meeting. Oh well, so much for diversity :D :D :D </b></font>

<HR NOSHADE COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE="12"></HR>
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Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mr. President, I’m Heading To Mexico
Posted by The Watchdog - April 6th, 2006
David M. Bresnahan
April 1, 2006

Dear President Bush:

I’m about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I’m going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I’m on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won’t make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for your kind help.


David M. Bresnahan


U.S. Firms Recruit Cheap Labor in Mexico

U.S. Firms Recruit Cheap Labor in Mexico
By JULIE WATSON and OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ, Associated Press Writers
1 hour, 39 minutes ago

When Pedro Lopez Vazquez crossed illegally into the United States last week, he was not heading north to look for a job. He already had one.

His future employer even paid $1,000 for a smuggler to help Vazquez make his way from the central Mexican city of Puebla to Aspen, Colo.

"We're going to Colorado to work in carpentry because we have a friend who was going to give us a job," Vazquez said.

Vazquez, 41, was interviewed along the Arizona border after being deported twice by the U.S. Border Patrol. He said he would keep trying until he got to Aspen.

His story is not unusual. A growing number of U.S. employers and migrants are tapping into an underground employment network that matches one with the other, often before the migrants leave home.

"It continues to become clear who controls immigration: It's not governments, but rather the market," said Jorge Santibanez, director of the Tijuana-based think-tank Colegio de la Frontera Norte.

As debate over immigration heats up in the United States, more and more U.S. companies in need of cheap labor are turning to undocumented employees to recruit friends and relatives back home, and to smugglers to find job seekers.

Darcy Tromanhauser, of the nonprofit law project Nebraska Appleseed, said companies in need of workers rely on the networks to "pass along the information more effectively than billboards."

"It started out more explicitly, where (meatpacking) companies used to have buses to transport people to come up, and they would advertise directly in Mexico," she said. "Now I think that happens more informally."

At the same time, it has become less risky for companies to recruit illegal migrants. Since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, U.S. prosecution of employers who hire such workers has dwindled to a trickle as the government puts its resources toward national security.

The few cases that are prosecuted, however, highlight how lucrative a business recruiting undocumented workers has become. In one case, a single smuggler allegedly earned $900,000 over 15 months placing 6,000 migrants in jobs at Chinese restaurants across the upper Midwest.

Shan Wei Yu, a 51-year-old Chinese-American, was sentenced in December to nine years in federal prison on charges involving the transportation of 40 of those migrants. Investigations involving the others continue.

Rick Hilzendager, special agent for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Grand Forks, N.D., said Yu connected 6,000 migrants from Latin America with jobs in Chinese restaurants in Illinois, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

Based in Yu's home in McKinney, Texas, the Great Texas Employment Agency placed ads in Chinese-language newspapers in the Chicago area offering cheap labor from Latin America, investigators said.

Yu sent a recruiter with Spanish interpreters to find migrants in Dallas willing to be fry cooks and dishwashers, Hilzendager said. A team made up mostly of illegal Chinese immigrants rented cars and drove them up.

Yu allegedly charged a $150 finder's fee for each migrant while the drivers earned $300 per worker. Restaurant owners deducted the $450 from workers' first-month paychecks of $1,000.

"It was just so easy," Hilzendager said.

Nick Chase, assistant U.S. attorney in North Dakota, said Yu even offered to replace workers free of charge if one left within two weeks of starting.

"It was a 2-for-1 special — like a pizza," Chase said. "Everything about it was ugly."

The employees, housed in cramped apartments provided by employers, worked 14-hour days and had little outside contact. The case broke open in August 2004 after two Mexican migrants working at the Buffet House in Grand Forks fled poor conditions and were picked up along a highway by Border Patrol agents.

Many of the drivers involved in the scheme were deported to China. Two North Dakota restaurant owners were sentenced to four months each for harboring illegal immigrants.

But many migrants, and many employers, say the recruiters provide a valuable service. Sergio Sosa, who organizes Nebraska meatpackers, said many are seen as heroes in the Mexican towns where the workers come from.

Sosa, speaking by telephone from Omaha, said that in the 1990s companies bused migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border, paying them room and board plus salaries of $100 a week. But after a government crackdown, they began to rely more on their workers to recruit friends and family back in Mexico.

"One of the meatpacking supervisors is from Michoacan, and most of the people working for him come from his town," Sosa said. "There's no official recruiting — it's more internal through family."

Migrants setting out along the border confirmed his account. Guadalupe Mendez, 26, said her sister found her work as a seamstress in Los Angeles. Lorenzo Garcia Ruiz, 38, said friends arranged a gardening job for him in Kentucky.

To make a real dent in this network, the U.S. government would need to go after employers or make them pay the costs of legalizing workers, migration activists say.

But an August 2005 report of the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, indicates the opposite is happening. After the Sept. 11 attacks, work-site inspections by U.S. immigration officials plummeted as they focused on national security cases.

From 1999 to 2004, the number of businesses that faced fines dropped from 417 to three, the GAO said. Data after 2004 could not be compared because the government changed the way it records data.

Investigators say fake documents makes it difficult to prove an employer has knowingly hired an undocumented worker. The business community argues that employers aren't equipped to spot fraud and warns that more investigations could lead to workplace discrimination.

Chase said businesses must be kept in check.

"There are employers out there who are always going to be tempted by the bottom line," he said.;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

Brown Pride

dyhawk said:
they should not only build a fence but put the army out there with orders shot to kill...................................

Why shoot to kill ,what about Hatians??????????

Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Fuckallyall said:
Good point you make, Mak. LaRaza calls it "reconquitsta.
We'll see. Yes, we'll see.

Naw La Raza does not call it that,that's something that the White mad up and the rest of White America ran with it,do you really thin that all the Mexicans coming here think that they could really do that?Don't by into what them crackkas are saying,they want to conquer and dived and put a wedge between Black and Brown........AND IT'S WORKING.

Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Makkonnen said:
I noticed no hispanics defending the rights of Haitians illegally trying to immigrate to the US when it was front page news and I still notice no one mentioning them.
So on that note I say fuck em. If a black man violates federal law he gets prison bars, if a mexican does he gets ice cream bars and a cart and a bell to sell them with. FUCK THAT

You dont see hypocrites like bean pride in any haitian threads that have been on here- cuz he dont give a shit-he will talk a big comrade game though mi hermano

There's an entire planet full of poor people who'd like to come here- what gives mexicans any more right to come here illegally than anyone else? fuck em and the van the hid in coming here

Can't keep my name out yo mouth can you doleatermite,AM I ON YOU MIND ALL THE TIME?........ :smh: :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

<font size="4">Brown Pride:

- Do you support illegal immigration ???

- Should illegal immigrants be allowed to remain ???

- Should the children of illegals receive the same education benefits/entitlements as citizens ???

- Illegals are crossing the Mexican border at between 300,000 to 700,000 each year -- is that okay with you ???

QueEx</font size>

Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

QueEx said:
<font size="4">Brown Pride:

- Do you support illegal immigration ???

- Should illegal immigrants be allowed to remain ???

- Should the children of illegals receive the same education benefits/entitlements as citizens ???

- Illegals are crossing the Mexican border at between 300,000 to 700,000 each year -- is that okay with you ???

QueEx</font size>

Why of course it is,they work here and spend money here so why not.There are more then just Mexicans who come here.But on the real how can we be illegal on our own continent????????


Rising Star
Super Moderator
muckraker10021 said:
<font color="#d90000" face="arial black" size="5">
This whole immigration debate is
just another RepubliKlan "wedge" issue.<img src="" border="0" height="49" width="50"></font>
<font size="4">
Is it ???

Thats not what Brown Pride says</font size>


Brown Pride

QueEx said:
<font size="4">
Is it ???

Thats not what Brown Pride says</font size>


Don't put words in my mouth quenazi,I been saying they are trying to conquer and divde us Black and Brown people from jump,but I guess you like to spin you lies like bill o'riley..........


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Brown Pride said:
Don't put words in my mouth quenazi,I been saying they are trying to conquer and divde us Black and Brown people from jump,but I guess you like to spin you lies like bill o'riley..........
No, thats what you've been saying for "convenience." What you said, hermano,
is that irrespective of what anybody thinks (Republicans, Democrats, Whites and
Blacks), Mexicans have a right, no, an entitlement, to cross the Mexican border,
en mass, as, according to you, its your country in the first place. I didn't put
those words in your mouth, you did.


Brown Pride

QueEx said:
No, thats what you've been saying for "convenience." What you said, hermano,
is that irrespective of what anybody thinks (Republicans, Democrats, Whites and
Blacks), Mexicans have a right, no, an entitlement, to cross the Mexican border,
en mass, as, according to you, its your country in the first place. I didn't put
those words in your mouth, you did.


You still spinning,I was refering to the conquer and divide part of what you said to that last brotha.Second I never said a thing about this country being ours,well half of it used to be but that's beside the point.I have been saying that this continent is ours ,yes the whole thin,and whitey is afraid if all of us indginous ever got back together,we'd take it away from them and claim our rights to it.Is that not what you want to happen to Africa?


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Brown Pride said:
Is that not what you want to happen to Africa?

My heritage is African, like yours is European. But make no mistake, this is my country and I don't take kindly to lawbreakers of any kind, you and other illegals, included.


Brown Pride

QueEx said:
My heritage is African, like yours is European. But make no mistake, this is my country and I don't take kindly to lawbreakers of any kind, you and other illegals, included.


I see you won't answer question about Africa.My Blood lines are Indigenous/Black/Spanish,so as far as you calling out only Euro blood,just shows how racist you are.I have blood lines to this continent and I never came to this land of America like you illegally claim.Yet another racist statement by quenazi Stop spinnig for whitey.......... :smh: :smh:
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
Brown Pride said:
I see you won't answer question about Africa.My Blood lines are Indigenous/Black/Spanish,so as far as you calling out only Euro blood,just shows how racist you are.I have blood lines to this continent and I never came to this land of America like you illegally claim.Yet another racist statement by quenazi Stop spinnig for whitey.......... :smh: :smh:
I answered. You didn't you see my response?
This is my country. Sabe ? Understand ?

This country doesn't belong to "whitey" solo, hombre. It belongs to me
and mine. If protecting whats mine happens to benefit whitey, so be it.

If you haven't noticed, its you and whitey who are in bed right now. Thats
right, one side of "Whitey" wants illegal immigration to continue so that
their business concerns can continue your exploitation. Another side
of whitey, mad with another side of Whitey, wants illegal immigration to
continue because they are counting votes. So, Mr. WetBack (I think
thats only fair since you continue to refer to me, a Black man, as a
<u>nazi</u>), its your illegals and your "Lighter Skinned Brethren" who
feel the way that you do who are really spinning Whitey.

Its okay though, your racial allegations pale in comparison to the
risk that illegal immigration poses to my and other Black children's
futures. If I'm being racist for being concerned with Black people's future,
so be it.
I'm a taxpayer, both personally and through my businesses. I am
concerned when I will have to pay for my children's education when
illegal immigrants are enjoying the fruits of my labor, sabe?

I'm concerned when an already fucked up labor market succumbs to the
temptation of 10 cent an hour illegal immigrant labor.

I'm concerned when my legitimate businesses are harmed by unfair
competition from businesses using illegal immigrant nickel and dime labor.

Im concerned by the high cost of medical insurance when illegals are being
treated, for free.

I'm concerned when illegals send 90% of their earnings back across the
border in the name of what another Lighter-Skinned-Mexican (you know
him, Vicente Fox) calls Economic Development -- while citizens of this
country pay their medical bills and educate their children -- while Black
people suffer.​

I suspect that a lot more people would be upset too if they only considered the truth.

Thanks to you today, Brown Pride, <u>more</u> of my brothers and sisters who
read this board might become upset too. Maybe then we can get at the
real issues involved in the immigration debate. Maybe then republicans
and democrats will stop posturing based on potential votes -- instead of
the real and present harm thats being caused to my country.



Brown Pride

QueEx said:
I answered. You didn't you see my response?
This is my country. Sabe ? Understand ?

This country doesn't belong to "whitey" solo, hombre. It belongs to me
and mine. If protecting whats mine happens to benefit whitey, so be it.

If you haven't noticed, its you and whitey who are in bed right now. Thats
right, one side of "Whitey" wants illegal immigration to continue so that
their business concerns can continue your exploitation. Another side
of whitey, mad with another side of Whitey, wants illegal immigration to
continue because they are counting votes. So, Mr. WetBack (I think
thats only fair since you continue to refer to me, a Black man, as a
<u>nazi</u>), its your illegals and your "Lighter Skinned Brethren" who
feel the way that you do who are really spinning Whitey.

Its okay though, your racial allegations pale in comparison to the
risk that illegal immigration poses to my and other Black children's
futures. If I'm being racist for being concerned with Black people's future,
so be it.
I'm a taxpayer, both personally and through my businesses. I am
concerned when I will have to pay for my children's education when
illegal immigrants are enjoying the fruits of my labor, sabe?

I'm concerned when an already fucked up labor market succumbs to the
temptation of 10 cent an hour illegal immigrant labor.

I'm concerned when my legitimate businesses are harmed by unfair
competition from businesses using illegal immigrant nickel and dime labor.

Im concerned by the high cost of medical insurance when illegals are being
treated, for free.

I'm concerned when illegals send 90% of their earnings back across the
border in the name of what another Lighter-Skinned-Mexican (you know
him, Vicente Fox) calls Economic Development -- while citizens of this
country pay their medical bills and educate their children -- while Black
people suffer.​

I suspect that a lot more people would be upset too if they only considered the truth.

Thanks to you today, Brown Pride, <u>more</u> of my brothers and sisters who
read this board might become upset too. Maybe then we can get at the
real issues involved in the immigration debate. Maybe then republicans
and democrats will stop posturing based on potential votes -- instead of
the real and present harm thats being caused to my country.


How van I be illegal when this land belonged to my antepasados and was stolen by whitey,who you now follow.?
You didn't answer how you feel about Africa and if they kick all the crackkkas out,Like I been saying we are indigenous to this continent and if you don't get what I mean about that then you have been broken by the crackkkas who stole this continent.They are many brothas and sistas who feel for us and our plight,but people like you will follow the crackka into hell as long as he keeps you thinking we are out to get Blacks.I was born in America yet you continue to call me Illegal,crackkka has converted you and you think like him.So you our a PROUD AMERICAN QUENAZI.Tell me why you are so proud to call yoursel American after all them crackkkas have done to you people.Don't spin your web to thisk.Mr. Proud to be an American and subjugated By whitey.Keep fighting against us Mexicans like them Crackkkas want you to do.You sound like a sellout........... :smh: :smh:

And by the way,stop with your false % on how much an illegal sends home,I know pleanty of illegals and they do not send no 90% home.They couldn't survie on 10 % here.More like 10 and 20 % goes home.I Rerfer to you ass a nazi because of how you run this forum,you let people call me all kind of racial shit and say nothing to them,now you call me a WETBACK.....yOUR WORSE THAN THEM KKK FOLKS but you can;t see it OPEN YOUR EYES QUENAZI......
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
Stop emotionalizing Mr. Mexico and respond to <u>all</u> I said above.
Don't respond in part and remain silent in part -- to me that would be
an admission of the part you failed to respond to.

Moreover, you owe me some of my hard earned taxes back: I said "your
Illegals"; you said you support not only the ones already here illegally,
but you support the right of <u>all of Mexico</u> to cross the border
unmitigated into this country. I didn't refer to YOU as illegal, though
you may be, but the reference was to YOUR illegals, that you insist
insist upon, Senor, as having some inherent right of passage. Since
you didn't grasp that concept, perhaps, my money educating you has
been wasted. I want a refund.

Oh, BTW, prior to white (European) settlement of this country and Mexico
too, for that matter, persons of your so-called "Indigenous/Black/Spanish"
origin were <u>not</u> native to this or any other land in North America.
So, stop trying to hitch your boat to the Native American trailer. You hybrids
don't have any claim, right or entitlement to shit.



Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Brown Pride said:
Why of course it is,they work here and spend money here so why not.There are more then just Mexicans who come here.But on the real how can we be illegal on our own continent????????
stupid stupid bitch

mexico is the name of the whole continent? immigration laws don't exist for mexicans?

youre a fuckin idiot racist scumbag

one bastardized spainiard mutt has the right to stfu and take his mexican pride back to fuckin mexico

you dont have the right to live and work here- that is the entire point- your illegal buddies dont have the right so they defy the laws of our nation to benefit themselves- no different than a crack dealer or bank robber

you wanna come here to work? cool. arrest em and put em on a chain gang for 10 years then deport em


Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
The fact that the United States were colonized, organized and boundries drawn, was an evolutionary, revolutionary feat. The modernization of the United States is a higher level of establishment than was possible before colonization came about, for better or worse! Many peoples throughout history lived for & died for our freedoms &WE must work to maintain our way of life. The United States of America is not a free for all, it is exclusivee to those who are citizens. You must earn your right to be an American, speak English and basically pay dues by being a productive member of this society. In effect, replenishing and reinforcing the The Constitution & The Bill of Rights; We must not alter the established doctrines to pacify non-citizens.


The fact that the United States were colonized, organized and boundries drawn, was an evolutionary, revolutionary feat. The modernization of the United States is a higher level of establishment than was possible before colonization came about, for better or worse! Many peoples throughout history lived for & died for our freedoms &WE must work to maintain our way of life. The United States of America is not a free for all, it is exclusivee to those who are citizens. You must earn your right to be an American, speak English and basically pay dues by being a productive member of this society. In effect, replenishing and reinforcing the The Constitution & The Bill of Rights; We must not alter the established doctrines to pacify non-citizens.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ word up

Hey I think I will go join AARP, not pay any dues, not really join, make some counterfeit membership cards, attend their meetings, protest anything they do that I dont like, take advantage of all their benefits and when they find out Im doing this I will get all my friends who are doing the same thing and protest and picket with NRA shirts on since we also are real card carrying members of the NRA


Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Dolemite said:
stupid stupid bitch

mexico is the name of the whole continent? immigration laws don't exist for mexicans?

youre a fuckin idiot racist scumbag

one bastardized spainiard mutt has the right to stfu and take his mexican pride back to fuckin mexico

you dont have the right to live and work here- that is the entire point- your illegal buddies dont have the right so they defy the laws of our nation to benefit themselves- no different than a crack dealer or bank robber

you wanna come here to work? cool. arrest em and put em on a chain gang for 10 years then deport em

Whose the racist scumbag,you talk about shooting innocent people who try and cross a border that the white man created.You have fallen into their trap,just like the Nazis did in Germany.They Blamed it all their problems on the Jews,Now White is blaming it on the Mexicans.We Mexica were born on this continent,the Crackka was not,but he now has you beleiveing that he was .Now you are willing to kill an indigenous person born to thie continent for him.He has won the war,you will now do his bidding and wipe us out.I feel sorry for you,you fight for whitey.........How does your Latina Mother feel about this.Ya bitch ass muthafucka I aint no Spaniard,Mexicans HATE SPANISRDS.......BUT YOUR TO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THAT AND YOU ARE TRYING TO SPREAD YOUR HATE AGAINST MEXICANS.FUCK SPAIN AND ALL SPAINARDS,.QUE VIVA TODOS INDIGENOIUS GENTE DE ESTE CONTINENT.

Viva Panama,Y todos los Latinos de este continent........


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Brown Pride said:
<font size="4">My Blood lines are Indigenous/Black/Spanish ...</font size>

Brown Pride said:
<font size="4">I aint no Spaniard,Mexicans HATE SPANISRDS.......</font size>

:D :D :D


Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

QueEx said:

This is were your ignorance shines thru quenazi,just because we have a some so called Spanish blood that tainted us ,don't mean we love them.I don't deny my Euro blood ,but you do.If you were as intelligent as you try to potray yourself,you would know that most Blacks also have Eurpeon Blood too,Spanish,Portuguise,French and God forbid English..........How many times did they go down into the slave quaters and rape the women.........Don't live in denial of you Euro roots.Your a joke Mister quenazi,................ Keep doing this :dance: :dance: :dance: for the crackkkas and kill us Mexicans for him,he has you brainwashed.............the blue eyed devil has convinced you we are the jews of this country,just like the nazis and hitler did back in germany.Later quenazi,,,,,can you see the truth......... :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Brown Pride said:
<font size="4">My Blood lines are Indigenous/Black/Spanish ...</font size>

Brown Pride said:
<font size="4">I aint no Spaniard,Mexicans HATE SPANISRDS.......</font size>

Brown Pride said:
<font size="4"> so called Spanish blood that tainted us
The Spanish conquered Mexico. There were Native Americans inhabiting the Southwest prior to the Spanish's conquesto. The Spanish headed north into what is the present day U.S. <u>after</u> they conquered Mexico. By your own admission, you are of Spanish descent.

Does that mean your spanish-tainted (your words, not mine) Mexicans predated the Native Americans ??? Who were indigenous to the land, Spanish-tainted Mexicans or ... Native Americans ???


Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

QueEx said:
The Spanish conquered Mexico. There were Native Americans inhabiting the Southwest prior to the Spanish's conquesto. The Spanish headed north into what is the present day U.S. <u>after</u> they conquered Mexico. By your own admission, you are of Spanish descent.

Does that mean your spanish-tainted (your words, not mine) Mexicans predated the Native Americans ??? Who were indigenous to the land, Spanish-tainted Mexicans or ... Native Americans ???


I addmit to having some tainted blood from the spanish,but you hoever will not addmit to you euro blood,which means you are a crackka in denial and trying to be the Black man that you are not.You have more euro blood than I do but you will not addmitt it,you are a sorry excuse for a man of color,quenazi,that is whay you hate me and want to try and make me look bad,but on the real,you are a crackkka wannabe in denial of your true blood lines,you deny your white father and how he raped your mother.Who is the biggeset hypocryte on this board but you.You deny your euro blood ,yet you have high yellow people in your famila.Grow up young man and addmitt how much white blood you have,and how you don't even know what tribe or part of Africa you or you famila came from you don't even know your original tounge your people spoke before them crackkas brought youe here.Instead of joining us people of color,you choose to fight along side them crackkkas and kills us people of color.You are the worst kind of Black man that could have ever lived,you are no better tnah a house slave,praying for the white mans love,You are willing to do his dirty work because ever since he brought you over here as a slave to him,you look up to him for respect..Grow up son and break them shackles off your feet and learn to love people of color,and not them crackkas who you so love.........Keep :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: for the crackkkas quenazi
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Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

What a beautiful thing it must be to be mexican and live in a world without borders :rolleyes:

Brown Pride

QueEx said:
I answered. You didn't you see my response?
This is my country. Sabe ? Understand ?

This country doesn't belong to "whitey" solo, hombre. It belongs to me
and mine. If protecting whats mine happens to benefit whitey, so be it.

If you haven't noticed, its you and whitey who are in bed right now. Thats
right, one side of "Whitey" wants illegal immigration to continue so that
their business concerns can continue your exploitation. Another side
of whitey, mad with another side of Whitey, wants illegal immigration to
continue because they are counting votes. So, Mr. WetBack (I think
thats only fair since you continue to refer to me, a Black man, as a
<u>nazi</u>), its your illegals and your "Lighter Skinned Brethren" who
feel the way that you do who are really spinning Whitey.

Its okay though, your racial allegations pale in comparison to the
risk that illegal immigration poses to my and other Black children's
futures. If I'm being racist for being concerned with Black people's future,
so be it.
I'm a taxpayer, both personally and through my businesses. I am
concerned when I will have to pay for my children's education when
illegal immigrants are enjoying the fruits of my labor, sabe?

I'm concerned when an already fucked up labor market succumbs to the
temptation of 10 cent an hour illegal immigrant labor.

I'm concerned when my legitimate businesses are harmed by unfair
competition from businesses using illegal immigrant nickel and dime labor.

Im concerned by the high cost of medical insurance when illegals are being
treated, for free.

I'm concerned when illegals send 90% of their earnings back across the
border in the name of what another Lighter-Skinned-Mexican (you know
him, Vicente Fox) calls Economic Development -- while citizens of this
country pay their medical bills and educate their children -- while Black
people suffer.​

I suspect that a lot more people would be upset too if they only considered the truth.

Thanks to you today, Brown Pride, <u>more</u> of my brothers and sisters who
read this board might become upset too. Maybe then we can get at the
real issues involved in the immigration debate. Maybe then republicans
and democrats will stop posturing based on potential votes -- instead of
the real and present harm thats being caused to my country.



Your funnier than you are stupid quenazi,all the Mexicans and Latinos now Know how the racist Black people feel on this board about us.You have proved you are nothing but a pawn of the crackkka and how you will do his dirty work and try an kill ua Latinos,The crackka has no balls so he will try and use your ignorance and haw you would rather be a house slave and do his will .You ignorance shines thru,you hate the Mexican morse then you love the crackkka who enslaved you.go and kiss whiyes ass and lisk his nutsack.Instead of you seeing the reality of his hate ,all you see is his love ,you are nothing but a house slave and a lap dogg for the crackkka.I have no respect for a puto like you,you are not a Black man,becUSE all the Brothas I know in Detroit would bust your ass down ,because you side with the Crackkkas AGAINST us.Your a joke sonny chiba.You ain't Black,your a crackkka wanna be .and when he says :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
You will for his amusment............... :dance: :dance: :dance: Look at quenazi..........everytime I say :dance: :dance: :dance: ,and talk hate towards MexicANS he will.The Mexicans are the new Jews that Hitler tried to kill,now America will try and do the same with us.Bur it will never happen because there are to mAny of us............People of color should stick together and not figeht each other for the crackkkas..............But you to ignorant to see this............and so is doletermite..........

Brown Pride

Re: American Smugglers, Migrant Cargo

Dolemite said:
they arrested 1200 of your buddies yesterday Hose A

[hide]SHUT DA FUCK UP WHORESON........................ :lol: :lol: :lol: YOUR MOMS WAS A PANAMA CANAL WHORE AND SHE GAVE HIV TO 20,0000 ARMY VETS,Thay got a special film out on her puta ass .......... :lol: :lol: ..................[/hide] :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
Brown Pride said:
Don't put words in my mouth quenazi,I been saying they are trying to conquer and divde us Black and Brown people from jump,but I guess you like to spin you lies like bill o'riley..........

No, you've been saying that Spanish-tainted illegal Mexicans are trying to
reconquer land that they were indigenous to -=- despite the fact that
Spanish-tainted Mexicans are indegenous, only to Mexico.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Brown Pride said:
Don't put words in my mouth quenazi,I been saying they are trying to conquer and divde us Black and Brown people from jump,but I guess you like to spin you lies like bill o'riley..........

No, you've been saying that Spanish-tainted illegal Mexicans are trying to
reconquer land that they were indigenous to -=- despite the fact that
Spanish-tainted Mexicans are indegenous, only to Mexico.


Brown Pride

QueEx said:

No, you've been saying that Spanish-tainted illegal Mexicans are trying to
reconquer land that they were indigenous to -=- despite the fact that
Spanish-tainted Mexicans are indegenous, only to Mexico.


Come on quenazi,you know that them crackkkas ran up into the slave quaters and raped your .........,so you have more euro blood than I do.Addmit it quenazi,thats why you hate MexicANS so much ,because we have more indigenous blood than you could ever dream of,you claim how black you ARE,pero you are nothing but the by product of Americas rape of the Black people.You don't even know what tribe you are decendent to in Africa,nor do you even speak their tounge.You a loss cause mi hermano,and I use that uselly,because all the real Brothas I know .Hve nothing pero amor Y respeto para mi.Grow up mijo,and do not love them crackkkas more than you hate the Mexican...............We taken over mi hermanio,,,,,,,,,join us and not the crackkka who enslaved you>>>.......
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Brown Pride said:

Come on quenazi,you know that them crackkkas ran up into the slave quaters and raped your .........,so you have more euro blood than I do.Addmit it quenazi,thats why you hate MexicANS so much ,because we have more indigenous blood than you could ever dream of,you claim how black you ARE,pero you are nothing but the by product of Americas rape of the Black people.You don't even know what tribe you are decendent to in Africa,nor do you even speak their tounge.You a loss cause mi hermano,and I use that uselly,because all the real Brothas I know .Hve nothing pero amor Y respeto para mi.Grow up mijo,and do not love them crackkkas more than you hate the Mexican...............We taken over mi hermanio,,,,,,,,,join us and not the crackkka who enslaved you>>>.......
go steal a car Hose A or some other stereotypical racist bullshit

:smh: why do u hate white people so much ? youre just a white boy with a tinge of aztec dirt huero

hey montezuma take your ass south of the rio grande to your homeland or stfu