That’s not true. Chefs don’t understand how to put love and pain in the food. That comes from being ingrained in a culture from birth. For example, If I go to an Italian restaurant and I see Latinos in the back cooking I walk the fuck out.
I am a proud racist when it comes to cooking.
If you ever had real Sicilian cooking from Sicilian immigrants that can barely speak the English language then you know the difference.
Yea if you want high blood pressure and diabetes have at it

. And Asian cook chicken different, shit even they hot wings are different than black folks hot wings. If I want fried chicken I want that good ole Sunday Baptist church fried chicken with the grease that been in the pot for 4 days from Sister Jenkins.
Try having mofungo from a chef in the states, then have it from a Dominican or Puerto Rican abuela. If you telling me that the chef in the states is on par with the abuela, nigga I call bullshit to the 10 degree.