Black Hair Can Grow- Tips and Inspiration


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes its the truth...also try coconut milk on ur hair and skin

Some of my fav oils for hair

Jamacican castor oil for growth
Rosemary oil for growth
Carrot oil for growth
Hemp seed for conditioning
Argan for growth
Sweet almond for conditioning
Jojoba for conditioning

Those r my must haves

Thanks, I'm keeping this list. Jojoba is on my Amazon wish list with some Grapeseed but I might have to add some rosemary... :yes:

YESSSS!!! I've started finger detangling with coconut oil and I'm adding it to my conditioner with some jojoba oil and letting it DC .. super soft hair!

I want to try peppermint oil, heard great things

I want to do that one day. I can't seem to detangle and just let it go, it borderlines a hot mess.

But seriously I would shampoo and cantu and i'd get this sound like I was hitting rattan when I combed, (sue me I'm too poor to condition). But I came across the CO, washed it and it feels totally different. I comb and I hear SILENCE. I don't think I've ever heard that in my life.

A lot of the blogs I sneak into say to put the CO on, root to tip, and wash out. I've just started to leave it on...anyone had any experience with that? It just does such a better job of sheen and manageability to style than the cantu I can't bring myself to wash it out...